[Relz] Unofficial Oblivion Patch 3.2.0 + Unofficial Patch Su

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:26 pm

Wow. Well here I thought I was being clear with telling people not to pull the existing file out because it would end up removing the plugin the OMOD script uses to detect if the UOP has been installed yet or not. You certainly don't want to uninstall the UOP 3.2.0 package, nor would you uninstall the original UOMP packages. But you should simply replace any existing supplementals with the new ones.

Plus side is, if you're using BAIN or doing it manually, it makes no difference what you do ahead of it. Technically you don't ever need to remove the old one, just overwrite the data with what's in the new one.

Do people seriously not rename their files before putting them in the installers folder? I know I do, and I figured that was the common sense way to get BAIN to see you have an update, anneal it, then go on as usual without pulling out the old one first.

So how do most people normally handle an update using BAIN or OBMM?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:10 pm

Regarding the questions on installing this:

You need the "original" Unofficial Oblivion Patch version 3.2.0. (UOP 3.2.0)
You need the "original" Unofficial Oblvion Official Mods Patch version 15 (UOMP 15).

You do not need any of the previous releases of the supplementals or the hotfixes. Not sure about this MOBS thing :)

Now, the issue is that depending on the installation tool you use, if you remove 3.3.1 or any of the other supplementals, the Unoffiicial Oblivion Patch.esp will be removed because the supplementals just replace the main plugin.

So, you have two options:

Leave the supplementals alone and just install this new one over top. There will be a lot of overwrites.
Remove the supplementals, and then re-install UOP 3.2.0 and UOMP 15. Then install this latest package.

I found it cleaner to go with the second route because I had some hotfixes and early releases. I wasn't sure what I had anymore! I'm using OBMM and found it pretty easy to just re-install UOP 3.2.0 and UOMP 15.

For BAIN users, here is the suggestion from Arthmoor:

"Well with BAIN all you'd need to do is make sure the archive name is the same, but since Nexus has a nasty habit of renaming your file to match the text used for its description, those change all the time. Rename the file before dropping it over the existing installer. Go to the installers tab, wait on BAIN to recheck things, and then it will report the updated installer as out of sync. The anneal function in BAIN will take care of the discrepancies. No need to remove the previous copy first."

So basically as long as the archive has a different name that the previous version, you can put it in the Installers folder and install it. You will need to use the Anneal function - whatever that is :)
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:01 pm

So how do most people normally handle an update using BAIN or OBMM?

See my note above :) I don't know about BAIN, but with OBMM I create an omod out of the archive. The problem is that when it's packaged for BAIN, OBMM has a hissy fit over all the folders, so you either have to repackage everything into another archive, or create an installation script. Unfortunately the only tool you have to test for the installation of a previous version is the existance of files. If you deactivate the previous version of the supplemental, which is what I normally do, OBMM will remove the files associated with that omod. This deletes the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp and probably a few files in the Meshes and Textures folders. That's why I was asking if all the files required for the supplementals were included in the latest package - I believe they are.

Anyway, I think I have clarified the upgrade path in my previous note. Perhaps you could have a look at that and see if it applies to people using BAIN. If not, I can edit it to say it would only apply to people using OBMM.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:28 am

Think that's why we have the http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28537

Aren't they for Vanilla and SI only?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:34 am

Anyway, I think I have clarified the upgrade path in my previous note. Perhaps you could have a look at that and see if it applies to people using BAIN. If not, I can edit it to say it would only apply to people using OBMM.

Well with BAIN all you'd need to do is make sure the archive name is the same, but since Nexus has a nasty habit of renaming your file to match the text used for its description, those change all the time. Rename the file before dropping it over the existing installer. Go to the installers tab, wait on BAIN to recheck things, and then it will report the updated installer as out of sync. The anneal function in BAIN will take care of the discrepancies. No need to remove the previous copy first.

Aren't they for Vanilla and SI only?

Yes, but since the UOP only edits vanilla items that MOBS patch is all you need.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:58 pm

So how do most people normally handle an update using BAIN or OBMM?

