Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Version: 1.3.3
By the Unofficial Patch Project Team
Requires Skyrim version or greater.
This mod is an effort to fix the vast amount of bugs currently existing in Skyrim. If you're experiencing a bug with Skyrim, please report the bug to us in as much detail as possible on Please use search to ensure that you aren't submitting something that is already there. There are conglomerate entries for object placement (if it doesn't affect gameplay), text errors, and inappropriate dialog (again, that doesn't affect quests or other gameplay) so please use those entries if that's what you're reporting. Please also confirm that the bug you are reporting happens with no mods other than the unofficial patches installed. A lot of Skyrim bugs are actually the result of other mods doing things they're not supposed to. Thank you and we hope you have a better Skyrim experience!
(Note that all fixes are retroactive unless otherwise noted)
I've seen something called the Skyrim Misc Patches Collection (aka USKP_Addon)? What is this? Do I need it? Is it safe? Why was BOSS issuing warnings about it?
The mod known as the Skyrim Misc Patches Collection (aka USKP_Addon) is not an approved extension and does not have the support of the Unofficial Patch Project. It's author has decided to make some deeply subjective design changes to the game and has chosen to market in such a way as to make it seem as though our project approves of its existence. We do not. This mod is not only full of subjective game design changes but also contains poorly implemented replacements for several fixes we've already made that in turn generate conflicts in the game and can even lead to save game corruption.
We have on several occasions attempted to contact the author, who has contributed fixes directly into the patches before and has ALSO provided Italian translations. He refused to address the issue, in fact refused to acknowledge our concerns at all and has continued to operate as though nothing is wrong.
You are strongly advised NOT to use this mod as it will be damaging to your game. We will NOT provide support to anyone who is using it in their games due to the script conflicts which cause properties to become undone and inflict irreversible damage to the main quest.
We will rescind this warning if and ONLY if these issues are resolved.
Previous Threads:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
AndalayBay - For hosting the USKP Beta and providing it a forum, as well as help with transferring control of the bug tracker information to Bugzilla.
Arthmoor - For stepping in to take over the unofficial patch projects and coordinating the various community reports and submissions into the final products.
BlueDanieru - For the Ancient Knowledge fix
Brumbek - For the fixed Thalmor Embassy building and entranceway
MadCat221 - For the fixed female Blades, Ebony, Iron (and Banded) Steel (and Plate) Cuirasses
Martigen, ThrottleKitty and Amgepo - For the fixed permanent remains and stacking Nirnroot glows
Phitt - For the fixed male Ebony Cuirass
PrinceShroob - For numerous fixes to quests, NPCs, items and more
DayDreamer - For help with porting the bug tracker over to Dark Creations and for help with fixing bugs
Jackstarr - For the audio fix correcting "Morang Tong" -&--#62; "Morag Tong"
alt3rn1ty - For the replacement archery target textures.
Version: 1.3.3
USKP Fixes
- If the player kills Astrid to resolve the Dark Brotherhood quest, the captives get disabled when they should remain. DBDestroy handles cleaning them up in another stage. (Bug #12883) [NR]
- The following meshes were removed due to the double sided fixes causing lighting problems instead: actors\giant folder, actors\mammoth folder, clutter\deadmammoth folder, meshes\loadscreenart\loadscreengiant01.nif, meshes\loadscreenart\loadscreenmammoth.nif (Bug #12844)
- The trapdoor added to fix the mismatched doors in The Midden was floating and has been corrected. (Bug #12961)
- The male Elven armor fix from Bug #10084 has been removed as it is CAUSING clipping rather than fixing it. The female files will remain as they are still necessary. (Bug #12964)
- Two undocumented mesh fixes from USKP 1.0 have been removed from the package as it is unclear why they needed to be here and they were causing the pots to flip over upside down. (meshes\clutter\ruins\RuinsPot01.NIF, meshes\clutter\ruins\RuinsPot02.NIF) (Bug #13022)
- The previous fix to break the level dependency on The Wolf Queen Awakened (MS06) has been updated to institute a reasonable delay between the end of the starter quest (MS06Start) and the beginning of the actual quest. The minimum level requirement will still be in place, this only restores the time delay Bethesda appeared to be trying to institute for this.
Game Mechanics Fixes
- DefaultPredatorPackageList specifies its package stack in the wrong order, resulting in all creatures who use this stack never accessing their predator "hunt and patrol" package. (Bug #12935)
- DefaultMasterPackageListAllowWander specifies its package stack in the wrong order, blocking any NPCs who would otherwise use the version with a weapon drawn from being able to do so. (Bug #12935)
- AI package SolitudeRaimentsShopping11x2 was erroneously pointing to a fog effect instead of the proper browse idle markers. (Bug #12915)
- Solitude Bits & Pieces and Angeline's Aromatics lacked browsing markers for the customer AI packages to use. (Bug #12915)
- The Shalidor's Insight perk rewards are both incorrectly affecting low level alteration spells for one condition when that condition should have been set to affect master level illusion spells. (MGR21IllusionCost, MGR21IllusionDur) (Bug #12713)
- WhiterunOlfinaInnWork16x10 did not have conditions on it to prevent Olfina from using it after becoming housecarl. (Bug #13032)
- SolitudeSailorSkeeverEat16x8 should have been set to use the Winking Skeever as a sandbox target instead of editor location. This now allows 3 crew members from the Red Wave to come to the inn, making them available for brawl targets, and enabling several lines of unique dialogue that have been otherwise unavailable. (Bug #13026)
- EnchFortifyArticulation had the wrong associated value set. Should be Speech instead of SpeechcraftMod. (Bug #9652)
- EnchArmorArticulation01 to EnchArmorArticulation07 had the wrong progression of enchantment values which did not match the descriptions. Old progression: 10/12/15/17/20/22/25. Proper progression: 5/10/15/20/25/30/35. (Bug #9652)
- Soul Trap animations would not play for bound weapons after obtaining the Soul Stealer perk (PerkSoulStealerFFContact) due to the perk not having the effect script attached. (Bug #901)
- Weapon/shield racks and display cases have received a major overhaul to fix numerous bugs:
- Eliminated all issues with cross-activation of racks by large weapons placed on adjacent racks, which led to all sorts of glitches (racks becoming inoperative although empty, activators getting enabled although the racks were filled and making it impossible to retrieve the weapons placed on them, etc.). Cross-activation was notoriously an issue on with crossbows and large battleaxes on wooden racks, and with pretty much every item on the red wall-mounted three-in-one racks ("CoA racks"); shield plaques staying inactive when the shield was grabbed from an otherwise fully occupied rack was a common issue.
