Wow Kivan! Welcome back, good to see you on the boards again

Let's hope my stay is a good one.
Holy moley! Welcome back Kivan! good to see you working on it again
Or trying to at least.

Forums can be a distraction. And thank you.
Holy cow, even more stuff to fix even after the last 2 years?
Maybe a hundred more, large and small, right now. It never ends.
WOW! Didn't expect to see you back anytime soon, Kivan. Welcome!
Thank you.

Really good to see you on the boards again Kivan.

Good to be here. Well mostly.

I'm a bit confused on the changelog for 3.3.0, are these the changes that you have so far added from the UOPS?
Yes, all UOPS stuff for now. Anything new I will highlight when I start on it. I'm just collecting what to do right now.
and yet another modding god is back

Haha... yes, I am godlike, but not how you may imagine: I do very little, and others do much, and somehow it gets attributed to me.

I always felt guilty for my part in burning you out. Luckily I've taken an extended break from Oblivion so I currently don't have anything to add (but once Skyrim is out, I'm sure I will obsess over seethrough gaps again).
It wasn't anything you did... I burned myself out well enough. You weren't pointing out anything that didn't need to be. It would be nice if you were QA'ing Skyrim though. Would save me a lot of work!
As long as we're adding new bugs, here's a floor mesh in ImperialDungeon03 that's bothered me for years. It needs to be dropped slightly, or the column needs to be raised slightly.
Thanks, and welcome back, Kivan!
Thank you!
This is what I like to see...
Here is a submission from me, fixes the knight of order sword level list being out of order (OH THE IRONY!!) and fixes some AI packs of Modryn Oreyn that caused him to walk instead of run during the Azani Blackheart quest.
And this! Thanks.

OK back to work for me....