[RELZ] Unofficial Oblivion Patch 3.2.0 / Supplemental v3_3 P

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:54 am

Please if you want to discuss a change then keep it Civil else thread will be closed..No personal attack..Please Abid by the rules, else Thread will be closed per forum rules. If you would like to continue seeing UOP fixes then please keep it civil once again. - Corepc

UOP Supplmental 3.3 See Post 2 for details
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27710 - requires 3.2.0 UOP to be installed first


Version 3.2.0 (full release and v3.2.0 hotfix/upgrade) of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch is released! If you already have version 3.0.0, 3.0.1 or 3.1.0 just download the hotfix to upgrade to 3.2.0; not required to download the full 120+ MB base install again! The OMOD version is only available as the full install.


Note: The UOP is no longer hosted at Baldurdash (my personal site) due to its size nor are the other unofficial patches; the Baldurdash TES page just links to them at TESNexus and Planet Elder Scrolls

Installer Version, very easy to use (recommended).
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5296 (v3.2.0)
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=1417 (v3.2.0)

OMOD Version, for http://timeslip.chorrol.com/obmm_download.html, also very easy to use if you have used OMOD's before (recommended)
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5296 (v3.2.0)
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=1417 (v3.2.0)

Manual Version, http://www.7-zip.org/.
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5296 (v3.2.0)
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=1417 (v3.2.0)

Screenshots of some of the big visually changing fixes can be found at UOP's mod page at TES Nexus and PlanetElderScrolls or you could check out Kivan's webpage with all the pictures http://www.baldurdash.org/TESOblivion/ImageGallery.html.


The previous Unofficial Oblivion Patch threads can be found here:
Previous threads purged

Unofficial Oblivion Patch
Version: 3.2.0
By Quarn & Kivan

This mod is a joint effort to fix the vast amount of bugs currently existing in Oblivion v1.2.0.416, fixing over 1,600 bugs so far! If you're experiencing a bug with Oblivion and it's not fixed by our mod please by all means report the bug to us in as much detail as possible so we can try fix it! Also if you find any: levitating trees or rocks, see-through or fall-through walls/objects or other stuff out of place, please let either of us know. To get the exact location, use the console commands sdt 0 and then tdt, click the item, note the Cell (not PC Cell) and form ID value (the eight hexadecimal digits at the top, ie 00123ABC) and indicate what's out of place. You can use tdt again to toggle the debug display off. Thank you and we hope you have a better Oblivion experience!

Warning: Only use the Unofficial Oblivion Patch with the version of Oblivion is was created for! Using it on an older or newer version than v1.2.0.416 of Oblivion may cause bugs or things not to be fixed that were advertised as such!

Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
The Oblivion Citadel Doors' opening/closing sounds were played quite a distance away from the actual doors and fixing this problem meant that all instances of this door had to be repositioned in the game; it was made a separate ESP because a misaligned door in another mod is worse then a little door sound.

UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp
This plugin disables the ugly vampire aging effect which causes the bug where when the player is cured of vampirism, their face resets to the default male (even for a female player) face for their race. If you're already using another vampire fix such as EggDropSoap's or Scanti's OBSE fixes, or an alternate vampirism mod, then don't enable this one. It's a very small and simple change to a single game setting. To save a mod slot if you have many mods active this separate plugin can be merged with the UOP or with any other mod that is dependent only on Oblivion.esm.

Known Issues/Incompatibilities/Notes
  • UOP v3.0.0 and higher fixes numerous weighting errors with stock clothing and armor. If you're using customized wear for non-stock bodies (ie Robert's, Exnem's, etc.) that replaces the original meshes, use the manual install version UOP to avoid overwriting custom clothes, or back up the meshes in the Clothes and Armor folder, or reinstall your custom clothing meshes afterwards
  • UOP v3.0.0 and higher fixes the Arch-Mage, Black Hand, Mage's and Necromancer's Robes and the lowerclass Green and Tan robes not sharing normal maps which changes the texture path for these robes; if you're using a retexture of any of these robes you may have to avoid installing or delete the UOP NIFs for them (check the ReadMe for the names)
  • If you use Qarl's Texture Pack III with the UOP, after installing the UOP, install dev_akm's http://www.tesnexus.com/files/file.php?id=11261 which integrates the fixes to the NIF meshes in the UOP with the changes introduced by Qarl's (updated 2008-Aug.-19 for UOP v3.1.0)
  • The player statue fix will only work on new or existing un-bugged games. If your statue (at Bruma's north gate after the Great Gate quest) has already died, disappeared, or just doesn't look the way you want it to, Quarn's http://www.tesnexus.com/files/file.php?id=3428 mod will restore your statue and/or allow you to customize its appearance.
  • Unofficial Oblivion Patch includes fixes for custom races starting a new game, and also for the Boethia shrine quest, so you should not use other custom race fixes in conjunction with the Unofficial Oblivion Patch or neither one may work.
  • To get the benefits of the reduced file sizes of many optimized meshes making load times better, it's suggested to defragment your hard disk after installing the UOP. A highly recommended and free utility is http://www.auslogics.com/disk-defrag
  • Highly recommend to uninstall the Unofficial Oblivion Patch before installing a new version (isn't necessary and won't cause bugs if you don't just it clears away some old unused files Unofficial Oblivion Patch no longer uses).
  • Using other fix mods with Unofficial Oblivion Patch may cause some fixes not to work at all or break it even more; search the version history to see if we have already fixed it or ask us before using other fix mods.
  • Any bound items on yourself when you activate this plugin will be removed; if you manage to get permanent bound items somehow just open up the console and type startquest uop to activate the UOP menu and choose the option to remove stuck Bound items
  • If you are already afflicted with the permanent infamy, fame and bounty change from the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal it can't be undone unfortunately. The best thing you can do is load a game without the changes write down the right bounty, infamy and fame then load your bugged game save and use console commands to change them back to normal.
  • If you are stuck on the Bloated Float with the crash bug caused by the Thieves' Guild Elven Maiden quest running at the same time you'll need to load a previous save as the fix for it simply avoids the coincidental bug all together.
  • If you've already visited a place with "twitchy" roots they'll be still twitchin', to fix them you'll need to start a new game but it's only a very minor problem and not really worth restarting over.
  • All changes to load doors (such as the Bravil Skooma Den door being permanently locked) may not take effect if you have already visited their locations before installing the Unofficial Oblivion Patch as load doors' locations are stored in the save.
  • If you use Thieves' Arsenal, some interior chain lights fixed to swing by the UOP won't swing as Thieves' Arsenal has its own set of meshes for them (and other formerly swinging lights) to enable the Water Arrows to work. UOP-fixed external angled chain lights and large cathedral lamps will swing; Thieves' Arsenal did not change those.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: I see so many red conflicts with the Unofficial Oblivion Patch and other mods!!! Will my game explode?!?
A: Nope! The file date of Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp was set way back to the year 2001 so it will load first then your other plugins, in other words if something conflicts with UOP that plugin will override UOP's changes. Note: since UOP's changes are overridden some fixes might not work.

Q: Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp is loading before Oblivion.esm!!! Won't my game get screwed up?
A: No, Oblivion loads ESM files (like Oblivion.esm) from oldest to newest first before loading ESP files (like Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp) from oldest to newest.

Q: Will I have to start a new game for the Unofficial Oblivion Patch to work?
A: Nope, the fixes were made to work on both new and existing games through some very minor changes (position of some objects) will only work in a new game or if you haven't visited that area in the game yet; really not worth restarting over.

Q: I don't want to/can't install the latest official patch... can I still use the Unofficial Oblivion Patch?
A: Yes you can, but UOP might actually create bugs if you don't run it with the version of Oblivion it was created for, so use it at your own risk!

Q: Can I use the Unofficial Oblivion Patch with the German version of Oblivion or other languages?
A: It should work fine but we can't test it, also some things (ie some dialog subtitles and books) will appear in English instead of your game's language.

Q: So I have an older version of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, should I uninstall it first before upgrading or just upgrade over the top?
A: You can do either, it doesn't matter unless you have used v1.3 of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch then it's best to uninstall first.

Q: Will this conflict with OOO/MMM/Fran? Is it alright to use together?
A: Yes the Unofficial Oblivion Patch does conflict, but nothing that is known to cause problems other than not receiving some of the advertised fixes from UOP; just load UOP before OOO/MMM/Fran and you'll be fine. Recent versions of all three include compatible versions of the UOP's ESP plug-in file or have been made as compatible as possible. If you're unsure, check with the authors or ask in the mod's forum thread.

Q: Do I need to use previous versions of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch to get all the fixes?
A: Nope, latest version includes all previous fixes.

Q: So I've installed the Unofficial Oblivion Patch but it still shows as v1.2.0416 in Oblivion, what's wrong?
A: Nothing is wrong! The Unofficial Oblivion Patch is a collection of fixes in the form of an ESP along with fixes in other files (NIF, MP3, CMP, LIP, DDS), the Unofficial Oblivion Patch does not touch ANY Oblivion files on a default installation. If you want to see what version of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch you are running then open the UOP menu by putting startquest uop into the console, or in the Oblivion Launcher click Data Files and then find and click the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp.

Use the Unofficial Oblivion Patch at your own risk, we cannot be held responsible for anything that happens while using it. Feel free to host the Unofficial Oblivion Patch anywhere you want but only in its original unmodified package, please do not release your own modified versions of it.

Known Oblivion Bugs
This is a list of bugs we know about and workarounds for them but ONLY Bethesda can truly fix them. Note: as of the official patch v1.2.0416 none of these bugs have been fixed.

Bug: Animation bug, things like fire/opening doors etc. are very slow/not moving or stuttering very badly.
Solution: You can fix this with the http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Wrye%20Bash.html#RepairAbomb command of http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Wrye%20Bash.html. Bash is a multi-purpose utility which requires time and effort to install and learn; the alternative solution is http://www.tesnexus.com/files/file.php?id=5127, which can be installed and used very quickly.

Bug: Using the showracemenu console command causes Oblivion to crash.
Solution: This is caused by using a hair mod in your current save, then removing it which causes the form ID of the player's hair to be zero. In-game the hair is replaced by the default hair for the player's race, but the menu doesn't thus Oblivion crashes. Use the http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Wrye%20Bash.html "Repair Hair" function to fix this.

Bug: Disappearing items from containers/inventory, caused by repairing items over 100% and over loading the container with items.
Solution: Just remove the items from the container with Take All, close and re-open it and some items should re-appear (if Take All didn't get them all back.)

Bug: Picking up the Sigil Stone in an Oblivion plane doesn't do what it's supposed to: the player stays put, the area fills with white fog, and the gate doesn't close.
Solution: For some unknown reason the Oblivion plane you're in loses its hook to the gate in Tamriel you used, best solution is if you are afflicted with this bug is to open your console and type in coc AnvilBay you'll end up in Anvil's bay. Also, this bug may be avoidable if you never reload while inside Oblivion planes and then go back into the same gate repeatedly. If you have to reload while in an Oblivion gate quit the game entirely and restart it to ensure that memory is properly flushed out.

Bug: Leveling up by hitting your horse or Peryite's thralls, or other things that don't fight back, hundreds of times can cause the game to lock up when saving.
Solution: If you can't avoid power leveling like this, if you were hitting your horse, steal something worth 1 gold and pay the fine. If you were hitting Peryite's thralls or another NPC or creature, punch a guard and pay the fine. This seems to clear off the queued "events" which caused the bug.

Bug: You can't see the player marker and other markers on the local map
Solution: If a mod alters ANYTHING at all in the cell of (3,3) in any worldspace it will cause this bug to happen; if a mod is causing this bug for you the best thing you can do is go through your mods and disable them one by one until you find the culprit and report this information to the author of the mod. Also this bug can happen when going through certain cells, but it's only temporary; no mods cause this one and there is no way to fix it either.

Bug: LOD water vanishes when moving from a child worldspace to the parent worldspace (eg. Imperial City).
Solution: This only occurs on first gamesave load, reloading the gamesave (any gamesave will do) will stop the problem until you exit Oblivion then you'll have to do it again.

Bug: Removing and putting a dead NPC's items back into its inventory may cause them to duplicate if they were generated from a leveled list. Removing them and putting them back once more will cause Oblivion to crash.
Solution: Just avoid putting NPC items back into their inventory if you don't want them; drop them instead.

Bug: Seemingly unexplainable crashes or other strange happenings...
Solution: There are a few solutions you can try to solve these:
  • Make sure ONLY valid DDS files (textures) are in the ArchiveInvalidation.txt; anything else such as entries for meshes can cause crashes or entries for textures that don't exist can cause the texture to disappear in-game (goes purple).
  • Setting uGridsToLoad in the Oblivion.ini to anything higher than 5 will cause strangeness in-game (usually the landscape bouncing when the character moves)
  • Don't save your game while in combat, more specifically while hitting or being hit by enemies as it can cause crashes on load of the save
  • Don't use cracked Oblivion executables, they are notorious for causing instability
  • Don't tweak graphic/sound etc. in the Oblivion.ini (pushing Oblivion beyond or below its limits), it has been linked to causing crashes
  • Don't load a gamesave from in-game, always exit to the main menu and load from there or completely quit (Oblivion does not reset the current game state properly from the in-game load menu)
  • Don't switch between Oblivion and other applications (ie using Alt-Tab if you're playing in fullscreen mode, even opening the command prompt first.) Windows will start paging Oblivion memory to disk, and it may stutter, lose FPS or crash shortly afterwards

Version History

Version 3.2.0 released
    UOP Changes/Fixes
  • Reoptimized 932 of the 1,207 NIF meshes already in the UOP to eliminate FPS hit on some of them that seems to have been introduced by the old PyFFI NIFOptimize spell; the new one shapifies strip blocks if the average strip length is less than 10 and eliminates the problem; many of the meshes (also due to much manual optimization) now provide better FPS than the stock ones
  • Fixed accidental conversion of purple Primroses into pink ones ( FloraPrimrosePurple.NIF )
  • Added "UOP" prefix to UOP-added meshes ClubStatic.NIF, DunBenchNormal.NIF, Note01Static.NIF and Cheese05Static.NIF and changed their object definitions in the ESP appropriately so it can be determined where they came from
  • Removed the harmless water height of -2147483648.000000 from some interior cell headers in the UOP added by a bug in TESCS; it only appears when water is disabled so will cause no problems unless a mod enables water in the cell and water heights are merged in Wrye Bash
  • Moved the rocks in Rockmilk Haven covering where the new load door was added so that if it doesn't appear on an existing game there isn't a gap

    NPC and Quest Fixes
  • Fixed (yet another) conflict involving Through a Nightmare Darkly (Bravil) where the player couldn't join the Mages' Guild after talking to Kud-Ei about the quest even when they weren't ready to help and she was still in the guildhall; the topic will now only become unavailable when the player agrees to follow her to Henantier's house
  • Fixed conditions on yet another line of dialog (from Battlemages) so the player will no longer be called "the Arcane University's newest addition" if they are the Arch-Mage

    NIF Mesh Fixes - Statics and Clutter
  • Closed a seethrough gap between the floor and banister on the top floor of SkHouseMiddleInt03.NIF
  • Closed a seethrough gap between the floor and wall skirting in the Anvil Lighthouse ( AnvilLightHouseInterior01.NIF )
  • Fixed part of the tunnel to the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary ( UngrdTransitionFortRuin02.NIF ) not fitting together with the other sections, leaving seethrough gaps near the floor
  • Closed some thin seethrough seams (could only be seen at the same level as the mesh) in BravilTowerTop01.NIF
  • Removed flickering overlapping polygons from ICBasemant3WayCrypt01.NIF and ICBasemant3WayCrypt02.NIF
  • Closed a seethrough gap over the upper load doors of ICGroundFloor07.NIF, ICGroundFloor09.NIF, ICGroundFloor20.NIF, ICGroundFloor26.NIF and ICHotelGroundFloor01.NIF
  • Closed a seethrough gap near the door to the Imperial Council chamber ( ICPalaceCouncilRoomEnt01.NIF )
  • Removed more flickering overlapping polygons from the stairwell roof of ICTopFloor02.NIF
  • Closed a seethrough hole where the stairwell roof meets the wall in ICTopFloor14.NIF
  • Closed a seethrough seam between the wall and a half-column in the Leyawiin Mages' Guild basemant LeyawiinBasemant04.NIF
  • Closed seethrough gaps in the wall near the load door of LeyawiinHouseIntL10.NIF
  • Fixed UV mapping on the stonework of the tower and closed two seethrough seams in the roof facade of ChorrolHouseUpper01.NIF
  • Closed a small seethrough gap halfway up the wall of ruined fort interior piece RFRmCornerFigsL01.NIF
  • Fixed incorrect ambient property on some windows of FarmhouseInterior04Top.NIF causing the windows to appear different colors
    Newly Added
  • Closed seethrough gaps in the walls where they bordered half-columns in Leyawiin Fighters Guild 3rd Floor West ( LeyawiinFGInteriorRoom02.NIF ) and optimized from 397KB to 339KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps between the walls and ceiling of ruined fort hallway stairs RFNStairs02.NIF and optimized from 195KB to 164KB
  • Removed the unnecessary alpha blending at the bases of stalactites causing them to be too bright, or to disappear if viewed through another layer of alpha (mist, cobwebs, etc.) on cave pieces CPitWall02A.NIF, CPitWall02C.NIF, CPitWall02D.NIF, CPitWall03A.NIF, CPitWallTall01A.NIF, CPitWallTall01B.NIF, CPitWallTall01C.NIF, CPitWallTall01D.NIF, CRmWall03A.NIF, CRmWall03B.NIF, CRmWall03C.NIF and CRmWall03D.NIF, and optimized from 1,192KB to 1,053KB in total

    Placement and Layout Fixes
  • Closed two seethrough rocks, grounded a broken barrel and realigned an ungrounded chest in Bramblepoint Cave, closed a seethrough rock, realigned an ungrounded chest and grounded a clump of Wisp Stalks in Inner Bramblepoint Cave, and grounded four flying rocks, closed two seethrough rocks and moved a chest embedded in rock in Deep Bramblepoint Cave
  • Closed two very open rocks, and realigned an ungrounded chest and an ungrounded/intersecting barrel in Charcoal Cave, closed a very seethrough rock and realigned an ungrounded chest in Charcoal Cave - Abandoned Tunnels, and grounded two noticeably flying and reoriented three ungrounded chests and moved an intersecting broken barrel in Charcoal Cave - Bandit Lair
  • Closed a seethrough rock in Cursed Mine Breakdown Chambers and grounded a flying clump of Wisp Stalks in Cursed Mine Lower Galleries
  • Grounded a floor torch, moved another out of a rock and grounded a clump of Wisp Stalks open at one end in Dark Fissure Inner Sanctum
  • Grounded a chest in Derelict Mine, and closed two open rocks, grounded a noticeably flying plank and realigned an ungrounded chest in Derelict Mine Lair
  • Fixed the supports at the ends of several corridor structures not touching the ground, grounded four rocks, a chest and a Cairn Bolete in Goblin Jim's Whiteskin City, and grounded a burnt plank in Goblin Jim's Pantry
  • Grounded a flying rock and closed three seethrough rocks, and grounded a broken barrel and crate and two clumps of Wisp Stalks in Grayrock Cave, and grounded a Cairn Bolete, moved two others embedded in rocks, closed two seethrough rocks and grounded three clumps of Wisp Stalks in Grayrock Shambles
  • Grounded a stool and chest and aligned an unbalanced crate in Hame
  • Closed four seethrough rocks and moved another that was outside the playable area, grounded a noticeably flying broken crate and five clumps of Wisp Stalks in Newt Cave, grounded two clumps of Wisp Stalks and moved another outside the playable area, grounded a chest and closed a seethrough rock in Newt Cave Chapels of Light, and closed four seethrough rocks, realigned two ungrounded chests and grounded two clumps of Wisp Stalks and a broken barrel in Newt Cave Breezeways
  • Grounded two clumps of Wisp Stalks in Red Ruby Cave, and closed a seethrough rock and realigned an ungrounded chest in Red Ruby Hollows
  • Grounded a seethrough-underside pot support, closed a seethrough rock and aligned an unbalanced chest in Sandstone Cavern, and grounded two flying rocks, closed a seethrough rock and realigned a chest in Sandstone Big Rooms
  • Grounded four flying and closed two seethrough rocks, grounded two flying chests and a clump of Wisp Stalks in Shadow's Rest Cavern, and closed a seethrough rock and grounded a broken barrel in Shadow's Rest Rocky Run
  • Closed a seethrough hole in the ceiling of Unmarked Cave
  • Attached sconces to their walls in Arkved's Rending Halls, The Bloated Float Inn Deck (IC Waterfront), Jerrall View Inn (Bruma) and the Two Sisters Lodge (Skingrad)
  • Raised a paintbrush embedded in the carpet and another embedded vertically in the table in Luronk gro-Glurzog's Private Quarters (IC Temple District)
  • Closed a large seethrough gap at the corner of the interior Cheydinhal town walls caused by a misaligned tower
  • Closed seethrough gaps under an ungrounded stone wall in Chorrol
  • Disabled/moved a duplicated-in-place hanging lamp at Doomed Mine's entrance

