[Relz] Unofficial Oblivion Patch 3.2.0 + Unofficial Patch Su

Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:28 am

It's probably something on your end, I have no problems with that horse.

But what could that be? This is with five or six different mod set ups over several years - and I'm seldom using Realistic Force, for example, and not now. What can affect it?
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:19 pm

Do you have something that might alter the horse skeleton? I don't have any problems with that horse either... I've actually tried to loot it a couple of times, so I'm there long enough to notice. :D

Now I am usually running Slof's horses and Ulrim's, so I don't know if that's part of it or not...
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marie breen
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:45 pm

Do you have something that might alter the horse skeleton? I don't have any problems with that horse either... I've actually tried to loot it a couple of times, so I'm there long enough to notice. :D

Now I am usually running Slof's horses and Ulrim's, so I don't know if that's part of it or not...

Not sure - have to check that. Using MMM which has Slof's horses but it's a rather new addition so couldn't be it on earlier occasions.

I happen to have a save just there and loading it several times I notice that it's random, so it happens perhaps 50/50. I also think it's because it's a bit dislodged from elemental spell casting, as it's right by a spawn point. Anyway, a small annoyance - just wondered what it is that causes corpses to move freakishly at times.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:30 pm

The Havok implementation in this game was never very good. Things flop around all the time (or in some cases, fall right through the surface they were resting on). Just one of the many annoyances we must deal with in this game.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:36 am

Yes, I was wondering about that too. I had this NPC, I think a trader in the Kvatch camp called Sigrid. She was stuck in a tent and twisted around horribly. Then she screamed
two times and she was dead! Guess I have to resurrect her at some point... These twisting corpses, I observe them now and then. It has been years since I played vanilla Oblivion, but I think I remember this to occur in vanilla as well.

Also, I guess it is quite normal that if you enter a guild or a shop you hear this noise and all items in the area (weapons, things on the tables etc.) move/jump around a little bit. These glass showcases very often contain "vibrating" items... ??
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:13 pm

Stretched and horribly twisted corpses are almost always from a bad setting in oblivion.ini. Look in the [HAVOK] section for bAddBipedWhenKeyframed=1 and change it to 0. Oblivion needs it to be 0. FO3 and later need it to be 1.

If corpses are shaped okay but just moving a bit, I just think of them as not quite dead yet.

The items bouncing around in stores might be from the "Max Picks" line in that same ini section. I've seen people reduce it from 40 to some lower number to improve performance, but then Havok can't manage all those items. Changing it back to 40 might fix it.
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:02 pm

Hm, thanks Supierce. The settings are at 0 and 40, respectively. So, these thing occur also with the standard settings. I am curious if somebody knows a cure...
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Peter lopez
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:17 am

Im having issues installing the supplementals patch via OBMM. when i try to add the archive or as a folder i get a warning message about multiple esp's. I went ahead and no esp's were on the list so i must of done it wrong. Can anybody give some advice on how to install this through OBMM.
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Emilie M
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:12 am

Im having issues installing the supplementals patch via OBMM. when i try to add the archive or as a folder i get a warning message about multiple esp's. I went ahead and no esp's were on the list so i must of done it wrong. Can anybody give some advice on how to install this through OBMM.

After you've clicked OK on the message about multiple esp's, OBMM should give a message about OMOD-conversion data being found. Is your archive complete, the file size should be: 16,4 MB (17.200.043 Bytes)?
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:04 pm

Yea its 16.4 should i just add the archive? i get this message though

Warning this folder contains esps files in the sub directorys. You proberly know the rest.

When i just carry on none of the esps show up in my list in obmm. is that normal?
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Maya Maya
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:50 am

After the warning, did you click Yes or Ok to continue? It should prompt you to import the OMOD conversion data - say yes.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:21 pm

I click yes and go through the process. After its all done the esps are not on my list? i downloaded the latest version of OBMM with the update.
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:54 pm

Well double-click on the OMOD and install it.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:57 am

Nevermind! I downloaded the one you fixed and it has version 3.3.5.

I have Unofficial_Patch_Supplementals-27710-3-3-5.7z installed, but in the description of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp, it has Version: 3.3.4.
Is this correct?
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gemma king
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:59 am

3.3.5 is the latest version and so far as I know the version field in the description is correct as I've seen other people posting load orders with 3.3.5 listed.