For me with BAINs - Depends on what I have done to it additionally - But in the case of UOP Supplementals they usual come with version as part of the name of the archive,


The only thing I do then is check its bain friendly, if not repack, and version as necessary.

I usually do give them a version number if not included just for future reference (I didnt in this case because the name was different to the previous series of supplementals, and with the install instructions indicating we needed a previous version of the UOP Supplemental ... decided to wait and see).

Also concerning version numbers, most people hereabouts if unsure of versioning would check the date stamp on nexus, but currently anyone not realising that might think version 3 thousand 2 hundred and 10 is the latest UOP Supplemental.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:54 pm

Ha :) Just found out what a double post is, first time it ever happened to me ...... Delete ME! :)
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:15 pm

Yeah, I guess the documentation needs clarification. Hell of a reason to end up re-upping the package later but if it avoids more confusion I guess it's necessary. The OBMM thing is what threw this all off anyway, so I blame that :)
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:45 pm

Yes, but since the UOP only edits vanilla items that MOBS patch is all you need.

Sorry, by Vanilla I meant without the DLC packs. So, does the standalone one replace the UOMP_1-5_MOBS one and rebalances all DLC-added weaponry, too (since UOMP clearly edits them)?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:13 pm

No, the standalone one is for vanilla only. I'd imagine one still needs to alter the DLC weapons for MOBS support. I don't know how those are currently set up, but if all they do is alter weapons and load after the UOMP patch files, then they should still continue to work. Though you'd miss any minor fixes to weapons that came with this last update.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:38 pm

Pretty much just replacement plug-ins

(Readme from MOBs patches)
Normally I don't include readme's for patches. In this case I want to, to extend thanks to the following people that did the MOBS stats used in creating these versions of the UOMP for Knights of the Nine, Thieve's Den, Vile Lair, Mehrunes Razor, and Battlehorn castle.

*Double Post
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:45 pm

Pretty much just replacement plug-ins

(Readme from MOBs patches)
Normally I don't include readme's for patches. In this case I want to, to extend thanks to the following people that did the MOBS stats used in creating these versions of the UOMP for Knights of the Nine, Thieve's Den, Vile Lair, Mehrunes Razor, and Battlehorn castle.

For the base UOMP the credit goes totally to Quarn and Kivan. Without their tireless work you would have these patches to begin with (make sure you install version 1.5 of the UOMP first for the DLC plugs you have).

The Knights of the Nine MOBS stats were done for FCOM and adopted into a stand alone file by CorePC. Credit for this work belogs solely to dev_akm and the FCOM team.

Thieve's Den, Vile Lair, Mehrunes Razor, and Battlehorn castle MOBS work was done by Yorkmaster (HerrJork). Cleanup and reposting of the plugs were completed by miguick (migck). Credit for this work belongs to these generous folks.

My role here was to merge these plugs in order to make them as conflict free as possible for MOBS/UOMP users.

Please report problems with these versions of the adopted UOMP to the Frans Patch page, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17621, or the official Frans thread at http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showforum=25. You will have to use the search function to locate the most current Francesco's thread.
Alternative to this is the Frans forum at the Wormhole, http://thewormhole.nfshost.com/forum/index.php.

To use these plugs Download the latest version of the UOMP from either PES or TesNexus and then replace the plugs with these. Use Wrye Bash / OBMM to make sure these load below the correct DLC. If you use Wrye Bash you can use the bash tags included to merge parts into your bashed patch.

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:38 am

Yes, if they replace the patch files, they need to be redone by whoever is maintaining those. It shouldn't be overly difficult for someone to do using TES4Edit.
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Brian Newman
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:25 pm

So how do most people normally handle an update using BAIN or OBMM?

With BAIN repackage - never satisfied with how it comes usually.

I have a BAIN package with the main UOP then the latest supplemental in later sub-packages.

If one does not do that or something like that then I can see the confusion and think unique names for the archives on each release would be helpful.

unless I'm missing something here.

What is with the forum being sluggish and slow?

...I'm outta here - mandatory date night.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:47 pm

Do people seriously not rename their files before putting them in the installers folder? I know I do, and I figured that was the common sense way to get BAIN to see you have an update, anneal it, then go on as usual without pulling out the old one first.

