Unofficial "Will My PC run Fallout 4?" Thread #3

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:36 am


Fingers Crossed man, just tried this tonight, and the gains were impressive with W3. I had my old card still that I had upgraded from and I kept thinking, "what do I do with this card?" Well it turns it my spare is better off on my board :smile:

@ Tigs


Just read your reply. So AMD cards can do this too? But with Havok.. uh shoot well I'm not going out for another set of cards.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:51 am

The Havok engine is CPU-driven...doesn't care what video card you're using.

Theres seems to be a lot of PhysX types these days that I've lost track. GPU driven (CUDA, basically Nvidia cards), GPU driven compute (can be ran on AMD hardware too), and CPU hardware driven (similar to Havok). Dunno what Fallout 4 will support to be honest..perhaps compute version only if anything.

I haven't seen any sort of announcement for pure support for CUDA-driven PhysX. I'd be surprised to see it though considering the game will be havok engine driven (technically Creation Engine with Havok add-on)

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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:20 pm

well i gamed BL2 and and pre squeal i only use AMD products and i haven't noticed huge performance hit i don't get the gains but i googled list games that susport it and yeah i play some them fine for my display/hardware.

so devs claim DX12 make possible just run both Gpus at same time lol in Sli/crossfire LOL :bonk: "Microsoft’s upcoming, low-latency, close®-to-metal API that replaces DirectX 11 — will be capable of running across AMD and Nvidia GPUs at the same time."

you have point thou BGS doesn't really play favs at all. still i bet they like AMD thou cough ..Consoles.... Cough.

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Marquis deVille
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:59 pm

I just bought a new card and HD, but I feel I have to upgrade more which is silly. I have a i7 2700k which is beast and is pretty much comparable to the 4700 series of processor. I also have it OC'd to 4.5 GHZ. So I'm fine on that end. The one thing I wanted to upgrade was to another GTX 970, but that is another 300 plus dollars out the door. I'm starting to seriously consider if it would just be better to invest in a PS4 and get the game on that. I mean the PS4 version will have mods and will look great so I mean it might be worth it to be honest. This constant upgrading on my PC is taking a toll.


970 GTX 4 gig EVGA

SSD HD 250 gigs and also normal HD with like 800 gigs of space

16 GB ram 1600 Mhz

2700k 4.5 GHZ

MSI - 7751 Mobo

Windows 10

So far the card has been a good upgrade from my two 770's with 4 gigs. I think one more and I should be set, but like I said I'm wondering if it is worth it to not just invest in a PS4 at this point.

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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:59 pm

I have a i7 2600k, 16gb ram and a 970 gtx, Windows 10, what kind of graphics fidelity settings would I expect high/high+? Compared to Witcher 3/Dragons Age Inquisition which I can pretty much have at Ultra settings with some settings turned down like grass shadows, or something to that effect. If physx or some compute is required GPU wise I can plugin a 590 and use that for physx but its probably not worth it, gain too small I assume.

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sally coker
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:14 am

I don't have my specs right now but I think it's something like

i7 CPU something..

GeForce GTX760 or 780, 2 or 3 GB


Win 7 x64

I think I would want a new CPU and GPU..

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:07 am

Your system as is could probably get Ultra say try it out before investing in another GTX 970.

Probably Ultra Settings. At this point, I'd say the Witcher 3 is a decent basis for comparison

Difference between GTX 760 and 780 is rather large...High settings and Ultra settings respectively with an i7 CPU.

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phil walsh
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:08 am

1. the amount Vram on your Gpu makes zero difference in Fps unless you run out of VRam(not trying to be mean just alot people do not know this)

2. not sound like xbox devoted fan but i have zero faith that Sony will let mods onto there platform Sony basically tells western devs to svck eggs unless they own them lol.

they just don't like too play well with others history proves this fact.

3 your system is good i would get the graphics card and shelf ps4 idea only reason i own PS4 is for the games that don't come out on xbox/pc/3ds/wii U etc etc i wouldn't own ps4 wasn't for there first party /exclusive stuff.

4. mods on console will have the worst hard limit anything that pushs the hardware more than it can handle will probely still be aloud just render the game fps unplayable PC you have the option to upgrade your gpu

5. i like consoles better than PC and i just augured against them i feel........ not right i need a shower or yeah.....

TLDR: your system will smoke the PS4 version in everyway i would get the extra 970 i say high settings with 2x 970 would smoke even a 980 at 1080p i don't know your display so that might not be a thing alot people game at 1440p+.

Edit Tigs mades a good point i would said ultra but i don't know as much about 970...

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Rachel Briere
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:49 am

Yeah I know... I need to check when I get home from work.

To be honest, I think it's time to buy a new GPU anyway. They become old pretty fast. :(

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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:54 am

Got a laptop, ASUS ROG G75V, got this around 2013. Latest games that I installed here are GTA V and NBA 2K16. GTA V is fine, got frame rate issues with NBA 2K16 when crowd setting is turned high.

Specs are:
Intel Core i7-3630Qm, 2.4 GHz

24 gb ram

NVidia GEForce GTX 670MX (2 gig i think)

Not sure if I'll be able to run the game smoothly, and if its safe to overclock the GPU considering I dont have any idea how to :(

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Sam Parker
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:00 am

Hi guys ! What about my rig ?

I5 760 2.80 ghz

8 gb Ram

Geforce 960 4gb

Win 10

Thanks in advance

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luis ortiz
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:14 am

How's it lookin for an HP Omen?
i7 @ 2.60

GTX 960M

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:15 am

Thanks for the help guys, I can only hope for a downgrade mod, so with luck i myth be able to play, I bought this one more for work than for play, I normally play old games on pc, so there are still a lot of games I can run, thanks again anyway =)

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Yung Prince
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:04 am

What game engines support PhysX technology?