On the subject of current stuff, expect one more big update for 3.3.6. A user generously sent over a massive collection of stuff, most of which was minor, but some of which was important enough to warrant work being done on it. I've been testing it here and there and it all seems to be working ok so far, although much of it likely won't even be noticed as it dealt with AI packs.

Yes yes, I hear the screams now, "but you said 3.3.5 was it!". I know, I did, but for sure this is it. The one last big UOP capper before Skyrim.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:44 pm

Might want to check with the OBSE *OBGE guys, I know I seen it being disscused awhile back, and if it wasn't here, it must've been there. :smile:

*Wrong Thread :brokencomputer:
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:12 pm

So, it will be the big finale of the UOP? An historical moment if there ever was one.

There are so many nitpicky things I would have liked it to include, until I realized it was counterproductive to deal with so many of them :D

Still, if I may fill in a last bug report, remember the hardcoded spell DefaultMarksmanParalyzeSpell, formID 137? It is called by the engine to paralyze actors hit by a forward power attack or an arrow when the attacker is at master weapon skill. It is obscure how the engine does this, but it doesn't seem to do it too well.
That spell seems to behave both as if the hit actor had cast it, and as if it had been cast from an outside source. It trains the player's illusion skill, and it can be absorbed and reflected. Weird.
Those problems go away when changed to a lesser power (doesn't train skill and can't be dispelled), and toggling on the disallow spell absorb/reflect flag (and the immune to silence couldn't harm it either).
Finally, its name, 'Master Marksman Paralysis', is a bit misleading because it can be triggered with melee power attacks when at master skill too, I'm guessing they forgot to change it to something more fitting. I was thinking something like 'Master Strike' would fit it better.

Oh, and thank you before and afterhand for taking good care of this for so long, you really kept the flame of the war against bugs alive. A war that is never won no matter the victories, but must be fought anyways.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:48 pm

And the Cobl team has a update GenericLoreScript that the UOP will need to intergrate..I will send you (dev cobl version )..
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Lucie H
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:29 pm

Hah, so that's why that master perk never seems to work that often? NPCs are nullifying it? :P

@Corepc: Cool deal. As long as I don't need to wait on COBL to update at the same time or something, cause I've been at this awhile now, maybe I should have said something sooner, but as long as it won't hurt stuff to deploy without you guys updating COBL.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:45 pm

@Corepc: Cool deal. As long as I don't need to wait on COBL to update at the same time or something, cause I've been at this awhile now, maybe I should have said something sooner, but as long as it won't hurt stuff to deploy without you guys updating COBL.

The genericlorescript that we have is different from the 1.73 version that is posted on texneus..It may cause problem if the UOP version was updated and people try to use older version of cobl in which the variables etc do not match up..Not to familiar with genericlore script once again..not the scripter on the cobl team. And haama is away with rl duties..
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:54 am

On the subject of current stuff, expect one more big update for 3.3.6. A user generously sent over a massive collection of stuff, most of which was minor, but some of which was important enough to warrant work being done on it. I've been testing it here and there and it all seems to be working ok so far, although much of it likely won't even be noticed as it dealt with AI packs.

Nice to hear! I know you said they'd likely be unnoticeable, but can we get a sample of some of the fixes you're doing for 3.3.6?
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:15 pm

Might as well let you guys see the whole thing, yes? :P

UOP 3.3.6:
Changes for 3.3.6

Mesh Fixes

* The city sign mesh for Chorrol had no collision. Copied the block from the Anvil sign.
* Several statues have had their collision meshes simplified to aid performance issues the originals cause.