Version 3.1.0 released
    UOP Changes/Fixes
  • Integrated the COBL common menuing system (on first load you'll have a weightless "Unofficial Oblivion Patch" misc. item with a key icon added, which isn't a quest item so you can drop if you don't want it, so there are now three ways to open the UOP menu: startquest uop in the console, equip the item, or if you have COBL active it will go into the common menu)
  • Added a set of Bash tags to the UOP ESP so that fixes (such as cell ownership, the nVidia black screen fix, item stats, levelled lists, etc.) can be preserved from overwriting by later-loaded mods by creating a Bashed Patch
  • Added options to the UOP menu to disable the Trespasses misc. stat fix just in case another mod has renamed the formerly useless stat. to something else and is using it, and to remove/readd the Fast-Travel Follower Double-Face fix spell in case the player doesn't want it in their spell list (see below)
  • Improved the fix for the conflict between the Bravil Recommendation and Through a Nightmare Darkly quests due to Kud-Ei being the questgiver for both; removed conflicts so that both quests can run simultaneously without errors
  • Removed all changes including the cell header for Tamriel cells (16,13) and (20,-17) due to a few reports of the engine glitching and failing to render the land there (would go away by saving/quitting/reloading; all Tamriel edits to the land itself were already removed previously)
  • Hardcoded the Rumare Slaughterfish spawn points for the Go Fish quest in case the player has installed landscape mods that move them so they don't end up embedded again
  • Removed/replaced/recompiled the fixed script WabbajackSpellEffect replacing a deleted (now useless) ref. variable so that it doesn't show as a critical conflict in TES4Vew/Edit
  • Removed the fix for leading spaces in several cave entrance meshes; for some reason (currently unknown) the meshes were missing from several people's folders though they are properly named/placed by the installer/7-Zip (folder is Data\Meshes\Dungeons\Caves\Exterior); possibly something else is removing them so original filenames will be restored so if the meshes are missing then it will fall back to the BSA's (will keep the fixed meshes as optimized 100KB off of them and one of them has a fix for it going invisible if the texture changes)
  • Fixed the filename on JMRockSnow04.NIF (was somehow renamed to JMRockSnowSmall04.NIF) so the fixed mesh wasn't appearing (had bad UV mapping on one area; also the existing file had a bad texture path from an old NIFSkope bug so redid the fix from scratch)
  • Fixed the filename on RockGreatForest1400FGDRMoss.NIF (was somehow renamed to RockGreatForest1400FGDMoss.NIF) so the fixed mesh wasn't appearing (had a small piece of bad UV mapping)
  • Fixed face-optimize introduced "wobbly" UV mapping on the brickwork behind the Forge in the Chorrol Fighter's Guild basemant ( ChorrolFGInterior01Basemant.NIF ) and on house exterior ChorrolHouseUpper03.NIF
  • Restored a missing polygon over the stairway of ChorrolHouseMiddle06Interior.NIF (rare instance of exporter error)
  • Restored missing vertex colors to MainDeck01.NIF (deck planking could be seen through hatchway lattice)
  • Fixed slightly wobbly/stretched face-optimize introduced UV mapping on the roofs of ChorrolHouseMiddle09.NIF, ChorrolMageGuild01.NIF and LeyawiinHouseLower03.NIF
  • Fixed optimizing in ICGroundFloor03.NIF causing a ragged edge on the local map, and optimized a further 2KB off of it
  • Fixed a flickering polygon over the basemant door of the Bravil Fighters' Guild main floor ( BravilFightersGuildInt1stFloor.NIF ) caused by optimize artifacting; also closed a seethrough gap over the same door that was missed originally
  • Fixed a polygon of bad UV mapping on the Anvil boardwalk ( AnvilBoardwalkChunk01.NIF ); optimize artifacting again
  • Restored polygons on AnvilHouseMCInterior01.NIF that caused seethrough gaps when addon AnvilMCinteriorBackDoor01 was used (also fixed that there was one large gap even in the original mesh in this situation)
  • Fixed a flickering polygon in the ceiling of ChorrolHouseUpper03Interior.NIF; optimize artifacting yet again
  • Fixed three unlighted windows in the top floor of the Skingrad Mages' Guild ( SkMageGuildIntT.NIF ) due to optimize vertex color stretching
  • Restored two accidentally deleted beam polygons on SkHouseMiddleInt03.NIF; also closed another seethrough gap in a beam and eliminated a flickering overlap
  • Restored an accidentally deleted polygon in the middle floor of SKHouseMiddleInt02.NIF which left a hole under a window
  • Restored an accidentally deleted polygon in beam of SKHouseUpperInt06.NIF; also fixed one of the ceiling support beams not reaching the opposite wall
  • Restored an accidentally deleted polygon in a beam of SKFightersGuildIntT.NIF
  • Restored an accidentally deleted polygon in the stairway of BrumaHouseUpper01Int.NIF
  • Fixed overly dark vertex colors on the hay archery target ( TargetHay01.NIF ) due to smoothing modifier on the target faces; mesh unfortunately grew by 16KB but it's still less than half the original size

    New Fixes Added

    NPC and Quest Fixes
  • Fixed an occasional timing bug with the Boethiah Tournament of Ten Bloods where the opponent Chosen would remain standing around the player's arrival cage even if the player wasn't using a custom race (if this happens as soon as the player opens the cage door the Chosen will all go to where they should be)
  • Fixed Martin's spellcasting during battles occasionally resulting in him getting a bounty if he hit an ally which would result in him constantly being attacked by guards; his bounty will now be cleared periodically when the Find the Heir, Weynon Priory and Light the Dragonfires quests are running (when the player is escorting him)
  • If the player fails either Malacath's or Namira's shrine quests, this will no longer prevent Hermaeus Mora's quest from starting once all the other shrine quests are completed (will also fix existing saves; also fixed that Shobob gro-Rugdush would remain essential for the rest of the game if Malacath's quest was failed: all other shrine quests make the questgiver unessential if failed)
  • Fixed the Namira shrine quest not awarding a Fame point on successful completion as all the other shrine quests do (will also apply it retroactively if the quest was already completed)
  • Fixed Hundolin's (IC Arena bookie) Aggression being too high, so he would sometimes attack the player without provocation, which could break the Arena questline (if the player had a bet placed, they could no longer compete)
  • Finally corrected Arena Grand Champion Agronak gro-Malog's level being fixed at 10 making for a very anticlimactic battle for a high-level player, rather than being offset 10 levels higher than the player which falls into the progression of all the other Arena combatants
  • Fixed bug with the Mages Guild Skingrad Recommendation where Erthor would refuse to leave indicating that there were still zombies though they were all dead making the questline unfinishable if the player killed one or more zombies, left Bleak Flats and returned after it had respawned, and killed two of the new ones within a five second interval
  • Fixed the Swampy Cave trolls in the Fighter's Guild quest Mystery at Harlun's Watch being able to go outside the cave and having no AI, so if they followed the player outside they could randomly run off into the wilderness which broke the questline
  • In the Fighter's Guild Information Gathering quest, knocking out Ajum-Kajin (power attack, Paralyze effect, fatigue drain, etc.) will no longer prevent him from sitting back down again or sometimes from being able to talk at all
  • In the Fighter's Guild quests Amelion's Debt and Mystery at Harlun's Watch, Biene Amelion's house in Water's Edge and Drarana Thelas' house in Harlun's Watch will no longer be trespass zones when the player is supposed to meet them to continue the quests
  • Fixed the allies in the Breaking the Siege of Kvatch and Battle for Castle Kvatch quests being weak on defense because they wear light Kvatch Cuirasses but were members of classes (Kvatch Soldier and Warrior) with no Light Armor skill; changed the unneeded Sneak skill (was copied from the Guard class) in the Kvatch Soldier class to Light Armor, and changed Berich Inian and Tierra's classes from Warrior to Kvatch Soldier
  • Also fixed all the Defense of Bruma/Great Gate soldiers from Allies for Bruma towns also being Warrior class but wearing light armor; made a new class UOPMQ11Allies for them duplicating the Warrior class and replacing Armorer with Light Armor (made a new class rather than using the Kvatch Soldier class that now has the right skills in case other mods use class checks on that one for other purposes)
  • After the Imperial Corruption quest, Audens Avidius attacking the player will no longer result in the player getting an assault bounty and being attacked by guards if there are any in the area at the time (this should also fix the bug where Audens is still able to arrest the player after he's been imprisoned and stripped of his rank)
  • In the Spies quest, fixed Jearl's death at the player's hands being counted as a murder if she didn't attack first (ie backstab, sleeping, etc.) as her factions weren't being updated, fixed the load door of her house not changing ownership so the player could still be arrested for entering though Burd indicates otherwise and cleared the ownership of her house so that the player isn't trespassing and doesn't increase Items Stolen picking up items there though they don't show a theft icon
  • In the Secrets of the Ayleids quest, fixed overly difficult Skeleton Guardians appearing in Nenalata for level 1-4 players due to an error in levelled list MS27LL1UndeadBones100
  • After the Path of Dawn quest, when Baurus is back at Cloud Ruler Temple he won't indicate that he's providing free training (increases the player's Blade, Block and Heavy Armor skills) if he isn't; only provides the increase if one or more of these skills are under 90
  • Fixed Alawen (Marksman master trainer) not agreeing to train if the player had two or more Elven Bows in their inventory (player needs an Elven bow as a prerequisite)
  • Corrected oversight in the Canvas the Castle quest where if the stolen painting was returned to the Countess, it never reappeared on the wall in her chambers as it should have
  • Corrected minor oversight where the poison and/or medicine persisted in the medicine cabinet after the Dark Brotherhood's Bad Medicine quest even though it had supposedly been removed and given to Roderick
  • Fixed the opened crate in the Maria Elena that the player hides in for the Dark Brotherhood quest A Watery Grave being there before this event happened
  • Fixed Lord Lovidicus (Origin of the Gray Prince quest) not being able to infect the player with Porphyric Hemophilia though he's a full-fledged vampire (had already corrected his not dropping Vampire Dust)
  • Fixed Kurz gro-Baroth's sleep package having no location, so he could be found sleeping on beggar's bedrolls outdoors rather than in the Chorrol Fighters' Guild
  • Fixed Eyja (Skingrad, Colovian Traders) never sleeping if not hired at Rosethorn Manor as the cell and bed were owned by Gunder; added faction for them and set ownership to that (she actually indicates if she's hired that she shared Gunder's bed)
  • Fixed Undena Orethi (Skingrad) never reaching her tomato patch because the marker for it was buried in a boulder in a cliff face by the Gold Road in a different cell; also gave her a hoe and changed her AI so that she'll use it at the right place
  • Added the missing Hackdirt Key to Natch Pinder, Jiv Hiriel and Marlena Brussiner
  • Added missing castle keys to one of the Skingrad Castle guards
  • Fixed Gan Luseph having a Bruma Chapel rather than Bruma Castle key
  • Added Jair's (IC Waterfront) missing key to his inventory
  • Gave Roderic Pierrane a copy of Metrick's House Key so that he isn't stuck outside her locked house when he visits her
  • Gave Manheim Maulhand (Inn of Ill Omen publican) a pair of pants as he only had greaves and publican duty removes armor, so he had nothing on below the waist
  • Gave a Bruma night patrol guard his missing pants, and a Chorrol Castle night guard pants, shirt and shoes as they were missing (though they would usually sleep in their armor)
  • Fixed one of the "thieves" in the Fighter's Guild Den of Thieves quest sometimes having no pants (missing greaves) whereas their ally had multiple sets
  • Gave the Imperial Legion Soldier at the Gottshaw Inn his missing helmet
  • Removed one of the night Battlemages' (IC Arcane University) shields as none of the others have one
  • Fixed a Leyawiin City Watch having a Silver Shortsword, whereas every other Imperial officer in the land has a longsword
  • Myvryna Arano will no longer use the "I've been looking for you." greeting when she hasn't been (only should be used when the player has been released from prison and she is delivering the note)
  • Imperial Legion members will no longer use the "murdering bastard" greeting on the player if the player's Infamy is one or less and the player is not a member of the Dark Brotherhood (the IsPCAMurdererFlag flag this checks can be set by accidentally hitting an ally in combat and then can't be cleared by any means without OBSE)
  • Fixed conditions on a Mages' Guild rumor so that Hannibal Traven doesn't talk about himself in the third-person
  • Fixed Burz gro-Khash and Mazoga the Orc not unequipping weapons/shields when eating, so they would go right through the table
  • Fixed the rumor that Vidkun (Cheydinhal Mages Guild Recommendation) hasn't been seen around town recently only appearing in Skingrad

    Game Mechanics Fixes
  • Added a spell (will appear in Lesser Powers on load or a new game) to fix the "double-face" bug where NPC followers of the player have two faces (their headgear is also duplicated) after fast-travelling; simply cast the spell on an affected follower to fix them (spell is a Lesser Power so that it stands out from the other spells and doesn't train the spell skill, it doesn't use any magicka, can be cast if silenced and won't be considered hostile; checks are in place to prevent it from being cast on invalid targets ie non-following NPC's but it may still work on others, so randomly casting it on everyone isn't advised; if you don't want the spell it can be removed or put back again with the UOP menu)
  • Finally got around to changing the default icon for script effect spells, which were inexplicably using the confusing "Burden" ball-and-chain; changed to use the much more appropriate "Generic Magic" icon as script effects can do anything
  • Fixed the "Trespasses" misc. stat. on the player stats. sheet never updating; it will now update if the player trespasses in an owned cell and remains for 3-6 seconds (also it should avoid updating if the cell becomes a trespass zone due to NPC package change while the player is there if the Continue If Player Near flag is not set; this fix can be toggled off with the UOP menu - see above in UOP Changes)
  • Fixed an entire cell of Rockmilk cave (RockmilkCave02) being inaccessible as it had no connection to other cells; cell was completely developed with no errors and all that was required was to change its name from "Rockmilk Haven" to "Rockmilk - Bandit Lair" (as there already is a "Rockmilk Haven"; new name matches a similar cell in Charcoal Cave), add a linked door to Rockmilk Haven and replace some of the levelled melee bandits with missile bandits for variety as they were all the same
  • Added a new ROAD record for the Tamriel worldspace which fixes redundant node connections and nodes that don't follow the roadways; notably NPC's should no longer try to cut through the Leyawiin Stables buildings/fences, and Shum gro-Yarug and others should no longer fall off of the Skingrad Castle bridge
  • The player/followers/NPC's should no longer suddenly drop dead in Oblivion Citadel towers (with fire columns) due the instant-death lava being too close to the floor (any slight glitch in the floor Havok would allow the actor to touch the lava); also included SigilLightTowerBase.NIF with the Havok displaced to reflect the changed lava height so that the player can't go for a swim in the swirling lava pool
  • Similar to the above, fixed the lava height so that the player can't go for a swim in the lava pool (which is supposed to result in instant death; was too low due to the cell being tilted) in the Oblivion citadel cell "Embers of Hatred" (also linked two unlinked pathgrid nodes that were generating warnings)
  • Corrected the names of all the gate controls in Oblivion random world # 2 "Portals of Natural Disaster" towers (Eruption, Landslide, Tornado and Tsunami) so that they match the gate they open (and the message that appears when it's opened as well)
  • Fixed the Cheydinhal and Kvatch Oblivion planes' Sigil Stones giving unlimited amounts of Sigil Stones (and Fame points) if repeatedly activated, and the Great Gate quest's Great Sigil Stone doing the same
  • Fixed the player not being able to use a chapel altar if the last time they used that altar was one week ago (was using the day of the week as the timer variable)
  • Also fixed the same timer bug as above for the statue of Akatosh in the Temple of the One
  • Fixed the player's compass being wrong in the following interior cells due to missing direction indicators: the Arena (two of the four), Lost Black Rock Chasm, Lower Breakneck Cave, Breakneck Cave Inner Chamber, J'Ghasta's Secret Training Room (Bruma), Castle Cheydinhal Dungeon, Fingerbowl Cave - Lord Crypt, Fort Ash, Fort Ash Stockade, Fort Rayles Hall of Winter, Trentius Family Mausoleum (IC Palace District), Sewer Waterworks (IC Elven Gardens), Hall of Epochs (IC Palace District sewers, one of two similarly named), Castle Kvatch Passageway, Jeetum-Ze's Room (Blackwood Company, Leyawiin), City Watch Barracks (Leyawiin), Dar Jee's House (Leyawiin), Nagastani Sedorsel, Nenalata Wendesel, The Sleeping Mare (Pell Gate), Redwater Slough, Rock Bottom Caverns, Rockmilk Haven, Rockmilk - Blackbow Camp, Sideways Cave - Hidden Lake, Sideways Cave - Lost Abagarlas, Chapel Hall (Chapel of Julianos, Skingrad), Undena Orethi's House (Skingrad) and Tidewater Cave
  • Fixed all player-owned horses stuttering when passing corpses due to having corpse checking enabled
  • Dirtied all instances of CandlestickFloor01DarkFake (floor candlestick with one large red candle) so that they don't all disappear if the player has Shivering Isles (mesh path was incorrect, 1.2 patch caused engine to no longer find it so they showed as error meshes {was already fixed in the UOP}, Bethesda inexplicably deleted them all in the SI ESM rather than correcting the mesh path)
  • Removed useless empty levelled list LL0LootArrow3SilverAbsorbMagic75 from six other levelled lists so that they don't all get included unnecessarily in Bashed Patches that remove empty lists
  • Added the missing ownership to the Knights of the Thorn Basemant (Cheydinhal) to match the upstairs cell
  • Corrected invalid target reference on package SkingradDailyWorshipEveningUseAltarDibella (no stock NPC's use this package, but may as well fix it in case mods do and don't correct it)
  • Corrected the ownership of Floyd Nathans' house's load door (Blankenmarch) as it was owned by Dar Jee of Leyawiin for some reason
  • Fixed the ownership of Chestnut Handy Stables as it was owned by the Chorrol stables' faction, and set the ownership of the bedrolls similarly as they could be slept in by the player
  • Fixed the ownership of the publican's and rent beds in Border Watch Inn, Faregyl Inn, Gottshaw Inn, The Sleeping Mare and The Drunken Dragon Inn so that the player can't sleep in them (and for the rent beds can't without paying; left the non-player rent beds where the player needs to break in to get to them)
  • Fixed the ownership of the bed in Lelles' Quality Mercandise {sic} (Anvil), the jailors' beds and prisoners' bedrolls in the Bravil, Bruma, Cheydinhal , Chorrol and IC dungeons, Black Waterside Stables (Cheydinhal), the Cheydinhal and Chorrol Castle Great Halls, Fire and Steel, Jirolin Doran's house, Malintus Ancrus' house, Rimalus Bruiant's house, Renoit's Books (Chorrol), Hammer and Axe, Nord Winds and Novaroma (Bruma), the Chorrol Fighters' Guild (without being a member), the Arena Bloodworks, the Guard House Private Quarters (IC Elven Gardens district), the Foaming Flask (IC Talos Plaza district), the All Saints' Inn (IC Temple district), the Imperial City Lighthouse (IC Waterfront district), Betto Plotius' house, Margarte's house, Southern Books, Three Sisters Inn and the Fighters' Guild (without being a member) (Leyawiin) and the Skingrad Fighters' and Mages' Guilds (without being a member) and the Town Guard House as they could be slept in by the player
  • Changed the ownership of a bedroll with a dead bandit on it in Rockmilk Cave so that other residents don't sleep on it and cuddle the corpse
  • Fixed the ownership of several containers in the Bridge Inn basemant and Newlands Lodge (Cheydinhal), and one in Luther Broad's Boarding House Rooms which were player-owned though were not in the player's rented room
  • Fixed another door in Heinrich Oaken-Hull's house not being tied to his key, Varel Morvayn's not being tied to a door in his shop, and Newheim the Portly's and Jesan sixtius' not being tied to a door in their houses (Anvil)
  • Fixed the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn Key not being tied to one of the doors in the basemant
  • Fixed two doors in The Fair Deal (Bravil) not being tied to its key
  • Fixed Baenlin's (Bruma) key not being tied to two doors in his basemant, and one of the Bruma Chapel Undercroft doors being tied to the Bravil Chapel Key
  • Fixed Rosentia Gallenus' keys not being tied to two doors in her house, Ra'Jahirr's to a door in his house, Mahei's to two doors in his house, J'bari's to three doors in his house, Ahdarji's to three doors in her house and Bugak gro-Bol's to a door in Southern Books (Leyawiin)
  • Fixed Borba gra-Uzgash's key not being tied to a door in Borba's Goods and Stores, Orum's Key not being tied to a door in the Orum house, the Lythandas key not being tied to a door in their house, the Willow bank key not being tied to a door there, Mach-Na's key not being tied to a door in Mach-Na's books and Tertia Viducia's key not being tied to a door in The March Rider (Cheydinhal)
  • Fixed Divine Elegance's, Edgar's Discount Spells', First Edition's, Jensine's Good As New Merchandise's, Slash'n'Smash's, Stonewall Shields', The Best Defense's, The Gilded Carafe's, The Main Ingredient's, The Mystic Emporium's, Three Brother's Trade Goods' and the Warehouse's keys not being tied to two doors in those locations, and Rindir's Staff's key not being tied to two doors and two display cases there (IC Market district)
  • Fixed Stantus Varrid's and Trenus Duronius' keys not being tied to four doors in their houses, Marana Rian's key not being tied to three doors in her house, Algot the Northerner, Grey-Throat's, Hastrel Ottus', Luronk gro-Glurzog's, Pennus Mallius', Ruslan's, Salomon Geonette's and Surius Afranius' keys not being tied to two doors in their houses, Gilen Norvalo's key not being tied to a door in his house (IC Temple district)
  • Fixed Ulen Athram's key not being tied to three doors in his house, Angelie's, Areldil's, Astinia Atius', Claudius Arcadia's, Dorian's, Dynari Amnis', Matthias Draconis', Ontus Vanin's, Samuel Bantien's, Sevarius Atius', Soris Arenim's, S'rathad's and Thamriel's keys not being tied to two doors in their houses, and Helvo Atius' and Umbacano's keys not being tied to a door in their houses (IC Talos Plaza district)
  • Fixed Ra'Jhan's key not being tied to three doors of his house, Adrian Decanius', Cyronin Sintav's, Dovyn Aren's, Dul gro-Shug's, Fathis Ules', Ida Vlinorman's, Iniel Sintav's, Irene Metrick's, Jastia's and Kastus Sintav's, Marinus Catiotus', Othrelos', Roderic Pierrane's, Tertius Favonius' and Wumeek's keys not being tied to two doors in their houses (IC Elven Gardens district)
  • Fixed Jair's key not being tied to the back door of his house (IC Waterfront)
  • Fixed Salmo's (Skingrad) key not being tied to several doors in his house/shop

