She was kind of like the Count of Skingrad before, now not so much... I agree the aura of mystery is always better, allowing the gamer to come to their own conclusion.....
Well back on the road for me, just leaving the hotel in Dallas headed south again.
"That's it, stand right there Lydia." Lydia, "Um...." "Oh don't worry I've shot many an apple with my trusty bow and arrows! Just don't move your head, dont' want the apple to fall off!" . . .
HEH. I placed one on the head of a training dummy at Jorrvaskr and then shot it off. couldn't get Farkas to stand still long enough. Even he is smart enough to know better.
Discovered just now that, if you examine the little flag markers on some of the Jarl's maps (Balgruuf and Ulfric have one), it will update your map to that specific location.
You can ACTUALLY receive a blessing of nocturnal in the game. After you finish the questline of the thieves guild, there is a nocturnal's statue on the cistern, I walked out of curiosity and click on her, and what a surprise, you receive a blessing from a daedra! just like the other aedra in the game.
First time I ever see that, even though the blessing on itself is not a big deal, it only adds an 11% to sneak lol.
I only just found out the other day that if you manually trip the wire on a rigged chest, it won't set off the trap and you can safely open the chest without having to quickly run away after you take its contents.
That there is a skeleton in BFB in the room with the glowing mushrooms, right by an iron ore. I've done this dungeon many times and never noticed until just now.
Just discovered today a Talos shrine looking down over Windhelm (almost across from the stables). Very nice touch. Went up to it, and noticed the book "The Talos Mistake" that was placed on the shrine.
I promptly threw it down the cliff and into the water below.
Remember Ralof, way back at the very beginning of the game, reminiscing about Helgen's mead with juniper berries? If you go back there a few days after the Alduin incident, the place will have been overrun by bandits, but if you look around what's left of the inn, you can find 5 bottles of it.
That there are several gold ingots, like 7, in a bowl in a room filled with sleeping draugr in Forsaken Cave. EDIT: right before the room with the fire traps.
I didn't know there was a Banish Daedra enchantment for weapons until I cleared Sunderstone Gorge for the first time yesterday and found one. Is it always there, and is it the only one? Like Fiery Soultrap only can be found in Ironbind Barrow.
Behind the three Guardian Stones, is a path that leads to a hunter and a ore vein deposit, noticed this on my last playthrough, it's a nice touch.
Also in Korvanjund, inside the room with the Word Wall, there are two bowls hiding high on a ledge next to the three Draugr. Inside the bowls are gems which are flawless and a conjuration spell book. The bowls can be taken down with Unrelenting Force or with arrows. Sadly, the dungeon does not respawn.
There's a small chest in a large hollow log just outside North Brittleshin pass.
The last chamber in Bleakfalls Barrow has two hidden chests, one behind the word wall and another behind the waterfall beside the steps leading to the exit.
There's also a chest at Kjenstag Ruins and if you approach at night, a ghost will lead you to more treasure.
I didn't know that the bosmer running the Drunken Huntsman is the brother to the bosmer selling meat in the marketplace. I also didn't realize there was an upstairs to the Drunken Huntsman as well.
Well, Elrindir never uses the bed... in fact, he seems to spend his whole life standing behind that counter. Which is convenient, if you need to buy arrows or unload loot at 3 in the morning.