Other Fixes

* NPC conversations still taking place about Glarthir even if MS38 has concluded with his death.
* Removed the broken ImpEx AI packs from several NPCs who have broken routines because of them.
* Fame rewards for Blood of the Daedra, Blood of the Divines, Paradise, and Origin of the Gray Prince are never applied.
* Fame reward for Imperial Corruption is never applied, however the fix cannot be reliably used for a save in which the quest is already done since Audens could be killed by someone other than the player. There is no way to detect who killed an NPC after the fact.
* The infamy award for Affairs of a Wizard is never properly applied.
* In Ahdarji's Heirloom, Amusei is removed from the Leyawiin faction twice, and added to the Skingrad faction twice. This results in a bug in which he ends up in the wrong city factions at the end of the quest.
* If the initial Thieves Guild quest is completed by stealing Rohssan's sword, the journal entries where Armand gives you the guild rules are never called because they don't exist for that quest stage.
* After Through A Nightmare, Darkly, Henantier never loses his quest object flag so if he's killed afterward, his body will never clear out.
* An item duplication glitch has been fixed in a locked container inside Glarthir's house.
* Fixed a bug where if the player unlocks Amusei's jail cell in Leyawiin before offering him a lockpick the quest will not proceed until the offer is made.
* EnchDwarvenWarhammerBurden, EnchDwarvenWaraxeDamLuck, EnchDwarvenMaceDamWillpower, CGClub, and EnchSteelMaceBurden should not be flagged to ignore weapon resistance.
* EnchIronDaggerDraFatigue, EnchIronDaggerEmber, EnchIronDaggerPacification, EnchIronDaggerShiver, and EnchIronDaggerSpark all have incorrect health values set.
* AI pack AnvilDailyWorshipGogan8x4 was not assigned to Gogan.
* AI pack AnvilDailyWorshipUlfgarOneEye8x4 has been changed to start at 10am so his sleep package doesn't override it.
* AI packs BravilDailyWorshipMarz16x4, BravilDailyWorshipMarz8x4, and LeyawiinDailyWorshipOnStayaSundew8x2 had conditions on them which restricted proper use.
* Isa Raman has an extra package in her schedule that can never be executed and is not needed.
* AI pack ChorrolDailyWorshipAlbericlette6x2 was never assigned to Alberic.
* AI pack SkingradDailyWorshipGunder20x2 was never assigned to Gunder.
* Several NPCs who have the "quest item" flag never lose it upon their death or after their AI no longer needs priority processing. These flags will now been removed at the appropriate times.
* A script has been included that will fire once for OBSE users that will bring respawn and low level processing flag fixes into an existing save. This script will be ignored if OBSE is not installed.
* First Mate Filch seems to find himself in the Tiber Septim Hotel a lot for no real reason. His AI pack has now been swapped for one that will return him to his ship. No more spontaneous fights in the hotel now because of his super aggression.

Note: Fame and infamy fixes will be auto-corrected. Users of mods like Oblivion XP may find themselves suddenly gaining several experience point bumps. This is expected, as they are points you should have received but didn't due to the buggy way the game was trying to modify them.

A large group of minor fixes supplied by "PrinceShroob" from the Bethesda forum:

* Allesia Caro's AI packs governing her trip to Chorrol have now been fixed properly. Only took 5 years, who's counting? :P
* Skingrad road signs have a capital G showing if you hover the hand over them.
* Elven Gauntlets do not hide rings as they are supposed to.
* Blades Gauntlets do not hide rings as they're supposed to.
* Borba gra-Uzgash has dialogue that should be triggered from reading a copy of "The Refugees" but the book has no script assigned, so the dialogue can never be spoken.
* The Guide to Skingrad refers to Agnete the Pickled as him - she's female.
* The Guide to Chorrol refers to Alessia Caro as a good husband to Marius Caro.
* Numerous dialogue conditions have been fixed, and several missing dialogue entries were added which already had recorded voice files.
* Darahil and Langley are now both in the same faction and can properly share their bed together.
* The Grey Fox idle animations will suspend while in menu mode.
* The waterfront tax record item found in Dareloth's house after the Thieves Guild quest should not be a quest item or have a script attached.
* Elven shields are erroneously part of the heavy shield leveled list. Orcish shields were left out.
* EnchMithrilGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchMithrilGauntletsFortSecurity, EnchElvenGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchElvenGauntletsFortSecurity, EnchGlassGauntletsFortMarksman, and EnchGlassGauntletsFortSecurity were all left out of the LL0NPCArmor0MagicLightGauntlets100 list.
* EnchMithrilBootsFortSneak, EnchElvenBootsFortSneak, and EnchGlassBootsFortSneak were left out of the LL0NPCArmor0MagicLightBoots100 list.
* EnchMithrilCuirassFortMercantile, EnchElvenCuirassFortMercantile, and EnchGlassCuirassFortMercantile were left out of the LL0NPCArmor0MagicLightCuirass100 list.
* EnchMithrilBootsFortSneak, EnchElvenBootsFortSneak, and EnchGlassBootsFortSneak were left out of the LL0NPCArmor0MagicLightBootsLvl100 list.
* EnchMithrilCuirassFortMercantile, EnchElvenCuirassFortMercantile, and EnchGlassCuirassFortMercantile were left out of the LL0NPCArmor0MagicLightCuirassLvl100 list.
* EnchMithrilGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchMithrilGauntletsFortSecurity, EnchElvenGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchElvenGauntletsFortSecurity, EnchGlassGauntletsFortMarksman, and EnchGlassGauntletsFortSecurity were all left out of the LL0NPCArmor0MagicLightGauntletsLvl100 list.
* EnchElvenGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchElvenCuirassFortMercantile, EnchElvenGauntletsFortSecurity, and EnchElvenBootsFortSneak were left out of the LL0LootArmor0MagicLight5Elven100 list.
* EnchGlassGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchGlassCuirassFortMercantile, EnchGlassGauntletsFortSecurity, and EnchGlassBootsFortSneak were left out of the LL0LootArmor0MagicLight6Glass100 list.
* EnchMithrilGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchMithrilCuirassFortMercantile, EnchMithrilGauntletsFortSecurity, and EnchMithrilBootsFortSneak were left out of the LL0LootArmor0MagicLight4Mithril100 list.
* Lerexus Callidus, Captain Montrose, and Garrus Darreliun all had respawn flags when they shouldn't have. (This change will not take effect on a save with the UOP already installed)
* Garrus Darreliun will be marked essential until Corruption and Conscience begins, as was done with the other involved NPCs already.
* Tivela Lythandas is missing her script for death handling.
* Quill-Weave's AI packs have been rearranged so her trip to Chorrol will work properly.
* The dead version of Irlav Jarol has the correct clothing.
* Jakben Imbel did not drop vampire dust as expected when killed.
* Dremora Scouts in the Kvatch siege quest will now properly drop daedra hearts.
* Winson will now sleep in his proper quarters.
* Othrelos will now sleep in his proper quarters.
* Mandil will now sleep in her proper quarters.
* Marana Rian's Bravil AI packs were out of order.
* Areldil has been made a mid-level security trainer in accordance with existing rumor dialogue indicating he should be one.
* Malintus Ancrus will now properly offer his mid-level security training.
* Vicente Valtieri will now drop vampire dust upon death and is capable of transmitting his disease during combat.
* Danus Artellian was not a member of the Skingrad guards despite having the uniform.
* Kud-Ei will now properly offer the upper level illusion training she should have been.
* Valus Odiil should have been the missing advanced level heavy armor trainer.
* Bremman Senyan's post gate AI had him always following Farwil.
* Kathutet, Ranyu, Orthe, and Amkaos will now properly drop a daedra heart upon death.
* Dremora Kynval in the temple attack will now properly drop daedra hearts.
* The dead version of Arnora should not have had an active script being processed which could disrupt the quest flow.
* The Dremora Sigil Keeper in the Kvatch gate will now properly drop a daedra heart at death.
* The Afflicted Brethren in the Azura shrine quest will now drop their vampire dust at death rather than carrying it as inventory. Two of them were also missing their curse spell.
* The YvaraChannitteDailyAudience AI pack will only trigger when the countess is actually present in the Bruma castle so Yvara won't follow her off to the chapel during the MQ.
* The FGBurzSpar AI pack was set to the wrong type.
* The LeyawiinGuardCountessAudience8x10 AI pack was set to the wrong type, and was also allowing thie affected NPC to follow the countess wherever she went.
* The BravilSundayHunt AI pack was set to locate the wrong item type for its purpose.
* AI pack BravilVisitLuckyOldLady20x2 and BravilVisitLuckyOldLady8x2 should not be selected while Following a Lead or Honor Thy Mother are running.
* AI pack HorseWanderCurrent mistakenly had affected horses returning to wander near their editor locations.
* AI pack MS23GilenSleep2x8 has the NPC sleeping in the wrong part of the house.
* AI pack ICElvenGardensMWF10x7 actually had NPCs using it 5 days a week instead of the intended 3.