    Item Fixes
  • Fixed the "Child Overalls" in Fort Cuptor (only one of these in the game) not appearing in inventory when picked up (was flagged unplayable so couldn't be worn; replaced with a misc. item that isn't wearable but appears in inventory... item is worthless anyway)
  • The Great Sigil Stone will no longer remain a quest item stuck in the player's inventory if multiple copies of it were obtained during the Great Gate quest by repeatedly activating the static Sigil Stone (see above in Game Mechanics)
  • Fixed the Dark Shirt not hiding amulets, so they clipped through it rather noticeably

    Texture Fixes
  • Removed the useless alpha channel from the skirt of the female Blue Velvet Outfit ( Textures\Clothes\Upperclass\Pants03F.dds ) as was done with the Red Velvet Outfit as it caused the skirt to disappear in fog or under some refraction shaders
  • Fixed the texture of the female Green Silk Garment ( Textures\Clothes\Upperclass\Pants01F.dds ) using the wrong compression for a useless alpha channel so was twice the size (reduced from 1,366KB to 682KB)
  • Fixed the textures of the female Green Brocade Doublet ( Textures\Clothes\Upperclass\Shirt01F.dds ) and the bearskin rug ( BearRug01_n.dds ) using the wrong compression for a useless alpha channel so were twice the size (reduced from 342KB to 171KB)
  • Fixed the invalid normal map on the middleclass oval rug ( MiddleClassRug01_n.dds ) not matching the texture, and was also twice the size it should have been as had a useless alpha channel (reduced from 170KB to 85KB)
  • Fixed the normal map on the Blacksmith's Apron ( Textures\Clothes\Lowerclass\Shirt01_n.dds & Shirt01F_n.dds ) being invalid as it was rotated 90 degrees clockwise from the actual texture
  • Fixed the Radish ingredient missing its normal map; made normal map IngredRadish01_n.dds for it

    NIF Mesh Fixes - Clothing, Armor and Weapons
  • The Ebony Mace (and others that use this mesh Weapons\Ebony\Mace.NIF ) should no longer fall through the floor when dropped; since have to include the entire mesh also closed a small seethrough hole in the ring halfway up the handle and optimized from 75KB to 59KB
  • The Staff of Indarys ( MS13IndarysStaff.NIF ) should no longer fall through the floor when dropped; as above welded hundreds of duplicate vertices optimizing from 180KB to 90KB

    NIF Mesh Fixes - Creatures
  • Improved the Havok on the corpses of Wraiths and Gloom Wraiths ( Meshes\Creatures\Wraith\Skeleton.NIF and Skeleton_Lord.NIF ) so that they are less likely to bounce up and down and should come to rest if they do, and added stencilling so that their remains aren't transparent if seen from underneath (meshes were already in the UOP)

    NIF Mesh Fixes - Statics and Clutter
  • Fixed the doubled seafloor in Topal Bay and the Abecean Sea caused by the generated LOD mesh being too high wherever there was water (60.-32.-64.32.NIF, 60.-32.-96.32.NIF, 60.-64.-32.32.NIF, 60.-64.-64.32.NIF, 60.-64.-96.32.NIF, 60.-64.00.32.NIF, 60.-96.-32.32.NIF, 60.-96.-64.32.NIF, 60.-96.-96.32.NIF, 60.-96.00.32.NIF, 60.00.-64.32.NIF, 60.00.-96.32.NIF, 60.32.-64.32.NIF and 60.64.-96.32.NIF) also closed two seethrough holes in one of them and optimized them from 2.32MB to 1.66MB in total
  • Fixed the Havok collision on the back wall of Riverview in Cheydinhal ( CheydinhalHouseUpper02.NIF ) so that it can't be walked through (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed the missing Havok collision on the entire ceiling allowing it to be jumped through of a section of Margarte's house in Leyawiin ( LeyawiinMCHouseInterior04.NIF ) and optimized from 527KB to 454KB
  • Fixed the missing Havok collision on the entire ceiling of the (very similar mesh to the above) Leyawiin Fighters' Guild 2nd Floor ( LeyawiinFGInteriorRoom01.NIF ) and optimized from 524KB to 433KB
  • Fixed the missing Havok collision of the ceiling of the porch of LeyawiinHouseLower01.NIF (player's house and other locations) so that it can't be jumped through and the misaligned Havok for the porch supports that were allowing them to be somewhat walked through (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed part of the ceiling in Borba's Goods and Stores and the Knights of the Thorn Lodge in Cheydinhal ( CheydinhalHouseMiddle01Interior.NIF ) so that it can't be jumped through (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed same part of the ceiling as above in Llevana Nedaren's house in Cheydinhal ( CheydinhalHouseMiddle01InteriorA.NIF ) so that it can't be jumped through (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed the missing Havok collision of the ceiling of the porch of LeyawiinHouseLower04.NIF (Coast Guard Station and other locations) so that it can't be jumped through, and closed another seethrough gap in the roof (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed duplicated faces causing flickering on two rafter beams and closed seethrough roof apexes on the external Bruma Fighter's Guild and Jerral View Inn ( BrumaFightersGuild.NIF ), and removed many invisible polygons and thousands of unwelded vertices optimizing from 813KB to 464KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps by the front door and in the angled ceiling of Jerall View in Bruma ( BrumaUpperInnInt.NIF ), deleted hundreds of invisible polygons and welded thousands of vertices optimizing from 1.88MB to 1.28MB
  • Closed a seethrough ceiling beam, a seethrough beam by the load door, a one-sided beam protruding through another on the floor and fixed a flickering overlap in a wall panel on CheydinhalHouseUpper02Interior.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed several more seethrough beams and one-sided polygons on CheydinhalHouseUpper03Interior.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed several seethrough gaps and replaced small sections of bad texturing on the interiors of the Dividing Line and Ra'Jahirr's house in Leyawiin ( LeyawiinMCHouseInterior01.NIF ) and optimized from 1.46MB to 1.25MB
  • Closed numerous seethrough gaps in the walls and around the windows of Jeetum-Ze's Room in the Blackwood Company Hall in Leyawiin ( LeyawiinBlackwoodCompanyRoom01.NIF ) and optimized from 428KB to 373KB
  • Fixed similar errors as above in Ri'Zakar's Room ( LeyawiinBlackwoodCompanyRoom02.NIF ) and optimized from 377KB to 334KB
  • Closed the seethrough end of the porch roof of LeyawiinHouseLower03.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed a few more flickering duplicated polygons from the interior of Cloud Ruler Temple TestCloudRulerInt.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed a hollow seethrough-underside support beam in the Cloud Ruler Temple West Wing stairs ( CRTWestWingStairs.NIF ) and optimized from 189KB to 144KB
  • Closed several seethrough gaps in the walls and replaced missing polygons in one of the columns of the basemant of Three Sisters in Leyawiin ( LeyawiinBasemant02.NIF ) and optimized from 721KB to 563KB
  • Removed duplicated-in-place columns that were flickering badly and a duplicated-in-place wall panel, and closed seethrough gaps between a column and the window alcove in the second floor of the Leyawiin Mages' Guild ( LeyawiinMGInteriorLaboratory.NIF ) and optimized from 1.44MB to 1.18MB
  • Fixed the same errors as above in the Leyawiin Fighters' Guild second floor ( LeyawiinFGInteriorTraining.NIF - mostly a retexture of LeyawiinMGInteriorLaboratory.NIF ) and optimized from 1.37MB to 1.08MB
  • Closed the underside of the semicircular decorative frame over Leyawiin animated doors ( LeyawiinUpperDoorInt01.NIF ) as it was seethrough and optimized from 23KB to 16KB
  • Closed a seethrough gap over the doorframe, moved a one-sided ceiling polygon sticking through the wall and fixed intersecting beams on Bravil upperfloor piece BravilHouseIntU03.NIF and optimized from 237KB to 198KB
  • Closed another two seethrough gaps in the walls of BravilHouseIntM07.NIF and LeyawiinHouseIntL01.NIF (meshes were already in the UOP)
  • Closed another seethrough gap between a half-column and wall in BravilMagesGuildInt1stFloor.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed another seethrough gap over an upper load doorframe and fixed a small polygon on the upper landings with missing vertex colors on ICHotelGroundFloor02.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed the same upper landing polygons as above on ICHotelGroundFloor03.NIF and ICHotelGroundFloor04.NIF; also fixed the UV mapping on column tops on the latter (meshes were already in the UOP)
  • Closed more seethrough gaps and eliminated more flickering overlaps in ICHotelTop04.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed more flickering overlapping polygons from the roof of the stairwell of ICDTopFloor04.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Sealed the column bases and extruded bottom borders to close seethrough gaps underneath ICTowerMiddle01.NIF in the Imperial Lighthouse tower (the only place where it's used) and slightly optimized from 226KB to 219KB
  • Closed a one-sided polygon making a seethrough gap on a piece of the destroyed IC Temple of the One ( ICTempleM01.NIF ) and optimized from 1.44MB to 1.23MB
  • Fixed flickering overlapping polygons on the stem of the Marie Elena in the IC Waterfront ( PirateRivets01.NIF ) and optimized from 288KB to 140KB (hundreds of unwelded vertices removed)
  • Fixed several one-sided polygon intrusions (ie stairs and columns clipping through into the next room) and closed numerous seethrough gaps in the walls and roof of the upper floor of the Count's Arms in Anvil ( AnvilUC02SecondFloor01.NIF ) and optimized from 1,043KB to 661KB
  • Fixed a flickering overlap in the wall panels, eliminated a large one-sided beam polygon sticking through the second floor and closed numerous seethrough gaps in the walls and roof of Lelles' Quality Merchandise in Anvil ( AnvilLCHouse02Interior.NIF ) and optimized from 929KB to 726KB
  • Fixed some smeary UV mapping over the doors of AnvilLCHouse02.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed seethrough gaps around the roof of the Chorrol Fighters' Guild Tower ( ChorrolFGTowerInterior01.NIF ) and optimized from 209KB to 171KB
  • Fixed two pieces of bad UV mapping in the exterior Leyawiin Fighters Guild LeyawiinFightersGuildHouse.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed a small one-sided polygon of a protruding beam into the upper floor of LowerClassTavernInterior01.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed two more seethrough gaps and fixed several pieces of bad UV mapping in the exterior Leyawiin Blackwood Company house Meshes\Architecture\Leyawiin\Exterior\LeyawiinBlackwoodCompany.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed an unnecessary polygon causing a flickering overlap on the exterior Archer's Paradox in Bravil ( BravilArcherParadox.NIF; mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed flickering column tops overlapping with ceiling beams, gaps under doorframes, banister supports, over ceiling beams, under stair steps and at the top of the stairs, and some bad UV mapping in the Leyawiin Mages Guild ( LeyawiinMGInterior.NIF ) and optimized from 2.90MB to 2.22MB
  • Fixed the same errors as above on the Leyawiin Mages Guild Library ( LeyawiinMGInteriorLibrary.NIF ) and optimized from 992KB to 835KB
  • Fixed the same errors as above on the interior Leyawiin Fighter's Guild ( LeyawiinFGInterior.NIF ) and optimized a further 47KB off of it by removing more invisible polygons (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed the same errors as above on the interior of Alval Uvani's house in Leyawiin ( LeyawiinHouseInteriorUpper09.NIF ) and optimized from 1.36MB to 1.06MB
  • Closed seethrough gaps under a doorframe, in a stair step, under banister supports and in a wall of the interior Leyawiin Blackwood Company Hall ( Meshes\Architecture\Leyawiin\LeyawiinBlackwoodCompany.NIF ) and optimized from 2.35MB to 1.83MB
  • Fixed flickering column tops and gaps between them and ceiling beams and closed other gaps in the walls and under banister supports of Southern Books and Rosentia Gallenus' house in Leywaiin ( LeyawiinHouseInteriorUpper11.NIF ) and optimized from 1.40MB to 1.10MB
  • Closed large seethrough gaps in the walls, columns and window cels in J'Bari's and Mahei's houses in Leyawiin ( LeyawiinRoomInterior24.NIF ) and optimized from 588KB to 511KB
  • Closed numerous gaps in the walls, columns and ceilings of the Leyawiin Mages' Guild basemant ( LeyawiinBasemant04.NIF ) and optimized from 1,111KB to 883KB
  • Fixed the same errors as above in Alval Uvani's basemant in Leyawiin ( LeyawiinBasemant03.NIF ) and optimized from 1,075KB to 857KB
  • Closed numerous seethrough gaps in the walls of Margarte's house in Leyawiin ( LeyawiinMCHouseInterior03.NIF ) and optimized from 1.54MB to 1.25MB
  • Lightened overly dark vertex colors causing a black floor section in the stairwell in Bernadette Peneles' house in Skingrad and the Isolated House ( SKHouseLowerInt03.NIF ) and optimized from 545KB to 440KB
  • Fixed small flickering overlaps in the ceiling corners of SkHouseUpperInt03.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Closed a seethrough gap in a back wall and removed duplicated-in-place window arch polygons causing flickering on Skingrad house exterior SKHouseMiddle01.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed four duplicated-in-place window arches causing flickering on Skingrad house exterior SkHouseMiddle03.NIF and optimized from 487KB to 388KB
  • Removed a duplicated-in-place section of the roof of SKHouseUpper06.NIF causing flickering (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed UV mapping around the oculus window and overlapping polygons causing flickering on the trim at the back of the Skingrad Mages' Guild ( SKMageGuild01.NIF ; mesh was already in the UOP )
  • Fixed the stairway of CastleInterior\CastleStairs01.NIF extending beyond the visible area which caused them to clip through adjacent rooms in Cheydinhal and Chorrol castles, and optimized from 75KB to to 47KB
  • Fixed castle wall piece CastleWallCurve07.NIF not fitting together properly with other pieces leaving a small seethrough gap at the top (normally invisible from the ground but noticeable from the rampart) and optimized from 227KB to 183KB
  • Fixed bad UV mapping under Skingrad town wall pieces SkCastleWallGateTower.NIF and SkCastleWallGateTower02.NIF and slightly optimized by 0.6KB in total
  • Made new mesh UOPArkvedCornerDoorL01.NIF for three false doors' room pieces in Arkved's Hall of Changes with deepened doorframes, as the player could go into the tiny false door room, close the door behind them and it would embed the player in the door such that it became transparent
  • Sealed the bottoms of the ruined statues found in fort ruins ( RFStatueFig01-03.NIFs ) as they were transparent in many places where the statue has been overturned, and optimized thm from 239KB to 201KB in total
  • Fixed flickering at intersections of shelf boards and small pieces of bad UV mapping on the upperclass desk ( UpperDesk01.NIF ) and optimized from 192KB to 165KB
  • Fixed a flickering overlap at the end of the seat boards of the lowerclass bench ( LowerClassBench01.NIF ) and optimized from 76KB to 49KB (the static version of this bench in Clutter was already in the UOP)
  • Removed the useless hexagonal pins from round table MiddleTableRround01.NIF {sic} as they had no texture properties and other data (mesh only optimized by 0.5KB)
  • Eliminated flickering overlaps on the ends of lowerclass table DunTable01.NIF found in dungeons, fixed the rivets having wood texture and optimized from 170KB to 85KB
  • Fixed a flickering overlap at the end of the tabletop boards of LowerClassTable06.NIF and optimized from 114KB to 59KB
  • Fixed flickering overlap of boards at the top of upperclass shelving unit UpperWallShelf02.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed more duplicated-in-place polygons causing flickering on a leg of LowerClassTable01.NIF and LowerClassTable03.NIF (meshes were already in the UOP)
  • Closed seethrough buttress tops on BravilCastleTower02.NIF and fixed the ropes around the horizontal beams being misaligned so were inside it, and optimized from 271KB to 213KB
  • Slighty widened the columns of all eight Ayelid inner ring components ( ARInnerCircle01-08.NIFs ); they were narrower than their corresponding outer ring components which left seethrough gaps wherever they were used (most noticeable at Narfinsel where there is no stairway in the middle of the ring) and optimized from 442KB to 399KB in total
  • Fixed the complete lack of Havok collision on Ayleid ruin piece ARCrossBeam01.NIF (diagonal buttress between the inner and outer ring components of Ayleid ruins) and capped the seethrough ends as there are many places where they are exposed
  • Closed large seethrough gaps of nothingness in ruined fort narrow stairway RFNStairs01.NIF and optimized from 155KB to 133KB
  • Fixed fort exterior piece RFCastleWallsTop03A.NIF being slightly too wide at one point, so left seethrough gaps wherever it was used, and optimized from 119KB to 95KB
  • Removed invalid alpha property from the waterspouts of ruined fort basin RFNAlcoveBasin.NIF that were causing them to be transparent, and optimized from 39KB to 32KB
  • Closed seethrough gaps of nothingness in the ceiling of ruined fort piece RFNHalf01.NIF (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Fixed flickering overlapping polygons on the top of lowerclass bookshelves LowerClassShelves02.NIF and optimized from 158KB to 84KB
  • Fixed oversized Havok collision at the base of Oblivion talon rock ObTalonRockLg03.NIF and slightly optimized from 74KB to 72KB
  • Fixed bad UV mapping on the back of cave rock CRock01.NIF (backside facing is not supposed to be seen as the rock is usually embedded but there are places where it is)
  • Fixed the oversized Havok mesh on burnt West Weald rock RockWestWealdBurnt09.NIF found in and around Kvatch and optimized from 41KB to 37KB
  • Improved oversized Havok meshes at the bases of ruined Oblivion walls RuinedWallRoundLeft01.NIF and RuinedWallRoundRight01.NIF, and optimized them from 1.91MB to 1.02MB in total (thousands of unwelded vertices)
  • Fixed flickering overlap of two planks on loose planks mesh WoodPlanks01.NIF and optimized from 19KB to 16KB
  • Fixed redundant texture reference on UpperClassRugCircle01.NIF (used both UpperClassRug02.dds and UpperClassRug02paint.dds though the area shown of the latter texture is exactly the same as the former) so the redundant texture doesn't need to be loaded into memory
  • Fixed missing texture (was matte black) on the inside notches of the stationary post of common animated cave gate CDoor02.NIF and optimized from 39KB to 33KB
  • Sealed the hollow tops of mine ceiling supports MCeilingEndCapNoCol01.NIF and MCeilingNoCol01.NIF as they could be seen into in several places they are used (optimized them but they grew by 1KB each due to all the new polygons)
  • Fixed the hinges on chargen dungeon animated door ImpDunDoor02.NIF not being attached to the door so it was unsupported (mesh was already in the UOP)
  • Removed the useless light sources from Weynon Priory secret doors and doorframe WHouseFalseCabinet.NIF, FalseCabinetDoor01.NIF and FalseCabinetDoor02.NIF that were causing the Construction Set to complain, fixed the door handle rivets not being attached to the handles and optimized from 155KB to 135KB in total