So how do most people normally handle an update using BAIN or OBMM?

I of course create the bulk of my BAIN packages so give them whatever name seems most apt, such as "Castle_Seaview_v1.1_BAIN-25574.7z" and "Companion_Vilja_v2-3-2_BAIN-28977.7z". Yes, I do occasionally rename BAIN-ready downloads, but for the most part those tend to be good-to-go as is. Oddly, I've never felt it necessary to rename any of YOUR mods, with the exception of the RAEVWD add-on for Elsweyr-Anequina which I ended up redoing as a Complex Package, making architecture, landscape, plants, rocks and trees all separate selectable options.

As to how we update, and sticking with UOP+UOPS...

I have a BAIN package for UOP_3.2.0 that never changes. I then install whatever the current UOPS is so that it overwrites UOP as needed. When a new UOPS comes out, I copy it into my installers sub-directory, move it into position, uninstall the older UOPS, install the new download, adjust load order, rebuild my Patch, and run TES4LODgen. Pretty simple really. Of course there are many mods I handle more or less as I did with OMODs, integrating updates in the main BAIN package rather than keep 'em as separate packages.

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:08 am

Yes, if they replace the patch files, they need to be redone by whoever is maintaining those. It shouldn't be overly difficult for someone to do using TES4Edit.

It isn't. It's just a case of 'copy as override'ing the weapon entries from the MOBS version of each patch into the new versions. In fact, it should be possible to create a single patch file with just the 'mobsified' weapon entries, tagged such that Bash will import the weapon stats for whichever DLCs you have loaded. ({BASH:Filter,Deactivate,Stats} perhaps?)

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:37 am

I am also looking for the answer to Baphometal's question:

Is the mod DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp necessary?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:33 pm

DAMalacathOgreDoor2 "A Rusty Door" [DOOR:0009DB40] in PotholeCaverns "Pothole Caverns" [CELL:000149AD] is this a fix or something dirty?

It's a fix. One that apparently got missed in the documentation. Pothole Caverns is nowhere near Bleak Mine so it shouldn't have had ownership by the Drad Faction.

Edit2: Is the mod DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp necessary? I think a complete fixpack is easier to install.

I am also looking for the answer to Baphometal's question:

Is the mod DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp necessary?

Not to sound rude or anything, but it would have been nice if stuff like this had been brought up before. That was something I wanted to cover, but forgot about, and now only gets mentioned a day AFTER the release?

No, it's not necessary as of now, since I just updated the package to include dealing with the sigil stone thing. No idea why it was left out of the proper fix to begin with and since I don't use that patch it's easy to forget.

One thing to be aware of though - if you're currently using the SSSB patch, you'll need to remove it from your load order BEFORE updating the DLC Thieved Den patch, as the now version 1.0.7 patch runs a script at start up to return the persistent objects displaced by the SSSB patch to their original positions. It would also be highly inadvisable to do the update for that one while you're still inside the ship.

Also, no, I have not yet clarified the readme, I still haven't really come up with something that gets the point across without confusing someone. I would not have considered it standard procedure to remove the UOPS only to reinstall it again each time a new one came along. That personally just sounds silly, especially since BAIN and doing it manually don't care. I guess it's the addition of the OBMM stuff that's going to draw the most confusion about that since the files need to be there for the update script to detect things properly.

And lastly, since someone on Nexus has been hounding me about it for weeks (and isn't listening - if you're reading this pay attention): I don't have access to the original UOP or UOMP file entries on Nexus. I therefore cannot simply repackage the ENTIRE UOP or UOMP and call it a day. I can assure you that if I did, I would have done so on this last update for 3.3.2. Hopefully folks will be clear on that (especially you, Nexus user).
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:21 pm

I've noticed that some NPCs' dialogue only makes sense when talking to them in their homes. Would making a GetInCell (I think, that's it) conditions to those dialogues be something for possible future updates to the UOP?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:22 pm

So I tried merging the unofficial DLC patches to masters for
DLCOrrery.esp or DLCSpellTomes.esp (one of these 2, I forget which - the other one is already merged with the bashed patch)

and I got some major land tear issues near Bravil (I was in that area at the time) - heck, even the main bridge to the Bravil entrance disappeared! Returning to the original dlcs and the "non-merged" unoffical patches made things return to normal.