- Fixed an issue with pre-placed shields and weapons, which were moved back to their starting position upon reload whenever they were placed somewhere else (not even necessarily on a rack) in the same cell. This was because the starting item is never unlinked from the rack it was placed on and because the scripts never checked whether the starting items had been grabbed but repeated to handle (and place) them on every cell attach.
- Fixed an issue where the activator would stay enabled when the trigger was disabled. It will now properly disable itself when its linked trigger is disabled (this happens e.g. to most of the racks in military camps).
- Caught all mistakenly enable-parented activators and fixed them (54 in total)
- Fixed also an issue where some of these racks were linked to a wrong enable parent (bug #13189)
- Items that should not be put on any racks are now handled by a form list. This makes it a lot easier to add or remove items in the future, as it will not require to modify the scripts again. (Bug #148)
- Added full support for crossbows.
- Added collision flags to all new item placement nodes that were missing them.
- Adjusted placement of the Falmer staff on wooden racks (rotated it slightly out of plane) since there was clipping when another Falmer staff was mounted on an adjacent rack.
- Modified the position of other staves on wooden racks, since some of them were ending up much higher on the rack than planned originally.
- Fixed clipping issue with the Falmer stavess on both plaques (left and right) of the CoA racks, which required modifications to another two trigger meshes.
- Fixed placement of the forsworn staves on the red wall-mounted single-weapon plaques, but had to exclude them from being placed in the large display cases (temporarily at least, until I have found out why they ignore the rotation values I set on their pivot and always end up in the same wrong position).
- Meshes modified to support the above changes: Meshes\Clutter\WeaponRack\WRPlaqueShield01.nif, Meshes\Clutter\WeaponRack\WRSingle01.nif, Meshes\Clutter\WeaponRack\WRDisplayCase01.nif, Meshes\Clutter\WeaponRack\WRPlaque01.nif, Meshes\Clutter\WeaponRack\WRPlaqueLeft01.nif, Meshes\Clutter\WeaponRack\WRPlaqueRight01.nif
- Full discussion of this issue can be found on the
- The LvlPredatorScript has been corrected so that it will no longer fill the logs with errors about enable parents. The addition of two new USKP-specific keywords was required for this in addition to editing several world records for the placed creatures the script was intended to run for. In an 100% vanilla game, this completely eradicates these error messages and the predator/prey setups now work as they were intended to. Mods which edit these references will cancel out the fixes for them and we cannot correct for this.
Audio Fixes
- Followers using the "Female Sultry" voice do not have recorded dialogue and will thus fail to respond to a number of follower commands. The following audio files have been spliced together to fix this issue:
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleSultry\DialogueFollower__000E1573_1.fuz
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleSultry\DialogueFo_DialogueFollowe_000D8DCC_1.fuz
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleSultry\DialogueFo_DialogueFollowe_000D8E14_1.fuz
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleSultry\DialogueFo_DialogueFollowe_000D235E_1.fuz
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleSultry\DialogueFo_DialogueFollowe_000D235F_1.fuz
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleSultry\DialogueFo_DialogueFollowe_000E1561_1.fuz
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleSultry\DialogueFo_DialogueFollowe_000E1563_1.fuz
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleSultry\DialogueFo_DialogueFollowe_000E1565_1.fuz
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleSultry\DialogueFo_DialogueFollowe_000E1567_1.fuz
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleSultry\DialogueFo_DialogueFollowe_0005C82B_1.fuz
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleSultry\DialogueFollower__000D2351_1.fuz
- Kharjo incorrectly refers to Akhari as "him" instead of "her". Audio file: Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleKhajiit\Caravans_CaravansTopicsKha_000E14DA_3.fuz (Bug #12910)
- Dialogue fixes for Whiterun to correct audio for the changes made to innkeeper backups after the effort to fix those. Audio files affected by this:
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleCondescending\DialogueWh_DialogueWhiteru_000A724F_1.fuz
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleNord\DialogueWh_DialogueWhiteru_000A724A_2.fuz
- Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleYoungEager\Favor013_Favor013PersuadeS_000CD119_1.fuz
- Dirge mistakenly refers to Delvin as Vekel in one of the scene dialogues. (Audio: Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleBrute\DialogueRi__00071768_1.fuz) (Bug #12834)
- Hemming mistakenly refers to Sibbi and Ingun as his children when they're actually his siblings. Corrected their relationship settings to match. (Audio: Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleEvenTonedAccented\DialogueRi_DialogueRiftenH_00042323_1.fuz)
- Evette San incorrectly refers to female players as male during the Burning of King Olaf Festival. (Audio: Sound\Voice\Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp\FemaleCommoner\MS05KingOl_MS05KingOlafsFe_00000D62_1.fuz) (Bug #12168)
Actor Fixes
- Regular sized frostbite spiders were erroneously using the footstep sounds belonging to giant frostbite spiders. (Bug #12949)
- In Rannveig's Fast, Sild the Warlock's assistant is referred to as male, yet has been set to use a female template. (Bug #13001)
- Svana's sandbox package for the back of the bunkhouse blocks most of her remaining schedule, including her sleep package. (Bug #12939)
- Saadia should be part of Heimskr's audience for 4 hours but her work package at the inn blocked it. (Bug #12939)
- Ugor's sandbox package blocked his assigned sleep package. (Bug #12939)
- Hofgrir's sandbox package was blocking his work package. (Bug #12939)
- Banning's work package was blocking his evening meal package. (Bug #12939)
- Azzada Lylvieve's work package was blocking her afternoon meal package. (Bug #12939)
- Dengeir had an extraneous AI pack to sandbox in the inn that was consuming half his day, blocking other packages from running. (Bug #12939)
- Arob, Nagrub, and Yatul all had nonsense 24/7 guard schedules that did not allow for them to sleep at night. (Bug #12934)
- Avulstein Gray-Mane should have been configured as a CombatBarbarian class instead of a CombatWarrior1H class due to his equipment selection. (Bug #12860)
- Isabelle Rolaine is describes as a young woman, but when her body is found she's an old hag. (Bug #12583)
- Moth gro-Bagol never sleeps because Tacitus owns the bed he should be using AND he didn't have a sleep package. Tacitus now has his own bedroll on the other side of the forge. Moth now owns his proper bed. (Bug #12577)
- Tilma would not sleep despite having a valid sandbox package which allowed for that. She now uses Companions sleeping shift #2. (Bug #12381)
- Minette Vinius was unable to sleep in her bed due to not owning it. She also needed a dedicated sleep package that would direct her to it. (Bug #12678)
- Drelas had no dialogue whatsoever due to his voicetype not being set. (Bug #12960)
- Wilhelm does not have the dead body cleanup. He loses his essential status after Lifting the Shroud (FreeformIvarstead01).