    Placement and Layout Fixes
  • Fixed followers/enemies falling to their deaths or disappearing when the player crossed any of the six bridges between the towers of Oblivion random world # 2 as they were missing pathgrids and a subspace, and fixed a seethrough-underside tower ground-level doorframe
  • Fixed followers/enemies running into the lava and dying rather than following the player across two bridges to an island in Oblivion random world # 5 as the bridges and island had no pathing whatsoever
  • Fixed pathgrids in Oblivion random world # 1 and # 6 towers "Blood Well" that would cause followers to fall to their deaths (the former was missing pathing completely on the spiral ramp and top, and on the latter preferred nodes were under the floor in lava, and about two-thirds of the spiral ramp had no pathing)
  • Added missing pathgrid nodes in Oblivion random world # 2 tower cell "Corridors of Dark Salvation" near the load door as their being missing was causing followers to disappear when the player went through it
  • Fixed followers and enemies getting stuck in the sunken citadel tower roof of Oblivion random world # 1 as the edge of the roof was too high to walk over; added two stair blocks appropriate to the pathing, also fixed followers not being able to cross a block walkway beyond the War Gate as the first blocks were too high to walk over
  • Eliminated a large flickering overlap on one of the bridges to the citadel tower in Oblivion Random World #1
  • Replaced several instances in ruined forts' crypt and basin alcoves of alcove piece RFHubArchTransNarrow which was ill-fitting, leaving seethrough gaps on the walls and bad flickering overlaps in the ceiling; replaced with slightly larger piece RFHallNHalf01 which fits seamlessly and adjusted nearby objects appropriately
  • Fixed there only being one bed in Weatherleah, so after the Legacy Lost quest one of the Jemanes would always wander looking for a bed while the other was sleeping; did not have to add a bed as the existing one was duplicated in place with different enable parents on the duplicates, so moved the post-quest bed (moved a chest and crates to make room for it) and deparented the pre-quest one
  • Fixed the Leyawiin cathedral so that grass isn't growing through the steps and the ground isn't protruding through the mesh (only one LAND resource required and it's not in the Tamriel worldspace so shouldn't cause a problem)
  • Moved nine instances of StoneWallGateDoor01 (animated wooden small door in stone walls) throughout Cyrodiil as their hinges weren't attached to anything
  • Grounded a rock in Tamriel cell 38,2 and 33,-5, two in cell 14,31, a Bergamot in 22,5, an Amanita in -19,12, a seethrough-underside tree in 27,-1 and moved a slightly embedded tree in -16,16 missed in the Tamriel audit
  • Disabled/moved a duplicated-in-place runestone in Tamriel cell 20,18 and a huge duplicated-in-place boulder at Molag Bal's shrine (-12,12)
  • Added missing Oblivion Gate enable parent to a levelled Daedric beast that could be found before the gate opened or the main quest was even started, disabled/moved a duplicated-in-place burnt tree missing its Oblivion Gate enable parent so could be seen embedded in the "real" tree and moved a flame mode embedded in a ground blade (the base of the flame could be seen sticking out through the blade) into the burnt tree in Tamriel cell -44,-5
  • Disabled/moved an unnecesary Oblivion rock wall piece at the gate in Tamriel cell 9,31 as it was completely hollow at one end
  • Added missing Oblivion Gate enable parents to a large talon rock just outside Bruma (7,34) and a smaller rock (7,35), and a talon rock in (20,0) sticking out through a boulder as they were visible before the gate was opened or the main quest even started
  • Fixed two boulders in (1,2) not being reverse-parented to their Oblivion Gate, so lava texture showed on the ground before the gate opened (or the main quest started) and they were embedded in gate rocks when it was open
  • Closed a large seethrough gap in a cave tunnel in The Sightless Grotto in Peryite's realm
  • Fixed the well bucket rope being visibly attached to nothing and moved a duplicated-in-place Stinkhorn in the tutorial dungeon
  • Disabled/moved two unnecessary bridge edge components and a duplicated-in-place support on the large bridge over the Niben (14,7) causing flickering
  • Closed a seethrough-underside part of the exterior Cheydinhal town walls (was fixed previously but came back when land edits were removed)
  • Grounded Hundolin's noticeably flying Arena Lockbox chest table and moved an unreadable Gray Fox wanted poster trapped in the wall Havok mesh (IC Arena District)
  • Aligned fifteen misaliged stone wall pieces in Leyawiin that were showing seethrough sections
  • Grounded a noticeably flying table on the topmost walkway of the Leyawiin Mages' Guild
  • Moved/scaled/added mine support objects as required to close several seethrough ceiling beams, moved a set of supports to eliminate a large flickering overlap and flipped a gate so that it doesn't embed in the wall when open in Desolate Mine
  • Moved a hanging lamp in Doomed Mine and another in Exhausted Mine Spent Works so that opening nearby doors won't cause them to fly around madly
  • Moved a helmet in Empty Mine that had been placed on a skull, but due to Havok would slide right through the skull when the player approached
  • Raised a burning bookshelf in Exhausted Mine Bottom Section embedded in rock and a skeleton
  • Moved a barrel in Haunted Mine deeply embedded in a support beam
  • Moved a rock blocking a dead end passage in Plundered Mine so that the nothingness at the end of the uncapped passage isn't visible
  • Disabled/moved a tower door/stairway and two adjoining wall pieces that were duplicated-in-place in Chorrol
  • Disabled/moved more duplicated-in-place objects (braziers, a skeleton, etc.) at the exterior entrances to Derelict Mine and Exhausted Mine
  • Flipped the dead goblin in Fort Ash's exterior so its head isn't halfway sunken into the stone floor
  • Grounded a noticeably flying chest in Fort Carmala
  • Fixed the rope of a well bucket in Fort Cuptor Battlemains being severed halfway up and going through the wall of the well (an inverted bucket/rope had been placed above it as the rope wasn't long enough but it fell down in-game) moved two intersecting necromancer tapestries (also covers a seam on the wall) and moved two Parchments on a table so that they don't fall through it
  • Moved/scaled some tipped statues in Fort Gold-Throat that were embedded in walls
  • Grounded a flying bone (waist height over the floor) in Fort Flecia
  • Flipped a chest facing the wrong way in Fort Redwater
  • Moved a bone in Fort Redman that would fall through the floor if the player was near
  • Moved a barrel with debris embedded in it and a crate embedded in a stone wall at Fort Doublecross' exterior
  • Moved apples and bread in a bucket so that they don't fall through the walls of the bucket when one is picked up, raised a chest sunken into a stone ledge, grounded/flipped a flying chest facing the wrong way and raised a bone hidden in a platform in Fort Aurus
  • Closed a seethrough gap between a brazier support wall and column in Fort Empire
  • Closed a seethrough gap in the floor and gaps around the nearby load door in Fort Horuun Legate Assembly
  • Moved a brazier embedded in a wall, and moved several bones and an iron shield so that they don't fall through the floor if one is picked up in Fort Cedrian
  • Raised a bone hidden (far) beneath the floor in Fort Irony
  • Replaced a bucket of apples and bread loaves with a basket (the apples couldn't be picked up as were inside the bucket Havok and the loaves would fall through the bucket walls) and raised a barrel with the floor clipping into the base in Fort Entius
  • Moved the clothing (Red Silk Robes, Red Silk Hood, Gold Trimmed Shoes) in Fort Grief's bailey so that they don't fall through the ground when the player is near
  • Moved a rock in Fort Rayles' exterior that was protruding one-sided polygons through the fort wall
  • Closed a seethrough crack and moved two rocks embedded in the Fort Roebeck exterior walls
  • Moved two rocks embedded in the Fort Dirich exterior walls
  • Plugged two gaps around a boulder that the player could fall into and get stuck at Fort Aurus' exterior, and moved a small rock embedded in the fort exterior wall
  • Closed a seethrough-underside wall in the exterior of Fort Chalman
  • Closed a large seethrough gap between a stairway and the upper floor in Fort Black Boot
  • Moved up a tan jug embedded in the floor in Fort Wooden Hand
  • Moved a barrel clipping into the floor and a wall in Fort Scinia
  • Disabled/moved two unnecessary roof components that overlapped others causing bad flickering, scaled up a gate which was too small for its frame and grounded a noticeably ungrounded candle (was standing on its wax drippings) in Fort Sejanus, and closed three large gaps of nothingness in the ceiling of sarcophagus niches caused by misaligned wall sections in Fort Sejanus Catacombs
  • Moved up a knife and fork embedded under the floor in Fort Urasek, moved a dead Marauder so half his head isn't embedded in the floor, moved a candle on a skull (the skull could be picked up leaving the candle floating) and moved a crate embedded in a wall in Fort Urasek Company Billets
  • Moved a barrel embedded in a stone block in Fort Caractacus
  • Lowered two instances of RFDchestLargeEmpty01 in Forts Homestead and Roebeck so that their alpha-fringe shadows don't cause the ground to disappear depending on the viewing angle (also checked all 24 other instances of them to ensure they were fine)
  • Raised a brazier pillar in Fort Roebeck Winter Station slightly so that the alpha-fringe shadow isn't flickering, and moved two bones in Fort Roebeck embedded in the floor
  • Moved a barrel in Fort Sutch (beside the Medicine Cabinet) embedded in the wall
  • Fixed a large flickering overlap between two hall sections in Fort Linchal
  • Very slightly raised two balcony endcaps in Fort Wariel to eliminate flickering at corner intersections
  • Moved a crate and barrel embedded in walls in The Market Sewers
  • Raised a barrel and hay embedded in the floor in The North Tunnels
  • Scaled down slightly a barrel embedded between two walls in The South West Tunnels and raised a barrel somewhat embedded in the floor in The Temple Sewers
  • Grounded a chest in Breakneck Cave, and two sets of Wisp Stalks, a seethrough-underside cooking pot support, a broken crate and a noticeably flying plank in Lower Breakneck Cave
  • Moved a door so that in doesn't embed into the stone walls when opened and raised a barrel clipping into the ground in Broken Promises Cave
  • Added an end cap to the tunnel with the load door and moved a rock at a dead end so gaps of nothingness can't be seen beyond them in Capstone Cave, and raised a pot that would fall through the ground and a barrel embedded in the ground in Capstone Great Cavern
  • Moved a chest embedded in rock in Charcoal Cave
  • Lowered the feeding trough so that the corn in it isn't inaccessibly trapped inside the Havok collision mesh and closed a seethrough gap of nothingness at the end of a dead-end hall in Cracked Wood Cave
  • Moved two doors so that they don't embed in the wall when opened, raised a sunken barrel and a chest embedded in a rock in Crayfish Cave
  • Moved/aligned dozens of coffins and their lids embedded in the ground, each other and other objects in all three cells of Dark Fissure
  • Grounded five barrels and a stool in Dzonot Cave and Dzonot Main Cavern
  • Disabled/moved several very large duplicated-in-place rocks at the exterior of Echo Cave
  • Replaced two plates with candles in them with a static bowl-with-candles object (the plates could be removed leaving the candles floating), grounded the seethrough-underside pot support posts, moved a barrel embedded in the cave wall, moved/grounded a crate that was touching ground at only one corner and two similarly unbalanced chests and grounded a noticeably flying stool in Glademist Cave
  • Closed a very seethrough rock, grounded six clumps of Wisp Stalks (several very noticeably flying) and moved two that were outside the visible area, moved a plank leaning on nothing and raised three Septims embedded in a table in Fatback Cave, and grounded a flying rock (and enough that a plank isn't sticking through it), a flying and an unsupported chest and two clumps of Wisp Stalks in Fatback Great Chamber
  • Fixed a cave-in and a mace trap in Fingerbowl Cave not working as they weren't set up properly, moved numerous coffins embedded in each other, the ground and objects, raised several objects hidden under a bookshelf and three barrels embedded in the ground
  • Moved two pieces of clothing that would fall through the floor in Goblin Jim's Cave, lowered a burnt wooden wall that the player could fall behind and become stuck needing a console command or a reload to get out of, fixed a swinging log trap not triggering as it wasn't set up properly and added a sky texture static to a gap between two rocks with a light beam shining thrugh it (as otherwise the light was coming from nothingness) in Goblin Jim's Whiteskin City, moved a crate embedded in a barrel and another in a wall, raised a bone that would fall through the ground and lowered the hut to minimize clipping with the roof in Goblin Jim's Pantry
  • Moved a skull and plank far out of the playable area, raised a bone that would fall through the ground when the player was near and a barrel embedded in the ground in Grayrock Cave, and moved a barrel embedded in the wall and three sets of bones almost completely or completely embedded in rocks in Grayrock Shambles
  • Raised a Wisp Stalks hidden under the ground and a Cairn Bolete embedded in the wall, grounded a Wisp Stalks and closed a seethrough rock in Greemead Cave Inky Grottos, closed a very seethrough rock and grounded two chests in Greenmead Soggy Hollow, and moved a chest embedded in the wall and closed a seethrough rock in Greenmead Cave
  • Raised a hanging corpse in Howling Cave that had its head embedded in the floor
  • Grounded two seethrough-underside bedrolls in Hrota Cave
  • Moved two coffins and lids embedded in each other or the ground, fixed two rocks with stalagmites going through them and raised a sunken barrel in Memorial Cave
  • The Ogre Teeth on a bed in Moss Rock Cavern can now be picked up (were inside the bed's Havok); also fixed several coffin lids embedded in coffins there
  • Moved a barrel intersecting the ground and a crate, a chest intersecting the floor and grounded a broken crate in Onyx Caverns, and moved a barrel intersecting a stalagmite, another embedded in the ground, a chest embedded in the ground and grounded a flying barrel in Onyx Canyon Bridge
  • Closed/grounded several seethrough and flying rocks and grounded two clumps of Wisp Stalks in Quickwater Cave
  • Added a missing sky texture piece and light beams to a hole in the roof of Red Ruby Hollows that was missing them so just showed nothingness
  • Grounded a seethrough-underside Caire Bolete and reoriented two unbalanced chests in Robber's Glen Cave
  • Grounded three seethrough-underside rocks and moved a sack intersecting another sack and a plank leaning on nothing in Serpent Hollow Cave
  • Grounded a very seethrough rock in Shadow's Rest Cavern, and a broken barrel and crate in Shadow's Rest Rocky Run
  • Grounded five chests (two very noticeable), a very noticeably flying stool, three broken barrels and crates and moved a rock covering a dead end to close gaps of nothingness in Shinbone Galleries
  • Raised an inaccessible gold piece hidden under a chest in Sideways Cave, and closed a seethrough gap of nothingness in an Ayelid wall section in Sideways Cave - Lost Abagarlas
  • Grounded a rock, two clumps of Wisp Stalks, two chests and a Cairn Bolete in Silvertooth Cave
  • Moved three barrels partially embedded in stone, moved two carrots that would fall through the ground when the player was near in Sinkhole Cave, and moved a skull and bone that would fall through the ground in Sinkhole Great Hall
  • Raised a brazier pillar slightly so that the alpha-fringe shadow isn't flickering, flipped two doors so that they don't embed themselves in the stone wall when opened and moved a barrel embedded in the wall in Smoke Hole Brass Tomb
  • Closed a gap under the load door and grounded a clump of Wisp Stalks in The Temple of the Moth Halls
  • Moved a coffin almost completely embedded in a stone wall in Underpall Cave, raised two platforms so that the base doesn't clip through the steps in Underpall Keep
  • Grounded a chest supported only at one corner by a rock in Veyond Sea of Darkness and a floating oblique chest with only a corner of it underwater in Veyond Great Sump
  • Closed a seethrough gap of nothingness beyond a dead end tunnel in Wind Cave
  • Moved a Bonemeal that would fall through the ground at Hidden Camp and a corn cob that would fall through the ground at Gnoll Mountain
  • Moved two barrels embedded in stone in the Bravil Wizard's Lair
  • Flipped a chest facing the wrong way in Atatar Haelia Anga
  • Flipped an Ayleid lattice gate to open the opposite way so that it doesn't embed in the ground, grounded a flying sarcophagus and moved an Ayleid light fixture that was out of its wall niche and offcenter in Bawn Loria, and eliminated a flickering overlap on a raised area and grounded seven Welkynd Stone pedestals in Bawn Latta
  • Grounded a bowl standing on edge and several candles on a crate and moved an Ayleid Reliquary embedded in a wall in Belda, and another embedded in a wall in Belda Lor, and fixed a flickery overlap on the Belda exterior's roof
  • Moved two very misaligned Ayleid light fixtures embedded in walls in Ceyatatar and a misligned screen wall that was seethrough-underside on one side, and lowered an arch in Ceyatatar Gorigarlas so its hollow base isn't exposed
  • Fixed pathgrid connections running through two impassable pillars in Nornal and disconnected nodes near the entrance, grounded two flying bedrolls, two benches and a chest and moved an Ayleid fixture embedded too deeply in the wall in Nornal Ageasel, and fixed the pathgrids as there were nodes inside and connections running through two walls and flipped a chest facing the wrong way in Nornal Varlasel
  • Closed a rather large gap between the Ayleid ring and a stairway wall at Wendelbek's exterior
  • Grounded and moved thirty flying Ayelid sarcophagi with overlapping fringe alpha causing flickering, grounded two flying altars and four square-column structures in Wenyandawik
  • Closed a seethrough gap caused by a misaligned Ayleid outer ring at Hame's exterior, raised several sunken candelabras, grounded a rubble pile, crate and chest and raised an Ayelid coffer sunken into its stone shelf in Hame, attached two Ayelid light fixtures to their walls and grounded a rubble pile, two sacks and a barrel in Hame Wendesel, and slightly raised the Hame Dungeon Key sunken into a book in Hame Silasel
  • Slightly raised an Ayleid altar in Garlas Agea so that the alpha-fringe shadow isn't flickering where it meets the floor
  • Closed a large seethrough gap at the end of a misaligned Ayleid screen, moved a chest embedded in the floor and a pillar in Hrotanda Vale, and flipped an Ayleid gate which was embedding itself in a stairway when opened, attached two flying light fixtures to their walls, moved another ground fixture that was not in its wall overhang and closed another large seethrough gap from a misaligned screen wall section in Hrotanda Vale Sanctum
  • Added two mounting blocks to Welkynd Stone cage chain supports so that they aren't attached to nothing in Lindai Inner Tombs
  • Slightly raised two Welkynd Stone pedestals so that alpha-fringe shadow isn't flickering where it meets the column it sits on and moved a Welkynd pedestal that was out of its alcove so the stone would fall behind it and be impossible to retrieve in Nagastani
  • Flipped an Ayleid gate that was embedding itself in a stairway when opened in Niryastare and grounded a seethrough-underside rubble pile in Niryastare Silaseli
  • Lowed two misaligned Ayleid gates that were intersecting their doorframe when opened in Piukanda, closed a large seethrough gap by a misaligned screen wall section in Piukanda Edesel, and fixed a large flickering overlap on the base of the raised platform in Piukanda Ceyede
  • Lowered an Ayleid arch outside Sedor that was hollow at the base, in the interior moved thirteen mounted and ground Ayleid light fixtures embedded in their walls or some distance from it causing seethrough gaps
  • Closed a large seethrough gap at the end of an Ayleid screen wall and moved a barrel slightly embedded in the floor and another barrel in Varondo, and moved a plank embedded in a barrel in Varondo Varasel
  • Slightly raised a Welkynd Stone pedestal so that alpha-fringe shadow isn't flickering where it meets the column it sits on in Vilverin Canosel, and raised a Sacred Lotus Seeds that would fall through the table when the player was near and a Septim embedded in the floor in Vilverin Sancremathi
  • Closed a large seethrough vertical gap on the Ayleid ring of Welke's exterior caused by several pieces being misaligned
  • Closed a seethrough-underside wall (also was flickering where it met the ground at one point) at the Wendir exterior
  • Grounded a seethrough-underside ruined house wall in Hackdirt, and moved a skull in Hackdirt Caverns that would fall through the floor when the player was near
  • Moved a large boulder outside Anvil's walls to close gaps that the player would get stuck if fell in
  • Grounded two carpets intersecting chests in the Anvil Fighters' Guild
  • Moved a tapestry with the wall clipping through it in the Count's Arms (Anvil)
  • Fixed flickering at the corners of a room, flipped two trapdoors that weren't aligned the same way as their destination doors and raised two buckets with the floor clipping through their bottoms in the Sea Tub Clarabella (Anvil)
  • Fixed the same errors as above in the Serpent's Wake (Anvil) and grounded a flying blood decal
  • Aligned the exterior load door to Aleron Loche's house which was clipping into the fake placeholder door, moved the load door to A Warlock's Luck which was completely hidden behind the fake door (so the handle was missing), disabled/moved a useless door hidden in a building and grounded Cosmus the Cheat's seethrough-underside bedroll in Bravil
  • Moved a chest out of a half-column and a barrel slightly embedded in a wall in the Bravil Castle Private Quarters East Wing
  • Raised a chest sunken into the floor in the Bravil Mages' Guild Basemant
  • Moved two chairs slightly away from their table so that the sitter doesn't intersect the table, attached a noticeably flying tapestry to the wall, moved a chair embedded in a tapestry and a painting with its string embedded in the wall, and grounded two noticeably flying tables in Ungolim's house (Bravil)
  • Moved a table embedded in a wall and a tapestry clipping into the chimney in Varon Vamori's house (Bravil)
  • Moved a table intersecting a tapestry in S'Krivva's house (Bravil)
  • Grounded a rug and bed in Dro'shanji's house (Bravil) and fixed the ownership of it and another bed which the player could sleep in
  • Closed a large seethrough gap between the upper and lower floor pieces visible in the stairway of Ungolim's house (Bravil)
  • Raised a chair embedded in a rug in A Warlock's Luck (Bravil)
  • Moved a sack and table intersecting a tapestry and flipped three tapestries facing the wrong way (made them very dark) in Henantier's house (Bravil)
  • Moved two embedded shrubs out of a building and wall in Bruma
  • Moved a book and shirt that would fall through the shelf they were on in the Bruma Fighters' Guild basemant, a bag of flour that would fall through its shelf in Jerrall View, and a pair of gauntlets that would fall through their shelf in J'Ghasta's house (Bruma)
  • Closed a large gap over the load door in Ongar's house (Bruma)Closed a large gap over the load door in Ongar's house (Bruma)
  • Closed a large seethrough gap of nothingness over the interior load door of Wildeye Stables (Bruma)
  • Raised a fork hidden in a table in Baenlin's house (Bruma) and a clay pot embedded im a shelf in the basemant
  • Raised a knife and two forks hidden in a table in Lyra Rosentia's house (Bruma)
  • Moved a pair of gauntlets that would fall through their shelf and a helmet outside the playable area in Nord Winds (Bruma)
  • Grounded two large garden planters in Cheydinhal Castle County Hall (and some of the flora in them which were left hovering otherwise)
  • Moved two paintings outside the visible area so that they are hung on the walls, aligned a painting clipping into the wall and another with its string embedded in the wall, and raised a chest sunken into the floor in Cheydinhal Castle Great Hall
  • Raised a lectern sunken into a table in the Cheydinhal Castle Private Quarters
  • Moved a tapestry very badly intersecting a support beam, two beds embedded in wall beams and grounded two vases on a mantel in the Cheydinhal Mages' Guild
  • Moved an Iron Longsword completely hidden in a wall on the first floor (could be heard rattling around in the wall as it collided with the Havok), fixed several books falling through their shelf in the Cheydinhal Fighters' Guild, and grounded a calipers floating off its anvil in the basemant
  • Fixed several books in Bazur gro-Gharz's house (Cheydinhal) falling through the shelf if the player was near
  • Attached four tapestries that were off their walls/misaligned in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary (Cheydinhal)
  • Moved two wall-mounted torches that were half-embedded in their beam hiding the support brackets in the Knights of the Thorn basemant (Cheydinhal)
  • Moved the door teleport marker in Llevana Nedaren's basemant (Cheydinhal) so that the player is by the door instead of at the bottom of the stairs on entering
  • Raised a chest sunken in the floor the Magrub gro-Orum's house (Cheydinhal)
  • Moved two arched doorframes in the Castle Chorrol West Tower to close seethrough gaps around the load doors and eliminate unsightly intersection with the wall skirting and moved an embedded sack out of the wall
  • Moved a trapdoor embedded in the wall skirting in the Castle Chorrol Wall Tower North View and flipped it so that it faces the same way as its paired trapdoor, and moved a crate embedded in another crate
  • Moved a crate embedded in the wall in Castle Chorrol Wall Tower East View
  • Moved a barrel out of the wall in the Chorrol Castle South Tower
  • Raised the bedrolls in Chorrol Castle Dungeon which were somewhat sunken into the floor, and a plate that would fall through the floor when the player was close
  • Raised most of the knives/forks/spoons on the table in the Chorrol Fighters' Guild which were embedded in it, raised a quill hidden in the desk mesh, and fixed a book falling through the shelf when the player was near
  • Raised a vase embedded in a table in Alberic Litte's house (Chorrol) and a bottle of wine embedded in the wine rack in the basemant
  • Raised a plate in the Oak and Crosier (Chorrol) that would fall through its shelf
  • Grounded a very flying knife (over head height) in Rimalus Bruiant's house (Chorrol)
  • Grounded a chair, two bedrolls and a sack in the Chestnut Handy Stables (IC)
  • Moved a bench out of the wall in Roderic Pierrane's house upstairs (IC Elven Gardens district)
  • Raised a chest sunken into the floor in Tertius Favonius' house upstairs (IC Elven Gardens district)
  • Raised a pewter pitcher sunken into a table in Othrelos' and Dul gro-Shug's houses upstairs (IC Elven Gardens district), and five more pieces of pewterware as well sunken into a table in Othrelos' house upstairs
  • Moved a Blue Silk Shirt in a display case in Red Diamond Jewelry (IC Market district) that was sticking out through the bottom of the case, and moved a potato embedded in a ham slice in the upstairs
  • Raised three pewter mugs and a shopping list that would fall through their table/desk when the player was near in the Black Horse Courier upstairs (IC Market district)
  • Moved up a small set drawer unit (holds clutter) hidden in a shelving unit in Rindir's Staffs (IC Market district) and moved a weapon rack slightly embedded in the wall in the basemant
  • Raised a quill, knife and fork that would fall through the surfaces they were on in the Gilded Carafe Private Quarters and The Best Defense basemant (IC Market district)
  • Raised three cups, a pitcher and plate sunken into their table in Angelie's house upstairs (IC Talos Plaza district)
  • Raised several cups and other pewter objects sunken into shelves and a table in Dynari Amnis' house (IC Talos Plaza district)
  • Raised three pewter pots sunken into their shelf and a basket sunken into the carpet (so it showed through the bottom) and raised several pieces of cutlery that would fall through their table in Claudius Arcadia's house upstairs (IC Talos Plaza district)
  • Moved a duplicated-in-place wine bottle in a rack in Dorian's house (IC Talos Plaza district) and raised a Flax Seeds upstairs that would fall through the plate it's on
  • Moved two crates embedded in a wall and raised another sunken into the carpet in Sevarius Atius' basemant (IC Talos Plaza district) and grounded a flying fork and raised several pieces of cutlery so they don't fall through the table in the upstairs
  • Moved a duplicated-in-place wine bottle in a rack in Umbacano Manor (IC Talos Plaza district) and moved two crates embedded in the wall in the basemant
  • Raised a paint palette hidden in a shelf and a pair of shoes sunken into the carpet in Usheeja's house (IC Talos Plaza district)
  • Raised several pieces of cutlery so that they don't fall through their tables in S'rathad's house, Ontus Vanin's house, Ra'jiradh's house, Thamriel's house and the Tiber Septim Hotel (IC Talos Plaza district)
  • Disabled/moved two more rogue purchase receipts for player house furnishings in Stantus Varrid's house (IC Temple district; while perhaps meant to be decorative, they have the unintended side effect that if picked up by the player, furniture magically appears in the player's house, which doesn't make much sense); also flipped three barrels in the basemant facing the wrong way
  • Raised two tankards sunken into a table in Algot's Private Quarters (IC Temple district) and raised a crate sunken into the carpet in the basemant
  • Raised two tankards sunken into a table in Grey-Throat's Private Quarters (IC Temple district)
  • Raised three pewter cups and a plate sunken into a table (the plate would fall through it) in Amantius Allectus' house upstairs (IC Temple district)
  • Flipped/grounded a flying chest facing the wrong way in Graman gro-Marad's basemant (IC Temple district)
  • Raised two chests sunken into the floor in Salomon Geonette's house upstairs (IC Temple district)
  • Moved nine Blackberries embedded in the base of a silver bowl (rather than being in it) in Trenus Duronius' house (IC Temple district) and flipped two chests in the upstairs facing the wrong way (the top one was also embedded in the wall)
  • Flipped two trapdoors in the IC Waterfront Lighthouse Imperial Watch Barracks that were backwards compared to their destination doors
  • Moved a pitcher, two cups and a sack in the Chapel of Akatosh (Kvatch) that couldn't be activated as they were inside the Havok mesh
  • Moved up a boulder hidden under the Leyawiin Mages' Guild so that it's visible, and moved several books inside that would fall through their shelf when the player was near, flipped three load doors that were hiding their handles, grounded a rug, moved a tapestry whose one-sided rods stuck into the adjoining room, flipped a load door in the basemant hiding its handle, grounded two benches, two rugs and a chair in the 2nd floor south, scaled down a rug intersecting a doorframe, moved a bench intersecting the wall skirting in the library and flipped a door hiding its handle in the 3rd floor
  • Raised yet another entire set of cutlery hidden in the dining room table, grounded a rug, bench, table, moved the entryway chandelier so that the hanging rod is poperly aligned in the Leyawiin Fighters' Guild, grounded a rug in the basemant, and raised a quill hidden in a desk in the 3rd Floor West
  • Raised a plate and two cups sunken into their shelf in the Castle Leyawiin Dungeon
  • Raised a plate of candles sunken over halfway into a table in the Castle Leyawiin Lord's Manor Private Quarters
  • Raised the dining room section to close a seethrough gap where it met the main house mesh, raised/moved a rug hidden under another rug in the floor so that it's visible, raised eight pots and tankards embedded in shelves, moved a chair deeply embedded in a wall half-column and raised a chair slightly embedded in the floor in Ahdarji's house (Leyawiin), flipped the load door hiding its handle in the 2nd floor east and grounded a sack, and flipped the load door hiding its handle in the 2nd floor west
  • Raised a silver arrow hidden in a table and attached a flying sconce far off of its wall in Alval Uvani's house (Leyawiin)
  • Moved three tan mugs floating behind their shelf, grounded a rug and the desk sitting on it, moved a sack embedded in the desk, moved a crate out of another crate and a chair embedded in another chair (had to replace it with the same chair but opposite-side sitting in Best Goods and Guarantees (Leyawiin)
  • Flipped the load door that was hiding its handle in Betto Plotius' house (Leyawiin)
  • Raised the main building mesh very slightly to fix a flickering intersection in the celiing, flipped a chest facing the wrong way and a door hiding its handle (note that one door like this was not changed as it moved significantly when flipped so would stick out on an existing save), raised a rug completely hidden in the floor, moved a goblet almost completely embedded in a chair and raised several knives and forks hidden in a table in Blackwood Company Hall (Leyawiin), grounded a practice pad, added a missing shelf under three very flying candles against the rear wall and moved another flying candle onto an existing rack and moved the chandelier's hanging rod so that it's attached to the chandelier in the Training Hall
  • Grounded three chests, two chairs, a shelving unit and rug and moved a seethrough-underside candle in Cingor's house (Leyawiin)
  • Fixed the load door of the interior being completely different from the exterior (note that this may leave a gap around the load door if you've already been to this cell in a current game but it will still work properly), grounded a chair and moved two barrels embedded in a wall in the Five Claws Lodge (Leyawiin)
  • Grounded a shelving unit and two crates and moved a cupboard that would unable to open (door would hit another cupboard) in Dar Jee's house (Leyawiin)
  • Raised a chest sunken into the floor, moved a chair out of the wall and a tapestry intersecting the wall border and crate embedded in another crate in J'bari's house (Leyawiin), and grounded a bench and moved a bed slightly embedded in the wall in the 2nd floor west
  • Flipped two load doors that were hiding their handles, moved a bookshelf and contents against the wall to cover one-sided polygons from the stariway in the neighboring room clipping through the wall (separate mesh), moved a table deeply embedded in a corner quarter-column, raised a knife hidden in a table, moved a tapestry whose hanging rods stuck into the next room, grounded two benches (one which was embedded in a wall), a rug and three tables in Mahei's house (Leyawiin), flipped a load door hiding its handle and expanded it slightly to close gaps around it and moved the most embedded painting thus far out of the wall (the canvas was completely hidden) in the second floor east and grounded a rug in the second floor west
  • Moved a tapestry embedded in the wall border in the stairway and a barrel in a closet that the door would embed into, and grounded a rug in Margarte's house (Leyawiin)
  • Flipped the load door as its handle was hidden, grounded a rug and a chest embedded in the wall and moved a crate embedded in another crate in Ra'Jahirr's house (Leyawiin)
  • Flipped the load door as its handle was hidden and expanded it slightly to close seethrough gaps around it, attached a sconce very far off of its wall and moved a bench embedded in the upper-level banister in Rosentia Gallenus' house (Leyawiin), and raised an iron arrow and pair of shoes hidden under the floor in the second floor
  • Flipped two doors that were hiding their handles, grounded two rugs and raised a knife and fork hidden in a table in Southern Books (Leyawiin) and grounded a rug upstairs
  • Moved a table with a leg embedded in the wall skirting, a table embedded in the wall and a bucket handle, a crate embedded in another crate and a chest embedded in a tapestry, and raised a Lichor hidden in a table in The Dividing Line (Leyawiin)
  • Raised a spoon that would fall through the table when the player was near, moved a painting noticeably off its wall and grounded a sack in the basemant flying at knee height in the Three Sister's Inn (Leyawiin)
  • Closed a large seethrough gap at the corner of the wall and tower on the interior and exterior Skingrad town walls
  • Moved a mounted deer head over the fireplace that was embedded too deeply (the mounting was hidden), a candle in a skull (while it looked good, the skull could be moved leaving the candle floating) and the load door to the upstairs as the door cel was sticking out very noticeably over the doorframe in the Skingrad Fighters' Guild, and moved a desk slightly embedded in the wall in the upstairs
  • Grounded a Calcinator flying a good distance over its table in All Things Alchemical (Skingrad)
  • Moved a cooking pot embedded in the floor and with its hangar unsupported so that it's properly hung in the fireplace in Five Riders Stables (Leyawiin)
  • Moved a very embedded tapestry (in a beam and shelf), another embedded in a ceiling beam, and three paintings whose strings were embedded in the wall in Lazare Milvan's house (Skingrad), and raised two spoons and a tankard that would fall through their shelf in the basemant
  • Grounded a noticeably flying chair and slightly ungrounded chest of drawers and rug in the upper floor of Rosethorn Hall (Skingrad player's home)
  • Raised a badly flickering rug out of the floor and raised a Black Horse Courier broadsheet that would fall through the table in Toutius sixtius' house (Skingrad)
  • Fixed a door in Tamika's house (Skingrad) that was locked even though it was open
  • Raised four Blackberries hidden inside the mesh of a cabinet in Sinderion's cellar (Skingrad)
  • Raised two bookcases sunken so low that they clipped through the ceiling of the lower floor and moved a bottle of beer hidden outside the playable area on to the small table with the others in Summitmist Manor (Skingrad)
  • Raised a plate embedded in a shelf in Shagol gro-Bumph's house (Aleswell) and grounded other items on the shelf
  • Moved a barrel embedded in a wall in the Aleswell Inn
  • Moved a ladle embedded in a bowl in Applewatch
  • Grounded a crate embedded in the wall skirting with a shears underneath it and moved a broom with its handle embedded in the wall in Satha Dalvilu's house (Bleaker's Way)
  • Flipped the load door of J'riska's house interior (Border Watch) which was hiding its handle and tipped a pot on its side so the hanging wire isn't standing unsupported
  • Moved a crate in M'dasha's house (Border Watch) embedded in a tipped chest of drawers
  • Moved a sack embedded in a crate in the Drunken Dragon Inn
  • Closed a seethrough gap of nothingness over the load door of the Faregyl Inn
  • Raised two beds in Drarana Thelis' and Deetum-Ja's houses (Harlun's Watch) that were protruding into the lower floor, raised two pots in Deetum-Ja's house embedded in shelves, and raised a crate embedded in the ground in Harlun's Watch exterior
  • Moved a flying pot with a ladle embedded in it into the fireplace so it's properly hanging in Harm's Folly
  • Raised a hay bale at Brindle Home that was flickering where it met the ground, and raised a spoon that would fall through the table in Melus' Petillius' house
  • Moved a shelf in Wawnet Inn embedded in a support beam
  • Moved a skull embedded in a beam in Weatherleah
  • Raised a basket embedded in the floor, moved the exterior door forward so its handles aren't hidden behind the fake placeholder door and aligned the chandelier's hanging rod in Weynon Priory Lodge

