[WIP]Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) v3.4.0

Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:47 am

Version 3.4.0 of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch is in progress

Once you've installed version 3.2.0, download and install Arthmoor's http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1206449-relz-unofficial-oblivion-patch-320-unofficial-patch-supplementals/ which will add in over two years' worth of additions and corrections since we've been gone!

Installer Version, very easy to use (recommended).
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5296 (v3.2.0)
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=1417 (v3.2.0)

OMOD Version, for http://timeslip.chorrol.com/obmm_download.html, also very easy to use if you have used OMOD's before (recommended)
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5296 (v3.2.0)
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=1417 (v3.2.0)

Manual Version, http://www.7-zip.org/.
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5296 (v3.2.0)
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=1417 (v3.2.0)

Screenshots of some of the big visually changing fixes can be found at UOP's page at TES Nexus and PlanetElderScrolls or you could check out Kivan's webpage with all the pictures http://www.baldurdash.org/TESOblivion/ImageGallery.html.


The previous Unofficial Oblivion Patch threads are all purged

Unofficial Oblivion Patch
Version: 3.2.0
By Quarn & Kivan with major contributions by Arthmoor

This mod is a joint effort to fix the vast amount of bugs currently existing in Oblivion v1.2.0.416, fixing over 1,800 bugs so far! If you're experiencing a bug with Oblivion and it's not fixed by our mod please by all means report the bug to us in as much detail as possible so we can try to fix it! Also if you find any: levitating trees or rocks, see-through or fall-through walls/objects or other stuff out of place, please let either of us know. To get the exact location, use the console commands sdt 0 and then tdt, click the item, note the Cell (not PC Cell) and form ID value (the eight hexadecimal digits at the top, ie 00123ABC) and indicate what's out of place. You can use tdt again to toggle the debug display off. Thank you and we hope you have a better Oblivion experience!

Warning: Only use the Unofficial Oblivion Patch with the version of Oblivion is was created for! Using it on an older or newer version than v1.2.0.416 of Oblivion may cause bugs or things not to be fixed that were advertised as such!

Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
The Oblivion Citadel Doors' opening/closing sounds were played quite a distance away from the actual doors and fixing this problem meant that all instances of this door had to be repositioned in the game; it was made a separate ESP because a misaligned door in another mod is worse then a little door sound.

UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp
This plugin disables the ugly vampire aging effect which causes the bug where when the player is cured of vampirism, their face resets to the default male (even for a female player) face for their race. If you're already using another vampire fix such as EggDropSoap's or Scanti's OBSE fixes, or an alternate vampirism mod, then don't enable this one. It's a very small and simple change to a single game setting. To save a mod slot if you have many mods active this separate plugin can be merged with the UOP or with any other mod that is dependent only on Oblivion.esm.

Known Issues/Incompatibilities/Notes
  • UOP v3.0.0 and higher fixes numerous weighting errors with stock clothing and armor. If you're using customized wear for non-stock bodies (ie Robert's, Exnem's, etc.) that replaces the original meshes, use the manual install version UOP to avoid overwriting custom clothes, or back up the meshes in the Clothes and Armor folder, or reinstall your custom clothing meshes afterwards
  • UOP v3.0.0 and higher fixes the Arch-Mage, Black Hand, Mage's and Necromancer's Robes and the lowerclass Green and Tan robes not sharing normal maps which changes the texture path for these robes; if you're using a retexture of any of these robes you may have to avoid installing or delete the UOP NIFs for them (check the ReadMe for the names)
  • If you use Qarl's Texture Pack III with the UOP, after installing the UOP, install dev_akm's http://www.tesdb.com/files/file.php?id=11261 which integrates the fixes to the NIF meshes in the UOP with the changes introduced by Qarl's (updated 2008-Aug.-19 for UOP v3.1.0)
  • The player statue fix will only work on new or existing un-bugged games. If your statue (at Bruma's north gate after the Great Gate quest) has already died, disappeared, or just doesn't look the way you want it to, Quarn's http://www.tesdb.com/files/file.php?id=3428 mod will restore your statue and/or allow you to customize its appearance.
  • Unofficial Oblivion Patch includes fixes for custom races starting a new game, and also for the Boethia shrine quest, so you should not use other custom race fixes in conjunction with the Unofficial Oblivion Patch or neither one may work.
  • To get the benefits of the reduced file sizes of many optimized meshes making load times better, it's suggested to defragment your hard disk after installing the UOP. A highly recommended and free utility is http://www.auslogics.com/disk-defrag
  • Highly recommend to uninstall the Unofficial Oblivion Patch before installing a new version (isn't necessary and won't cause bugs if you don't just it clears away some old unused files Unofficial Oblivion Patch no longer uses).
  • Using other fix mods with Unofficial Oblivion Patch may cause some fixes not to work at all or break it even more; search the version history to see if we have already fixed it or ask us before using other fix mods.
  • Any bound items on yourself when you activate this plugin will be removed; if you manage to get permanent bound items somehow just open up the console and type startquest uop to activate the UOP menu and choose the option to remove stuck Bound items
  • If you are already afflicted with the permanent infamy, fame and bounty change from the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal it can't be undone unfortunately. The best thing you can do is load a game without the changes write down the right bounty, infamy and fame then load your bugged game save and use console commands to change them back to normal.
  • If you are stuck on the Bloated Float with the crash bug caused by the Thieves' Guild Elven Maiden quest running at the same time you'll need to load a previous save as the fix for it simply avoids the coincidental bug all together.
  • If you've already visited a place with "twitchy" roots they'll be still twitchin', to fix them you'll need to start a new game but it's only a very minor problem and not really worth restarting over.
  • All changes to load doors (such as the Bravil Skooma Den door being permanently locked) may not take effect if you have already visited their locations before installing the Unofficial Oblivion Patch as load doors' locations are stored in the save.
  • If you use Thieves' Arsenal, some interior chain lights fixed to swing by the UOP won't swing as Thieves' Arsenal has its own set of meshes for them (and other formerly swinging lights) to enable the Water Arrows to work. UOP-fixed external angled chain lights and large cathedral lamps will swing; Thieves' Arsenal did not change those.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: I see so many red conflicts with the Unofficial Oblivion Patch and other mods!!! Will my game explode?!?
A: Nope! The file date of Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp was set way back to the year 2001 so it will load first then your other plugins, in other words if something conflicts with UOP that plugin will override UOP's changes. Note: since UOP's changes are overridden some fixes might not work.

