@BFG99: I don't seem to have the big spreadsheet you did of that stuff once before, so if you could send me what needs fixing I'll take care of it.
Thanks Arthmoor. As we've discussed before, however, this stuff is
extremely minor. I doubt many people would ever notice the issues, so I wouldn't worry too much about them. I mentioned it this time in jest.

Nevertheless if you are interested, the spreadsheet is available http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35560. Look for "Weapon Attribute Fixes". And, an easier to understand explanation of why the fixes were made are on the two "Unresolved Minor Issues" pages of UESP, http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Unresolved_Minor_Issues and http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Shivering:Unresolved_Minor_Issues.
The easiest approach would be to merge one of the "Fixes Only" versions of WEPON into the Unofficial Patch Supplemental. These do add a couple of new weapons (omissions on Bethesda's part), and override some changes made by the original UOP/USIP, just to warn you.
In other news, I do have one slightly bigger issue to report. One of the Amber/Madness equipment lists--either SE30AmberList or SE30MadnessList, I can't remember which--cannot be easily activated where it hangs on the wall of either Cutter's Weapons or The Missing Pauldron. You have to back up from the list, or approach it from a certain angle, to be able to activate/read it. The vanilla version of the same does not seem to have the problem. If you need more info let me know.
EDIT: I would recommend one alteration to the "weapon fixes" discussed above. All enchanted dwarven arrows are raised to 0.15lbs in the fixes ESP to match the conventional dwarven arrow. It would have made more sense just to lower the conventional arrow to 0.1lbs--that would require fewer changes, and would better match the overall progression of arrow weights.