    Text Fixes
  • Corrected scroll name "Summoning Dremora Lord" ? "Summon Dremora Lord" to match all other scrolls
  • Corrected NPC name: "Bogrum Gro-Galash" ? "Bogrum gro-Galash" (the gro- {son of} or gra- {daughter of} are uncapitalized in all other Orc names)
  • Corrected cell name "Five Riders Stable" ? "Five Riders Stables" (matches the map marker, sign and all other stables)
  • Changed duplicate cell name of Countess Valga's quarters: "Castle Chorrol Private Quarters" ? "Castle Chorrol Lord's Private Quarters" which matches other castles
  • Changed duplicate cell name of Jakben Imbel's small domed top floor "Jakben Imbel's Private Quarters" ? "Jakben Imbel's Study"
  • Corrected S'Krivva' house cell name and her key name "S'krivva's" ? "S'Krivva's" to match her name
  • Fixed the directions on several Leyawiin cell names as they didn't match the actual locations of the cells relative to the main cell (Mages' Guild changed "West" to "South" and "East" to "North", Three Sisters Inn changed "West" to "North" and "East" to "South", Mahei's house changed "East" to "West" and "West" to "East", and J'bari's house changed "East" to "South" and "West" to "North"; also corrected all three cells of J'bari's house: "J'Bari's" ? "J'bari's" to match his name
  • Corrected cell names for Istirus Brolus' house: "Istrius" ? "Istirus"
  • Corrected City-Swimmer's house cell name "City Swimmer's" ? "City-Swimmer's" to match her name
  • Corrected name of J'riska's house "J'Riska's" ? "J'riska's"
  • Corrected name of Savlian Matius' tent "Matius's" ? "Matius'" and removed a trailing space
  • Corrected name of Rythe Lathandas' house and basemant "Lathandas's" ? "Lathandas'"
  • Corrected key name: "Gallenus Rosentia's Key" ? "Rosentia Gallenus' Key"
  • Corrected key name: "Grey Throat's House Key" ? "Grey-Throat's House Key" to match his name
  • Corrected name of Rimalus Bruiant's dog in his greeting NQDChorrol_GREETING_00074A88_1: "Kezu" ? "Kezune" (audio is close enough that it doesn't need alteration)
  • Removed the "[Lie] " prefix from the response topic to Eridor (Skingrad vampire humter) in the Mages Guild Information at a Price quest, as it's entirely possible that the player does live in Skingrad
  • Corrected dialog topic: "Ajum Kajin" ? "Ajum-Kajin" to match his name
  • Corrected subtitle in Imperial Palace guard hello NQDGuard_HELLO_0018AE7B_1: "if the Council" ? "if Council" to match the audio
  • Corrected subtitle in Sinderion dialog MS39_Nirnroot_0004E977_4: "the recipe" ? "a recipe" to match the audio
  • Corected subtitle in Ontus Vanin dialog NQDImperialCity_GREETING_000476D4_1: "with Mages Guild" ? "with the Mages Guild" to match the audio
  • Corected subtitle in Seridur greeting MS23_GREETING_0001D23F_3: "those" ? "these" to match the audio
  • Corected subtitle in Namira shrine speech DANamira_DANamiraSpeech_0005C01F_1: "walk" ? "walks" to match the audio
  • Corrected subtitle in Jorundr dialog with Tyrellius MS09_MS09TyrelliusTalk_000908EB_1: "I've never" ? "I never" to match the audio
  • Corrected subtitle in Ysabel Andronicus greeting ArenaDialogue_GREETING_0003D62B_1: "huh?" ? "eh?" to match the audio
  • Corrected subtitle in Azzan dialog FGC05Stone_contract_0000395D_1: "from the Bruma Chapel" ? "from Bruma Chapel" to match the audio
  • Corrected subtitle in Adrienne Berene greeting MG01Destruct_GREETING_0004A98A_1: "have good" ? "have a good" to match the audio
  • Corrected minor possessive in Amminus Gregori dialog MS13_FawilTopic_00031C82_1: "Indarys's" ? "Indarys'"
  • Corrected minor contraction in Olav dialog MS11_RaynilDralasTopic_0003842B_1: "cause" ? "'cause"
  • Corrected subtitle in Snak gra-Bura response NQDImperialCity_SnakGraBuraResponse_0007BE9C_1 removing "Add some onion and... wait." as it wasn't present in the audio
  • Corrected typo in Molag Bal shrine quest stage 110: "Petiliusis" ? "Petilius is"
  • Corrected minor possessive in Chorrol Recommendation Part II stage 5: "a days' time" ? "a day's time"