Q: Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp is loading before Oblivion.esm!!! Won't my game get screwed up?
A: No, Oblivion loads ESM files (like Oblivion.esm) from oldest to newest first before loading ESP files (like Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp) from oldest to newest.

Q: Will I have to start a new game for the Unofficial Oblivion Patch to work?
A: Nope, the fixes were made to work on both new and existing games through some very minor changes (position of some objects) will only work in a new game or if you haven't visited that area in the game yet; really not worth restarting over.

Q: I don't want to/can't install the latest official patch... can I still use the Unofficial Oblivion Patch?
A: Yes you can, but UOP might actually create bugs if you don't run it with the version of Oblivion it was created for, so use it at your own risk!

Q: Can I use the Unofficial Oblivion Patch with the German version of Oblivion or other languages?
A: It should work fine but we can't test it, also some things (ie some dialog subtitles and books) will appear in English instead of your game's language.

Q: So I have an older version of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, should I uninstall it first before upgrading or just upgrade over the top?
A: You can do either, it doesn't matter unless you have used v1.3 of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch then it's best to uninstall first.

Q: Will this conflict with OOO/MMM/Fran? Is it alright to use together?
A: Yes the Unofficial Oblivion Patch does conflict, but nothing that is known to cause problems other than not receiving some of the advertised fixes from UOP; just load UOP before OOO/MMM/Fran and you'll be fine. Recent versions of all three include compatible versions of the UOP's ESP plug-in file or have been made as compatible as possible. If you're unsure, check with the authors or ask in the mod's forum thread.

Q: Do I need to use previous versions of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch to get all the fixes?
A: Nope, latest version includes all previous fixes.

Q: So I've installed the Unofficial Oblivion Patch but it still shows as v1.2.0416 in Oblivion, what's wrong?
A: Nothing is wrong! The Unofficial Oblivion Patch is a collection of fixes in the form of an ESP along with fixes in other files (NIF, MP3, CMP, LIP, DDS), the Unofficial Oblivion Patch does not touch ANY Oblivion files on a default installation. If you want to see what version of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch you are running then open the UOP menu by putting startquest uop into the console, or in the Oblivion Launcher click Data Files and then find and click the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp.

Use the Unofficial Oblivion Patch at your own risk, we cannot be held responsible for anything that happens while using it. Feel free to host the Unofficial Oblivion Patch anywhere you want but only in its original unmodified package, please do not release your own modified versions of it.

Known Oblivion Bugs
This is a list of bugs we know about and workarounds for them but ONLY Bethesda can truly fix them. Note: as of the official patch v1.2.0416 none of these bugs have been fixed.

Bug: Animation bug, things like fire/opening doors etc. are very slow/not moving or stuttering very badly.
Solution: You can fix this with the http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Wrye%20Bash.html#RepairAbomb command of http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Wrye%20Bash.html. Bash is a multi-purpose utility which requires time and effort to install and learn; the alternative solution is http://www.tesdb.com/files/file.php?id=5127, which can be installed and used very quickly.

Bug: Using the showracemenu console command causes Oblivion to crash.
Solution: This is caused by using a hair mod in your current save, then removing it which causes the form ID of the player's hair to be zero. In-game the hair is replaced by the default hair for the player's race, but the menu doesn't thus Oblivion crashes. Use the http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Wrye%20Bash.html "Repair Hair" function to fix this.

Bug: Disappearing items from containers/inventory, caused by repairing items over 100% and over loading the container with items.
Solution: Just remove the items from the container with Take All, close and re-open it and some items should re-appear (if Take All didn't get them all back.)

Bug: Picking up the Sigil Stone in an Oblivion plane doesn't do what it's supposed to: the player stays put, the area fills with white fog, and the gate doesn't close.
Solution: For some unknown reason the Oblivion plane you're in loses its hook to the gate in Tamriel you used, best solution is if you are afflicted with this bug is to open your console and type in coc AnvilBay you'll end up in Anvil's bay. Also, this bug may be avoidable if you never reload while inside Oblivion planes and then go back into the same gate repeatedly. If you have to reload while in an Oblivion gate quit the game entirely and restart it to ensure that memory is properly flushed out.