By the way, while merging with Gecko, allowing for intervention, it asks about "Exterior Cells to be Merged" while merging DLCs Frostcrag, Battlehorn and Mehrunes Razor with their respective Unofficial patches. I answered yes and merged all without bothering - maybe this is where I screwed up?

Does anyone know which dlc plugins can be safely merged to the unofficial patches through Gecko's "Merge to master"? And what should I answer when the "exterior cells to be merged" pop-up err.. pops up?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:55 am

Also, count me as one who isn't clear on how to install this - can someone check my method below?

1) I use BAIN, and currently have UOP v320, UOP Supplemental v331 with "Thieves Den -SSSB.esp" installed. I guess i need to deactivate "Thieves Den -SSSB.esp" and make a clean save without it.
2) I use BAIN, so I install this UOP Supplemental v332 after UOP Supplemental v331 and overwrite it.
3) I install this after UOMP v15 and overwrite that as well.
4) There was a file called Knights - UOMP Hotfix which had the Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp. Should I delete that once this is installed and overwrites that?
5) Once UOP Supplemental v332 is installed, can I delete UOP supplemental v331?
6) How about http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11261. Does that install between UOP v320 and UOP supplemental v332?
7) Where should this be in BAIN Installers tab, in comparison to QTP, AWLS, and RAEWD for obtaining the correct meshes/textures? Essentially, should the install order be:
QTP3_Redimized.7zOptimized_QTP3_Meshes_-_Fixed-26756.7zUnofficial_Oblivion_Patch_v3_2_0_Manual_Version-5296.7zQTP3_UOP32_Patch_2dot3-11261.7zUOP_Supplemental_v331-27710.7z                         <---can this be deleted?Unofficial_Official_Mods_Patch_v15_Manual_Version-9969.7zKOTN_UOMP_Hotfix-27710.7z                                <---can this be deleted?Unofficial_Patch_Supplementals-27710.7z                <--this file UOP Supplemental v332Animated_Window_Lighting_System_-_Meshes_v5-3-3-19628.7zRAEVWD_v1_8-20053.7z

This is my conflicts log in BAIN for UOP Supplemental v332 - is that looking fine in terms of mod install order?
= Lower ========================================
==114== QTP3_Redimized.7z

==117== Optimized_QTP3_Meshes_-_Fixed-26756.7z

==134== Unofficial_Oblivion_Patch_v3_2_0_Manual_Version-5296.7z
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp

==135== QTP3_UOP32_Patch_2dot3-11261.7z

==136== UOP_Supplemental_v331-27710.7z
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp

==137== Unofficial_Official_Mods_Patch_v15_Manual_Version-9969.7z
DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp
Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp

==138== KOTN_UOMP_Hotfix-27710.7z
Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp

= Higher ========================================
==271== Animated_Window_Lighting_System_-_Meshes_v5-3-3-19628.7z

==274== RAEVWD_v1_8-20053.7z

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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:34 pm

I've noticed that some NPCs' dialogue only makes sense when talking to them in their homes. Would making a GetInCell (I think, that's it) conditions to those dialogues be something for possible future updates to the UOP?

Barring a real break (and this documentation snafu) there aren't going to be any more updates. At some point, it just needs to end so people can finally settle on something solid.

If an update is in fact needed at some future date, and if you remember you have or did the work for it, you can send the file along then to be merged. Or release it separately as a "dialogue makes better sense" mod or something. I can't even say for sure I've ever noticed that kind of thing before.

Does anyone know which dlc plugins can be safely merged to the unofficial patches through Gecko's "Merge to master"? And what should I answer when the "exterior cells to be merged" pop-up err.. pops up?

They can all be safely merged to master, but you have GOT to remember to go back into Bash and ESPify all those files or you'll get exactly what you describe - huge random chunks of missing stuff.

Also, count me as one who isn't clear on how to install this - can someone check my method below?

