Erm... would you care to include some small fixes I found to do lately? I know it was discussed this was getting a tad ridiculous, but since you admit to being a perfectionist... :whistling:
Let me qualify that then by saying that perfectionism extends to my meddling into things, and to some extent to the UOP in general, but NOT to trying to fix every last little thing that's going to be found wrong. The DB chest thing was a big screw up, which is the only thing driving the need to push another update now.
Remember Gromm asking a silly question? well, the other Bruma residents can ask that question directly to him (I also laughed a bit when I heard that), so the response also needs a condition 'Equal to GetIsID Gromm == 0'
Will do, because this should have been done but obviously got overlooked when the other half of the Gromm fix was done.
There are two dwarven arrows, EncArrow4DwarvenFrostArea and EncArrow4DwarvenSilence which were assigned the dwarven arrow icon but not the dwarven arrow model, they are still using the iron arrow model.
Will get this too, but this would fall under the usual "not going to bother with an update over it" clause. So stuff like this really needs to be set aside since it's not game breaking to have the wrong icon. Just visually annoying.
Semi-related note about arows: long ago the UOP fixed the dwarven and daedric arrow models (arrow.nifs are very odd to me because they are dual single arrow-arrow quiver in one model), but every time I drop a quiver (i.e. more than two arrows at once) from my inventory, I hear a metal clink and the moment after the quiver has disappeared. Removing the fixed arrow.nifs from the UOP solves this. In a discussion about arrow models from a mod, someone pointed out that it seemed like a bug with an older version of NifSkope when the 'Auto sanitize on exit' option was on. Probably because no one actively drops dwarven or daedric quivers this has gone unnoticed.
While this is obviously induced directly by a UOP fix. Hopefully it won't be too hard to see what was supposed to get fixed to begin with. I've honestly never noticed this because I don't tend to drop packs of arrows all that much. It does make me wonder though if certain other things I HAVE dropped are also affected by this. I dropped a staff once that hit the floor, turned upward, and sunk through just like watching a ship sink.
Finally, there is an unused leveled spell list LL0DiseaseMountainLion10 for mountain lions, but I guess this falls under the issue with imps and boars :cold: , so I'm adding just for added curiosity.
Not touching this. It falls outside the realm of being a bugfix. I'd suggest getting this added to the Bash tweaks though, since it seems like it would be appropriate for that.