Bug: Leveling up by hitting your horse or Peryite's thralls, or other things that don't fight back, hundreds of times can cause the game to lock up when saving.
Solution: If you can't avoid power leveling like this, if you were hitting your horse, steal something worth 1 gold and pay the fine. If you were hitting Peryite's thralls or another NPC or creature, punch a guard and pay the fine. This seems to clear off the queued "events" which caused the bug.

Bug: You can't see the player marker and other markers on the local map
Solution: If a mod alters ANYTHING at all in the cell of (3,3) in any worldspace it will cause this bug to happen; if a mod is causing this bug for you the best thing you can do is go through your mods and disable them one by one until you find the culprit and report this information to the author of the mod. Also this bug can happen when going through certain cells, but it's only temporary; no mods cause this one and there is no way to fix it either.

Bug: LOD water vanishes when moving from a child worldspace to the parent worldspace (eg. Imperial City).
Solution: This only occurs on first gamesave load, reloading the gamesave (any gamesave will do) will stop the problem until you exit Oblivion then you'll have to do it again.

Bug: Removing and putting a dead NPC's items back into its inventory may cause them to duplicate if they were generated from a leveled list. Removing them and putting them back once more will cause Oblivion to crash.
Solution: Just avoid putting NPC items back into their inventory if you don't want them; drop them instead.

Bug: Seemingly unexplainable crashes or other strange happenings...
Solution: There are a few solutions you can try to solve these:
  • Make sure ONLY valid DDS files (textures) are in the ArchiveInvalidation.txt; anything else such as entries for meshes can cause crashes or entries for textures that don't exist can cause the texture to disappear in-game (goes purple).
  • Setting uGridsToLoad in the Oblivion.ini to anything higher than 5 will cause strangeness in-game (usually the landscape bouncing when the character moves)
  • Don't save your game while in combat, more specifically while hitting or being hit by enemies as it can cause crashes on load of the save
  • Don't use cracked Oblivion executables
  • Don't tweak graphic/sound etc. in the Oblivion.ini (pushing Oblivion beyond or below its limits), it has been linked to causing crashes
  • Don't load a gamesave from in-game, always exit to the main menu and load from there or completely quit (Oblivion does not reset the current game state properly from the in-game load menu)
  • Don't switch between Oblivion and other applications (ie using Alt-Tab if you're playing in fullscreen mode, even opening the command prompt first.) Windows will start paging Oblivion memory to disk, and it may stutter, lose FPS or crash shortly afterwards

Version History

Version 3.4.0 upcoming
(items in italics are new, non-italics imported from the UOP Supplemental)
    UOP Changes/Fixes
  • Updated the UOP installer to Inno Setup v5.4.2
  • Cleaned Shivering Isles dialog references out of the ESP (it had been edited under the Shivering Isles ESM) in case the player doesn't have Shivering Isles installed to avoid rare crashes to desktop
  • Corrected oversight of the Adamus Phillida fix not working because UOPAdamusPhillidaSeveredFingerHands.NIF was accidentally omitted from the UOP

    Quest Fixes
  • Fixed the Vampire Cure quest breaking if the player cleared out Redwater Slough previously without retrieving the ashes from Hindaril's corpse; it would disappear when the cell reset
  • Prevented the Unexpected Voyage quest from starting if either Ormil or Graman gro-Marad are dead, which would leave it unfinishable with the player stuck at sea (was actually fixed long ago but not documented in the UOP changelog)
  • In the quest A Brush With Death, if the player murders Tivela Lythandas, this will no longer cause a quest update (after the correct one that the quest is over) and Rythe to appear back from the Painted World as if the quest was completed successfully
  • In the quest May the Best Thief Win (Thieves Guild), if the player murders Rohssan and then steals her cutlass afterwards, it will no longer cause a quest update (even if the quest is over) and be stuck in inventory as a quest item (will fix existing saves)
  • Fixed (severe) exploit in the quest Honor Thy Mother (Dark Brotherhood) where the player could repeatedly talk to the Night Mother at the questline's finale and receive the quest reward Blade Of Woe each time
  • After the quest The Renegade Shadowscale (Dark Brotherhood) is completed, Scar-Tail's death will no longer cause a quest update to take his heart to Teinaava
  • After the quest Permanent Retirement (Dark Brotherhood) is completed, removing Adamus Phillida's severed finger from his desk and then replacing it will no longer cause a quest update
  • After the Mystery at Harlun's Watch quest (Fighters Guild) is completed, Harlun's Watch residents will no longer say that they need help
  • In the Go Fish quest, asking Aerin Merowald multiple times about his savings will no longer add multiple copies of his key to his inventory (he will only talk about it once)
  • In the The Ultimate Heist quest (Thieves Guild), Anvil residents will no longer say that Count Umbranox has returned before he actually has
  • Maraska will no longer remain essential if the player completes the Clavicus Vile quest by refusing to give up Umbra (not involved in future quests and if the player did give up Umbra, was being made non-essential)
  • If any of the three Fighters Guild members the player assists in the quest The Desolate Mine die after successful quest completion, this will no longer result in rumors that the quest was failed

    Game Mechanics Fixes
  • The player will no longer be able to mount a horse while already sitting on something else, causing instant critical graphic unplayability requiring a reload, and possibly crashing Oblivion to desktop
  • (Partially) fixed crash to desktop if the Everscamps that follow the player if the Whom Gods Annoy quest is running die in an Ayleid poison gas trap (made them immune to poison; will still crash on resurrection if something else kills them in the gas. This is all that could be done without noticeably changing them or using bad solutions such as PlaceAtaMe)