    Audio Fixes
  • Fixed eleven lines of audio and the subtitle for yet another IC rumor NQDImperialCity_ICAllNQDQuestionResponses_0004988D_1 that referred to Rohssan as male
  • Fixed a line of dialog (BedRental_BedYes_000B984F_2) for Shuravi from "east wing" to "north wing" to match the fix for the cell names above
  • Fixed audio for a line of Denel's dialog MG10Vahtacen_Pillar_00035F3A_5 in the Mages' Guild Vahtacen's Secret quest where "sulking" had been read as "skulking"

The rest of the version history can be found http://baldurdash.org/TESOblivion/UOPFixList.html as it is too large to put in one post.

Reported bugs that couldn't be recreated
  • Eldamil (Main Quest - Paradise) being hostile if he is killed and then resurrected (as he does automatically). Tried killing him perhaps a dozen times and couldn't recreate this
  • Thieves Guild Elven Maiden quest continuing (guards and Hieronymus Lex in Waterfront looking for the thief) as if the player stole the bust if the player goes to the location of it but doesn't pick it up; tried this but nothing happened in the Waterfront
  • Dead Water's Edge residents (Fighters Guild Infiltration quest) being misplaced and standing up when the player returns to Water's Edge after killing the "goblins". Was sent a save where this was occurring, but I couldn't get it to happen on mine.
  • Finding Manduin's Amulet in Fort Blueblood before the Leyawiin Recommendation quest (Mages Guild) breaking the quest. This seems to be caused by the player using the "unlock" code on the door to the crypt in Fort Blueblood Halls. If you can find a way to get the Amulet without using the console before the quest, please let me know.
  • Paranoia quest breaking if Glarthir contacts the player outside Skingrad. Seen at least two instances of this but no details on how to recreate it. I tried recreating it allowing Glarthir to initiate the quest outside Skingrad's walls and it worked properly. He wouldn't follow further than that, nor into buildings.
  • Crash to desktop if the player enters Kvatch without closing the Oblivion gate first. Entered before and after talking to Savlian Matius, fought the Daedra, entered the Chapel of Akatosh, went back out again... nothing.
  • Mages Guild's Mages Staff quest breaking if Eletta's corpse is not checked. Doesn't look like this is possible
  • Sleeping in Dareloth's bed after completing the Thieves' Guild questline causes vampirism; I don't see how as it's a plain bed with no script and no editor ID name; details required

The NIFSkope Team - big thanks for this very awesome tool that allowed us to fix many problems with the NIFs in Oblivion.
The TES4Gecko Team - for this essential utility for working with ESP's and ESM's
ElminsterAU - for TES4View/Edit, another essential utility for ESP/ESM manipulation, cleaning and anolysis
Wormheart - has contributed so much that he's practically the third member of the UOP team: fixed dozens of interior meshes and all of the chandeliers, Havoked several of the lights, fixed a bunch of other meshes such as all the Daedric shrines and numerous load doors, and reported hundreds of bugs and object placement errors
Khalim - for auditing/fixing 571 cells of Cyrodiil, reporting a multitude of bugs and beta-testing
Tru021 - for auditing/fixing 521 cells of Cyrodiil, reporting a multitude of bugs and beta-testing
Unmmph! - for auditing/fixing 150 cells of Cyrodiil
TheFlyingBuddha - for auditing/fixing 100 cells of Cyrodiil
Ventus - for auditing/fixing 50 cells of Cyrodiil
OblivionStalker - for auditing/fixing 50 cells of Cyrodiil
Sialivi - for auditing/fixing 31 cells of Cyrodiil, reporting an unbelievable and unprecedented multitude of bugs (especially mesh errors) and beta-testing the UOP
Beremat Kesawin - for auditing/fixing 20 cells of Cyrodiil
JonSatriani - for auditing/fixing 12 cells of Cyrodiil
MystykStar - for auditing/fixing 12 cells of Cyrodiil
Arthmoor - for help with cleaning up the UOP ESP for final release, beta-testing, reporting a multitude of bugs, and generating a much improved ROAD record that fixes all roads in Tamriel
PhoenixAmon - for fixing the UV mapping errors in 5 NIFs
Canopus - for greatly improving UOP's setup batch files
Mmmpld - for fixing problems with several NIFs
Bomret - for fixing 39 normal maps which were incorrectly created
AlienSlof - for fixing the missing alpha on the Black & Burgundy Outfit's normal map, bad alpha on the female Red Velvet Outfit, alpha on the Radish normal map, helping out a lot with graphics questions and beta-testing
Gothic251 - for fixing several icons and beta-testing
Brash - for discovering what caused the Crash-On-Bow-Equip and the workaround
Johnny - for the Fathis Ules fix
Kirel - for the first-person sitting perspective fix
Mentalor - for the Stat Restore fix
Always Z - for the funny yet informative error mesh
Dung_Beetle - for the Mythic Dawn armor fix
Namegduf Live - for the Hermaeus Mora's soul trap fix
WSRowland - for some additional fixed lip sync files for the beggars
CessPitts - for fixing the invulnerable Mannimarco bug
Wildcard - for fixing errors with the Mages Guild Chorrol recommendation
Dev_AKM - for the Qarl's Texture Pack III/UOP compatibility patch
MasterLeo - for discovering the cause of Sigil Stones not closing Oblivion gates (although we can't fix it, it's helped plenty avoid it)
newster123 - for cleaning up the custom race dialog audio, and reporting several bugs
Kaminari - for the first clue that enabled the tracking down the cause of UOP v2.2.0 causing previous saves to crash on load for a few people
Gothik - for beta-testing the UOP until the problem was isolated and confirmed fixed
XMarksTheSpot - for confirming the ESM bug with Tamriel cell (-47,-7) saving me a reinstall to ensure it wasn't just me
Bamspeedy - for reporting a Sialivi-sized huge multitude of bugs and beta-testing
Mikal33 - for reporting a multitude of bugs
_Santera - for reporting a multitude of bugs
ESM - for reporting a multitude of bugs
Wolferoo - for reporting a multitude of bugs
Tukog - for reporting a multitude of bugs
ArgoChris - for reporting a multitude of bugs
Fonger, Leydenne, RobinHood70 & Shikishima - for beta-testing
Throttlekitty and everyone else at #TESModdersDen - for enduring Kivan's endless questions and always being helpful
And finally a big thanks to everyone else who reported bugs or sent in bugged gamesaves!
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El Khatiri
Posts: 3568
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2007 2:43 am

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:45 am


Version 3.3 is up, with the final changelog being this huge list:


* SQ07CreatureStormAtronach02 was assigned the wrong skeleton mesh and has been corrected to use stormatronach.nif like the other SQ07 atronachs.
* The DarkSister topic fix placed the two required voice support files in the wrong folder and has been corrected.
* Addressing an old complaint: The fire at Vilverin has been exchanged for one that makes smoke.
* Another old report: The dock lamp north of Vilverin has no light source.
* Laythe Wavrick gets marked non-essential at the end of the Stolen Painting quest, which can leave him vulnerable to being killed before the end of Sins of the Father.
* Fixed the CS warnings about path grids with too many connections.
* In quest "The Wandering Scholar" the player is told to go to a location northeast of Sutch. This should have referenced Anvil instead as Sutch was cut from the game.
* In quest "Sins of the Father" Fathis Ules will continue to stalk the player even if the initial quest offer is declined.
* Several rug pieces in cell ChorrolCastlePrivateQuarters were not grounded properly.
* The bed in Ocato's chamber has been changed to be owned by the IC Palace faction so Evangeline Beanique will perform her intended sleep package.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Evangeline_Beanique#Bugs
* AI pack AhMalzFightersGuild changed to a wander pack. The travel pack type had Ah-Malz standing in place.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Ah-Malz#Bugs
* The replacement columns in the IC Arena have been modified so that mods which may need to move them can do so without requiring the UOP as a dependency.
* The rock in the road in SE Anvil has been deleted, and the sidewalk pieces it was covering a hole for pushed down just enough to cover it with the street instead.
* The subtitle for the rumor in Skingrad about Agnete was wrong.
* Fathis should have slept at The Oak and Crosier between midnight and 9am while Sins of the Father is active. No bed was available though.
The spare room has been marked as owned by the Chorrol city faction so he can use it.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Fathis_Ules#Bugs
* Bugak gro-Bol had a schedule conflict that would cut short his wander package, and also caused his meal time to last longer than intended.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Bugak_gro-Bol#Bugs
* Weatherleh could be left in its ruined state for the remainder of the game if the player rushes into Redguard Valley Cave too quickly in "Sins of the Father".
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Sins_of_the_Father#Bugs
* Romana Faleria had two sleep packages which conflicted with each other, and her meal package would not fire.
She also has a line of dialogue which was out of order and could never be spoken.
She ALSO had an AI pack to confine her in Bruma during Martin's exit to the battlefield, but that would send her back to the IC. This pack has been removed.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Romana_Faleria#Bugs
* If Gromm is killed after "Accidents Happen" his body will vanish instantly.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Gromm#Bugs
* Aelwin Merowald's House is marked as being owned by the Chestnut Handy Stables faction, which could result in him being killed for trespassing.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Weye#Notes
* Heinrich Oaken-Hull has a subtitle mentioning his ship, however the Serpent's Wake is not his ship and the recorded audio left this out.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Heinrich_Oaken-Hull#Bugs
* Corvus Umbranox cannot use the bed in the royal quarters for his sleep package due to it being owned only by Milona.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Corvus_Umbranox#Bugs
* Llensi Llaram could not offer athletics training as intended due to being set to auto-calc her stats.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Llensi_Llaram#Notes
* AI pack AnvilDailyWorshipEveningUseAltar2 had the wrong location target set, causing the cast spell to fly aimlessly across the room.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Didier_Aumilie#Notes
* BravilVisitLuckyOldLady12x2 had impossible conditions to meet, and so would never execute for those NPCs using it. It has been set to execute when "Following A Lead" and "Honor Thy Mother" are not running.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Dro%27Nahrahe#Bugs http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Brokil_gro-Shatur#Bugs http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Fathis_Aren#Bugs
* Fathis Aren never sleeps in his bed as he's supposed to due to packages being in the wrong order.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Fathis_Aren#Bugs
* AI pack BravilDailyWorshipMorningUseAltarTiberSeptim positions NPCs in front of the altar of Arkay, when it clearly should put them in front of the Tiber Septim altar.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Hans_Black-Nail#Bugs
* Hans Black-Nail also had two conflicting sleep packages.
* Carandial's wilderness AI packs had impossible conditions on them.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Carandial#Bugs
* Henantier's AI schedule had some duplicate packages that would never execute which have been removed.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Henantier#Bugs
* AI BravilMGItaRienusCastMysticism needs the "must complete" flag or Ita Rienus will not peform the package for the entire specified time.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Ita_Rienus#Bugs
* Daenlin's Sunday hunting package is cut short due to his services package being loaded in the wrong order.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Daenlin#Notes
* Ranoline had AI packs with conflicting schedules.
* Kurdan gro-Dragol could not execute his sleep package due to bed ownership issues.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Kurdan_gro-Dragol#Bugs
* Camilla Lollia will stalk the player even if "A Plot Revealed" has been completed without encountering her in Bruma.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Camilla_Lollia#Bugs
* An extra bedroll was added to Jearl's house so both NPCs can sleep as intended.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Jearl#Notes
* Selena Orania was not marked essential and if killed before "A Plot Revealed" she would sill show up as a body in the destroyed guild hall.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Selena_Orania#Notes
* Naspia Cosma had an AI pack with no useful purpose removed.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Naspia_Cosma#Bugs
* AI Pack FGKeldSpar corrected to allow Keld to perform his entire schedule as intended.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Keld_of_the_Isles#Bugs
* AI Pack CheydinhalMGDeetsanRead22x4 corrected to use the proper schedule.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Deetsan#Bugs
* Trayvond the Redguard could not do training in destruction due to his training level being set to 0.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Trayvond_the_Redguard#Notes
* Uurwen's meal package would never execute due to being in the wrong order.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Uurwen#Bugs
* An extra bedrool was added to the Chorrol Fighters Guild basemant to allow both NPCs who sleep there to do so.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Lum_gro-Baroth#Notes
* AI Pack ChorrolBeggarEat18x2 corrected to be an eat package rather than a find package.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Lazy_Kaslowyn#Notes http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Nermus_the_Mooch#Notes
* If the player speaks to Prior Maborel first about assistance, he will offer to let you take his horse but the ownership status is not properly updated.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Prior_Maborel#Bugs
* Eugal Belette has an incorrectly configured wander package. Such packages require a target, using a generic cell causes the NPC to stand in place for the duration.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Eugal_Belette#Bugs
* The XMarkerHeading object used by Honditar's morning practice AI pack had no target data, causing him to shoot over the top of his intended target.
* Bothiel's wander package was not configured properly, resulting in here often remaining asleep when she should be awake.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Bothiel#Bugs
* Gaspar Stegine's second reading package and his spell practice package were not executing properly due to a schedule conflict with his sleep package.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Gaspar_Stegine#Bugs
* Amusei's sleep packages do not execute properly due to ordering conflicts with his wander packages.
He is also only supposed to visit Dareloth's Basemant two days out of the week, but the duration on the AI pack is too long.
AND he also gets back the wrong gear at the end of "Ahdarji's Heirloom".
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Amusei#Bugs
* Adrian Decanius had conflicting sleep packages.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Adrian_Decanius#Bugs
* Dul gro-Shug's meal package moves him out of the King and Queen tavern, where he's intended to spend 6 hours of his day.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Dul_gro-Shug#Bugs
* Geem Jasaiin's sleep package did not have it's time and duration set.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Geem_Jasaiin#Bugs
* Winson's arena AI incorrectly had the "must complete" flag set, which caused him to remain there permanently upon his arrival.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Winson#Bugs
* Gelephor was not in the Bravil Skooma Den faction and could therefore become permanently stuck in Bravil once he arrived.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Gelephor#Bugs
* Jensine's package to go find Fathis Ules was configured incorrectly and has been fixed. A condition was also added to make sure she doesn't follow him all the way to Chorrol.
She also said the goodbye line about Audens Avidius even if "Imperial Corruption" is completed.
She ALSO would continue to give her "Who told you that" line after refusing to testify.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Jensine#Bugs
* Maro Rufus could not execute his wander package in the Arboretum due to his default package being set too high in the order.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Maro_Rufus#Bugs
* Varnado could not execute his worship package at the Temple of the One due to his default package being set too high in the order.
He was also a member of the Chorrol Citizens faction with no reason to be in it.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Varnado#Bugs
* Agarmir could not execute his package to eat at the Tiber Septim Hotel due to it being in the wrong order.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Agarmir#Bugs
* Gemellus Axius had a conflicting wander package blocking his meal package.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Gemellus_Axius#Bugs
* Trenus Duronius was not in the Bravil Skooma Den faction and could therefore become permanently stuck in Bravil once he arrived.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Trenus_Duronius#Bugs
* Tsavi will stand in one spot upon entering either the Leyawiin Mages Guild or the Leyawiin Chapel Hall due to misconfigured wander packages.
A useless package was also removed from her schedule.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Tsavi#Notes
* Cingor did not possess the normal Mythic Dawn bound armor spell.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Cingor#Notes
* AI pack LeyawiinExploreThreeSisters20x4 was misconfigured as a travel package instead of a wander package.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Ahdarji#Bugs
* AI pack LeyawiinChapelHallExplore incorrectly had the "Continue if PC Near" flag set.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Kantav_Cheynoslin#Bugs http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Silana_Blandia#Bugs
* Janus Hassildor will no longer block dialogue near the end of "Ulterior Motives" if the player speaks to him again before completing the quest.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Janus_Hassildor#Bugs
* Maglir would continue to follow the player even if expelled from the Fighters Guild during "Den of Thieves".
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Maglir#Notes
* Vigge the Cautious had a schedule conflict keeping him from performing his chapel wander package.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Vigge_the_Cautious#Bugs
* Marie Palielle could not execute her wander package due to it being out of order.
She also had a misconfigured package inside the Skingrad chapel.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Marie_Palielle#Bugs
* Agnete the Pickled had a scheduling conflict that blocked her wander package from executing.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Agnete_the_Pickled#Bugs
* Falanu Hlaalu had a scheduling conflict preventing her from performing her daily worship routine in the chapel.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Falanu_Hlaalu#Bugs
* Ambroise Canne's AI packs directing him to work in the Surilie Brothers' yard had two problems: 1) He was unable to equip the rake. 2) He was not offering training services.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Ambroise_Canne#Bugs
* Bernadette Peneles would be seen raking the path in Tamika's yard instead of the grass due to the radius on the AI pack being too large.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Bernadette_Peneles#Bugs
* Davide Surilie's morning work package was an hour too short, causing him to always leave for home to eat lunch rather than eat in the vineyard, assuming it isn't raining.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Davide_Surilie#Bugs
* Else God-Hater has a room and bed marked as hers, but her AI pack did not have her using it. She would therefore sleep in whatever random bed was convenient.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Else_God-Hater#Notes
* Eyja's eat package after moving to Rosethorn Hall and her market wander package were both improperly set up as find packages, causing them to fail.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Eyja#Bugs
* Undena Orethi had scheduling conflicts between her work package and sleep package, as well as no location being set on her noon time eat package.
A useless travel package has also been removed.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Undena_Orethi#Bugs
* Sakeepa's entire herd will follow him as intended during his sheep herding package.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Sakeepa#Notes
* The door to Hanz gro-Hubrag's house in Blankenmarch was not owned by him.
* The door to Philip Franc's house in Blankenmarch was not owned by him.
* Slight bit of furniture rearrangement in Ri'Bassa's house to allow space to turn the single bed into a double so both NPCs who live there can execute their sleep packages.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Zabhila#Notes
* Ferrum's meal package could not execute due to an impossible set of conditions.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Ferrum#Bugs
* Schlera Sestius' wander package was in the wrong position, blocking both of her other packages. She also lacked a key to get into the room she should sleep in.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Schlera_Sestius#Bugs
* Davela Hlaren's bed rental dialogue used the wrong condition check to see if the player had the money to pay.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Davela_Hlaren#Bugs
* A rumor about how the Fighters Guild raided a family tomb could be given even if the player never actually raids the tomb in "Amelion's Debt".
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Amelion%27s_Debt#Notes
* Stage 40 in "Mystery at Harlun's Watch" could trigger incorrectly in one of the log entries if only 14 of the required 15 trolls were killed, which throws off other dialogue in the quest, making it impossible to finish.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Mystery_at_Harlun%27s_Watch#Bugs
* A rumor about a cover up involving the Fallen Rock Cave contract would circulate even if the player told Modryn Oreyn the truth about what happened.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Unfinished_Business#Notes
* In Forsaken Mine, if the player visits before "Trolls of Forsaken Mine" and does not return until after the cell resets, all of the bodies which should be visible will have been removed.
If this has already happened in the game, this fix cannot undo that, but it will prevent it from happening if the player has not yet visited the dungeon.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Trolls_of_Forsaken_Mine#Notes
* In "The Hist" it was possible to get expelled from the Fighters Guild if the player attacked Maglir before he spoke.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:The_Hist#Bugs
* Erthor will continue to follow the player if he is expelled from the Mages Guild while escorting him back to Skingrad.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Skingrad_Recommendation#Bugs
* During "The Bloodworm Helm" it is possible to outdistance the entrance to Fort Teleman which will cause the stage 20 update to fail, leaving the quest marker pointing to the exit instead of the location of Irlav's body. The GetDistance check has been replaced with a trigger zone just inside the fort entry, which is more reliable.
The body also would remain after the quest was completed and not be removed on cell respawn.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:The_Bloodworm_Helm#Bugs
* During "Arrow of Extrication" quest markers for going to Bravil would still point to the beggars even if they were dead.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Arrow_of_Extrication#Bugs
* Arrving outside Gweden Farm before 11pm during "The Siren's Deception" will trigger both journal entries for stage 50 due to an incorrect comparison operator being used.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:The_Siren%27s_Deception#Bugs
* Two paintings in the Bruma player house were never enabled after purchasing the Upper Wall Hangings upgrade.
The receipt for this upgrade will also reflect the proper quantity of paintings, which was wrong either way.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Buying_a_house_in_Bruma#Notes
* When first entering the painted forest in "A Brush with Death" it could be possible for Rythe to fail to initiate his greeting to the player. This has been fixed by removing the distance check on his script so he will peform it regardless of how far away from the player he is. This could have been due to his AI pack having a radius large enough to pull him away from the entry point.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:A_Brush_with_Death#Bugs
* Black Brugo would continue to try and follow Alonzo if he was dead. The bug report also mentions Roxy but Brugo has no AI covering him.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Knights_of_the_White_Stallion_%28quest%29#Bugs
* It was possible to hire Eyja as your house servant even if you didn't have enough gold to pay the cost.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Helping_Hands#Notes
* Even if you could not afford to rent the bed at Imperial Bridge Inn, you'd still have gold deducted from you and the room would still be made available.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Imperial_Bridge_Inn#Bugs
* The UOP changed "silver glass" to "silver cup" but failed to update the quest journals and dialogue for the heavy armor training quest. The journals are fixed, but the dialogue will be left as-is since the audio still references glasses.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Heavy_Armor_Training#Notes
* On board the Sea Tub Clarabella, there is a note that is part of an unjournaled quest, written by First Mate Filtch. This note cannot be picked up if dropped.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Illegal_Cargo#Bugs
* If the player has joined the Mages Guild and is then expelled before "The Path of Dawn", TarMeena will not be in the Arcane University lobby and thus unavailable to complete the quest.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:The_Path_of_Dawn#Bugs
* When renting a room from Shuravi, though you still must have enough gold on you to get the "Yes" option, none will actually be subtracted from your total if you accept.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Three_Sisters%27_Inn#Bugs
* When renting a room from Andreas Draconis, you could get away with paying as little as 10 gold for her 20 gold room due to a faulty dialogue condition.
* AngaWallSwitch01SCRIPT does not contain an OnReset block, so the switch governed by it will not reset with the rest of the cell.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Anga#Bugs
* A welkynd stone inside level 2 of Hame was set a ridiculous distance outside the playable area and has been moved to where it can be retreived.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Hame#Notes
* If the book "Cleansing of the Fane" is picked up and in the player's inventory before "Nothing You Can Possess" gets started, the player cannot trigger one of the quest stages by reading the book from their inventory due to the book's script having no OnEquip block to do this.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Nothing_You_Can_Possess#Bugs
* One of the benches in Fort Nikel would trap the player inside a pillar if sat on.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Fort_Nikel#Notes
* All of Ancotar's items outside at Fort Caractacus was marked as owned by Fathis Aren.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Ancotar#Notes
* Seridur does not have vampire dust on him when he dies.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:The_Order_of_the_Virtuous_Blood_%28quest%29#Notes
* If the player spoke to Ralsa Norvalo after starting "Canvas the Castle" she would act as though you had come back to reconsider taking up "The Order of the Virtuous Blood" due to the dialogue condition checking the wrong quest.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:The_Order_of_the_Virtuous_Blood_%28quest%29#Bugs
* The cooking plank at Crestbridge Camp is left behind when the rest of the camp is dismantled.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Crestbridge_Camp#Notes
* The betting formula that takes the player's luck into account had some glitches in it causing the bonus health to not be applied if luck was either 99 or > 100.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Arena_%28building%29#Betting
* The Descendent and Subjacent versions of the Shock damage/Resist shock sigil stones have now been fully corrected to fit the pattern of the other stones of the same type.
See: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Sigil_Stone
* If the legion patrol that comes to your aid during "The Battle for Castle Kvatch" manages to survive the whole battle, they will stand around in the chapel with their swords drawn forever.
* Added the C.Music bash tag to the description field.
* The fix included previously in the UOP to remove the quest item flag from the waterfront tax note was incomplete.
* Meshes\dungeons\ayleidruins\interior\arwhallironwork01.nif had no collision for the bars on the top half.
* Dervera Romalen's Cheydinhal dialogue had a grammar problem which has been fixed to match the spoken audio.
* The normal maps for the sand used in the Arena did not match their textures.

UOP Changes for 3.2.10

* MS08AleronLocheScript has invalid syntax.
* LeyawiinGuardCityPatrolDay01 and LeyawiinGuardCityPatrolNight01 are both missing the LeyawiinGuardPatrolBeginPatrol package. Without this, these two guards will abandon their patrol routes in the city

UOP Changes for 3.2.9

* The recently replaced Mara statue in Bravil is floating above the pedestal. Oops.
* TG10UOPAlreadyFoundBoots somehow got attached to "Sins of the Father" in addition to its normal spot in the Thieves' Guild quest line.
* With the same topic edit issue, the actual INFO record that was to be edited got marked as a deletion by the CS, which completely breaks the dialogue for the quest.

UOP Changes for 3.2.8

* Corrected a mismatched subtitle for Fathes Ules' dialogue describing Albert Jemane.
* Reverted the activation of the Gottshaw Inn legion patrol due to significant numbers of crash reports near Kvatch. Kvatch appears to be a highly sensitive area.
* The Zenithar statue in Bravil should be a Mara statue.
* North Marker in the Anvil Smuggler's Cave was pointed the wrong direction.
* Meshes\Clothes\Upperclass\UOPAdamusPhillidaSeveredFingerHands.NIF is missing from the main UOP 3.2.0 download and is needed for a prior fix.
* Changed how the Anvil cathedral and cloister VWD fix was handled so that it can be made more compatible with mods.

That last bit about the VWD fix is semi-important. You'll need to regenerate your VWD in order for it to work. Otherwise the two buildings will go missing again.

Also uploaded the hotfix for the KOTN UOMP file on the same page.

UOP Changes for 3.2.7

* LpGhostFrostDamageTarget was not immune to silence as the other ghost powers are.
* LpGhostAncientFrostDamageTouch had incorrect target+self settings when both effects should have been set for touch.
* The scripts for the individual shrines for the Divines still had the bug that was fixed for the Nine Divines altars in the chapels.
* Maiq the Liar's AI packages have been altered to remove the "find calipers" package due to strong evidence it leads to crashes near Kvatch.
* AI pack ICWaterfrontGuardNightSleep8x8 was set to sleep at 8PM when it is clear by the other packages on the guard that it should have been 8AM.
* A dialogue condition error in MS10 (Corruption and Conscience) made it possible to repeatedly be offered the key to Ulrich's quarters.
* Another dialogue condition error in MS10 made it possible if timed right to receive the reward for turning Ulrich's evidence in repeatedly.
* Removed the script and activator name from the Clavicus Vile shrine's dog piece due to the scripts not synchronizing their data.
* Oghma Infinium quest item flag has been restored, and the player prevented from reading the book until after an artifact choice is made on what to give Martin during Blood of the Daedra.
* Fast travel was not restored properly after completing Caught in the Hunt.
* Two of the keys in Caught in the Hunt had improper scripts assigned to them which might have contributed to quest stages being triggered out of sequence.
* Corrected positioning on a blood decal that was clipping in Empty Mine.
* Several bridge pieces inside Fort Farragut were sticking out too far, allowing you to see through their undersides.
* Maeva the Buxom's bed at Whitmond Farm was not marked as owned by her.
* In the book "Modern Heretics", Volendrung is described as a sword when it is and always has been a hammer.
* Fixed a missing quantity on the Dark05RewardHeart leveled list that may have prevented the reward from being given.
* The topic DarkSister was moved from "A Knife in the Dark" to the generic Dark Brotherhood dialogue topic due to it never being available despite being explicitly added to the player's topics.
* Linked HaderusGoldwineTopic up to the Kvatch siege quest, Bethesda had already recorded voice files.
* Linked the unused Kvatch responses up so Honditar and Bogond in Chorrol will speak them.
* Hitting the Grey Prince outside of the Arena would still generate crowd noises.
* ElvenStatueScript fix originally provided did not properly handle leaving and returning to the cell the statues are in.

UOP Changes for 3.2.6

* The level 5-9 bonus reward for "The Assassinated Man" was missing from the Dark05RewardHeart leveled list. (discovered by unknown @ UESP)
* When adding the Blackwood Company's dog to the cell, I forgot to edit the dog itself to drop its aggression values to keep it from attacking the player unprovoked.
* Four dialogue conditions in "The Elven Maiden" were set wrong and could cause the game to skip the theft of the bust in Cheydinhal.
* The dead guard outside the Oblivion gate east of Leyawiin was flagged as respawn, which caused him to eventually resurrect. This is undesirable because his face is distorted and remains that way after he respawns.
* underwaterseaweed02.nif was missing a stencil property, causing it to be invisible when viewed from the wrong side.
* Fixed middletable01.nif so it does not vanish off screen when viewed at odd angles.
* Corrected a remaining flaw in the MS94 script that controls the Fort Sutch Oblivion gate.
* The door to Harborside Warehouse in Anvil was not owned by the proper faction which could sometimes get Wilhelm the Worm killed for trespassing.
* Some of the Rumare Slaughterfish spawns are not disabled properly which can lead to the "Go Fish" quest incorrectly updating stages if the player picks up the scales from the corpses. This will then cause other stages to misfire, leading to the quest not enabling new targets when it should.
* AI packs on Countess Caro's travel packages to Chorrol had impossible conditions on them, so they never executed.
* Building meshes corrected since 3.2.0 are now AWLS compatible.

Changes for 3.2.5


* LowerclassPants08 had no female ground mesh.
* leyawiincastle01.nif had the wrong type of collision defined.
* sewerroomwallmid01.nif had no collision applied.
* Clipping issue in chorrolmguildwallupper02.nif fixed by Brumbek.
* Dwarven gauntlets mesh clipped through the hands in first person. Fixed by UberTom.


* Magra gro-Naybek will now eat between 6pm and 8pm so that he is available before the shop closes for business.
* Gave Fadus Calidius some clothing so he won't be running around his guild hall naked.
* Enabled the legion patrol rider at Gottshaw that was disabled for unknown reasons.
* Removed the quest item flag from the Southern Books key. If pickpocketed, this will allow the player to drop it if it isn't wanted anymore.
* DABoethiaCageOpenScript01 contained an extra endif which makes the script syntactically invalid.
* MG09Script contained an extra endif, and a typo after another one that invalidated the script syntax.
* MG19ChestScript contained an extra endif which makes the script syntactically invalid.
* RufioDie_Script contained an extra endif which makes the script syntactically invalid.
* ThumperZ has provided a more streamlined version of the AltaroftheNine script.
* The easy version of an Azhklan Troll had no troll fat in its inventory like the other versions do.
* The easy version of a Kalperklan Troll had no troll fat in its inventory like the other versions do.
* The DBEnWeapBladeWoe10 enchantment had fortify magicka instead of damage magicka like all of the other versions.
* Door ownership and lock information in Leyawiin Best Goods And Guarantees was set wrong.
* Bash tags updated for use with Wrye Bash 279+.
* LL0LootArrow3SilverAbsorbMagic75 was listed twice in LL1NPCArrowMagic100 but had only been removed once.

Some fixes for 3.2.5 provided by "Rob":

* Adamus Phillida should switch to the Leyawiin faction when he retires during the DB quest.
* Removed Imperial Legion random conversation about death of emperor after Main Quest is done.
* Fixed Shepherd's Pie making a different Cure Disease potion at Master-level Alchemy than other ingredients.
* Quest markers show for all available fences when Independent Thievery quest is selected.
* Amusei and Methredhel quest markers will show during Independent Thievery when you're waiting for them.


* Mirabelle Monet sleeps around, as intended, rather than almost always with Thurindil.
* Timothee LaRouche sleeps earlier to avoid three-in-a-bed scenario.
* Enilroth now puts gold in barrel along with dead drop note.


* Set ownership of Varon Vamori's bedroom door so he can get out!
* Path Grid at top of dock steps fixed.


* Fixed Gromm telling the player they "do NOT belong in here" while outside or at Olav's.
* Jeanne Frasoric no longer wanders after going to sleep.
* Quest marker during Spies will now lead you directly to Jearl's house instead of the back way through Bruma Caverns.