1) I use BAIN, and currently have UOP v320, UOP Supplemental v331 with "Thieves Den -SSSB.esp" installed. I guess i need to deactivate "Thieves Den -SSSB.esp" and make a clean save without it.
2) I use BAIN, so I install this UOP Supplemental v332 after UOP Supplemental v331 and overwrite it.
3) I install this after UOMP v15 and overwrite that as well.
4) There was a file called Knights - UOMP Hotfix which had the Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp. Should I delete that once this is installed and overwrites that?
5) Once UOP Supplemental v332 is installed, can I delete UOP supplemental v331?
6) How about http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11261. Does that install between UOP v320 and UOP supplemental v332?
7) Where should this be in BAIN Installers tab, in comparison to QTP, AWLS, and RAEWD for obtaining the correct meshes/textures? Essentially, should the install order be:
QTP3_Redimized.7zOptimized_QTP3_Meshes_-_Fixed-26756.7zUnofficial_Oblivion_Patch_v3_2_0_Manual_Version-5296.7zQTP3_UOP32_Patch_2dot3-11261.7zUOP_Supplemental_v331-27710.7z                         <---can this be deleted?Unofficial_Official_Mods_Patch_v15_Manual_Version-9969.7zKOTN_UOMP_Hotfix-27710.7z                                <---can this be deleted?Unofficial_Patch_Supplementals-27710.7z                <--this file UOP Supplemental v332Animated_Window_Lighting_System_-_Meshes_v5-3-3-19628.7zRAEVWD_v1_8-20053.7z

This is my conflicts log in BAIN for UOP Supplemental v332 - is that looking fine in terms of mod install order?

Who knew this would turn into such a complicated thing :P

Using BAIN, install order:

[Optimized QTP3 meshes here]
UOP 3.2.0
QTP3 + UOP 3.2.0 patch
UOMP v15
UOPS 3.3.2 and any UOMPS updates you need.

The previous KOTN hotfix can be deleted in favor of the new package.

You need to be sure you're using the absolute latest version of AWLS meshes, or the UOPS fixes will get wiped out. As far as I remember, Ismelda got the updates for the normal version, but QTP3 versions don't exist. Frankly I'm not even sure they're necessary - the parallax flags being missing from two meshes probably won't even be noticed.

Normally when I'm just UPDATING a package, such as going from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 of the UOPS I would just rename the old file ( in the BAIN menu ) to match the name of the new file (that you just downloaded) then copy the new file into the BAIN installers folder. You should get a prompt asking if you want to overwrite. Do so, then go back to the BAIN installers tab and it should refresh. Anneal the package.

However, it occurs to me that this probably won't work as planned since the new package contains other stuff that wasn't there before. So yeah, I guess the old one needs to come out first. Thankfully BAIN isn't braindead and won't trash your old UOP file.

Also, yes, the SSSB patch is now obsolete and can be removed. Probably best to drop it, do a clean save, then update the UOMPS files afterward so the script in the UOMPS update doesn't get sidelined.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:31 pm

Actually AWLS is in kind of an awkward state right now. Ismelda incorporated some of the earlier meshes, but she hasn't done the ones from the UOPS yet. I asked her to on the thread, but she hasn't replied. Maybe if somebody else wants to give her a little nudge...
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:21 pm

She only needed to incorporate the 2, they were they only ones with windows on them, and I thought she said they were in 5.3.5? The one in there for the Anvil FG looks like the right one, no gap in the wall, etc. So I'd imagine the Leyawiin MG one is right too.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:18 pm

She only needed to incorporate the 2, they were they only ones with windows on them, and I thought she said they were in 5.3.5? The one in there for the Anvil FG looks like the right one, no gap in the wall, etc. So I'd imagine the Leyawiin MG one is right too.

No. This goes back to my post a few pages ago in this thread. She had added some meshes from the UOP in 5.3.0. However somebody reported a conflict with the Anvil FG and the Leyawiin MG in 5.3.5. I couldn't see anything wrong with the AWLS versions, but the file sizes are different. I wasn't sure if it was just an optimization issue.

Can you check which meshes overlap between AWLS and the UOP(S)? I get so many conflicts with OBMM that I'm afraid I just CTRL click Yes to overwrite them all.
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