[BETA]Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) v3.4.0

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:49 am

Thanx mucho, Kivan. I really appreciate what you're doing. :thumbsup:
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:13 pm

Since today seems to be the deadline for additions, I thought I would mention this while there is still time (if it is something that needs to be fixed).

While fiddling around with PyFFI and nifskope, I noticed that some meshes have textures that have no path (or invalid path).. wouldn't this be a problem?

meshes\characters\hair\emperor.nif points to grey.dds
meshes\characters\imperial\earshuman.nif points to facegen\ears\human\EarsHuman.dds

I was only fiddling with the meshes\characters\ folder, and there where more than those two.

I am in the process of exporting all the texturepaths from the meshes, but the list is going to be huge so it will take sometime to go through.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:26 pm

"facegen\ears\human\EarsHuman.dds" is a valid texture-path.
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John Moore
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:44 am

There is no such path in a Oblivion install (or it's BSAs).. that makes it invalid for me.

But as I said I don't know if this is something that needs fixing, because the only meshes I noticed this in are meshes that have a .egm/.tri too.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:37 am

Mmmh... Before the crisis.... You can't enter the Elder Council room where is Ocato and the guards say " The Elder Council chambers are closed to the public for the duration of the emergency."... but after Ocato enters/leaves the room as scheduled, the door will be unlocked and you can easily enter without having to pick-lock anything. Shouldn't be locked everytime?

And BTW, the Elder Council room has windows seen from the inside, but outside there is not a single window for that part of the building.... ;)
See pics: http://postimage.org/image/mypekypnt/http://postimage.org/image/tkgd9bqll/
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:13 am

My hat is off to Kivan, and whomever else, has spent so much of their own valuable time fixing things so long. Many things that annoyed when I played on 360, because there is no uop patch for that, have been fixed. I just want to post my appreciation. As for the tree in Water's edge, don't bother to fix it if you haven't. It's always been kind of fun to go hide in there. Well, okay, it's just, well, interesting. I wonder if I can be attacked while in there? Want to try to lure an enemy there and have them attack me.

Thank you so much, Kivan, for all your work.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:01 pm

https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=715953c7841ab2e4&resid=715953C7841AB2E4!109 are some collision material fixes so objects have the correct sound effects and particles when struck by a weapon.

clutter\artsupplies\easel01.nif, Stone -> Woodclutter\artsupplies\ms14canvas01.nif to 05, Stone -> Clothclutter\artsupplies\ms14exitcanvas06.nif, Wood -> Clothclutter\artsupplies\uniquecanvas01.nif, Wood -> Clothclutter\books\messengerdiary.nif, Metal Stairs -> Clothclutter\books\mysteriumxarxes.nif, Wood -> Cloth			*Also set mass to 0, it is a staticclutter\books\Parchment01.NIF, Stone -> Cloth				*Modified UOP meshclutter\books\tomeofunlife.nif, Metal Stairs -> Clothclutter\castleinterior\cheydinhalcastleinterior\castlethronecheydinhal.nif, Stone -> Wood/Cloth		*Using MOPP collision from another throneclutter\castleinterior\castlediningchairhigh01.nif, Stone -> Woodclutter\castleinterior\castlediningtable01.nif, Stone -> Woodclutter\castleinterior\castlethronechorrol.nif, Wood - > Wood/Cloth	*switched convex vertices collision to MOPPclutter\farm\feedingstall01.nif, Stone -> Woodclutter\farm\oar01.nif, Snow -> Woodclutter\farm\pickaxe01.nif, Snow -> Woodclutter\farm\pitchfork01.nif, Snow -> Woodclutter\farm\scythe01.nif, Snow -> Woodclutter\farm\shovel01.nif, Snow -> Woodclutter\farm\yarn01.nif, Wood -> Clothclutter\farm\yarn02.nif, Wood -> Clothclutter\middleclass\middlechestbrokenbottom03.nif			*Should now sound like wood. Set mass to 0, it is a staticclutter\middleclass\MiddleClassPlanter01.NIF to 03, Stone -> Metal	*Modified UOP meshesclutter\middleclass\middledesk01.nif, Stone -> Woodclutter\upperclass\upperbowlceramic01.nif, Wood Stairs -> Stoneclutter\upperclass\upperclassdisplaycaseblue02.nif, Stone -> Woodclutter\upperclass\upperplateceramic01.nif, Heavy Wood Stairs -> Stoneclutter\upperclass\uppertankardceramic01.nif, Heavy Wood Stairs -> Stoneclutter\candlefat01.nif to 03, Wood -> Clothclutter\candleskinny01.nif to 04, Wood -> Clothfurniture\fabricrack01.nif, Stone -> Woodfurniture\lowerclass\lowerclassbed01.nif to 03, Stone -> Clothfurniture\lowerclass\LowerClassBench01.NIF, LowerClassChair01.NIF		*Modified UOP meshes. Disabled Havok BSX flag, they are staticfurniture\lowerclass\lowerclasschair02.nif, Cloth -> Wood (except pillow)	*Disabled Havok BSX flagfurniture\lowerclass\lowerclassstool01.nif					*Disabled Havok BSX flagfurniture\middleclass\magestableround01.nif, Stone -> Woodfurniture\middleclass\middlebookshelf02.nif, Stone -> Woodfurniture\middleclass\middlebookshelf02.nif, Stone -> Woodfurniture\middleclass\middlelectern02.nif, Stone -> Woodfurniture\upperclass\UpperWallShelf01.NIF to 03				*Modified UOP meshes, it wasn't completely wood

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Crystal Clear
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:37 pm

Here are the meshes that has textures that not installed, either they are missing or have the wrong path.