Imperial City

* Hillod the Outlaw's schedule fixed so he will sleep.
* During Allies for Bruma, Ocato will head towards the main palace door and wander there instead of moving "out of bounds" to his quarters.


* Gundalas' schedule fixed so he will sleep.
* Path grid in Leyawiin Best Goods And Guarantees was missing a node connection to the upstairs area.
* Tweaked pathing in Mages' Guild 2nd Floor West so Acata doesn't try to walk through the bench or walls in her room.
* Fixed a problem with Wumeek where he was unable to meet up with Weebam-Na as he should have.
* Kantav Cheynoslin no longer gets up to wander the chapel after he goes to bed.


* Dion will now execute his Skingrad explore package properly.


* Fixed pathing so actors will walk around walls properly.
* Moved Ayleid Coffer so Brugo can reach it reliably. (This change will not take affect if you've already visited Telepe)
* Fixed Brugo erroneously wandering around dungeon after getting gold - now re-joins bandits.

UOP Changes for 3.2.4


* The path grid in Hackdirt Caverns was seriously messed up.
* The Clavicus Vile dog statue had the wrong texture path assigned.
* castlesecretblack01.nif has been reverted back to the vanilla version of the mesh, which actually DOES block secret areas from showing up on the map. The UOP version of this mesh fails to do this in a fairly substantial way, which leads to cell maps showing things that shouldn't be revealed until discovered.
* Chaky provided a short list of buried rocks and other items which have been moved out where they can be seen.
* Deleted a buried wall at Dasek Moor. - Chaky
* Cell names for mage and fighters guild buildings have been updated to be more consistent with those already renamed in 3.2.0 - Chaky
* A duplicated welkynd stone in Wendelbek was moved to a new holder. - Chaky
* A fort ruin piece in Pale Pass was out of alignment. - Chaky
* UOP supplied nif for Anvil Castle has been properly cleared of junk info.
* UOP supplied nif for Anvil Castle Tower has been properly cleared of junk info.
* Collision fixed on the Skingrad castle wall piece.
* UOP supplied _far.nif for Anvil Castle has been properly cleared of junk info.
* Corrected a broken ROAD node link on the path from Weye to Chorrol which caused NPCs to unnecessarily use the mountain road instead.
* Corrected a broken ROAD node link east of Pell's Gate that caused NPCs to unnecessarily traverse the northern route around the Imperial Isle even when the southern one was shorter.
* Corrected yet another ROAD node link that was severed over the bridge at the SE outlet to Lake Rumare.
* The mesh supplied to indicate missing meshes had two unparented nodes which have been deleted.

UOP Changes for 3.2.3a

* Removed the resistance additions for boards and imps due to *ahem* "popular demand".

UOP Changes for 3.2.3

* A section of path grid was missing from the SE Imperial Sewer tunnel.
* The script SewerVerticalGate01SCRIPT immproperly unlinked path nodes from open sewer gates due to not checking the state of the gate prior to doing so.
* EncArrow4DwarvenFireDamageLight, Arrow4Dwarven, EncArrow4DwarvenSilence, EncArrow4DwarvenFireDamage, EncArrow4DwarvenFrostDamage, EncArrow4DwarvenShockDamage, and EncArrow4DwarvenFrostArea are all incorrectly pointing to the menu icon for iron arrows which Bethesda included but apparently never uses.
* The chest in the tutorial dungeon containing the rusty iron armor was missing a pair of rusty iron gauntlets.
* The skeleton in the tutorial dungeon with the rough leather gear was missing the helmet and gloves.
* Regular imps have been given their expected 50% resistance to magic.
* Imps in Camoran's Paradise were missing their expected magic resistance and water walking abilities.
* Boars in the game have been given their expected 25% resistance to magic.
* Blood and mana fountains in Oblivion planes should no longer fail to have their affect on you due to reflection and/or absorbtion abilities.
* Favor of Akatosh restoration will no longer fail due to reflection and/or absorbtion.
* Various powers and lesser powers have been made immune to silencing.
* Spells acquired from runestones have been made lesser powers and immune to silencing.
* Spells from shrines, wells, stones, etc, have all been set to manual cost of 0 to avoid potential failures.
* Altar of Zenithar script was incorrectly casting the Akatosh altar spell on NPCs who activate the altar.
* Rotated obcavefloor2lava_n.dds 180 degrees to align it properly with it's regular texture file and glowmap.
* Phaedra's patch to fix the green artifacts on flower planters is included.
* Path grid around the Knights of the Thorn house had issues with trying to pass through walls.
* LOD meshes for Boethia's statue and shrine have been optimized properly. They were full size copies of the real meshes.
* City wall sections in SW Cheydinhal have been restored that went missing somehow in the previous update.

UOP Changes for 3.2.2

* War Axe of Enfeeblement and Battle Axe of Jinxing apparently had their enchantment fixes reverted for some reason, and they have been un-reverted.
* Horses left over outside Talos Plaza after the main quest will be moved to more logical places.
* Dar-Ma's horse will move to the corral at the Chorrol stables after the Hackdirt quest involving her is over.
* Picking up the pipes in the Hist room in the Blackwood Company will no longer count as theft.
* Fixed ownership on the silver dagger in the Dagon Shrine so it won't count as theft.
* Reverted a rock edit in 21,11 that left 3 smaller ones above it floating free.
* Substituted the outdoor fire at the bandit camp outside Vilverin in such a way that it will not double up the lighting with lighting mods, causing performance issues.
* Redid the method of substitution for the torch lights on the Skingrad Castle bridge as well, so as not to interfere with lighting mods and cause performance issues.
* Proper fix for silver shortswords, daggers, and longswords provided by hexaae.
* Fixed a hole in the side of the Anvil Fighters Guild mesh. Thanks to hexaae and Pacificmorrowind.

UOP Changes for 3.2.1

* Removed C.Water tag from Bash tags list.
* Removed "War Axe of Sapping" from the LL0NPCWeapon0MagicWarhammerLvl100 as it is not a warhammer like all the others.
* Added AI pack SkingradGunderExplore4x2 to Gunder in Skingrad so he will perform his city exploration as intended.
* Added AI pack UOPGanredhelDogsFollow4x2 to Ganredhel's dogs so they will follow as they're supposed to when Ganredhel walks them.
* Numerous AI packs have been adjusted to use the proper types and durations where needed.
* The script for the Skingrad Mages Recommendation quest was adjusted to more properly count the number of zombies killed. Taken from TIE's reworked script.
* Position of a rock, 000ABC39, in Blackwood has been corrected to cover up the cell boundary between 30,-41 and 30,-40.
* Map marker for Red Lane Camp had no map data attached.
* Map marker for Two Decker Camp had no map data attached.
* Map marker for Leyawiin West Gate had no map data attached.
* Scripts 'streetlightscript' and 'ExteriorLightScript' have been optimized to reduce FPS hits from repeatedtly enabling/disabling light sources.
* meshes\architecture\castle\CastleWallRiverGate01.NIF was missing one of the crenels on the top and has been fixed.
* A bug where closing the Fort Sutch oblivion gates before completing Allies for Bruma would cause any city gates which remained open to revert to their original states with no signs that they had ever been opened. Wreckage from closed gates would also disappear. This would break the Allies for Bruma quest making it impossible to complete.
* Open Cities compatibility script has been removed and replaced with a script-less solution using the "rock" method described in the Open Cities documentation.
* Fixed a couple of bugs in the ROAD record.

Thank you enjoy the Community Fixes
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:52 am

nevermind - missed Arthmoor's update
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:06 am

Reposting this so it does not get missed.

Here's one for ya Arthmoor, at the top of each tower before the main one in http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Random_Oblivion_World_4. The metal stairs that lead up to the top of the room do not make any of the clanky clanky metal sounds when you walk on them

Also, I have made 2 fixes for myself. I believe these should be in the UOP but I will leave it up to you so I have provided an http://www.mediafire.com/?d8td689b84i6jeg

The first one fixes the UOP fix for Cingor, removing him from the Fighters Guild instead of the Mythic Dawn which makes more sense. The second fixes the unique items that http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:M%27raaj-Dar has respawning with the rest of his vendor chest. I removed them, and put them in a new chest owned by him that does not respawn.
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:21 am

Some further testing on this Maglir situation. I went back a couple of saves, removed ALL mods from the game including the UOP, and then proceeded to butcher the entire BWC before any of them had the chance to talk. No murders, no bounties, no getting expelled. Did this 3 times with the same result each time. I'm having a hard time seeing how the UESP arrived at the conclusion that killing BWC members would get you expelled from anything, or charged with murders for that matter.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:47 am

Probably they had mods installed.

I've noticed recently I've been accused of murder more frequently - even when just defending myself. At one time I knew which mod caused that to happen more often.

Stop Dark Brotherhood though has been essential.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:30 am

There's no probably about it. Unless there's some kind of manipulation of Maglir's faction data, you're not going to get expelled from the guild. None of the BWC members ever had that issue and yet the UESP page for the quest also has bogus bug reports about them causing the same problem.

I'm not exactly running a light mod load either, and I still didn't have a problem until mucking it up with a UOPS fix for a false bug. Yeah, I'm a bit hacked off about it :P
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:07 am

Arthmoor, I'm not sure if I ran into a bug...but I had a problem a while ago (I located it while playing your Feldscar village mod, BTW :) ). When I had to do the Vanilla quest "A brush with Death", I entered the Painted World, and talked with Rythe Lythandas (I activated the talk), before getting the quest update that you get as soon as you enter the Painted World, resulting on Rythe not having any dialogue topics, and breaking the quest, as I didn't received any quest update afterwards (and the Bosmer bandit' copse only appears after receiving the quest update/s).

UOP installed: 3.3.
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Jack Walker
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:25 am

There's no probably about it. Unless there's some kind of manipulation of Maglir's faction data, you're not going to get expelled from the guild. None of the BWC members ever had that issue and yet the UESP page for the quest also has bogus bug reports about them causing the same problem.

I'm not exactly running a light mod load either, and I still didn't have a problem until mucking it up with a UOPS fix for a false bug. Yeah, I'm a bit hacked off about it :P

Ok, I went back a bit and read your edit, and your latest posts... So, are you saying that 3.3 "broke" this quest because it tried to remove Maglir when he was removed already? I'm not surprised the UESP is wrong... As I reported in the previous thread, I found an issue with Boots of Springheel Jak in which it says that something is fixed by the UOP when it isn't - it actually appears that it's a dialog option that was left out completely - the only bug is that perhaps the journal entry should be fixed (see my previous post). The point is, I don't trust what the UESP says anyway...

So where are we? I tried removing the edits done by 3.3 and that didn't help me... I know that I've never had a problem in the past, as I said previously, so I doubt the 3.3 edits are required unless I'm super atypical. It doesn't sound like I am, in this case anyway :)

So would reversing the edits in 3.3 fix things? If so, maybe I have to go to an earlier saved game to test because the one I have (right before exiting the basemant) didn't seem to work when I reversed the edits previously. I thought I did it right...
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:26 pm

Yes, reversing the fix in 3.3.1 will fix it. The whole thing was a false bug. Without some kind of mod or console intervention, Maglir WILL NOT cause expulsion from the guild regardless of how you engage combat with him. I even proved that point by walking in to Leyawiin, and using a console MoveTo command to put him in the city, then attacked him. The guards HELPED me kill him, and nothing bad came of it. Blackwood Company is a marked evil faction, so killing its members will not give you a bounty, get you accused of murder, or cause your expulsion from a non-related guild. You could technically burst in and kill them all (if they weren't essential) when Modryn sends you to infiltrate them to begin with.

Your save right before leaving the basemant is too late, the UOPS will have already done the -1 faction rank change and Maglir is back in the guild. No need to even bother with an older save, just do this while in the basemant:

prid 2ae31
setfactionrank 2228f -1

You can confirm he's out by using "SameFactionAsPC" before leaving the basemant. Then kill him at will.
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:27 am


I have 3.2 OMOD ver installed.

How do I install 3.3 upgrade?

Regards, Haldir
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:38 am

Be there an ETA for 3.3.1? I obviously didn't advance the FG quest-line fast enough to help with testing. But I'm further along than I was! I'm in no rush and can easily hold off on the final BWC confrontations as long as need be, but a rough time estimate would help me decide which other quest(s) to concentrate on in the interim.

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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:24 am

Yes, reversing the fix in 3.3.1 will fix it.

And those using OOO will not be affected, since OOO also edits the quest without the -1 faction line.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:00 pm

OMOD Version, for http://timeslip.chorrol.com/obmm_download.html, also very easy to use if you have used OMOD's before (recommended)

Greetings Corepc. :)

Please change the link for http://timeslip.chorrol.com/obmm_download.html (dead link) to this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097 and perhaps add http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32277 with an update mod feature to the OP.

The previous Unofficial Oblivion Patch threads can be found here:
Previous threads purged

These links to previous threads are all purged, so here is the last http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1112327-relz-unofficial-oblivion-patch-320-thru-3210-supplemental-patches-hotfixes-uomp-knights-updates-relz/ 21st I believe.

Thank you Corepc and the UOP-team for your hard work. :bowdown:
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:22 am

Yes, reversing the fix in 3.3.1 will fix it. The whole thing was a false bug. Without some kind of mod or console intervention, Maglir WILL NOT cause expulsion from the guild regardless of how you engage combat with him. I even proved that point by walking in to Leyawiin, and using a console MoveTo command to put him in the city, then attacked him. The guards HELPED me kill him, and nothing bad came of it. Blackwood Company is a marked evil faction, so killing its members will not give you a bounty, get you accused of murder, or cause your expulsion from a non-related guild. You could technically burst in and kill them all (if they weren't essential) when Modryn sends you to infiltrate them to begin with.

Your save right before leaving the basemant is too late, the UOPS will have already done the -1 faction rank change and Maglir is back in the guild. No need to even bother with an older save, just do this while in the basemant:

prid 2ae31
setfactionrank 2228f -1

You can confirm he's out by using "SameFactionAsPC" before leaving the basemant. Then kill him at will.

I see. So setfactionrank almost acts more like a toggle and I would have to do it one more time to get him out again...

Very good. Glad we got that sorted!

Thanks Arthmoor.

EDIT: Confirmed, running the above commands reverses the "fix" and I'm still in the Fighters Guild after killing him. Come on, you just knew I was going to try it... ;) So Decrepit that should work for you as well if you do get far enough along before the next version is released.
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:39 am


I have 3.2 OMOD ver installed.

How do I install 3.3 upgrade?

Regards, Haldir

Have a look at the first few lines of Corepc's first post in this thread:
UOP Supplmental 3.3 See Post 2 for details
Download 3.3 from Tesnexus - requires 3.2.0 UOP to be installed first

Just install 3.3. It will ask for confirmation about overwriting some things, including the UOP plugin itself, just confirm and you're good to go. You could create an omod out of 3.3 if you want - makes things a bit easier, but it's just a straight install. Use BOSS to sort...
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:55 am


Oh nice, I had no idea there was a new version out of OBMM
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:27 am

I'm getting a persistent crash when the avatar of akatosh turns to stone at the end of the mainquest. The only thing that touches the quest is the UOP. I have looked at in TES4Edit and I can't figure it out at all.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:56 am

The whole thing was a false bug.

There are more bugs in Oblivion than in your philosophy's dreams :P
Looking into the history a bit is a dead-end, unfortunately. It was first added in http://www.uesp.net/w/index.php?title=Oblivion:The_Hist&oldid=120565 with the explanation "→Bugs: moving console commands for explusion quest to that quest's page; fixing details of expulsion", and that linked page has since been deleted. As a wild guess, I'd imagine it was either a v1.0 or v1.1 bug, but it could also be some mistake that runs the Result Script, that removes Maglir from the Fighter's Guild, twice. Either way, worth leaving in with a if GetInFaction FightersGuild check first.
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:55 am

I see. So setfactionrank almost acts more like a toggle and I would have to do it one more time to get him out again...

Only when doing the -1 thing it seems. Values >= 0 don't act as a toggle.

I'm getting a persistent crash when the avatar of akatosh turns to stone at the end of the mainquest. The only thing that touches the quest is the UOP. I have looked at in TES4Edit and I can't figure it out at all.

I'll look at it, but chances are it's an isolated incident. You've had other odd problems already that have turned out to only affect your game. I'm certainly in no position to get to the end of the MQ anytime soon with the only character I have that even could.

There are more bugs in Oblivion than in your philosophy's dreams :P
Looking into the history a bit is a dead-end, unfortunately. It was first added in http://www.uesp.net/w/index.php?title=Oblivion:The_Hist&oldid=120565 with the explanation "→Bugs: moving console commands for explusion quest to that quest's page; fixing details of expulsion", and that linked page has since been deleted. As a wild guess, I'd imagine it was either a v1.0 or v1.1 bug, but it could also be some mistake that runs the Result Script, that removes Maglir from the Fighter's Guild, twice. Either way, worth leaving in with a if GetInFaction FightersGuild check first.

Oh, I'm aware Oblivion has a boatload of bugs, which means anyone and his brother can file a bug report and chances are it won't be questioned without validation. As useful as the UESP is, I don't trust their validation process one single bit. Buggy or not, leaving bugs that don't really exist in place is a serious disservice. That whole mess with the Necromancer's Amulet for instance.

The reason The Hist page no longer lists the 3 expulsion related bugs is because I got them removed after posting my test results there. Unfortunately that's what's necessary to remove bogus information. Easy as pie to add, you practically need a lawyer versed in wiki-politics to get that bogus information reverted. None of us has the time to go through every report and present that kind of evidence. Even then, they don't always accept the evidence you pile up.
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:37 am

I'll look at it, but chances are it's an isolated incident. You've had other odd problems already that have turned out to only affect your game. I'm certainly in no position to get to the end of the MQ anytime soon with the only character I have that even could.

Ya, and I'm getting real tired of it. I can't do anything without running into a problem. Thanks for taking a look.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:55 pm

Yes, reversing the fix in 3.3.1 will fix it. The whole thing was a false bug.

Would it not be better to make sure that he is removed if he somehow are still in it. Maybe with a if statement, or if that is not possible in a result script, by setting his rank to 1 and then to -1. The last should be foolproof.

I also tested the SetFactionRank function.. When used twice and FormID reports a NPC as a member of a faction, GetInFaction still returns 0
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:11 am

It's not the job of the UOP to put in safeguards against mods or console cheating, without some very good reason for why it should be done that way. Just because a random mod comes along and changes his faction alignments somewhere along the way doesn't mean we need to place code in to watch for it.

There was no issue prior to this fix. It was a response to what was supposed to have been vetted information on a real bug. Turns out that information WAS NEVER VETTED. It was simply accepted because someone said something to the effect of "it happened on an Xbox".
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:41 am

I'll be finishing up the Thieves Guild quests shortly, which will allow me to confirm a couple of bug fixes. I will be finishing the main quest shortly, but I want to gain a couple of levels first - if I can find enough to do! I hate dungeon crawls and don't like clearing dungeons just for the sake of it (besides I have over 300,000 gold anyway!). Anyway, I can post my results when all this is done.
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Bad News Rogers
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:10 am

Ya, and I'm getting real tired of it. I can't do anything without running into a problem. Thanks for taking a look.

I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the changes made to MQ16. All of the relevant script commands dealing with Akatosh also exist in vanilla. The UOP only seems concerned with making sure nobody goes on uncontrolled AI killing sprees due to accidental bounties.
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Marquis T
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