I am trying to resolve a UOP 3.2.6 - QTP3 conflict in BAIN...
I recently came back to Oblivion and this time I'm doing everything possible in BAIN so that I always know what is over/under ridden by what (and for many other reasons)... So after laboriously extracting the OMOD, PyFFI-ing the meshes, and repacking it as a BAIN archive with the reduction level options, I had to "Install Last" to override some NIF files from the UOP Supplemental. I am basically wondering if the 6 NIF files are "QTP3-safe" already -- I imagine mostly what Qarl did to modify the NIFs was add parallax tags, etc, but nothing much other than that. Here are the 6 in question:
= Higher ==========================================9== QTP3 Redimized and Reducedmeshes\architecture\anvil\anvilfightersguild01.nifmeshes\architecture\castle\CastleWallRiverGate01.NIFmeshes\architecture\castle\leyawiin\leyawiincastle01.nifmeshes\architecture\leyawiin\exterior\leyawiinmagesguildhouse.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\centrancemtnsnowlg02.nifmeshes\dungeons\sewers\sewerRoomWallMid01.nif
So which should I let take precedence? UOP Supplemental or QTP3? I'm just not sure if these 6 NIF files were added to UOP with QTP3 support in mind.
P.S. - I believe that the QTP3 Redimized already comes with patched NIFs up through UOP 3.2, (meaning already includes http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11261), but I haven't found any UOP-QTP3 patches more recent than that.