Oblivion 1.2 install with UOP 3.2.0 and UOP Supplemental

Meshes from Oblivion 1.2
meshes\target.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\Target.ddsmeshes\targetsafezone.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\TargetSafeZone.ddsmeshes\architecture\anvil\lorgrenskeleton01.nif	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\creatures\skeleton\skeleton.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\lorgenHand.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\TatteredRobe01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\clutter\Sackrope01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\dungeons\fortruins\dungeon\RFDRmWallRuffStone01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\ArcaneSymbol01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\effects\SigilFlameFX01.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\architecture\anvil\lorgenBurn.ddsmeshes\architecture\castle\kvatch\kvatch  castle int entrance.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchDunWall01..dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchDunCeiling01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchDunFloor01.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchDunWall02..dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchDunColumn01.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchDunFloor03.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchDunMisc02.ddsmeshes\architecture\castle\kvatch\kvatch  castle int hallway01.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchDunWall01..dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchDunCeiling01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchDunFloor01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchDunColumn01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchWallInt03.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchDunMisc01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\castle\kvatch\KvatchCastleStoneburnes01.ddsmeshes\architecture\cheydinhal\cheydinhalupperclass02.nif	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalWoodPost01.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\architecture\cheydinhal\Cheydinhalstonewall.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalWoodPostend01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalWallPlasterWhite02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\Cheydinhalstonewall03.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\Cheydinhalstonewall02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\Cheydinhalstonewall01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalPorch01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalRoof01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalWindow01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalRoofEdging02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalRoofEdgeCap01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalWindow02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cathedral\CathedralLightMetal01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalStairs01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalWallPlasterWhite04.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\interior\CheydinhalFloor01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalWoodPattern01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalDoor02.ddsmeshes\architecture\chorrol\interior\chorrolfgshieldbronze.nif	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\wood\intstainewood09.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\clutter\barset\metalbracerusty04.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\clutter\fightersguild\F_GuildShieldBacking.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\clutter\fightersguild\SwordBronze01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\clutter\fightersguild\ShieldBronze01.ddsmeshes\characters\hair\emperor.nif	NOT FOUND: grey.ddsmeshes\characters\hair\khajiitdreds.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\characters\hair\Grey_Mane.ddsmeshes\characters\hair\orcheadband.nif	NOT FOUND: Grey.ddsmeshes\characters\hair\orconebraid.nif	NOT FOUND: Grey.ddsmeshes\characters\hair\orctwobraids.nif	NOT FOUND: Grey.ddsmeshes\characters\hair\orcupdo.nif	NOT FOUND: Grey.ddsmeshes\characters\highelf\earshighelf.nif	NOT FOUND: facegen\ears\human\EarsHuman.ddsmeshes\characters\imperial\earshuman.nif	NOT FOUND: facegen\ears\human\EarsHuman.ddsmeshes\characters\imperial\female\hair01.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\characters\imperial\female\Ear.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\characters\HairF01.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\characters\HairF01.ddsmeshes\characters\imperial\male\hair01.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\characters\imperial\male\EarMale.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\characters\HairBrownM01.ddsmeshes\characters\khajiit\male\headkhajiit.nif	NOT FOUND: HeadKhajiit.ddsmeshes\characters\woodelf\earswoodelf.nif	NOT FOUND: facegen\ears\human\EarsHuman.ddsmeshes\creatures\minotaur\test.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\creatures\minotaur\MinotaurWife.ddsmeshes\dungeons\chargen\idrubblepile01.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\dungeons\chargen\IDRubble01.ddsmeshes\dungeons\fortruins\castle\exterior\frxivyx.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\dungeons\fortruins\Ivy_Lite.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\dungeons\fortruins\Ivy.ddsmeshes\dungeons\sewers\sewerfloorbroken01.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\dungeons\sewers\sewerFloor02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\dungeons\sewers\sewerFloor03.ddsmeshes\landscape\vine01.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\plants\vineyard\vine.ddsmeshes\landscape\vine02.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\plants\vineyard\vine.ddsmeshes\menus\armor repair\hammer.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\menus\armorrepair\Repair_hammer.ddsmeshes\menus\armor repair\white spot.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\menus\armorrepair\white_spot.ddsmeshes\menus\enemy health bar\health_bar01_old.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\menus\misc\sequence_opacity50\000001.ddsmeshes\menus\enemy health bar\health_bar_old.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\menus\misc\sequence_opacity50\000001.ddsmeshes\menus\lockpicking\boltgearsloop.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\menus\lockpicking\gear_riht.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\menus\lockpicking\bolt.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\menus\lockpicking\gear_left.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\menus\lockpicking\loop.ddsmeshes\menus\lockpicking\pickold.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\menus\lockpicking\pick_C.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\menus\lockpicking\pick_B.ddsmeshes\menus\quick-keys\quick keys_background_emty_box.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\menus\quick-keys\background_paper_empty_box.ddsmeshes\menus\quick-keys\quick keys_background_emty_box_image.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\menus\quick-keys\background_paper_empty_box_image.ddsmeshes\oblivion\architecture\citadel\interior\switch\scampswitch01.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\oblivion\citadel interior\ScampKnocker01.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\oblivion\citadel interior\ScampKnocker01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\clutter\middleclass\PewterCup01.ddsmeshes\plants\bwcattail03.nif	NOT FOUND: textures\plants\BWCatTail02.dds