* AI pack ICTalosPlazaDistrictMTWTF0x6 had no radius assigned.
* AI pack ICWaterfrontFloatedBloatMTWTF20x2 was set to the wrong type.
* AI pack MythicDawnRandomWander was set to the wrong type.
* AI pack CastaScriboniaOakCrosierEar20x2 had the wrong time set, causing a clash with another AI pack in her schedule.
* AI pack AudensRoundsArenaWestGate mistakenly had the NPC wandering at their editor location.
* AI pack MQ11UlrichLelandBrumaSleep left Ulrich sleeping in Bruma past the end of the battle quest.
* AI pack ChorrolChatChapelSteps12x4 was set to the wrong type.
* AI pack Dark08MatildeNeville incorrectly targeted the base NPC record rather than the in-game reference.
* AI pack SkingradShumgroYarugWaitOnCount incorrectly targeted the base NPC record rather than the in-game reference.
* AI pack ChorrolChatChapelSteps20x4 was set to the wrong type.
* AI pack ChorrolChapelSundayWorship10x2 had condition checks for Canvas the Castle when it shouldn't have.
* AI pack FGWatersEdgeExteriorExplore was set to the wrong type.
* AI pack LeyawiinGuardEscortCountOutsideCastle was not provding escort properly for the count while outside.
* AI pack Dark08NelsStagger did not have proper flags set on it.
* AI pack CheydinhalMGDeetsanWanderBottomFloor12x4 was set to the wrong type.
* AI pack AmuseiSleepWaterfront6x6 was missing conditions to prevent Amusei from trying to walk all the way to the Waterfront to sleep each night if the thieves guild quests hadn't advanced far enough yet.
* AI pack ICWatchClaudiusHouseWander2 was set to the wrong type.
* AI pack LeyawiinCastleDinnerAlessia was using the wrong chair.
* AI pack SkingradWanderMarket10x4 was set to the wrong type.
* AI pack DarkFirstMateAmbush was targeting the base player object instead of the player reference.
* AI pack AugustaRead was set to the wrong time causing a clash with the sleep package.
* AI pack Dark08NevilleSleep1 was set to the wrong time.
* AI pack Dark08DovesiShadow targeted the base NPC record rather than the NPC reference.
* AI pack MS09JorundrSleepsJail was set to the wrong type.
* AI pack BuntaraBegAtTempleSouth, BuntaraBegAtTempleNorth, TG07LexAnvilCourtyard16x2, and BravilGuardEat16x2 were set to the wrong type.
* AI pack LarthjarBegAtMainGate and LarthjarBegAtPalaceGate had incorrect flags set.
* AI pack Dark19Sleep2 and Dark19Sleep3 were using the wrong room for sleeping.
* AI pack OcatoSleep0x8 had impossible conditions set.
* AI packs BravilDailyWorshipMorningUseAltarZenthar, BravilDailyWorshipMorningUseAltarMara, BravilDailyWorshipMorningUseAltarAkatosh, BrumaDailyWorshipEveningUseAltarDibella, BrumaDailyWorshipMorningUseAltarZenthar, BravilDailyWorshipMorningUseAltarArkay, BravilDailyWorshipMorningUseAltarDibella and BravilDailyWorshipMorningUseAltarStendarr were using the wrong altars.
* AI pack BrumaMGSelenaOraniaSleep1x7 was set to the wrong type.
* The final stage of Information at a Price was incorrectly starting the vampire cure quest.
* When Corruption and Conscience (I HATE THIS QUEST!!!) initiates, Garrus Darelliun should have his essential flag removed with all the other involved NPCs.
* During "Spies" Jeral's body is not always unmarked as a quest object and the corpse will therefore never be cleaned out of the game.
* Cheydinhal's non-quest dialogue conditions were not properly restricting their use to the city's faction members.
* After the Bruma MG recommendation quest, Volanaro's essential flag was being removed when it should not have been.
* During the DB Purification quest, Telaendril's body was not clearing it's quest item flag and therefore the corpse would never be cleaned out of the game.
* The Chorrol castle key did not have the quest item flag removed after Canvas the Castle was done.
* The quest journal in Wayward Knight incorrectly identified one of the knights as a Breton. He's an Imperial.
* During Ultimate Heist, if the player fights the monks they are supposed to get expelled from the guild. This did not work properly due to a bad disposition check on the player.
* Jean-Pierre Lemonds carries arrows but has no bow.
* During Ultimate Heist, even if the player was not sneaking, it was possible to steal Savila's Stone without being detected.
* An Unexpected Voyage should be halted if Ormil or his orc servant are dead before the quest begins.
* Sanguine's daedric quest was not halted once it had been completed.
* Seridur initiated his greeting too soon in Memorial Cave during Order of the Virtuous Blood.
* The door script for the DB Whodunit quest did not properly prevent the player from leaving in all cases before the guests were dead.
* Mercator Hosidus would not consistently be wearing his necromancer robe when attacking the player during Ulterior Motives.
* Adamus Phillida should equip his gear if attacked while swimming but not using the Rose of Sithis.
* The alarm script in Whodunit was using the wrong detection events.
* Gan Luseph and Tsavi both need chapel keys to access locked areas their routines send them to, but they never got those keys.
* The script effect for poisoned apples will be removed upon the NPC's death to prevent the effect sticking to NPCs that respawn.
* No bed was provided for Gilen Norvalo's wife to sleep in.
* The reward chest for Two Sides of the Coin and The Forlorn Watchman will populate with appropriately leveled items for when the player actually completes the quests.
* If the player accidentally kills Ajum during the interrogation, his death will now trigger the intended quest block.
* The guard class now has its marksman skill back, but loses athletics so the light armor skill can remain. The script which was supposed to handle auto-leveling the guards is brutish and not guaranteed to work. Plus, the MMM check embeded in it is useless except when starting a brand new game. With a correct skill set, guards will now advance in whatever manner they would have without this script in place. There is no ill effect from having it stop on a game already in progress.

