I've noticed that some NPCs' dialogue only makes sense when talking to them in their homes. Would making a GetInCell (I think, that's it) conditions to those dialogues be something for possible future updates to the UOP?
Barring a real break (and this documentation snafu) there aren't going to be any more updates. At some point, it just needs to end so people can finally settle on something solid.
If an update is in fact needed at some future date, and if you remember you have or did the work for it, you can send the file along then to be merged. Or release it separately as a "dialogue makes better sense" mod or something. I can't even say for sure I've ever noticed that kind of thing before.
Does anyone know which dlc plugins can be safely merged to the unofficial patches through Gecko's "Merge to master"? And what should I answer when the "exterior cells to be merged" pop-up err.. pops up?
They can all be safely merged to master, but you have GOT to remember to go back into Bash and ESPify all those files or you'll get exactly what you describe - huge random chunks of missing stuff.
Also, count me as one who isn't clear on how to install this - can someone check my method below?
1) I use BAIN, and currently have UOP v320, UOP Supplemental v331 with "Thieves Den -SSSB.esp" installed. I guess i need to deactivate "Thieves Den -SSSB.esp" and make a clean save without it.
2) I use BAIN, so I install this UOP Supplemental v332 after UOP Supplemental v331 and overwrite it.
3) I install this after UOMP v15 and overwrite that as well.
4) There was a file called Knights - UOMP Hotfix which had the Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp. Should I delete that once this is installed and overwrites that?
5) Once UOP Supplemental v332 is installed, can I delete UOP supplemental v331?
6) How about http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11261. Does that install between UOP v320 and UOP supplemental v332?
7) Where should this be in BAIN Installers tab, in comparison to QTP, AWLS, and RAEWD for obtaining the correct meshes/textures? Essentially, should the install order be:
QTP3_Redimized.7zOptimized_QTP3_Meshes_-_Fixed-26756.7zUnofficial_Oblivion_Patch_v3_2_0_Manual_Version-5296.7zQTP3_UOP32_Patch_2dot3-11261.7zUOP_Supplemental_v331-27710.7z <---can this be deleted?Unofficial_Official_Mods_Patch_v15_Manual_Version-9969.7zKOTN_UOMP_Hotfix-27710.7z <---can this be deleted?Unofficial_Patch_Supplementals-27710.7z <--this file UOP Supplemental v332Animated_Window_Lighting_System_-_Meshes_v5-3-3-19628.7zRAEVWD_v1_8-20053.7z
This is my conflicts log in BAIN for UOP Supplemental v332 - is that looking fine in terms of mod install order?
Who knew this would turn into such a complicated thing

Using BAIN, install order:
[Optimized QTP3 meshes here]
UOP 3.2.0
QTP3 + UOP 3.2.0 patch
UOMP v15
UOPS 3.3.2 and any UOMPS updates you need.
The previous KOTN hotfix can be deleted in favor of the new package.
You need to be sure you're using the absolute latest version of AWLS meshes, or the UOPS fixes will get wiped out. As far as I remember, Ismelda got the updates for the normal version, but QTP3 versions don't exist. Frankly I'm not even sure they're necessary - the parallax flags being missing from two meshes probably won't even be noticed.
Normally when I'm just UPDATING a package, such as going from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 of the UOPS I would just rename the old file ( in the BAIN menu ) to match the name of the new file (that you just downloaded) then copy the new file into the BAIN installers folder. You should get a prompt asking if you want to overwrite. Do so, then go back to the BAIN installers tab and it should refresh. Anneal the package.
However, it occurs to me that this probably won't work as planned since the new package contains other stuff that wasn't there before. So yeah, I guess the old one needs to come out first. Thankfully BAIN isn't braindead and won't trash your old UOP file.
Also, yes, the SSSB patch is now obsolete and can be removed. Probably best to drop it, do a clean save, then update the UOMPS files afterward so the script in the UOMPS update doesn't get sidelined.