Meshes from UOP 3.2.0
Meshes\Architecture\Cheydinhal\CheydinhalAbandonedHouse01.NIF	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalWoodPost01.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\architecture\cheydinhal\Cheydinhalstonewall.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalWoodPostend01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalDoor01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\Cheydinhalstonewall03.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\Cheydinhalstonewall02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalRoof01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalWindow01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalRoofEdging02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalRoofEdgeCap01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalDoorHandle01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalSteps01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalChimney01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalWoodPost02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalWoodPostend02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\interior\CheydinhalAbandonedWindow01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalAWallPlasterWhite01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\cheydinhal\CheydinhalAWallPlasterWhite04.dds

Meshes from UOP Supplemental
Meshes\architecture\anvil\AnvilFightersGuild01.NIF	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvilplasteruc01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvilconcrete01_a.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvilconcrete01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvilstonetrim04.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvilstonetrim01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvilinsetuc.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\castle\castlestrip02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\castle\castlewall03.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\landscape\terrainanvilstreet02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvildoorflats02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvilstone02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvilplaster02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvilplaster03.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\tileroof01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvilwindowarch01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvilwindow02.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\architecture\anvil\AnvilWindow02L.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\architecture\anvil\AnvilWindowArch01L.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\anvil\anvilstoneuc01.ddsMeshes\architecture\leyawiin\exterior\LeyawiinMagesGuildHouse.NIF	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\leyawiin\leyawiinMagesGuildDoor01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\leyawiin\leyawiinShingles01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\leyawiin\leyawiinwoodbase01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\leyawiin\leyawiinStuco_Wall03.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\leyawiin\leyawiinStone02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\chorrol\GlassWindow10.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\leyawiin\LeyawiinTrim02.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\skingrad\SkingradTrim05.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\leyawiin\leyawiinUpperdoor01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\skingrad\SkingradMetalRusty01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\chorrol\RoofEdging01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\chorrol\RoofEdgeCap01.dds	Oblivion 1.2.bsa:\\textures\architecture\chorrol\MageGuildWindow01.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\architecture\chorrol\GlassWindow10L.dds	NOT FOUND: textures\architecture\leyawiin\leyawiinMagesGuildDoor01L.dds

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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:42 am

The missing textures from the UOPS are expected. Those are AWLS compatibility nodes that will not show up without AWLS installed.
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:50 am

I suspected that, also some .nif (eg. hair and faces) gets textures assigned via the .esp/m. But since I don't have the best knowledge of this I included all the .nifs, even those I was 99% certain didn't need fixing.
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Christine Pane
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:59 am

https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=715953c7841ab2e4&resid=715953C7841AB2E4!109 are some collision material fixes so objects have the correct sound effects and particles when struck by a weapon.

clutter\artsupplies\easel01.nif, Stone -> Woodclutter\artsupplies\ms14canvas01.nif to 05, Stone -> Clothclutter\artsupplies\ms14exitcanvas06.nif, Wood -> Clothclutter\artsupplies\uniquecanvas01.nif, Wood -> Clothclutter\books\messengerdiary.nif, Metal Stairs -> Clothclutter\books\mysteriumxarxes.nif, Wood -> Cloth			*Also set mass to 0, it is a staticclutter\books\Parchment01.NIF, Stone -> Cloth				*Modified UOP meshclutter\books\tomeofunlife.nif, Metal Stairs -> Clothclutter\castleinterior\cheydinhalcastleinterior\castlethronecheydinhal.nif, Stone -> Wood/Cloth		*Using MOPP collision from another throneclutter\castleinterior\castlediningchairhigh01.nif, Stone -> Woodclutter\castleinterior\castlediningtable01.nif, Stone -> Woodclutter\castleinterior\castlethronechorrol.nif, Wood - > Wood/Cloth	*switched convex vertices collision to MOPPclutter\farm\feedingstall01.nif, Stone -> Woodclutter\farm\oar01.nif, Snow -> Woodclutter\farm\pickaxe01.nif, Snow -> Woodclutter\farm\pitchfork01.nif, Snow -> Woodclutter\farm\scythe01.nif, Snow -> Woodclutter\farm\shovel01.nif, Snow -> Woodclutter\farm\yarn01.nif, Wood -> Clothclutter\farm\yarn02.nif, Wood -> Clothclutter\middleclass\middlechestbrokenbottom03.nif			*Should now sound like wood. Set mass to 0, it is a staticclutter\middleclass\MiddleClassPlanter01.NIF to 03, Stone -> Metal	*Modified UOP meshesclutter\middleclass\middledesk01.nif, Stone -> Woodclutter\upperclass\upperbowlceramic01.nif, Wood Stairs -> Stoneclutter\upperclass\upperclassdisplaycaseblue02.nif, Stone -> Woodclutter\upperclass\upperplateceramic01.nif, Heavy Wood Stairs -> Stoneclutter\upperclass\uppertankardceramic01.nif, Heavy Wood Stairs -> Stoneclutter\candlefat01.nif to 03, Wood -> Clothclutter\candleskinny01.nif to 04, Wood -> Clothfurniture\fabricrack01.nif, Stone -> Woodfurniture\lowerclass\lowerclassbed01.nif to 03, Stone -> Clothfurniture\lowerclass\LowerClassBench01.NIF, LowerClassChair01.NIF		*Modified UOP meshes. Disabled Havok BSX flag, they are staticfurniture\lowerclass\lowerclasschair02.nif, Cloth -> Wood (except pillow)	*Disabled Havok BSX flagfurniture\lowerclass\lowerclassstool01.nif					*Disabled Havok BSX flagfurniture\middleclass\magestableround01.nif, Stone -> Woodfurniture\middleclass\middlebookshelf02.nif, Stone -> Woodfurniture\middleclass\middlebookshelf02.nif, Stone -> Woodfurniture\middleclass\middlelectern02.nif, Stone -> Woodfurniture\upperclass\UpperWallShelf01.NIF to 03				*Modified UOP meshes, it wasn't completely wood

