Ok, I found the ring and a beer bottle nearby and although the slope looks like it would pull things away from the cell border, havok being the unpredictable mess it is might have caused them both to roll across the cell border into the open lake bed. Sticking a couple of Ayleid bricks in there should contain them both from rolling away to where they don't belong.Did similar with Fort Magia, and deleted the rogue hourglass on the road to Leyawiin that could have rolled past a cell border underwater. Figuring out the possibility for the culprit in Chorrol may not be so easy since I don't think anyone remembers exactly which cell vanishes.
Yup, I think that would do it. Is there a second beer bottle in the area that goes for a roll? I thought at one time I saw a couple, but I can't say for sure. I know for sure that when the landscape disappeared it was one of those times that the ring got jarred out of position, so there were a lot of things rolling around in those cells.
I've never had the land disappear in Chorrol. I remember somebody reporting once that it seemed to happen behind the chapel, but my memory could be faulty and as I said, I've never had it happen personally.
It seems the only time I get the double face bug is when i take tag alongs or full companions to Cloud Ruler Temple.I've not ever gotten that anywhere else. Is that location a known issue? Do others get it from other areas?
Now that you mention it, that's when it happens to me too. I never used to get it, but in my last couple of games, absolutely guaranteed - by the time we get to Cloud Ruler, Martin's face will be a mess

I don't normally play with companions, so it might just be a case that that's one of the few times I had a companion tagging along. I think it happened once with Modryn (fighters guild), so that would mean the problem isn't limited to the CRT area. I believe with Modryn it was outside of one of the ruins you follow him to, so that would put it between Leyawiin and Arpenia or Atatar.