Start Asking!
What I will be asking:
1) How will assassination be handled? Will you be able have stealth kills; such as in Crysis 2. Will we also be able to disguise ourselves such as in F:NV?
2) Will there be multiple ways to complete quests? Such as talking your way through the quest, or sneaking past the guards, or perhaps dressing up as a guard?
3) How will the factions be handled? Will there be be more factions then Oblivion that you can join? Will there be branching quests in the factions?
4) Was the Spanish Meristation magazine accurate at all?
5) How will the AI of npc's be handled? Will they be as smart or smarter when you showed them for oblivion in 2005/2006.
Edit: I will only ask 10 questions, or else it will go to long. What you ask will be simplifed into 10 questions and if they anwsered the question in the demo, I will include it in my transcript of the demo. Also, if you want me to ask somthing different I will. As of now we have 5 questions left.