Mmmh... there is something that always annoyed me: when riding a horse over wood bridges and other materials including ice/snow there is no sound change, as the game does when walking.... Is this a "bug" too?

One thing is sure: Oblivion was a game released still in deep beta, judging by the bugs and oversights found! Bethesda now has had at least 6 months to fine-tune Skyrim this time... ;)

Did you know the original Oblivion was much better with beautiful Soft Shadows removed from the final version? See here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9B4BD911F70FA04A&feature=mh_lolz
A string "soft shadows" is still present in the EXE, but there is no hack AFAIK to enable them now that PCs are much more powerful...
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Trista Jim
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:28 pm

Hey when Unofficial patch 3.40 is ready for us to use is it possible to integrate this into Oblivion.esm. I don't want people telling me I'm an idiot or there is no point; I would like to know.

I mean could you theoretically use the tools created by the modders out there to add all those changes directly into Oblvion.esm and have that be still compatible with most mods out there. I wonder if there would be any benefit people can think of or any glaring problems with doing that.


Oh and I am holding off playing a new game until this is out... looking forward to it.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:07 am

In theory yes. Reality is something quite different. Doing so will break the game. There's no way around it either.
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J.P loves
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:27 pm

In theory yes. Reality is something quite different. Doing so will break the game. There's no way around it either.

Thank you for your response.

I was imagining a 99.99% flawless Oblivion.esm and bsa... oh well.
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:35 am

Quick question:

Some of the AI packages added to certain NPC's are making catching them for their merchant/trainer whatever services a real hit and miss pain in the ass. Can I just delete those entries in the bash patch via tes4edit or will this break the game or the npc's?
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:55 am

I don't know how much of this is actually included in UOP or any of this is related to the UOP, but I bought Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition not long ago and here is the readme if you need to look at it.

ReadMe of Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition
The Elder Scrolls IV
Version 1.2.0416


1. Known Issues and Troubleshooting

2. Manual Errata and Addendum

3. Performance Tuning

4. System Requirements

5. Update 1.2.0416 Notes

6. Update 1.2.0214 Notes

7. Update 1.1 Notes

1. Known Issues and Troubleshooting

-Uninstalling Shivering Isles
Uninstalling Shivering Isles removes many files that are required by Oblivion to play. To play Oblivion after uninstalling Shivering Isles, you must first uninstall and reinstall Oblivion to properly replace the needed files.

-Installation Issue
If you repeatedly uninstall and re-install Oblivion, certain systems will display an error message if you try to uninstall Oblivion again. To fix this, put your Oblivion disk in and run setup.exe. This will clear up the error and you can uninstall and reinstall the game.

-Saved Games
Your saved games are located in your \My Documents\My Games\Oblivion directory.

-Prior to Installing the Game
Before attempting to install Oblivion, please verify that your computer meets system requirements.

We also recommend that you prepare your hard drive for installation by running ScanDisk and Disk Defragmenter prior to installation. These utilities are part of Windows? and can identify and resolve problems with your disk drive which could hinder installation and/or playing of the game.

To launch these programs and optimize your hard disk drive:

1. Open "My Computer".

2. Right-click the disk drive you wish to install the game onto (usually C:).

3. Click on "Properties".

4. Select the "Tools" tab.

5. Click "Check Now" to launch Scandisk.

6. When Scandisk has completed, follow steps 1-3 and click "Defragment Now" to launch Disk Defragmenter.

Note that defragmenting your disk drive can take a long time. It's a good idea to start disk defragmenter and let it run overnight.

-ATI Crossfire
Performance on systems using ATI Crossfire will be reduced until ATI releases an updated driver with Oblivion listed as a Crossfire Compatible game.

-Error messages when launching Oblivion:

This will appear as a missing dll error similar to "d3dx9_27.dll not found."

This can be corrected by Exploring the Oblivion DVD. On the disk there is a folder named DXREDIST. Open the folder and run the DXSETUP.exe. This will install the version of DirectX required to run Oblivion.