- It was possible for Raghot to have duplicate dragon priest masks in his possession due to an error in his script.
- Eorlund and Fralia Grey-Mane do not sleep. Default sleep packages have been added to their schedules. (Bug #13032)
- Amren never sleeps due to lack of a default sleep package. (Bug #13030)
- Brenuin never sleeps due to lack of a sleep package. (Bug #13030)
- Frothar was trying to sleep in Dagny's bed due to having the wrong sleep package in his schedule. (Bug #13029)
- The wounded soldier in the Temple of Kynareth could be picked to fill an alias in CWPrepareCity because he was not added to the exclusion faction. (Bug #13021)
- DA13EncAfflicted01MissileEvenTonedF, DA13EncAfflicted01MissileCondF, and DA13EncAfflicted01MissileCondM were all incorrectly set to being Breton race. (Bug #12558)
- The guard who patrols the hallway in Markarth between the Steward's room and the War Room will no longer activate the trespass warning that should only happen during Compelling Tribute (CWMission07). A new AI pack had to be added to mirror the setup from his counterpart in Riften. (Bug #12951)
- Benor did not have a key to the Morthal Guardhouse. Nor did he have an available bed. One has been given to him in the jailhouse level as there is no more room upstairs. His sleep package was adjusted to point to the new bed. (Bug #13063)
- Arrald Frozen-Heart did not have a key to the Morthal Guardhouse. (Bug #13063)
- Bolund had no sleep package. (Bug #13060)
- Delacourt had no sleep package. (Bug #13060)
- Angi had no sleep package. (Bug #13059)
- Illia has no crime faction assigned and will therefore talk to werewolves and/or vampire lords when this should not be allowed. (Bug #13038)
- Halldir drops a second copy of his staff when he dies due to an error in the script used to advance the quest he's in. (Bug #9984)
- For some people, killing Malkoran would result in a double face bug on the corpse due to a bad shader setup. (Bug #3774)
- When becoming a vampire, the player is supposed to inherit the lightest skin tone for their race, but this was not possible since the settings were identical to the non-vampire skin tone defaults. (Bug #5060)
- Froki has no crime faction assigned and will therefore talk to werewolves and/or vampire lords when this should not be allowed. (Bug #13027)
- Haming has no crime faction assigned and will therefore talk to werewolves and/or vampire lords when this should not be allowed. (Bug #13027)
- Aventus Aretino doesn't sleep when moved to the Orphange. (Bug #13073)
Item Fixes
- LItemSpellTomes00AllSpells is not implemented consistently with the other leveled lists of the same type, instead manually listing all of the spell tomes individually. (Bug #12950)
- The key to Potema's dungeon (dunPotemaSewerKey) has weight and value when no other key in the game does. (Bug #9837)
- LItemWarlockDagger has an entry for spawning from a list of enchanted daggers that was mistakenly set to level 15 instead of level 25. (Bug #12830)
- CWFinaleFactionLeaderSwordList erroneously contains two entries for EnchEbonySwordH06. The level 42 entry should be EnchDaedricSwordAbsorbH04. (Bug #12812)
- The Ebony War Axe had an incorrect damage value of 15. It should be 14. (Bug #12793)
- HideHelmet01AA, HideHelmet01ArgonianAA, and HideHelmet01KhajiitAA all had an erroneous Weapon Adjust value of -4 which was causing the player's arms to appear oddly squashed in 3rd person. (Bug #12543)
- Several types of alcohol were missing from the formlist that drunks will accept when offering them a drink. (Bug #12673)
- Female light elven armor was using the wrong world model. (Bug #13035)
- The following "skin" objects were accidentally marked as playable: skinDragonAlduin, skinDragonAlduinUnderskin, skinDragonBoss, skinDragonForest, skinDragonOdahviing, skinDragonParthurnax, SkinDragonPriestFXMist, skinDragonSnow, skinDragonTundra (Bug #10531)
- dunSolitudeJailSecretExit01 and dunSolitudeJailSecretExit02 were not flagged to avoid combat search, so NPCs were using these in fights. (Bug #12711)
- Bent Dwemer Scrap Metal could be smelted but Dwemer Scrap Metal could not be, which isn't consistent with the rest of the Dwemer scrap material that can be smelted. (Bug #13050)
- The basic fork (weapBasicFork01) was missing impact sound data, block sound data, the VendorItemClutter keyword, had the wrong draw sounds set, and did not have the right sound detection level or critical damageset. (Bug #13066)
- The basic knife (weapBasicKnife01) was missing impact sound data, block sound data, the VendorItemClutter keyword, had the wrong draw sounds set, and did not have the right sound detection level set. (Bug #13066)
- The Shiv (MS02Shiv) had the wrong draw sounds and the wrong detection level sounds set. (Bug #13066)
- BoundWeaponBattleaxe, BoundWeaponBattleaxeMystic, CWDummyBattleaxeImperial, CWDummyBattleaxeSons, DA03RuefulAxe, DaedricBattleaxe, DraugrBattleAxe, DraugrBattleAxeHoned, DummyBattleaxe, DwarvenBattleaxe, EbonyBattleaxe, ElvenBattleaxe, GlassBattleaxe, MG07DraugrMagicAxe, NordHeroBattleAxe, OrcishBattleaxe, and any weapons derived from them through templates will now have the proper sound detection level of "Loud" instead of "Normal". (Bug #12654)
- The generic strongboxes (StrongBox) were missing the following 3 perk related lists: LootImperialLuck, TGLootProwlersProfit, LootPerkGoldenTouchChange. They were also not set to respawn despite being in regular dungeons that would otherwise do so. (Bug #10452)
- The Notched Pickaxe (dunVolunruudPickaxe) found at Throat of the World should not be allowed to be disenchanted due to its unique status. (Bug #12068)
- Armor add-on WolfCuirassAA and FalmerCuirassAA should not have the ring slot selected since they are not gauntlets and don't cover the hands. (Bug #12700)
- It was not possible to activate the sewer grate in the Riften Jail that blocks the evidence chest due to the door having no activator text. (Bug #10386)
- Blades armor and Elven cuirass do not properly conceal amulets. (Bug #12896)
Location Fixes
- Several interaction triggers were placed with cells that had no location, rendering many portions of these triggers useless when approached from certain directions. The following list in the Tamriel worldspace has been corrected:
- Wilderness (-25, -6) - Needs GloomreachLocation
- Wilderness (2, -14) - Needs EmbershardLocation
- MovarthsLairExterior02, MovarthsLairExterior03, MovarthsLairExterior04: Needs MovarthsLairLocation
- GlenmorilCovenExterior02, Wilderness (-19, -13): Needs GlenmorilCovenLocation
- Wilderness (-28, -8): Needs ValthumeLocation
- Wilderness (-4, 4): Needs DustmansCairnLocation
- Wilderness (-11, 0): Needs SwindlersDenLocation
- Wilderness (-19, 31): Needs ShadowgreenCavernLocation
- Wilderness (-31, 24): Needs LostEchoCaveLocation
- BrucasLeapRedoubtLocation should have the LocSetCave keyword added. The trigger volume is in place but the location has no triggerable keywords for dialogue.