    NPC Fixes
  • Removed unnecessary permanent Essential status from Skingrad's West Weald innkeeper Erina Jeranus; she is involved in no quests and an AI reference indicates this was (yet another) leftover from the removed Imperial Express/Courier quest
  • Fixed Urjabhi (IC Talos Plaza district) never sleeping as there is no bed where his AI package was indicating
  • Fixed Bejeen (Leyawiin, Weebam-Na's house) never sleeping due to impossible AI conditions
  • Orok gro-Ghoth's (Chorrol) unique greeting on first meeting the player will now be used; couldn't play due to incorrect conditions

    Item Fixes
  • Cyrodiilic Brandy will now use the unique mesh ( Meshes\Clutter\BrandyBottle.NIF ) that was designed for it and never used, probably due to an oversight, rather than appearing as a generic potion (see below in Meshes); also changed its icon to a wine bottle's to reflect the change as this is the closest match to its shape
  • The unique Gauntlets of Gluttony will no longer look like iron gauntlets in inventory and when dropped, though they are orcish when worn (internal name indicates this as well)
  • Corrected the magnitude of the Fortify Health enchantment of the Base Ring of Health, Cuirass of the Bear and Ironheart Cuirass from 15 to 10
  • Corrected the reversed enchantment magnitudes of the Ring of Firewalking and Grand Ring of Firewalking (was actually fixed long ago but not documented in the UOP changelog)

    Texture Fixes
  • Corrected the 11 normal maps for Arena floor textures TerrainSand*_n.dds as they didn't match their associated textures at all
  • Fixed the normal map for the texture for cracked Oblivion rock ground being rotated 180° from the texture ( Textures\Landscape\Oblivion\ObCaveFloor2Lava_n.dds and Textures\Oblivion\Caves\ObCaveFloor2Lava_n.dds )
  • Created a normal map for fern fiddleheads ( BWFern05_n.dds ) as it was missing
  • Fixed green artifacting on daisy and tiger lily planters ( PlanterDaisySU.dds and PlanterTigerLily01SU.dds )

    NIF Mesh Fixes - Creatures
  • Fixed liches being completely helpless, unable to cast spells or engage in hand-to-hand combat, if their staff was dropped or destroyed ( HandToHandEquip.KF, HandToHandIdle.KF, HandToHandStagger.KF, HandToHandUnequip.KF )
  • Corrected texture distortion on the back legs of deer ( Meshes\Creatures\Deer\Skeleton.NIF )

    NIF Mesh Fixes - Statics and Clutter
  • Closed a gap in the Anvil Fighters Guild exterior introduced when optimizing it ( AnvilFightersGuild01.NIF )
  • Closed a gap in CastleWallRiverGate01.NIF at the top introduced when optimizing it
  • Fixed the middleclass table MiddleTable01.NIF so that it doesn't vanish at certain angles
  • Corrected Havok collision type on Imperial City wanted poster WantedPoster02Static.NIF
  • Fixed the fix for missing Havok collision on the bearskin rug ( BearSkinRug01.NIF ) so that it's in the right place in the file (had been in the UOP since almost the beginning but wasn't mentioned in the changelog)
  • Fixed ill-fitting Havok collision at the top of SkingradCastleWall01.NIF
  • Closed some more small gaps in the exterior LeyawiinMagesGuildHouse.NIF; also made AWLS-compatible
  • Closed another hole in the stairs of FarmHouseInterior04.NIF
  • Optimized added Anvil Castle distant LOD meshes ANCastleComplete01_far.nif, UOPANCastleComplete01.NIF and UOPANCastleTower01.NIF from 40.5KB to 25.5KB
  • Removed secret area blocker CastleSecretBlack01.NIF from the UOP; existing one works properly and the UOP didn't, so unsure why it was even there
  • Removed some extraneous data (unparented properties) from the improved missing mesh marker ( Marker_Error.NIF )