-Unable to make new saves
If the Tab key is pressed while entering a name during character creation, a problem may occur when the game goes to write a save to the save location. This is because the name of the character is included in the name of the save file used in Windows. This is most commonly a result of attempting to Alt-Tab out of the application during name entry. If this occurs, autosaves and quicksaves will continue to function correctly, but saves made through the menu will not. The issue will be fixed if the Tab is deleted when renaming the character before exiting the sewer at the end of the character generation.

The following may also be of assistance if the character has progressed beyond character generation:

The player name can be changed through the console by pressing the ` (tilde) key, and entering the following: player.SetActorFullName "Player Name" (where Player Name = the name of the character). Press RETURN, and then exit the console by pressing the tilde again.

Also, saves can be made through the console by pressing the ` (tilde) key, and entering the following: save filename (where filename = the name of the save that you would like to make). Press RETURN, and then exit the console by pressing the tilde again.

-Input Problems
Keyboard input problems could be the result of a control peripheral. Editting the Oblivion.ini may correct this issue. The Oblivion.ini file is located in the My Documents\My Games\Oblivion directory. In the [Controls] section, change the “bUse Joystick=1” setting to “bUse Joystick=0” or simply disconnect the peripheral. Make sure the settings are saved. Note, changes to the Oblivion.ini file will not be saved if Oblivion in running when the changes are made.

-Frequent Crashing possibly due to old system file
Some users may experience frequent crashing due to an older system file. These crashes may be attributed to the 'mpeg2dmx.ax' file. Simply renaming the file to "mpeg2dmx.ax.old" may correct this issue.

-Frequent Crashing possibly due to connected HP printer
A program related to HP printers may cause Oblivion to crash. Before running Oblivion: Press Ctr-Alt-Del to bring up the task manager. Go to the Processes Tab. Right click on any process starting with the letters HP and select End. Running Oblivion at this point may have this issue corrected. Note: The PC will need to be restarted to reinitialize printing or imaging.

-"FF" icons in the system tray
Some users have reported having numerous "FF" icons in their taskbar during or after playing Oblivion. These icons are from a seperate video/audio decoder you may have installed in the past called "FFDShow." This program is processing the sound files for Oblivion, which some users have reported slows down the game, and can leave the icons in their system tray. Simply moving the mouse over those icons will get rid of them after you stop playing Oblivion. Uninstalling FFDShow can fix this, but it is NOT necessary. You can follow the steps below to tell FFDShow not to handle sound for Oblivion.

Instructions for disabling the FFDShow for Oblivion without fully removing it:

1. Click Start

2. Click "All Programs" (or just Programs, depending on the version of Windows, whether they're using "classic," etc.)

3. Go to the ffdshow folder.

4. Click "Audio decoder configuration."

5. In the left hand pane, click "Info & debug." This is the second entry in the list.

6. In the right hand pane, near the bottom, find a check box labelled "Don't use ffdshow in:"

7. Check that box, and in the text box underneath (it lights up when you check the check box), add "oblivion.exe" (don't include the quotes). If there is already something in that box, put a semi-colon ( ; ) after what's already there, and oblivion.exe after that. Do NOT use spaces, since ffdshow will think that's part of the filename. A valid entry would be "explorer.exe;oblivion.exe" (without quotes).

8. Finally, click "Ok" and start Oblivion.

-Game Pad Functionality

Although the PC version of Oblivion handles best when played with a keyboard and mouse, it is possible to play the game with an assortment of game pads as well. Due to the variance in these game pads, it may be necessary to make a few changes to the Oblivion.ini file located in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion. Below is a list of the settings that can be changed to make a Xbox 360 controller attached to a PC, function better with Oblivion. It should be noted however, that because the PC version of the game was optimized to play with a keyboard and mouse, the experience will NOT be the same, as using a 360 controller on the Xbox 360 version of the game. Additionally, these settings can be applied to other game pads, but the values represented may need to be tweaked further. Finally, the mapping of the buttons will need to be determined when entering the game, and can be changed in Options - Controls, from the Main Menu - Do NOT map the directional controls (Forward, Backward, Left, Right), as this will overwrite certain changes made in the Oblivion.ini file.

These are the default settings in the Oblivion.ini:
;X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3, XRot = 4, YRot = 5, ZRot = 6


Change to these values to get better functionality from a 360 game pad connected to a PC.
;X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3, XRot = 4, YRot = 5, ZRot = 6

Make sure the settings are saved. Note, changes to the Oblivion.ini file will not be saved if Oblivion is running when the changes are made.

-Updated Oblivion Launcher
The updated launcher now includes options for changing your auto detect settings for Video Quality. The presents are Very Low, Low, Medium, High and Ultra High. If you select Reset to Defaults, it will restart the auto detect and offer the best settings for your system.

2. Manual Errata and Addendum

-New Quick Keys. Press F1 - F4 to access your Journal and Stats menu

F1 - Stats

F2 - Inventory Menu

F3 - Magic Menu

F4 - Maps and Quests

-Page 20 states the Governing Attribute for Block is Agility. It should be Endurance.

3. Performance Tuning

There are several things you can do to increase game performance.

-Make sure you have no other programs running in the background.

-Lower the game resolution. The game runs faster at 640x480 and 800x600.

-Go to your Options menu and select Video. Try the following options to improve performance:
-Set View Distance as low as possible. Your framerate and load times will improve but you will not be able to view as far.

