» Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:00 pm
So it fully overwrites them? When i have done a lot of merging and such my biggest problem was FormIDs being the same and improper overrides, so I left it alone after fiddling around with. That probably comes down to not knowing all the parts of the mods i've merged. I know landscaping patches can be properly merged but, they come out wrong in game.
I'm not fully aware of all the inner records of the DLCs, I figured if you carried all the changes over to the DLC esp with TES4Edit manually that would be safer way. I have done this with some mods before and it works fine (of course), but if Gecko can overwrite them properly i'll try that myself and cross reference the ESPs to see if it works, (I say this as I would like to see it witth my own eyes, I'm one who needs to be convinced by seeing all the data.)
Thanks for the reply Arthmoor it's good to "hear it from the horses mouth" as they say.