Not the greatest quad nowadays, but still think its worth trying with. It actually beats the phenom x4 945 that is listed for the min.
Easy to overclock to 4, but the old pc still has some life in it..
Intel Core i5 4670 @ 3.40GHz
8.00GB ram
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960
Nope my computer can't run it. And i'm ok with it. If i can't play it so be it. I could upgrade my PC but i refuse to do it for a PC game anymore. I did it all the time when i was younger. Now i just won't do it anymore. I'M older and see it as a waste of money. My family is more important.
You could try the consoles. Also very capable for gaming.
For younger and older boys as well. !!!
Also you wouldn't bother about the installation and upgrade procedure as well.
This weekend I overclock my processor just for Fallout 4. This is the first time I have ever done that because I have been scared of frying my (very expensive when I got it 7 years ago ) PC.
After bumping the CPU up to 3.1 It was running a little hot so I tried re-applying very old and crusty ( it fell off the copper surface in crumbled flakes as I wiped it off) thermal paste and then that killed my PC. The PC went to over 100 celsius and shut down within a few seconds of turning it on.
OK, so obviously the cooler was the issue not the thermal paste. It was just strange that the cooler immediately total failed after I did the new thermal paste.
I mean unless the cooler leaks how can it go bad like that? It has no pump right? I mean it works using thermal dynamic flow ... no?
Got a NEW liquid Corsair Hydro h90 cooler for $100. I will never buy one from them again. The directions were ridiculously difficult. One of their illustrations was even drawn BACKWARDS! That took me an 1/2 hour to finally realize the part was not fitting because it was turned the wrong way in the drawing.
For a product that cost 30% than most of the others offed at the same store you would think the parts and instructions would be very good, that is why I paid the extra $30 for pete sake!!!
The water block mounting hardware design was very bad with many small fragile plastic parts that you are supposed to link together in different ways to fit different motherboards. The silly thing is that if they had used metal instead of plastic they could have used spring loaded screws and that would have removed 8 parts from their design.
I am happy enough with the cooling once I was done with the frustration of installing it. I got my i7 2.8 Ghz up to 3.4 and probably could go all the way to 3.6 but I was not willing to do the extra work with adjusting the voltage to achieve that.
Already know I will be able to run it, plus the SSD upgrade im planning will pretty much narrow any loading down to a minimal time. However! I was wondering if anyone knows whether or not the physcial PC copy will have the base game on the disk? Australia has [censored] [censored] downloads and the slow NBN rollout means I still dont have it yet. And the last thing I want to do is get home and realise that I have to wait another 3-4 hours for the whole game to download, of course there will be an update but I can deal with that :/ Plus I dont want to go bothering Pete on twitter just yet
i just like put in for those people looking to upgrade there GPU don't over do it if your display can only handle 60hz then 60fps is all you ever see since your display will bottleneck your GPU/Cpu unless you can put up with realy bad screen tearing as your display fights losing battle with your GPU.
so do what i did find out your displays max Hz/fps then shove baddest Gpu into computer too make sure gpu stays about that number not buy alot IE this useless for most people based on not many people as you think have 1440p/120Hz display or better.
Motherboard:GIGABYTE GA-Z77X-UP7 LGA 1155 Intel Z77
CPU:Intel Core i7-3770K @ Stock Speeds
Memory:CORSAIR Dominator Platinum 32GB (4 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 2133
im thinking high "ish"
my cpu is a little slow
any ideas?
980 will destroy fallout 4 you will be fine that thing turbo clocks 3.9ghz if it needs too very high/ultra for you. the only bottleneck not knowing your display lol
opps sorry about that i run on an older 16:10 dell at 2560 x 1600 so i guess that will push it down somewhat. And i have very little XP with overclocking unfortunately.
Even at that resolution I think you should still be able to manage high settings.
Just a guess of course but your pc is very good.
Your CPU is still great.
Looking at a gaming benchmarks your CPU and the recommended 4790 are nearly identical in terms of gaming performance.
turbo clock/boost is automatic the CPU will just overclock if needs too. what Hz/refresh rate does run at? that will tell you max fps you will get without screen tearing
even if you don't know just turn on G sync in Nvidia control panel and use Nvidia control panel too optimize fo4 and you be golden nothing bad about your system at all. Being a laptop, I can't really change much of the hardware. But then I never expected or planned on running Fallout 4 on Ultra - even if I can run Skyrim on Ultra plus mods. But what I'm wondering is how good I can make it look compared to the consoles.
(the rig I was gaming on before my friend hooked me up with this laptop was a dell laptop that was never intended for gaming - I could play Skyrim at minimum resolution at about ~25 fps, after finding tons of mods to reduce the resolution even lower. So if I have to go that route for this guy and Fallout 4, I'm emotionally prepared )
I know it's a laptop GPU.
Metro: LL with NVIDIA GTX 660M 2GB @ gpu 1230MHz / memory 2500MHz
Your fear is well justified. Everything is way under spec'd.
and why would you do that just make Gpu/cpu work harder for nothing? thats like taking tires off the dump truck because it was over speced for the load now just burn more fuel for zerp gain....... you make zero sense.
bottomline if your display can only do 1080p 60Hz that all you ever see period your display is the bottleneck.
Because it is not for nothing. Both are ways to improve the graphics.
...and after those 2 ways, there is texture mods and sweetFX.
Lots of good ways to use any extra GPU power you can afford to get your hands on.
As always just under on the video card, I can never keep up
Intel Core i7 4790 4.0 GHz
32 GB Ram
You're still safely in high settings territory.
...and I'm sure you're just patiently waiting for Pascal because you know you can.
> but I was not willing to do the extra work with adjusting the voltage to achieve that. <
There is no other workaround for this:
As you increase your clock speed, you will likely have to raise your Vcore to supply your processor with enough power. !!!
Except you raise the clock not that much...
Even then, after you gently overclocked your CPU, you must stress test it, to see if your current setup is stable.
That's not that bad. !!!
If you compare the GTX 770 with the GTX 780 on "The witcher 3" there is a difference from 10fps.
If you lower some graphics options, you should be OK.
There is no need to upgrade...
The only thing i'm worried about is my graphics card, its a gtx 660. I can play the witcher 3 fairly well, so i'm sure i'll have a good experience. I really want a gtx 980 but can't justify paying that much for it right now