Yea, misread the GPU on my cell phone as GTX 660...changed my assessment to low settings if CPU allows.
I'm rather aware already that the CPU in question is dual-core with HT...not sure why that needed to be mentioned again to me.
Like I've been saying in my previous posts, the verdict is still out whether more recent i3 chips (2 core, 4 thread variants) can run the game. If The Witcher 3 and its similar high requirements is any indication, I'm willing to bet that Fallout 4 will be fine with i3 chips too...or any of Intel's dual-core, 4 thread CPUs for that matter. I've seen many play the Witcher 3 with lower than min stated CPUs. Hell, the game even runs on ancient Core 2 Duos and those don't have any HT....go ahead and look it up.
So it begs the qeustion again and again, what and how did Bethesda test with the game and what settings did they achieve???? I'm still trying to find out through admins that can hopefully get me answers from said devs. The more I look at these min requirements, the more I feel these are just to get settings that will allow players to get the feel/visuals of the game that the developers intended...not rock bottom settings. I'm willing to bet that players can get away with A LOT less than what is stated as min right now. Watch and see....
This is rather lowend on both CPU and GPU fronts. If it does run, it will be at the lower totem of performance IMO.
Another case of dual-core, 4 threaded CPU...we'll see if it can run it. The frequency is rather low, but its built-in TurboBoost can bring it to 2.7GHz. Nothing exceptional, hence my low low settings assessment.
Up in the air how the game scales with Crossfire. I'd think this setup would put you in Ultra settings range.
The board in the system takes a PCI-E 2.0 slot, so the 750Ti would be a fine drop-in. However, I too would highly recommend a PSU (power supply) upgrade. You've had this stock 300W (likely) for a while now just barely giving enough power for your 5750...don't use it again and potentially frying your new card and maybe other things.
Seriously doubt it would be anything exceptional if done. If I'm not mistaken, the game will be using Havok's Physics Engine. Also, PhysX only runs on Nvidia hardware and doesn't play nice with AMD's products.
Sorry misread the GTX 650 on my cell phone...swore it read GTX 660. I'd have to change my assessment to low settings if the CPU allows.