USIP 1.4.3:
Changes for 1.4.3

* dementiahouse05interior.nif is missing alpha properties on the interior display doors.

A large group of minor fixes supplied by "PrinceShroob" from the Bethesda forum:

* Speaking to Haskill before trying the Font of Madness when The Roots of Madness has started does not trigger it's intended stage and journal entries.
* One of Haskill's dialogue entries during Ritual of Dementia references the wrong branch of the quest.
* Various other minor dialogue condition errors have been fixed, and additional dialogue entries that were missing but have voice files recorded have been added.
* Caldana Monrius' Key is misspelled.
* Cutter does not have an AI pack to sleep in the proper area, and should not offer recharge services.
* Relan does not properly begin his patrol pattern, and as such never emerges from his house in Felmoor as intended.
* Dumag gro-Bonk should not offer recharge services.
* Earil should offer recarheg services but does not.
* Dylora was not placed into the Dark Seducer faction.
* AI pack SEUshnarSleep22x8 has the wrong target set.
* AI pack SE07GundlarEats is set to the wrong type.
* AI pack SEAhjazdaEatCurrent18x2 is set to the wrong target.
* AI pack SEAhjazdaHomeWander is set to the wrong target.
* The static effect for the staff in Symbols of Office sometimes persisted and will now be disabled properly.
* Not all of Thadon's possessions are properly set to player ownership once he's dead in Ritual of Mania.
* The obelisk and other related material from The End of Order are not all properly cleaned up in one of the stages.
* Not all of the reward items for Baiting the Trap are set to the appropriate levels when the reward chest is populated.
* Obelisks of Order do not reset themselves properly during the advancement of the Greymarch plot line and have been fixed.
* The quest flag is not removed from the Fork of Horripilation when it's given back to Big-Head.
* Dredhwen is never returned to Passwall after the end of the MQ.
* Herdir's script was allowing him to follow the player out of the Isles.
* Previous USIP fix for Sheogorath's vanishing cane was not correct.
* The disguise used to deal with apostles in Symbols of Office did not properly allow the player to speak to NPCs there.
* The post-MQ quests for the Defend the Realm topic contributed to save bloating through the use of PlaceAtMe to drop copies of NPCs that did not come from leveled lists.
* The Voice of Sheogorath spell used the wrong method for freezing opponents in combat.
* The script which gives Cutter a weapon for the rooftop fights leads to inventory bloat because it does not remove the daggers when her AI changes to other packages.
* Previous USIP fix to keep players from talking to heretics did not take sneaking into account.
* Previous USIP fix to reset the cell in Ebrocca needed an OnReset block added.
* Syndel's Boltcaster should be Syndelius' Boltcaster.
* Big Head's sleep AI pack is directed to the wrong cell.