    Newly Added
  • Corrected the Z-axis (up-down) offset on the newly used Cyrodiilic Brandy bottle Meshes\Clutter\BrandyBottle.NIF so that existing instances of the item don't have to be moved
  • Removed an overlapping mistextured triangle on tutorial dungeon floor piece IDFloor2WayNoCol01D.NIF (also used in three other IC dungeon areas)
  • Fixed the tutorial sewer exit mesh so that the background isn't visible in fog ( SewerExitGateExterior01.NIF )
  • Added missing Havok collision on the top half of sewer upper wall piece SewerRoomWallMid01.NIF
  • Optimized the oversized Havok collision on statues GarridanFrozen.NIF, ICDragonStatue01.NIF, StatueGodAkatosh01.NIF, StatueGodArkay01.NIF, StatueGodDibella01.NIF, StatueGodJulianos01.NIF, StatueGodKynareth01.NIF, StatueGodMara01.NIF, StatueGodSeptim01.NIF, StatueGodStendarr01.NIF, StatueImperial02-5.NIFsStatueLeyawiin01.NIF, StatueTownBruma01.NIF and StatueTownCheydinhal01.NIF reducing in size from 6.35MB to 4.87MB in total
  • Added missing Havok collision on the top half of Ayleid ruin interior ironwork gate ARWHallIronWork01.NIF
  • Added missing Havok collision on the Chorrol house for sale sign CitySignsChorrol.NIF
  • Corrected the misaligned Havok collision at the top of BravilCastleTower01.NIF (normally inacessible) and optimized from 155KB to 134KB
  • Corrected the oversized Havok collision at the sides of ICAUWallHouse01.NIF preventing harvesting of nearby flora
  • Corrected the incorrect Havok collision type on LeyawiinCastle01.NIF (also optimized from 484KB to 448KB) and SignForSale01.NIF (also optimized from 18KB to 17KB)
  • Corrected the incorrect Havok material type (stone rather than cloth) on TentRoof01.NIF and optimized from 40KB to 31KB
  • Corrected Havok collision on Leyawiin Fighters Guild dining hall piece LeyawiinFGInteriorDinning.NIF [sic] and optimized from 904KB to 840KB
  • Corrected the incorrect texture path on the Barbas (Clavicus Vile's dog) statue ( DAClavicusDogStatue.NIF ) causing it to be all-white
  • Undid clipping on Chorrol Mages Guild interior piece ChorrolMGuildWallUpper02.NIF
  • Optimized Boethia shrine meshes DaedricShrineBoethia01_far.NIF (from 166KB to 57KB) and DaedricStatueBoethia01_far.NIF (from 295KB to 55KB) as they were using the full-sized meshes
  • Added missing stencilling to seaweed UnderwaterSeaweed02.NIF so that it isn't invisible from the back side

    NIF Mesh Fixes - Clothing, Armor and Weapons
  • Updated fixed Daedric arrow & quiver Meshes\Weapons\Daedric\Arrow.NIF as apparently the quiver could fall through the ground
  • Improved fixes for silver dagger, shortsword and longsword scabbard texturing ( Meshes\Weapons\Silver\Dagger.NIF, Longsword.NIF and Shortsword.NIF )

    Newly Added
  • Restored missing ground mesh for female Belted Braies pants ( Clothes\LowerClass\08\F\Pants_gnd.NIF )
  • Fixed dwarven gauntlets ( Meshes\Armor\Dwarven\M\Gauntlets.NIF ) clipping through the player's hands in first-person view

    Placement and Layout Fixes
  • The player will no longer be able to sit on the overturned stools in the Five Claws Lodge in Leywaiin during the Fighter's Guild quest Drunk and Disorderly
  • Fixed a painting in the player's Bruma house being enabled by the Storage rather than the Wall Hangings upgrade (definitely a bug as the Wall Hangings indicates five paintings are included, and it was only four)

    Audio Fixes
  • Corrected audio and subtitle for four lines of dialog that referred to Riverview (Cheydinhal) as "Riverside"
  • Created completely missing audio for a line of dialog of M'aiq the Liar
  • Corrected audio and subtitle for Lucien Lachance calling the player "Brother" or "Sister" even before they join the Dark Brotherhood
  • Corrected audio and subtitle for an instance where Modryn Oreyn refers to the Blackwood Company as the "Blackheart Company"
  • Corrected audio and subtitle on a line of dialog from Athrelor (Kvatch) indicating that he's "open for business" whereas there's no hint he was ever intended to offer merchant or other services
  • Corrected audio and subtitle on four more lines of dialog that referred to Mandil as male
  • Corrected audio and subtitle on four lines of dialog that referred to Jantus Brolus as male
  • Moved a line of Ocheeva's (Dark Brotherhood) conversational dialog (audio and subtitle) as it was in the wrong branch
  • Fixed audio and subtitle of a line of dialog from Alberic Litte indicating that Athragar sells a powerful "frost" spell; although he trains in alteration, he sells only powerful conjuration spells
  • Fixed outtake line of elven female Thieves Guild rumor in Leyawiin regarding Adharji's Heirloom if the player triggered the Blood Price
  • Fixed an outtake line of male Imperial Mages Guild Arcane University conversation regarding a breakthrough
  • Corrected audio on a Nord Male line of dialog on joining the Fighters Guild that was different from all others and incorrect (didn't match its subtitle either)
  • Corrected audio on a Nord Male line of dialog referring the player to an incorrect NPC to start the Forlorn Watchman quest that was different from all others (also didn't match its subtitle either)
  • Corrected the music in the upstairs of Nerastarel's (abandoned, haunted) house in Skingrad to dungeon type, which matches the ground floor

    Text Fixes
  • Corrected subtitle in Skingrad Jailor dialog TG06Atonement_TG06OpenDoor_0000C20A_1: "have to" ? "gotta" to match the audio
  • Corrected subtitle in Skingrad beggar Foul Fagus dialog TG06Atonement_TG06GetIntoDungeons_0003D803_1: "dungeons" ? "dungeon" to match the audio
  • Corrected subtitle in Atabha dialog Horses_GREETING_000541D1_1: "Cat Face" ? "Cat-Face"

The previous version history can be found http://baldurdash.org/TESOblivion/UOPFixList.html as it is too large to put in one post.