- Wilderness (-33, -4): Needs ReachcliffCaveLocation
- Wilderness (-42, -5): Needs HagRockRedoubtLocation
- RimerockBurrowLocation should have the LocSetCave keyword added.
- DruadachRedoubtLocation should have the LocSetCave keyword added.
- Wilderness (47, -23): Needs LostProspectMineLocation
- MilitaryCampEastmarchImperialLocation needs the LocSetCave keyword added (it houses the cell MilitaryCampEastmarchImperial, which is inside the trigger volume for the WI comment for Stony Creek Cave.)
- Wilderness (44, -12): Needs TolvaldsCaveLocation
- Wilderness (43, -9): Needs AnsilvundLocation
- ForelhostBrokenTower: Needs ForelhostLocation
- BrokenHelmHollowLocation needs LocSetCave keyword.
- NorthwindMineLocation needs LocSetCave keyword.
- Wilderness (29, -26) needs AvanchnzelLocation
- Wilderness (24, 4) needs UtteringHillsCampLocation
- Wilderness (22, 28), Wilderness (23, 28), Wilderness (22, 29) needs YorgrimOverlookLocation
- Wilderness (13, 28) needs YngvildLocation
- ShroudedGroveLocation needs LocSetCave keyword
- BlackreachQuickExitMzinchaleftLocation needs LocSetDwarvenRuin keyword
- Wilderness (2, 20) and Wilderness (2, 21) need MzinchaleftLocation
(Bug #12864) - The encounter zone for KarthspireWorld (KarthspireRedoubtZone) was erroneously set to affect Kilkreath Ruins instead.
- The guard barracks on the east side of Whiterun (WhiterunJail02) was erroneously assigned to the same guardhouse location as the small shack on the west side of the city. It has now been assigned to the "WhiterunJail" location (which isn't really a jail) that was unused, given a center marker, and assigned the LocTypeBarracks and LocTypeDwelling keywords.
- The following locations were not properly marked as LocTypeDwelling:
- MixwaterMillWorkersHouseLocation
- DarkwaterCrossingVernersHouseLocation
- WhiterunDragonsreachBasemantLocation
- WhiterunGuardHouseLocation (also lacked LocTypeBarracks keyword)
(Bug #12661) - The following locations do not have north markers and need them:
- FortHraggstad02
- FortHraggstad01
- FortAmol01
- FortAmol02
- WindhelmStables
- WindhelmNewGnisisCornerclub
- WindhelmCandlehearthHall
- WindhelmArgonianAssemblage
- WindhelmEastEmpireCompany
- WindhelmBrunwulfFreeWintersHouse
- WindhelmClanShatterShieldOffice
- WindhelmTempleofTalos
- WindhelmHalloftheDead
- BlackreachZcell01
- BlackreachZcell08
- BlackreachZcell07
- BlackreachZcell05
- BlackreachZcell10
- BlackreachZcell03
- BlackreachZcell04
(Bug #12709)
NIF Mesh and Texture Fixes
- The bridge piece over the approach to Dragonsreach has several holes and other problems. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrbuildings\WRCastleBridge01.nif) (Bug #11946)
- Missing collision material types on two Dragonsreach meshes. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrinteriors\wrcastle\wrintcastlestonecolumn01.nif, meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrinteriors\wrcastle\wrintcastlestairs03.nif) (Bug #12362)
- Bad UV and missing collision material type on the bone bridge in Sovngarde. (meshes\architecture\sovengarde\sovwhalebrigehead01.nif) (Bug #12407)
- Ancient Nord Armor is missing parts in 1st person view. (meshes\armor\draugr\1stpersondraugrarmormale_1.nif, meshes\armor\draugr\1stpersondraugrarmormale_0.nif) (Bug #12444)
- The following set of meshes would result in a decapitation with a nearly invisible head:
- meshes\armor\daedric\daedrichelmetf_1.nif
- meshes\armor\daedric\daedrichelmet_0.nif
- meshes\armor\daedric\daedrichelmet_1.nif
- meshes\armor\daedric\daedrichelmetf_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_bronze_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_bronzef_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_bronzef_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_corondrum_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_corondrum_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_corondrumf_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_corondrumf_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_ebony_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_ebony_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_ebonyf_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_ebonyf_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_greenstone_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_greenstone_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_greenstonef_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_greenstonef_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_iron_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_iron_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_ironf_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_ironf_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_marble_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_marble_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_marblef_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_marblef_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_moonstone_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_moonstone_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_moonstonef_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_moonstonef_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_steel_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_steel_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_steelf_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_steelf_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_ultra_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_ultra_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_ultraf_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_ultraf_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_wood_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_wood_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_woodf_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_woodf_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dragonpriesthelms\dragonhelm_bronze_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dwarven\dwarvenhelmetf_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dwarven\dwarvenhelmet_0.nif
- meshes\armor\dwarven\dwarvenhelmet_1.nif
- meshes\armor\dwarven\dwarvenhelmetf_0.nif
- meshes\armor\imperial\helmetfullface_1.nif
- meshes\armor\imperial\helmetfullface_0.nif
- meshes\armor\stormcloaks\helmm_1.nif
- meshes\armor\stormcloaks\helmetf_0.nif
- meshes\armor\stormcloaks\helmetf_1.nif
- meshes\armor\stormcloaks\helmm_0.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodargonian_1.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodargoniandb_0.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodargoniandb_1.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodargonianf_0.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodargonianf_1.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodargonianfdb_0.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodargonianfdb_1.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhooddb_0.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhooddb_1.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhooddbf_0.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhooddbf_1.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodf_0.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodf_1.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodkhajiit_0.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodkhajiit_1.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodkhajiitdb_0.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodkhajiitdb_1.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodkhajiitf_0.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodkhajiitf_1.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodkhajiitfdb_0.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodkhajiitfdb_1.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhood_0.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhood_1.nif