-Set Tree, Actor, Item and Object Fade as low as possible. This will cause certain objects in the world to fade away sooner. This will increase your framerate but degrade visual quality.

-Set Texture Size to Medium or Small. Textures on objects will not appear as sharp when this setting is reduced. This will increase your framerate but degrade visual quality.

-Set Grass slider as low as possible. This will cause less grass to be displayed around your character. This will increase your framerate but you will see less grass displayed.

-Set Distant LOD to OFF. This will reduce your view distance, but your framerate and load times will improve.

-Set Distant Buildings to OFF. You will not see cities or the Imperial City in the distant landscape but your framerate and load times will improve.

-Set Distant Trees to OFF. You will not see trees in the distant landscape but your framerate and load times will improve.

-Set Interior Shadows as low as possible. This will decrease the number of characters that cast shadows while you are in interiors, improving your framerate.

-Set Exterior Shadows as low as possible. This will decrease the number of characters that cast shadows while you are in exteriors, improving your framerate.

-Set Self Shadows to OFF. The Player and other characters will no longer cast shadows on themselves, but will still cast shadows on the environment. This will improve your framerate.

-Set Grass Shadows to OFF. Shadows will no longer display on grass. This will improve your framerate.

-Set Tree Canopy Shadows to OFF. The forests will no longer cast shadows on the landscape, improving your framerate.

-Set Shadow Filtering as low as possible or off. This will reduce the amount of softening the shadows receive, but increase framerate.

-Set Specular Light as low as possible. This will cause objects to lose their shininess at lower distances, improving your framerate.

-Set HDR Lighting to OFF. This will increase your framerate but degrade visual quality.

-Use Bloom lighting instead of HDR, or turn Bloom off. Bloom is a less intensive version of HDR. Turning it off will improve framerate but degrade visual quality.

-Make sure Water Detail is set to Normal. High detail water will decrease your framerate.

-Set Water Reflections and Ripples to OFF. This will increase your framerate while you are near water, but the water will not show reflections or react to objects interacting with it.

-Set Window Reflections to Off. This will remove the subtle reflections from windows but improve framerate.

-Set Blood Decals to Medium or Low. At Medium, decals do not get applied to characters, only landscape. At Low, no decals get applied at all. These will increase your framerate in combat situations.

-Turn anti-aliasing down or off. This will degrade overall visual quality but improve your framerate.

-Turn off music
The music is mp3 format and can slow the game down.

4. System Requirements

-Minimum System Requirements:
* Windows XP
* 512MB System RAM
* 2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
* 8x DVD-ROM Drive
* 4.6 GB free hard disk space
* DirectX 9.0c (included)
* 128MB Direct3D Compatible Video card and DirectX 9.0 compatible driver
* DirectX 8.1 Compatible Sound Card
* Keyboard, Mouse

-Recommended System Requirements:
* 3.0 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
* 1 GB System RAM
* ATI X800 series, Nvidia GeForce 6800 series, or higher video card

-Supported Video Card Chipsets:
ATI X1900 series
ATI X1800 series
ATI X1600 series
ATI X1300 series
ATI X850 series
ATI x800 series
ATI x700 series
ATI x600 series
ATI Radeon 9800 series
ATI Radeon 9700 series
ATI Radeon 9600 series
ATI Radeon 9500 series
NVIDIA Geforce 7800 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6600 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6200 series
NVIDIA GeForce FX series

-Regardless of your video card, make sure to download the latest drivers from your manufacturer.

-ALT+TAB may cause some game instability with some hardware configurations and is not advised.

5. Update 1.2.0416 Notes

Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash caused by bad form IDs

Fixes an issue where the game would try to use a form IDs that was either restricted or not available yet.

Fixed an issue where form IDs were not being marked as free properly, causing objects to disappear in game.

6. Update 1.2.0214 Notes

Bug Fixes
Improved LOD visual quality for landscape.

Optimizations to file loading system.

Taking items from dead owned creatures is no longer a crime.

Fixed issue where lock/unlocked states on doors would occasionally be stored incorrectly in a save game.

NPCs no longer pop into view after player cancels out from the Wait menu.

Fixed memory leak with sitting in a chair multiple times.

The reflection from the environment map in windows now displays properly.

Fixed an issue where player is still in combat even though the creature is no longer present.

Player can no longer fast travel when paralyzed.

Fixed infinite dialogue loop when arrested by guards who have high disposition to you.

Fixed issue where guards would not properly report crime if they were pickpocketed.

Summoned creatures properly fade away when they are created from a leveled list.

Fixed issue where stolen items would lose their stolen status if the player character was female.

Fixed crash that would occur with NPCs loading in with arrows.

Pickup sound effects no longer play during the loading screen.

If you attack a creature owned by you, crime is no longer reported.

Fixed issue with LOD not loading in properly when entering/exiting worldspaces.

Fixed infinite soul gems exploit by dropping and picking up stacked soul gems.

Fixed a crash with summoning a creature and immediately exiting the cell.

Fixed a crash with stealing an object, exiting and immediately re-entering an interior.

Fixed issue where an NPC would occasionally not perform the proper idle animation.

Fixed an occasional crash when a creature loses detection on the player.

Fixed an occasional crash with NPCs who were not loaded going into combat.

