Well since I got the green light by Rohugh to make this thread, here it is.
Link to thread one - http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1118747-can-my-pc-run-new-vegas/
Also check out this link. Its to 'Can you run it?' - http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/
Sorry, but that site is inaccurate so often, it doesn't belong in anything even semi-"official".
Heres everything from the previous thread thanks to CCNA:
To make this easy, if you can run Fallout 3, you can run New Vegas.
Here are the Reccomended Requirements. As you can see, the hardware needed is not bleeding edge, so most modern gaming PCs will have no issues running this game.
As usual, on board graphics (no seperate video card) will not run this game. If you have that, you will have to investigate adding a video card to your current system. There may be some integrated graphics solutions coming that can run modern games, but for now, they are not up to the rendering needed.
Requirements: (yer link dead)
Windows 7/Vista/XP
Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz
Memory: 2GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 10GB free space
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6 series, ATI 1300XT series
Has no one at all tipped to the (
USUAL usage for it) difference between a "Series" and an entire video card generation?
There really was no such thing as a "Geforce 6 Series" the way that the term is normally used. There is a Geforce 6n00
GENERATION, made up of
several 6200s, a couple of 6500s, several 6600s, and five different 6800s, two of which are slower than the 6600s (SE and XT). Looking at the official Fallout3 requirements, the minimum was a "6800", not otherwise identified. Those of the gamers actually familar with the nVIDIA cards from five years ago accepted that the usage was intended for the 6800 "Vanilla" video card, the one exactly in the middle of the range of that series (following the typical usage iof the word).
SO: do we now assume that some really fantastic optimization is going to suddenly make 6200s, 6500s, and 6600s able to run Fallout NV as fast as 6800s?
Then, regarding their Radeon choice, there again is no "Series", there are instead two different names for the exact same card, from which the
least common one is the one chosen. The X1600 Pro had been "
WEAK" when new, compared to the Geforce 7600 GS and GT cards, and was replaced by the X1650 Pro (a rebadged X1600 XT, with slight tweaks), and thereafter was renamed to become the X1300 XT. But rather few were actually sold under that name compared to the original Radeon name for the cards.
That Geforce error is huge. I admit that this time, it seems as though the Radeon mistake is far less off-base than when it was an X850 for Fallout 3.