- meshes\clothes\executionhood\executionhoodargonian_0.nif
(Bug #11940) - The Dark Brotherhood male armor was missing the bandolier the female armor has, which is inconsistent with the load screen art and the concept art from the art book. (meshes\armor\dbarmor\dbarmortorso_0.nif, meshes\armor\dbarmor\dbarmortorso_1.nif) (Bug #12191)
- UV error with floor meshes in Solitude. (meshes\Architecture\Solitude\Interiors\SMDEFloSol04.nif) (Bug #12993)
- East Empire Company logos on the ends of some crates were not being displayed. (meshes\clutter\common\cratesmall01eeco.nif, meshes\clutter\common\cratesmalllong01eeco.nif) (Bug #12943)
- Male nightingale gloves make the player's fingers darker regardless of race. (Meshes\armor\nightingale\m\gauntlets_1.nif, Meshes\armor\nightingale\m\1stpersongauntlets.nif_0.nif, Meshes\armor\nightingale\m\1stpersongauntlets.nif_1.nif, Meshes\armor\nightingale\m\gauntlets_0.nif) (Bug #12612)
- Two large columns in Dragonsreach have wood sticking out through the stone. These have now been replaced with a new mesh to correct the error since the same mesh is used elsewhere and could not be altered directly. (Architecture\WhiteRun\WRInteriors\WRCastle\WRIntCastleFreePillar01USKP.nif) (Bug #12598)
- The Daedric armor glow fix needed some further work to correct clipping on thin female characters. (Meshes\armor\daedric\daedrictorsof_0.nif) (Bug #9990)
- The outfit Hulda wears has a neck gap at certain angles. (meshes\clothes\farmclothes02\f\dress_0.nif, meshes\clothes\farmclothes02\f\dress_1.nif) (Bug #12057)
- The bow string on the skeleton load screen art had bad UV mapping. (meshes\LoadScreenArt\?LoadscreenSkeleton.nif) (Bug #12997)
- Burnt corpses would display glowing blood patches when struck. (Meshes\clutter\burntcorpses\corpse05.nif, Meshes\clutter\burntcorpses\corpse01.nif, Meshes\clutter\burntcorpses\corpse02.nif, Meshes\clutter\burntcorpses\corpse03.nif, Meshes\clutter\burntcorpses\corpse04.nif) (Bug #12972)
- Snow drifts have some minor UV stretching. (meshs\effects\fxsnowdriftflat05.nif) (Bug #12936)
- Chicken nests were transparent due to incorrect use of decal flags. (meshes\plants\chickennest01.nif) (Bug #12508)
- Male Imperial studded armor was missing the studs from the skirt due to bad UV. (meshes\armor\Imperial\M\curiassmedium_0.nif, meshes\armor\Imperial\M\curiassmedium_1.nif) (Bug #12859)
- One of the large interior Nordic dwelling meshes had ugly seams and UV errors. (meshes\dungeons\nordic\exterior\dwellings\nordwelling04extbasea.nif) (Bug #12393)
- ALL the meshes in clothes\RobeDarkBrotherhood (with the exception of the hoods and 1stpersontorso) are missing a specular map on skin NiTriShapes. (meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\1stpersondbgloves_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\1stpersondbgloves_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\1stpersondbglovesarg_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\1stpersondbglovesarg_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\1stpersondbgloveskha_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\1stpersondbgloveskha_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\dbboots_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\dbboots_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\dbgloves_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\dbgloves_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\dbglovesarg_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\dbglovesarg_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\dbtorso_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\dbtorso_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\dbtorso_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\1stpersondbgloves_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\1stpersondbgloves_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\1stpersondbglovesarg_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\1stpersondbglovesarg_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\1stpersondbgloveskha_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\1stpersondbgloveskha_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\dbboots_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\dbboots_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\dbgloves_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\dbgloves_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\dbglovesarg_0.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\dbglovesarg_1.nif, meshes\clothes\robedarkbrotherhood\female\dbtorso_0.nif) (Bug #13070)
- Whiterun castle mesh with UV errors. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrinteriors\wrcastle\wrintcastlewalldoublehighexcor01.nif) (Bug #13096)
- The dragonbone boots mesh contained an unnecessary extra set of data for a dragonbone helmet as well. (meshes\armor\dragonbone\dragonboneboots_0.nif, meshes\armor\dragonbone\dragonboneboots_1.nif) (Bug #13080)
- The small ship stairway mesh was missing a back panel on the middle step. (meshes\dungeons\ship\clutter\shipstairs01.nif) (Bug #13040)
- The Thalmor load screen has clipping on the left forearm. (meshes\loadscreenart\loadscreenmalehighelf.nif) (Bug #12359)
- Interior fireplace sections in Whiterun buildings had bad UV mapping. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrinteriors\wrintwallstrchimney01.nif) (Bug #12509)
- The Riften stables building had hollow wooden beams showing. (meshes\Architecture\Riften\RTFarmhouse01.nif, meshes\Architecture\Riften\RTFarmhouse02.nif) (Bug #12218)
- Riften Keep has two large gaps on each side that needed to be plugged. (meshes\architecture\riften\RTKeep01.nif) (Bug #11944)
- Silver candlesticks had UV errors and misaligned parts on all 6 varieties. (meshes\clutter\silver\silvercandlestick01.nif, meshes\clutter\silver\silvercandlestick01off.nif, meshes\clutter\silver\silvercandlestick02.nif, meshes\clutter\silver\silvercandlestick02off.nif, meshes\clutter\silver\silvercandlestick03.nif, meshes\clutter\silver\silvercandlestick03off.nif) (Bug #12334)
- One of the Markarth doors had no animation sound. (Architecture\Markarth\MrkDoor01.nif) (Bug #10681)
- An interior staircase in Angeline's Aromatics had some z-fighting pieces and a see through beam. (meshes\Architecture\Solitude\Interiors\SMdEStaSol01.nif) (Bug #12741)
- The sewer grate mesh in the Riften Jail had no animation sound. (meshes\Architecture\Riften\Interior\SmallRoomBasemant\RifRmSmBaseWallGrate01.nif)
- The Harald wall in Windhelm had several gaps in it. (Meshes\Architecture\Windhelm\WHWallHarrald.nif) (Bug #13102)
- Mammoth tusks float above their placed positions due to a misaligned collision. (meshes\Clutter\Ingredients\MammothTusk.nif) (Bug #13033)
- A small hole on the exterior worldspace side of Dragonsreach has been plugged. (meshes\Architecture\WhiteRun\WRBuildings\WRCastleStoneTower01.nif) (Bug #11904)
- A wrong texture assignment on one of the Dragonsreach corridors has been corrected. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrinteriors\wrintroofcorr01.nif) (Bug #12510)