Arthmoor - For keeping the UOP alive for over two years when Quarn and I were gone, and adding hundreds of fixes to it (including to our sometimes sub-optimal work) for help with cleaning up the UOP ESP for final release, beta-testing, reporting a multitude of bugs, and generating a much improved ROAD record that fixes all roads in Tamriel
The NIFTools Team - big thanks for NIFSkope and the NIF importer/exporters which enabled us to fix many NIF mesh errors in Oblivion.
The TES4Gecko Team - for this essential utility for working with ESP's and ESM's
ElminsterAU - for TES4View/Edit, another essential utility for ESP/ESM manipulation, cleaning and anolysis
Wormheart - For fixing dozens of interior meshes and all of the chandeliers, Havoking several of the lights, fixing a bunch of other meshes such as all the Daedric shrines and numerous load doors, and reporting hundreds of bugs and object placement errors
Khalim - for auditing/fixing 571 cells of Cyrodiil, reporting a multitude of bugs and beta-testing
Tru021 - for auditing/fixing 521 cells of Cyrodiil, reporting a multitude of bugs and beta-testing
Unmmph! - for auditing/fixing 150 cells of Cyrodiil
TheFlyingBuddha - for auditing/fixing 100 cells of Cyrodiil
Ventus - for auditing/fixing 50 cells of Cyrodiil
OblivionStalker - for auditing/fixing 50 cells of Cyrodiil
Sialivi - for auditing/fixing 31 cells of Cyrodiil, reporting an unbelievable and unprecedented multitude of bugs (especially mesh errors) and beta-testing the UOP
Beremat Kesawin - for auditing/fixing 20 cells of Cyrodiil
JonSatriani - for auditing/fixing 12 cells of Cyrodiil
MystykStar - for auditing/fixing 12 cells of Cyrodiil
PhoenixAmon - for fixing the UV mapping errors in 5 NIFs
Canopus - for greatly improving UOP's setup batch files
Mmmpld - for fixing problems with several NIFs
Bomret - for fixing 39 normal maps which were incorrectly created
AlienSlof - for fixing the missing alpha on the Black & Burgundy Outfit's normal map, bad alpha on the female Red Velvet Outfit, alpha on the Radish normal map, helping out a lot with graphics questions and beta-testing
migck - for fixing the lich's hand-to-hand animation
Hanaisse - for fixing the collision on the Bravil castle tower and Imperial City wallhouse
hexaae and Pacificmorrowind - for finding and fixing the gap in the Anvil Fighters Guild, and for the improved silver weapons fixes
Amadaun - For the fixed Imperial sewer exit mesh
Brumbek - for fixing the clipping on the Chorrol Mages' Guild upper wall piece
LogicDragon - for fixing the deer texture mapping problem
UberTom - for the fixed Dwarven gauntlets
Gothic251 - for fixing several icons and beta-testing
Brash - for discovering what caused the Crash-On-Bow-Equip and the workaround
Johnny - for the Fathis Ules fix
Kirel - for the first-person sitting perspective fix
Mentalor - for the Stat Restore fix
Always Z - for the funny yet informative error mesh
Dung_Beetle - for the Mythic Dawn armor fix
Namegduf Live - for the Hermaeus Mora's soul trap fix
WSRowland - for some additional fixed lip sync files for the beggars
CessPitts - for fixing the invulnerable Mannimarco bug
Wildcard - for fixing errors with the Mages Guild Chorrol recommendation
Dev_AKM - for the Qarl's Texture Pack III/UOP compatibility patch
MasterLeo - for discovering the cause of Sigil Stones not closing Oblivion gates (although we can't fix it, it's helped plenty avoid it)
newster123 - for cleaning up the custom race dialog audio, and reporting several bugs
Kaminari - for the first clue that enabled the tracking down the cause of UOP v2.2.0 causing previous saves to crash on load for a few people
Gothik - for beta-testing the UOP until the problem was isolated and confirmed fixed
XMarksTheSpot - for confirming the ESM bug with Tamriel cell (-47,-7) saving me a reinstall to ensure it wasn't just me
Bamspeedy - for reporting a Sialivi-sized huge multitude of bugs and beta-testing
Mikal33 - for reporting a multitude of bugs
_Santera - for reporting a multitude of bugs
ESM - for reporting a multitude of bugs
Wolferoo - for reporting a multitude of bugs
Tukog - for reporting a multitude of bugs
ArgoChris - for reporting a multitude of bugs
Fonger, Leydenne, RobinHood70 & Shikishima - for beta-testing
Throttlekitty and everyone else at #TESModdersDen - for enduring Kivan's endless questions and always being helpful
And finally a big thanks to everyone else who reported bugs or sent in bugged gamesaves!
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:13 pm

I don't have a lot to offer right now, but I thought I'd start a thread so that discussion, and of course bug findings, have a place to get posted. I'm hoping that some of my biggest bug-finders have accumulated some finds in all this time.

I'm slowly going through Arthmoor's amazing and much-appreciated work that he did over the course of over two years and incorporating it. Then I get to adding more fixes. So the fixes list is going to get much larger over the next couple of weeks. Soon I will start updating the USIP and UOMP threads (still alive after all this time.)

It's great to be back here, and I'm REALLY looking forward to Skyrim and of course the Unofficial Skyrim Patch! Sorry I had to go but things were pretty bad for a while. Barring the worst I'll be around for at least a couple of more years. I may not post as much as I used to but I'll keep up with things.

Now, back to work. I still have a lot of catching up to do, including remembering so much that I've forgotten!
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:34 pm

Wow Kivan! Welcome back, good to see you on the boards again :foodndrink:
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:33 pm

Holy moley! Welcome back Kivan! good to see you working on it again :D :foodndrink:
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:30 pm

Holy cow, even more stuff to fix even after the last 2 years?
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Laura Samson
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:02 pm

WOW! Didn't expect to see you back anytime soon, Kivan. Welcome!

