I think... these rank up there with the original and gold/silver in terms of quality. Truly out standing and innovative. Nintendo is really going to have to push the limits for the next one.
While I agree the gameplay is good, they really screwed the pooch in my book on the controls. The controls for HG/SS are far superior to B/W. When I first went to use a PC I was "What? What's this nonsense".
I know they did it for C-Gear, but the problem could have been simply solved by a toggle button that toggles you between C-Gear and regular controls. The R/L buttons have never really been used in a Pokemon Game. Have pressing one quickly switch the bottom screen to and from C-Gear (and stay that way until I press it again). There is a significant amount of time I don't have C-Gear on (when just playing in my room, no one nearby to see then) and it makes no sense to have C-Gear take up the whole bottom of the screen when instead I could have some useful controls.