- Dead Briarheart bodies (after the heart is taken) have mismatched texture coloring as well as gaps in the calves. (meshes\armor\briarheart\briarheart_0.nif, meshes\armor\briarheart\briarheart_1.nif, meshes\armor\briarheart\briarheartempty_0.nif, meshes\armor\briarheart\briarheartempty_1.nif, textures\armor\briarheart\ (Bug #13036)
- Numerous problems with gaps, missing parts, and UV errors have been corrected for the Windhel Docks. Collision boxes have been placed around the new support columns due to the difficulty in getting the collision on the mesh itself. (meshes\Architecture\Windhelm\WHdocks2.nif) (Bug #9765, #13061)
- Vittoria Vici's house in Solituide (destroyed and normal) had a pair of holes along one of the stairways. (Meshes\architecture\solitude\svittoriavicihouse.nif, Meshes\architecture\solitude\svittoriavicihousedestroyed.nif) (Bug #12037)
Quest Fixes
- During The Only Cure (DA13) it is possible to kill Orchendor yet have the quest fail to advance. If this has already happened and you left the dungeon, the retroactive script will notify you. If you installed the USKP and THEN run the quest and encounter this bug, simply leave the dungeon and visit other locations. You should get a notification before long advancing the quest.
- Work on the broken ending scene in Unfathomable Depths (MS04) has been completed thanks to Hexaae. The scene and some dialogue had some nonsensical conditions which were preventing it from running correctly.
- If interrupted, Cicero and/or the other DB initiates will not execute commands to wait or be dismissed due to their scripts being set to fire at the end of the dialogue instead of the beginning. (Bug #12967)
- Skjor displays two topics for the player to as what Wuuthrad is. The second option was lacking the appropriate player race checks to block it with. (Bug #12930)
- Sayma repeats her greeting dialogue to the player about being there for Roggvir's execution due to the greeting not having the Say Once flag. (Bug #12877)
- Two lines for Dirge lacked conditions to keep them from playing after you had become Guildmaster for the Thieves Guild. (Bug #12875)
- Ulfberth War-Bear's dialogue about where he gets the weapons and armor plays even if he's not in the shop. (Bug #12816)
- Hert has one line of dialogue which isn't appropriate if Hern is dead. The line was checking to see if Hern was disabled, but not also checking to see if he'd been killed. (Bug #12800)
- The scene between Yngvar and Tyranus in Markarth that introduces The House of Horrors (DA10) would cause Yngvar to warp back from Windhelm if he was exiled as a result of the civil war. (Bug #12621)
- Calcelmo will equip the ring delivered to him for Kerah's favor quest so that the ring is no longer visible for purchase in his inventory. (Bug #12802) [NR]
- If the player's first visit to the Bards College did not take place until after finding King Olaf's Verse, the pointer quest to investigate the college (MS05Start) would not be terminated. (Bug #12953)
- Drowned Sorrows does not clean up objectives properly if the quest is done out of order. (Bug #12953) [NR]
- Companions radiant quests to recon Silver Hand bases should stop being available once Purity of Revenge has started. (Bug #12948) [NR]
- During Forsworn Conspiracy (MS01) if you read Weylin's note before taking it out of the chest, the objective to read his note will still be displayed but then you can't get rid of it. (Bug #12920) [NR]
- When entering Ysgramor's Tomb, placing Wuuthrad on the statue and then taking it back results in the player getting a new copy of the axe rather than the existing one they had and might have tempered. Note that if you've already put it on the statue, this fix will not take effect. (Bug #12911)
- There are 11 Winterhold College scenes that will never play because the event node conditions were making to narrow a check on where the participants could be for the scenes to start. (Bug #12909)
- It was not possible to reconcile jilting an Argonian lover at the altar due to a lack of dialogue responses for making up. (Bug #12878)
- The scene in Vilemyr Inn where Wilhelm and Lynly discuss the ghost (DialogueIvarsteadInnScene02) should not be playing once the barrow is cleared in Lifting the Shroud (FreeformIvarstead01). (Bug #12876)
- AI packs WE25HunterForceGreet and We25FugitiveGreetPlayer will delay forcegreeting if the player is in combat when the event triggers. (Bug #12854)
- AI pack C02QuestGiverWaitForPlayer attached to Proving Honor (C02) prevents Vilkas from greeting the player after returning with the Wuuthrad fragment. This was due to a change made by an official patch which broke the conditions the package is using. (Bug #12850)
- Summerset Shadows (TGTQ04) does not return Uttering Hills Cave to normal once the Shadows have been eliminated which then breaks any radiant quests that use the location. (Bug #12832)
- Hadvar's dialogue about dragons not being dead (in MQ00) is available to choose from during Jagged Crown because the conditions are referencing the wrong quest. (Bug #12781)
- Vex's burglary jobs were not being cleaned up properly when the quests failed, which created save bloat from abandoned references. (Bug #12748) [NR]
- Vex's sweep jobs were not being cleaned up properly when the quests failed, which created save bloat from abandoned references. (Bug #12748) [NR]
- The argument scene between Fralia, Olfrid, and Idolaf in Whiterun (DialogueWhiterunArgueScene) could be called to run well after Missing in Action (MS09) had started, even though doing so makes no sense and Fralia will not participate. (Bug #12720)
- Standing around long enough outside High Hrothgar on the way to the peace conference for Season Unending (MQ302) would start either Balgruuf or Vignar walking back to Whiterun even though the one walking back wasn't supposed to be there to start with. (Bug #12717)
- Calcelmo's Tower is supposed to unlock during Hard Answers (TG06) but doesn't. (Bug #12165)
- A second back door trigger method for Legend of Red Eagle (dunRebelsCairnQST) was spawning the quest if you visited either Rebel's Cairn or Red Eagle Redoubt. (Bug #13020)
- In A Daedra's Best Friend (DA03), speaking to Barbas after telling Vile to take him back but before he turns to stone will no longer be possible since it would break the ending entirely. (Bug #241) [NR]
- Fixed the exit scene at Forelhost (dunForelhostQST) so that Valmir and the real soldier will not have their conversation unless the player is on the ground in the same area with them. It would break progression if it took place while up on the balcony by the world wall. (Bug #920) [NR]
- During Infiltration (dunTrevasWatchQST) if the player had previously cleared the dungeon and opened the front gate before the quest starts, it would still make you repeat everything. (Bug #1110) [NR]
- At the completion of White Phial (MS12), Nurelion needs to be added to the TGNoPickpocketFaction faction so that he will not be selected as a future mark for a pickpocket quest. If he is already the mark and MS12 is completed before you pick his pocket, you'll need to go tell Delvin you don't want that job anymore. (Bug #1453)
- Maramal would repeat the introductory marriage dialogue due to a bad condition in his dialogue when the player first asks about marriage. (Bug #6788)
- Harsh Master (FreeformShipsWindhelm) would generate the boss NPC prior to the player actually receiving the quest from Kjar, which could result in the player killing the NPC and then getting told to return to someone they'd never visited. (Bug #8316)
- If Anska is killed during A Scroll For Anska (dunHighGateRuinsQST) the quest does not fail as it should.