And Arthmoor--you know good & well there's still plenty of stuff to fix in Oblivion :) Heck, I imagine it'd take ANOTHER 5 or 6 years - at least - to fix everything that could be fixed.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:32 am

Glad to see you back Kivan

from the UOP Supplemental thread..

From my initial readover of the changelog and the Supplementals thread, the only contention I found was with the levelled lists changes. I can understand why given that they would interfere with leveling mods and we don't know what Bethesda intended, but on the flipside, if there's a clear gap in one and an item with a leveled enchantment that would fit right into it and isn't used anywhere, I wouldn't see this as anything else but an oversight. I'm going to be reviewing every one of these changes individually against the items list and other leveled lists

Thanks for doing this.

I think most of the item that got added into the leveledlist can be gotten through the DLC Thieves Den some of them, I can check if you want ?

Also some people out there that may not use Bash (difficutly level or just refuse too or some other problem ) and are using Frans, and so they could end up with broken item scaling once again..And really only this issue would pop up with Frans and UOP and No Bash once again..

BASH has a Compatiblity Checker once again that checks for UOP and Overhaul and either let's the UOP changes go through or not for those list.

That and the starting dungeon changes, but, I have fixes in places in OOO/MMM/FCOM for that..
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:06 am

Glad to see you back Kivan

from the UOP Supplemental thread..

Thanks for doing this.
I think most of the item that got added into the leveledlist can be gotten through the DLC Thieves Den some of them, I can check if you want ?

Maybe Kivan also is referring to some of the leveled list changes Arthmoor added based on the corrections I made to weapon stats and leveled lists in WEPON?
The edits in question were all recorded on UESP. While the current versions of the relevant pages (linked below) only list changes unique to WEPON, the historical versions (4 Feb 2011 for Oblivion, 17 Jan 2011 for SI) list all the changes identified during WEPON's development, including those Arthmoor later ported over to UOPS/USIPS.
(Arthmoor and I have a difference of opinion in what constitutes a "fix" to weapon stats or leveled lists--that's why WEPON has more changes than UOPS/USIPS. That said, Arthmoor's more conservative approach probably is better for this.)

Oblivion edits: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Unresolved_Minor_Issues
SI edits: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Shivering:Unresolved_Minor_Issues
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:05 am

Really good to see you on the boards again Kivan.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:43 pm

I'm a bit confused on the changelog for 3.3.0, are these the changes that you have so far added from the UOPS?
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:22 pm

Maybe Kivan also is referring to some of the leveled list changes Arthmoor added based on the corrections I made to weapon stats and leveled lists in WEPON?

Not the original leveledlist changes that the UOP 3.2 did,

I am referring to all these leveledlist changes once again..http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1164539-relz-unofficial-oblivion-patch-320-unofficial-patch-supplementals/page__view__findpost__p__18005411

You can read from that post and everything after and few pages later I post a pic with Frans and UOP Supp..

and Let's leave it at that and let Kivan answer..
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:35 am

Not the original leveledlist changes that the UOP 3.2 did,
I am referring to all these leveledlist changes once again..http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1164539-relz-unofficial-oblivion-patch-320-unofficial-patch-supplementals/page__view__findpost__p__18005411

Gotcha. Yes, that is a different set than I thought you were talking about. I thought you were talking about http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1164539-relz-unofficial-oblivion-patch-320-unofficial-patch-supplementals/page__view__findpost__p__17121170, several of which are similar to the ones you've mentioned, except they're on the weapon side.
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:42 am

And the Weapons has well.. :thumbsup:
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:41 pm

and yet another modding god is back :D
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:30 pm

Wonderful to see you return, Kivan.

I always felt guilty for my part in burning you out. Luckily I've taken an extended break from Oblivion so I currently don't have anything to add (but once Skyrim is out, I'm sure I will obsess over seethrough gaps again).

As much as I appreciate Arthmoor's hard work in your absence, there's one change I hope you don't incorporate: Adding complete armor sets to the starting dungeon. That never made any sense to me whatsoever and we had quite an argument about it.
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:18 pm

As long as we're adding new bugs, here's a floor mesh in ImperialDungeon03 that's bothered me for years. It needs to be dropped slightly, or the column needs to be raised slightly.


Thanks, and welcome back, Kivan!

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Monique Cameron
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:38 pm

As much as I appreciate Arthmoor's hard work in your absence, there's one change I hope you don't incorporate: Adding complete armor sets to the starting dungeon. That never made any sense to me whatsoever and we had quite an argument about it.

I echo your words re Arthmoor's work, but there are a number of things now incorporated into the supplementals which I feel just have no place in the UOP (e.g. patches for mods) which was intended to correct vanilla game bugs.
See the readme for Open Cities Reborn http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1196657-relz-open-cities-reborn/ as one example
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:47 pm

Regardless of whether it there was controversy about putting something into the supplementals previously, my take is that if it's in the supplemental now it probably shouldn't be taken out unless it's something game breaking. It just seems that would be opening the door to all sorts of issues - e.g. "I upgraded the unofficial patch and my armor disappeared" posts. Not everyone restarts when upgrading the patch.

I'm not an expert but I don't think you could even readily port those additions to a separate patch without impacting FormIDs.
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:54 pm

As much as I appreciate Arthmoor's hard work in your absence, there's one change I hope you don't incorporate: Adding complete armor sets to the starting dungeon. That never made any sense to me whatsoever and we had quite an argument about it.