Unreal Engine 3, Gamebryo, Vision, Instinct, Trinigy, Diesel, Unity 3D, Hero, BigWorld.

What game publishers have licensed PhysX for their global studios?
EA, THQ, 2K Games, Sega and others.


All GeForce 8 series graphics cards and above with at least 256MB of local onboard graphics memory and at least 32 cores will be able to accelerate NVIDIA PhysX.

If you intend to use an NVIDIA supported graphics card as a dedicated Physx card, the other graphics cards in the system must also use an NVIDIA GPU.

> .not sure why that needed to be mentioned again to me <

It thing it's a misunderstanding. !!!

That wasn't a reply to you, personally... :shrug:

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Thomas LEON
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:31 am

I feel safe in every dept. except the CPU, However, I'll echo that the rec. req. for CPU are more than likely bloated. (I hope!) just as they were with Witcher 3. Mainly looking for advice and opinions on the CPU rec. req.

i5-4670k OC 4.2ghz (currently 4.2ghz, I can go up to 4.4ghz if need be)

8gb ram 1600mhz

EVGA 980 4GB superclocked w/ACX 2.0


Samsung Pro 850 256gb SSD

Playing @ 1080p - preferably @ Ultra settings :fallout:

Thanks in advance!

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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:26 am

Look here:

> and if its safe to overclock the GPU considering I dont have any idea how to <

It can be done (on a hardware level), it's RISKY, it should me made from PROS, and i don't put any manuals in there, as you can break your Laptop !!! :nono:

There are many overclock software programs around, that you can accomplish that, but even so, it would be not a good idea !!! :wink:

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maya papps
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:59 am

Me again...

I upped my budget a bit and decided to go with an Intel CPU.

So, bearing in mind that I am selecting parts from a pre-set list and thus don't have much flexibility, would this be a good, strong and (relatively) future-proof build?

(Also bearing in mind I don't intend to OC but I might go SLI/Crossfire at a later point)

CPU: Intel Core i7 6700K
CPU Cooler: Corsair H80i GT High Performance Liquid Cooler
RAM: 16GB Corsair 2666mhz Vengeance LPX DDR4 (2x8GB)
Graphics card: AMD Radeon R9 390 8GB
Motherboard: Gigabyte Z170XP-SLI
Operating System: Windows 10 (Home)
Optical Drive: 22x DVD±RW DL S-ATA
Case: Corsair Graphite 230T
SU: 860W Corsair AX Digital Modular
Sound Card: Onboard 7.1 Audio
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:21 am

Excellent IMO. Ultra settings @ 60fps easily. * Nice future proof as well. You can always go crossfire with another R9 390 down the road.

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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:32 pm

Just a fast answer, as i don't have much time - I'm allready late

Looks good. !!!

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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:59 am

Are you joking or what? PS4 will play it like crap compared to what your system can play.

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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:43 am

same as Xmiss.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:18 am

I don't think you have anything to worry about. That's a reasonably recent quad core with a nice high speed. These high recommended/minimum specs for CPUs have come up for a lot of games lately, and they always seem to be overblown. I mentioned Wolfenstein:TNO in one of the earlier threads--that game was spec'd as needing an i7. We had all sorts of discussion in the forums about why it might be required, and in the end, I ran that game perfectly well on a 7-year-old Core2Quad.

I generally run with the same CPU for 6-7 years, then build a new system around a newer CPU/mobo. The GPU, on the other hand, I tend to upgrade every 2-3 years.

Aside: I've got that same GPU. It's a really nice card.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:17 am

You don't have to upgrade EVERY time you don't have the best. Like now for example a 970 does just fine. Wait a couple years Then buy the best card with the best price to performance ratio. RIGHT NOW the 970 has the best price to performance ratio.

It isn't like every time a new card comes out you have to buy it. With that thinking you'll sink hundreds for no reason what so ever. The card I had before my 980 was a 660 Ti. and before that i had a 540 (i think). Every 18 months computer power doubles (Moores Law) so that's a pretty decent time frame to go by, every year and a half get a new card or processor IF you NEED it. If you want to fiddle [censored] with joysticks on a console, i'm not stopping you. But i wouldn't buy a console that will be outdated in a couple years anyways. (i really hate it when people keep calling the Xbox one and PS4 "next gen" its not [censored] next gen ITS CURRENT GEN dammit!) ///end of rant///

So the bottom line is, quit 1 step upgrading, wait a while and upgrade when you need to. (now is not a needed upgrade for you) Or buy a console, pay for online subscriptions, fiddle with thumb sticks, and deal with current or old gen graphics. IDGAF :smile:


The reason being is, developers try to distribute the processing load EVENLY between the CPU and GPU. Seperate entities dominate certain markets for "the best" for example crossair owns the RAM dept, Nvidia owns the GPU dept, and Intel owns the CPU dept. Sometimes companies make strides in their fields that surpass the other departments. Intel has made those strides in the CPU dept. and overcharges like a mother trucker. Thus tilting the balance of affordable and pricey making it seem that the CPU recommended specs are too high. Its really just the prices are too high.]

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Conor Byrne
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:01 am

Even Moore's Law slowed down for the first time in 50 years, it's more like 24 months now.

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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:07 am

Greetings... (to anyone/everyone)

If you can play GTAV in high/max settings, You surely will play this game like so.

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Rik Douglas
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