- Two of Adrianne's dialogue greetings speak of her father as though he's still Steward even after the Stormcloaks take Whiterun. (Bug #13031)
- At the end of the Helgen dragon attack (MQ101DragonAttack) Vilod and Matlara are left alive and can be seen wandering Helgen after it's been destroyed. All other NPCs have been disabled at this point and their OnUnload event does not reliably remove them. (Bug #4043)
- Hulda (and all the other innkeepers too - even modded ones) would fail to headtrack the player upon entering the building due to the WITavernGreeting scene in WITavern not having headtracking set at all. (Bug #63)
- If you fail to speak to Enthir at the College of Winterhold before becoming Archmage, you will be unable to trade with him until after completing Hard Answers. (Bug #6693)
- Farengar will no longer use his dialogue line about ongoing hostilities once the civil war is over. (Bug #12874)
- The Thalmor disguise option that was supposed to be made available during Diplomatic Immunity (MQ201) will now work as intended. Altmer players can now disguise themselves using hooded or unhooded Thalmor robes or elven armor, other races still must have hooded robes. (Bug #12852)
Script Fixes
- WIFunctionsScript lacks sanity checking before trying to register a dragon attack to a location, resulting in mountains of Papyrus log spam.
- WICourierScript has more sanity checking added to eliminate more problems with NONE locations.
- TrapFlamethrower has inadequate safeguards for checking to see if the 3D is loaded. It can get permanently stuck in its Wait() loop even after you've left the cell containing an object using it. This results in storing numerous suspended Papyrus stacks in your save. [NR]
- FXSetBlendVariableScript will become stuck in its while loop due to insufficient safeguards against the object being unloaded from memory. [NR]
- dunPOIRaiders will become stuck in its while loop due to insufficient safeguards against the object being unloaded from memory. [NR]
- dunSerpentsBluffPressurePlate will become stuck in its while loop due to insufficient safeguards against the object being unloaded from memory. [NR]
- Firefly.psc had no onCellDetach event to clean up fireflies if the player suddenly exited the cell, potentially leading them to build up over time and cause bloat.
- Combining fixes from Steve40 and Inki, the Critter.psc script should no longer dump mountains of log spam AND should no longer have the potential for building up save bloat due to unhandled critter deletions. (Bug #12978)
- CritterFish.psc should no longer dump mountains of spam to the logs and should no longer have the potential to leave unhandled fish deletions which could contribute to save bloat over time. Thanks to Steve40. (Bug #12978)
- It was possible for WordWallTrigger02Script to switch to the "done" state without disabling its associated trigger. The disable statement is now handled when the "done" state starts.
- dunHalldirMistClearing had no sanity checking for missing custom links which resulted in it spamming the Papyrus log with repeated attempts. (Bug #12502)
- More noisy scripts have had their debug messages commented out.
Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
- 00058E24, 0005A58C, 0005A58A, 0005A58B, 000D9017: Displaced doorway and load door in Blackreach. (Bug #12808)
- Grounded floating book (0010823e)
- Grounded floating ingot (001068c5)
- Grounded floating tongs (001068c6)
- Rotated misplaced DwemerPipeCap (0007fd35) [Bug #12906]
- Rotated misplaced DwemerPipeCap (00035a3d)
- Placed cliff rock over gap in cliff (0005bd34) [Bug #12899]
- Moved tree (0006348D) that was clipping rock
- Raised SnowDrifts (00107f8b) & (00107f64) fractionally to avoid texture fighting with ground. [Bug #12871]
- Lowered support beam (000c93fa) that was sticking through floor above [Bug #12774]
- Raised rug (000a4e4e) to stop clipping with snow. Rotated and moved nearby table and items ontop to fit. [Bug #12810]
- Lowered dragonsreach interior stairs (000878E5) slightly due to texture fighting at the sides.
- Disabled floating water plane (000F64CE). [NR]
- Moved black plane (0010B35C) to reveal door marker on local map. [Bug #12937]
- Lowered SnowDrift (000A7D1C) to close gap. [Bug #12959]
- Fixed unmineable ore by replacing marker with player friendly marker (0010ED9A) [Bug #12981]
- Plaque activator (00102A9E) hopefully set up for plaque to work. !May not work as it is persistent! [Bug #12966]
- Raised door (0007DED3) and frame (0007F376) to avoid texture fighting with ground piece. [Bug #12886]
- Grounded floating pot (0007E75E). [Bug #12990]
- Covered gap in rubble pile using more rubble (0X00387E) - also moved nearby rubble [Bug #12988]
- Moved candle stand (000DD2B1) that was clipping with wall.
