As I mentioned towards the end of the second thread:
Most Jails have a secret network of passageways inside of them to ease in escaping.
Bear traps can be picked up and moved just like any other object.
The Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun seems to be a widely missed vendor.
Target type spells with a impact or arrows can set off tripwires, string traps, and pressure plates.
The Jagged Crown can be kept. (Also can be worn with certain other headpieces)
Cloak spells work great for protecting yourself from Slaughterfish.
An arrow can knock the soul gem from the magic traps, disarming them.
A Forsworn Briarheart, being one of the hard foes in Skyrim especially for a strictly stealth character, can be killed instantly by Pickpocketing his Briarheart.
The higher elevation you are in the world to more you can zoom in on your map.
Ragnvald can be skipped by tossing a Rune onto Otar's tomb.
You can use Unrelenting Force for fishing, bug collecting and popping the lids off of coffins.
Bashing with a bow is silent, you can use that to clear spider webs blocking a doorway, or to quietly clear out walking skeletons.
Sanguine Rose is extremely useful, and has a VERY long range that can be used to throw a Dremora far down a hallway or to a dragon perch from extended distances.
Magelight is probably one of the most useful spells in the game. It can be stuck to enemies to keep track of them, used to set off traps, lure enemies into unlocking doors, set off runes, and many other uses.
An oldie but a goodie cant sneak past someone place a bucket on their head and block their line of sight.
Fortify Destruction also affects weapons with Fire, Frost, or Shock damage enchantments.
Getting to Ivarstead from Whiterun can be a pain and a very long trip. Try going over the pass from the Stormcloak camp, or my favorite, go south and pass through Helgen and continue East through the mountains.
Seems to get missed and mentioned quite a bit, you can zoom in and rotate objects in you inventory. Which makes dragon claw doors much easier.
Tired of losing that one item because it has a Stolen Tag. Sell it to a fence then buy it back.
Wooden plates can be used to get past most quest glitches that have you stuck from a room.
Wooden plates can also be used for more...illicit activities.
It is possible to dual wield the Blade of Woe with the proper pickpocket level and perks.
The third person view zoom can be adjusted.
This bird can be seen in several places throughout Skyrim, it is thought to be a reference point for the birds that fly out of the trees when you get near.
South of Helgen towards Angi's Cabin is a very spectacular place in Skyrim.
Holding both attack buttons when brawling will cause your character to do a powerful combo.
Lets keep bringing new ideas, new places to explore, and interesting details to the thread. We still have people with hundreds of hours of gameplay learning new things.
Have fun and Enjoy!