And what never made sense to me, or plenty of other people who chimed in at the time, is why adding the missing piece to each set was such a colossal forever game changing thing. Especially when it's just the freaking starter dungeon. As if having an actual complete set represents that critical an alteration to the flow of things when it was clearly created for a purpose and just never placed.

I echo your words re Arthmoor's work, but there are a number of things now incorporated into the supplementals which I feel just have no place in the UOP (e.g. patches for mods) which was intended to correct vanilla game bugs.
See the readme for Open Cities Reborn http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1196657-relz-open-cities-reborn/ as one example

Nice try at painting it as a mod-specific change there. The cathedral and cloister you're referring to were placed by the UOP long ago. Nothing changed in that respect other than the method by which they continue to remain added to the game, which allows them to be relocated without causing duplications. The only other viable alternative would be to remove both of those items if we follow your own logic on these sorts of things.

And I'm still waiting for folks to list the supposed "numerous things" now in the UOPS that are so horrible as to be an afront to life itself. You may as well put it out now if the case against them is actually legit.
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El Goose
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:58 pm

Regardless of whether it there was controversy about putting something into the supplementals previously, my take is that if it's in the supplemental now it probably shouldn't be taken out unless it's something game breaking. It just seems that would be opening the door to all sorts of issues - e.g. "I upgraded the unofficial patch and my armor disappeared" posts. Not everyone restarts when upgrading the patch.

I'm not an expert but I don't think you could even readily port those additions to a separate patch without impacting FormIDs.

And I would like to echo Stromgarde's words

So close to Skyrim, and this potentially being the last update before these forums and support become a lot less active - If there are any valid arguments against Arthmoors changes which are Game breaking/Illogical in their implementation then lets have some very detailed reasoned discussion, not just I didnt win the last argument sprawled all through the UOPS topics so lets try and see if Kivan is a soft touch - Along with any mods which are dependant now which would need re-working after such retro-fitting (and if that would be possible - would the author be interested in adapting).

I'm sure Kivan has enough on his plate giving it one last go without this turning into yet another beef against Arthmoor topic with no valid reasons.
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trisha punch
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:24 pm

Do i detect smoke here?

As i am new, and have no status, my words will not weigh as much as those from Icons like you here in this thread, which is good.

It is for the work you icons did, that many ppl, myself included, definately changed platform.
The jobs you all performed over the last few years made oblivion the best game ever, and it is great that it is never finished, like real life does not stop when ppl die...

As for the armour.
I used a mod to get Captain Renault's Ceremonial Armour, a beautifull piece of art, lovely to look at.
Not realising i had to give it back, i was realy glad to have something substantial, when entering the big world.
So Baurus took it, and left me in my underpants..

Luckily there were some Mystic Dawn Robes available, so i did not have to enter the world nvde... (lol)

I am sure that the 'players' would not mind having some equipment when exiting the sewers....

What i remember from years ago, when i was last starting a new game, is the 'beggarstate' i was in for a long time, which i did not particularly like.
The second game i started, it did not take as long to get some 'doe'..

Many ppl think like that also, stated the houses the build, for free!

I am starting to get a handle on using mods, and enjoy all these little improvements, i could not get at PS3, except for the cheats, they worked there also..

Thaxalot for your (hopefully) neverending efforts to get the bugs!
It is much appreciated..

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Vera Maslar
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:06 pm

And what never made sense to me, or plenty of other people who chimed in at the time, is why adding the missing piece to each set was such a colossal forever game changing thing. Especially when it's just the freaking starter dungeon. As if having an actual complete set represents that critical an alteration to the flow of things when it was clearly created for a purpose and just never placed.

Kivan and Quarn were always more conservative regarding altering things were the intent of the designers were unclear, and you just never provided a for me convincing argument to what points to the designers intending to give you complete sets of armor from the get go. I find it far more likelly that they intended you to start with incomplete or mismatched sets to get you started and, since it is a tutorial section, introduce you to the idea that there are different weight classes.

I don't think it's a "colossol forever game changing" change. Sounds like you're taking this far too personal, it wasn't meant as an attack on you or your work and I apologies if it seemed that way. I find this snarky remark a bit childish and hypocritical when you're obviously just as protective of your decision.
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:48 pm

as somebody who has played the vaniella game on xbox (it was horrible so many bugs) and decided to switch platforms because of this patch and so many other mods
here are my thoughts

who honestly cares, seriouly haveing an argument as to whether you should have complete sets prior to exiting the starting dungoun is kinda silly after all the stuff you guys have fixed. I think that if somebody wants a complete set the nthey could just add the missing pieces to the dungion , Even then what does it matter ? since after you exsit the sewers, there is a nice big aylied ruin right across the lakefor you to plunder and get all your needed equipment.

thats just my personal opinion but then I am not much of a modder or a programmer
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Andrea P
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:03 pm

Even then what does it matter ? since after you exsit the sewers, there is a nice big aylied ruin right across the lakefor you to plunder and get all your needed equipment.

thats just my personal opinion but then I am not much of a modder or a programmer

Indeed, and we're all thrown into this world 'neckid'....
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:44 pm

Stop acting like children and be thankful you have these fixes at all... don't like it? change it yourself, that's what I do
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Christine Pane
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