Plus a couple of minor things in the UOMP stuff, none of which was at all critical, but still.

So I guess now's the chance, if anything here looks suspicious, or somehow wrong, speak up. If anyone wants the file to look over in more detail, I can link that too.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:50 pm

* Elven shields are erroneously part of the heavy shield leveled list. Orcish shields were left out.

* EnchMithrilGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchMithrilGauntletsFortSecurity, EnchElvenGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchElvenGauntletsFortSecurity, EnchGlassGauntletsFortMarksman, and EnchGlassGauntletsFortSecurity were all left out of the LL0NPCArmor0MagicLightGauntlets100 list.
* EnchMithrilBootsFortSneak, EnchElvenBootsFortSneak, and EnchGlassBootsFortSneak were left out of the LL0NPCArmor0MagicLightBoots100 list.
* EnchMithrilCuirassFortMercantile, EnchElvenCuirassFortMercantile, and EnchGlassCuirassFortMercantile were left out of the LL0NPCArmor0MagicLightCuirass100 list.
* EnchMithrilBootsFortSneak, EnchElvenBootsFortSneak, and EnchGlassBootsFortSneak were left out of the LL0NPCArmor0MagicLightBootsLvl100 list.
* EnchMithrilCuirassFortMercantile, EnchElvenCuirassFortMercantile, and EnchGlassCuirassFortMercantile were left out of the LL0NPCArmor0MagicLightCuirassLvl100 list.
* EnchMithrilGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchMithrilGauntletsFortSecurity, EnchElvenGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchElvenGauntletsFortSecurity, EnchGlassGauntletsFortMarksman, and EnchGlassGauntletsFortSecurity were all left out of the LL0NPCArmor0MagicLightGauntletsLvl100 list.
* EnchElvenGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchElvenCuirassFortMercantile, EnchElvenGauntletsFortSecurity, and EnchElvenBootsFortSneak were left out of the LL0LootArmor0MagicLight5Elven100 list.
* EnchGlassGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchGlassCuirassFortMercantile, EnchGlassGauntletsFortSecurity, and EnchGlassBootsFortSneak were left out of the LL0LootArmor0MagicLight6Glass100 list.
* EnchMithrilGauntletsFortMarksman, EnchMithrilCuirassFortMercantile, EnchMithrilGauntletsFortSecurity, and EnchMithrilBootsFortSneak were left out of the LL0LootArmor0MagicLight4Mithril100 list.

Changes look good..

Elven Shields are already removed the Heavy Armor list and Orc is used instead..

I object and plead and ask that we do not debate about this one.. for you not to go and adding in all those special weapon and armor to leveledlist, this is going to cause all kinds of problem with other mods that alter those same leveledlist and that is pretty much all the overhaul..

those Items where left out list in first place and have always been left out of the UOP once again has not to break balance..

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Arrogant SId
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:01 am

Changes look good..

Elven Shields are already removed the Heavy Armor list and Orc is used instead..

I object and plead and ask that we do not debate about this one.. for you not to go and adding in all those special weapon and armor to leveledlist, this is going to cause all kinds of problem with other mods that alter those same leveledlist and that is pretty much all the overhaul..

those Items where left out list in first place and have always been left out of the UOP once again has not to break balance..

Would it be possible to split them off into an optional patch? I don't run overhauls, but I would love to have these fixes.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:34 pm

Quick question, though it's not important. Did Enilroth in Anvil ever get a merchant chest, to prevent the equipping of sold items?
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