Well if the Best Defense situation can't be resolved as we have it now, fixing it so they both go do their thing in town on the same day would resolve it. I think it's mainly that they separate on the weekends to go do other stuff and the door locking parts of the AI are screwing up. I'll see what I can do there. Probably just have Maro go do his wander while Varnado is at the temple and then have them both come back at the same time.
If Deestan and Trayvond don't have beds and all they need is to be told to sleep downstairs, that can probably be arranged. It's not that huge a deal to figure out who to redirect with a new sleep package. The guild is obviously too crowded to drop more beds upstairs though.
I haven't had a chance to go back on Loredas or Sundas to see what the guys at BD are up to, so you might want to hold off on that if you'd like to get the separate packages working. It'd be a bit different to only have one in the shop occasionally. That's why I didn't specifically report it in a separate post. If it's too much bother, then your suggestion is fine.
Re. Deetsan and Trayvond - yes I think it'd be best to tell them to sleep downstairs. If you wanted to get fancy, you could have Deetsan take over Falcar's room once he's gone, but that might be too much work... I just think it's nice to have a quiet guild at night and it is handy for vampires

I still haven't made it back at the guildhall between 10 and 2 to see if she reads or not. Does she need a book in her inventory for that to happen - because I don't think she has one...
I've got lots of confirmed minor fixes, but they really don't impact anything. I'll hang on to those and perhaps list them all in one post at some point. One funny one: if three steps constitutes wandering, then Ah-Malz in Skingrad FG is wandering now

At least he's not standing on his bed for hours on end, but he doesn't wander much. This is one of those minor ones that I'm not too concerned about. As I reported previously, I am pleased to say Ambroise Canne in Skingrad is fixed - makes it much easier to get training from him.
This is one "feature" that I wish we could fix: getting NPC's to stop attacking horses. I'm sure this has been looked into and probably isn't fixable, but it's one I have a lot of trouble with. I don't care about the stable hands, but in Skingrad, I've had to reload several times to keep Reman Broder from attacking either my horse or the ones at the stable. This is a problem because he's a trainer. I know the work-around for City Swimmer (who steals and gets caught) is to provide her with food, but I don't know of a work-around for the horse attacks. Is there a fix that I'm not aware of?