Quest Fixes
In Light the Dragonfires, fixed issue where improper journal would appear if you closed an Oblivion gate.

In Till Death do They Part, fixed an issue where Melisande would not properly give you Cure Vampirism potion.

7. Update 1.1 Notes

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue with falling through collision in Fort Wooden Hand.

Fixed issue with remapping controls in French, German, Italian and Spanish versions.

Fixed issue with some shadows not lining up.

Going to jail while equipped with bound armor or weapons no longer crashes the game.

Fixed issue with bound weapons not dispelling properly after dismounting a horse.

Fixed issue with player shadow being delayed after fast travel.

Fixed infinite gold issue on some dead NPCs.

Fixed issue with disease resistences that made it impossible to contract vampirism under certain circumstances.

Fixed an issue where occasionally skills would not increase properly after you received an increase in a way other than skill uses like as a quest reward.

Fixed issue where spells, powers and lesser powers were being improperly resisted when the player cast them on themselves.

Fixed an issue where creatures and NPCs would not go into combat properly after being hit by a projectile.

Fixed an issue with duplicating items and unequiping the bow.

Fixed an exploit that allowed you to sell equipped items to a vendor more than once while on a horse.

Fixed an issue with items reappearing in dead bodies after saving and reloading.

Fixed crash when NPC with active light spell on them unloaded from memory.

New Very Low Quality graphic setting available under Launcher options with improved support for low end FX cards (5700 and lower). To use this setting, go to the Launcher, select Options and click Reset to Defaults to allow the auto detect to check your system.

Implemented SLI-mode optimizations on Nvidia cards, and Crossfire optimizations for ATI cards.

Fixed a crash issue where loading a save would crash if the player had extra data on them.

Fixed an issue for LOD art for city was not unloading quickly enough when exiting an interior.

Fixed an issue where Aylied doors would not open when activated in Miscarcand.

Quest Fixes

If you are permanently expelled from Mages Guild, you can now go back into the Mages Guild buildings.

In The Siren's Deception, the door to Gweden farmhouse is prevented from locking too soon if player exits too quickly.

In the Light the Dragonfires quest, player controls are prevented from being locked if player accidentally hits Ocato during the final battle in the Imperial Palace.

In the Confront the King quest, fixed an issue where Mannimarco would occasionally stop fighting the player while the player's controls are locked.

In Corruption and Conscience, fixed an issue if player got to Llevana's house earlier than expected and she would initiate trespass behavior rather than move the quest forward.

In Theranis' Mistake, it is no longer possible to get multiple copies of Ahdarji's ring. Also, fixed an issue with player receiving Blood Price topic too early in the quest.

In the Leyawiin Recommendation quest, it is no longer possible to bypass Kalthar in Fort Blueblood.

In Revenge Served Cold, Corrick will now recognize when player had the jade amulet in their inventory if No Stone Unturned quest had been previously completed.

In Infiltration, player can no longer kill Blackwood Company members and stop progress in Fighter's Guild.

In Dark Brotherhood, if you kill fellow members and get kicked out of the guild, you can no longer continue to progress in the questline until you redeem yourself and get back in.

In The Master's Son, the player now properly receives their reward when completing the quest.

In Caught in the Hunt, fixed an issue where NPCs would not go into combat properly.

In the Cheydinhal Recommendation quest, fixed an issue where Vidkun's body would disappear if you left the well.

Getting disqualified from the first Arena match no longer blocks you from further matches.

In Till Death Do They Part, the Count no longer rewards player with gold more than once. Fixed an issue with not receiving the Vampire Ashes topic if the player picked up vampire ashes before getting the quest. Fixed issue where Bloodgrass topic was not added if player finished the Main Quest before starting quest. Hal-Liurz will now follow player properly when asked about the cure.

In Mystery and Harlun's Watch, the dead body you are supposed to find will no longer disappear from Swampy Cave if you cleared out the dungeon before starting the quest.

In Blood of the Daedra, Martin will now recognize Spellbreaker as a Daedric artifact.

In When the Vow Breaks, additional instance of Rockshatter are now prevented from appearing on Bjalfi's dead corpse after saving and reloading.

In Paranoia, game no longer crashes when Bernadette Peneles exits the city while you are following her.

For Clavicus Vile quest, fixed crash with giving or refusing to give Umbra to Clavicus Vile.

Plugin Fixes

Fixed issue with saving your game while an actor is in a new interior cell created in a plugin, and re-loading the save game without the plugin.

Fixed issue with loading previous saves with plugin that contains new base objects that are containers, NPCs and creatures.

Fixed issue with linked pathpoints scripted to switch on/off that are modified by a plugin.

NPC's companions no longer disappear when they fast travel with player to an exterior cell that is modified by a plugin.

New scripted spell effects created in a plugin now work properly.

I also wonder if it isn't about time to exclude UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp from UOP since it's already included in the bashed patch (Tweak Settings) in Wrye Bash and a lot of people is already using Wrye Bash.

Btw... This http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=851575 needs to be changed with this http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=851575 in the OP. :)
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:51 am

I was imagining a 99.99% flawless Oblivion.esm and bsa... oh well.

For what it's worth: even with no technical hurdles, it wouldn't be worth it, for you or for the creators.

