Yes yes, point taken. That'll teach me not to expand the AI pack window next time. They're both using the right pack now and that should solve the problem while keeping the rest of the packages as intended.
The horse thing has to be Ulrim's, you're not seeing standard game behavior. NPCs don't randomly run around killing horses in the base game.
Thanks Arthmoor. Glad to hear we got BD fixed up. I'll report on Deetsan when I have a chance to repay her a visit, but that one is pretty minor. Question about Crestbridge Camp: Did you intend that the cooking plank be removed or that the whole camp remain? I interpreted the comments on the UESP as meaning that the whole camp should remain so that it's still a camp when the NPC's leave, but I think your comments indicate that you think everything should go. It's still called Crestbridge Camp afterwards, so I think it should remain a camp, but I don't typically use them anyway, so it doesn't matter to me personally if you remove everything. I don't think I can confirm this one because I have done that quest already (and I'd rather not re-do it from an earlier save - I hate goblins

There are still a couple of other things I'd like to verify involving trainers and I think that will finish up the testing. Did you want to release another patch for a quick test or just go ahead with the release? If you release another patch, I could confirm those fixes and finish up the last couple of checks on the trainers.
Re. Ulrims: I'll remove the ingredients from the horses and see if that fixes it. I find the concept distasteful anyway, truth be told.