- 000fe4e9: AI marker lowered to correct NPC animation position when using it. (Bug #12926)
- 00095887, 00085c51, 000e8bd3, 000e8bd2: AI markers not owned by the shop factions. Customers end up displacing the shopkeepers. (Bug #12915)
- 000a2d9d: Child's bed was inappropriately downscaled causing Gralnach to hover when sleeping in it. (Bug #12904)
- Sleeping arrangements in Solitude Bits & Pieces were completely screwed up. The following changes have been made:
- Kayd now has a dedicated AI pack for sleeping in the child's bed. His bed has also had the scale corrected back to 1.0.
- The single bed that Bierand and Sayma were clashing over has been turned into a double bed.
- Since the new double bed did not fit where the single bed was, the room had to be rearranged and the navmesh updated to accommodate it all.
(Bug #12867) Rearranging the havok enabled items will not be retroactive. - 000f60c2: Joric's bed was not owned by him, and was also scaled to 0.8 which prevented him from using it. (Bug #12787)
- Dirge, Vekel, Delvin, Tonilia, and Vex will now have beds in a new room attached to the Flagon, down a new passage to the left of the door to the Ratway Vaults. This room will also improve as expected with the guildhall itself. (Bug #12618)
- 000c5c8f: Shelf clipping with a wall. (Bug #12759)
- 000dcbce: Bed owned by the wrong faction, preventing the Whiterun Guard Captain from using it. (Bug #12383)
- 3 bedrolls added to the deck of the Sea Squall in Dawnstar so the crew will sleep. (Bug #12371)
- 000d82b5: Pull chain with a deleted script that broke the animation. (Bug #12954)
- Near 0001e178: Two adjoining room bounds incorrectly placed with no attached portal. (Bug #12625)
- 000bcc92: Floating pair of boots. (Bug #12623)
- 000dbf41: Book clipping a Talos shrine. (Bug #12665)
- 000cb431, 000cb430: Ownership changed from Player to PlayerBedOwnership so that spouses can use these chairs too. (Bug #12979)
- 000afc77: Mesh gap sealed with a new dirt piece. (Bug #12962)
- Bad navmesh corrected in cell 17,19 (Alftand Ruined Tower) that prevented followers from entering the tower door. (Bug #12862)
- All unowned beds in the upstairs area of Haelga's Bunkhouse are now marked as owned by the bunkhouse faction in fitting with dialogue that says no beds are available for the player. (Bug #12861) [NR]
- All of the Imperial and Stormcloak military camps had several objects and idle markers which were not toggled on or off when the camps were enabled or disabled.
- All of the wounded soldiers at the various military camps will now check to see if the field CO at their camp is dead before enabling themselves. (Bug #831)
- When taking Wuuthrad off the statue again in Ysgramor's Tomb, the disabled instance will later fall off and then be found lying on the floor if you come back. It needed the "don't havok settle" flag. (Bug #12913)
- 0009a075: Bed ownership changed from Proventus Avenicci to JobStewardFaction, otherwise Brill can't use it. (Bug #13032)
- 00018352: Added new rock to cover large mesh gap at the base of the mountain. (Bug #13023)
- 0009c443: Rock lifted up at one end. (Bug #13013)
- 000d4fe9: Floating snowdrift. (Bug #13012)
- 0001fa2d: Gap under a rock. (Bug #13000)
- 000736ec: Gap behind doorway. (Bug #12989)
- 0007751b, 00077525: Beds clipping into walls. (Bug #12946)
- 0007EEF7: Rock with exposed back end. (Bug #12918)
- 000fe8c0: Ice floe above the water line. (Bug #12900)
- 000b1859: Snowdrift with exposed bottom. (Bug #12898)
- 000b629a: New rock placed to cover gap between meshes. (Bug #12684)
- 000fce94, 000f3cb8, 000f3cb7, 000383d8, 000383d7: AI marker, two crates, and two barrels not disabled after the Imperials take Windhelm. (Bug #12387)
- 000D6FA8: Door in Treva's Watch that was not assigned the key. (Bug #10490)
- 000930c9: Landscape piece with raised corner. (Bug #12719)
- 0002d180: Covered up a gap with a pile of hay. (Bug #12615)
- 000eb82e, 000eb830: Imperial banners switched to Whiterun banners since Whiterun is unaligned at the start of the game. (Bug #12924)
- 0010e864: Bed in Highmoon Hall not owned by the Housecarl faction. Teeba-Ei could therefore not use it to sleep. (Bug #13064)
- 000dfe3c, 000dfe3e, 000f6006: Beds owned by the wrong faction in the Morthal Guardhouse. No guards could sleep. 02047b05: New bed added so that the 4th guard in the rotation can sleep since there weren't enough beds even with proper ownership. Navmesh adjusted to fit. (Bug #13063)
- 0005d509: Eirid's bed was improperly scaled down causing her to float above it. (Bug #13015)
- 00047640, 00047642: Fort walls moved too far forward at Treva's Watch. (Bug #12775)
- 0008285E, 0008285F, 00082860 and 00082861: Adjusted pieces to close a gap in the ceiling in Dragonsreach. (Bug #12587)
- 0009e30b: Z-fighting floor piece. (Bug #12822)
- 000ee71d: Z-fighting mine scaffold. (Bug #12745)
Text Fixes
- EnchCircletMagicka04: "Circlet of Extreme Magicka" -> "Circlet of Eminent Magicka" (Bug #12881)
- MQpathToHHShrineText01: "men" -> "Men", removed periods from the line endings to fit the other shrine text. (Bug #12652)
- MQpathToHHShrineText09: "Dohvakiin" -> "Dovahkiin" (Bug #12652)
- MQpathToHHShrineText10: "Inner path" -> "Inner Path" (Bug #12652)
- DA14Start, Objective 20: "Guenvere" -> "Guevenne" (Bug #12652)
- EnchFortifyPersuasionConstantSelf: "+ Speechcraft." -> "Increases Speech skill by points." (Bug #9652)
- TGAmuletofArticulation01 to TGAmuletofArticulation07: "Persuade checks in dialogue will almost always succeed and Speechcraft is % better." -> "Persuade checks in dialogue will almost always succeed and increases Speech Skill by points." (Bug #9652)
- AlchFortifyPersuasion: "+ Speechcraft for seconds." -> "Increases Speech skill by points for seconds." (Bug #9652)
- FortifyPersuasionFFSelf: "+ Speechcraft." -> "Increases Speech skill by points." (Bug #9652)
The complete changelog is