You can't redistribute the original contents of Oblivion.esm because it's protected game content, which means you'd have to distribute the UOP as a difference patch. This either requires a third-party utility, or an EXE installer. Reverting to the non-patched version (e.g. if you think you've found a bug, and need to test it) means restoring a backup, not just unchecking the UOP in your load list.

Incremental patches can still be released as mods (like the supplementals), but a major revision would be another patch... and that's a whole other can of worms, because the maintainers either need to provide an intelligent patching system that can figure out what version's already installed and patch accordingly, or users will be required to restore their backup originals before patching (and oh, the tech support nightmares if they miss a step).

A couple of slots eaten up in your load list really is the lesser evil. :)
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David Chambers
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:27 am

For what it's worth: even with no technical hurdles, it wouldn't be worth it, for you or for the creators.

You can't redistribute the original contents of Oblivion.esm because it's protected game content, which means you'd have to distribute the UOP as a difference patch. This either requires a third-party utility, or an EXE installer. Reverting to the non-patched version (e.g. if you think you've found a bug, and need to test it) means restoring a backup, not just unchecking the UOP in your load list.

Incremental patches can still be released as mods (like the supplementals), but a major revision would be another patch... and that's a whole other can of worms, because the maintainers either need to provide an intelligent patching system that can figure out what version's already installed and patch accordingly, or users will be required to restore their backup originals before patching (and oh, the tech support nightmares if they miss a step).

A couple of slots eaten up in your load list really is the lesser evil. :)

Thanks, I never did think of re-releasing to the masses. It was more of just wanting it done for me... I kinda like to imagine this is how it was meant to be... weird I know.
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daniel royle
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:29 am

I also wonder if it isn't about time to exclude UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp from UOP since it's already included in the bashed patch (Tweak Settings) in Wrye Bash and a lot of people is already using Wrye Bash.

I do not think that is a good idea. Not everyone that wants his game fixed uses Wrye bash.
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April D. F
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:52 am

I'm done. Mostly at least. :)

I just uploaded the first Beta (the self-installer) http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5296. Just uploading the manual 7-Zip now.

This is more of an RC than a Beta I would say. It should be good to go. In the interim, I may work on the glass cuirass and the silver weapons, but I really need to get the UOMP and USIP updated.

I'm going to leave the UOP in Beta until Friday and then call it complete, make it a full release and upload it to PlanetElderScrolls. I'll leave it as a two-parter for a month and then upload the huge all-in-one once I'm confident there are no severe errors (so I don't have to upload the whole thing again... the update is one-fifth the size.)

If you have UOP 3.2.0 or any of Arthmoor's Supplementals: Install either of the 3.4.0 updates.
If you have and older version of the UOP 3.2.0 and no Supplementals, or no UOP: Install either of the full 3.2.0 versions and then either of the 3.4.0 updates.

<> Hope I can say I'm done with it for a long time.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:41 am

Thank You Kivan! :goodjob:
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:13 am

yay, can't wait for the 3.4.0 version Kivan!

But now, if you indulge me some questions:

I can't help to read in the 3.4.0 changelog the fix:
Removed the Open Cities compatibility script as it is no longer required

I really cannot grasp that. Open cities don't require it anymore or it's UOP?

Also, UOMP and ans USIP will be ready until next Friday too? :hubbahubba:
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:52 pm

The compatibility script is what's no longer required. The chapel and cloister issues it was meant to address have been fixed in a different manner.
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Stephanie I
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:41 am

Thanks a lot for the answer, Arthmoor!
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:01 am

Terrific, 3.4.0 is out at last! I thought it was going to take some more, but Skyrim is round the corner I guess. Thank you so much Kivan, and everyone else involved, the list of fixes is ripe and certainly the final milestone in this mod.

I'm almost reluctant to spoil this moment with an issue I have, though if not it will be too late. I haven't noticed anything dealing with the alchemy fix abilities and the Actor Value Uncapper plugin, which as you might remember added a new game setting, favuAlchemyEffectiveSkillCurrentMult, that when set to something greater than the default value of 0 made the alchemy fix unnecessary and even exploitable since the player would get twice the alchemy bonus (the vanilla enchantment and the UOP ability) and both would work when making potions.

I believe I have made a good enough fix, I've reconverted the UOPAlchemyItemsOnloadFixScript to be a continuously running script instead of a 'run once and stop' type, which would need to be assigned to a new quest since the current one is stopped in most games. The script now checks for GetGameSetting favuAlchemyEffectiveSkillCurrentMult > 0, and if true, removes all the UOP alchemy abilities from the player (it is quicker than altering all the alchemy item's scripts, though not so good performance-wise). It doesn't depend on AVU or OBSE, since checking for game settings makes no such dependencies.

I have made it hurriedly, so even now I'm thinking of ways to improve it, and I also have to test it out. Would it be a good idea to include such a thing, or it is too much hassle for such petty alchemy bonuses and not so common player instances of using OBSE and AVU? Maybe it would be a third mod's responsibility to fix such a thing?

If the above isn't really practical, I thought about another solution being making those alchemy abilities toggleable in the main UOP menu, so users could decide whether they get applied when wearing those alchemy items or not.

In any case, you really deserve a break from patching at least until Skyrim has been 6 months out or more, so thank you again and hope you enjoy.
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Taylor Bakos
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