That GeForce 405 is a no go....far too weak and meant for basic things.
The CPU is fine. You need a new video card and quite possibly a new power supply for that video card upgrade.
That GeForce 405 is a no go....far too weak and meant for basic things.
The CPU is fine. You need a new video card and quite possibly a new power supply for that video card upgrade.
Maybe I can run it on Ultra Low Pixelated graphics?
i7 2700k @3.5 GHz
Gainward GTX 760 Phantom 2GB VRAM
It should be enough right?
i7 2700 - still a nice chip. It benchmarks around the equivalent of an AMD FX-8350 8-core, and a bit faster than the fan favorite i5-3750 Ivy Bridge that came out later on. But, benchmarks are not games and I would suspect all the chips I just mentioned to run the game just fine. All these chips will feed your graphics card all the info it can handle.
GTX 760 - under the recommended, but still okay and since it has 2 gigs of VRAM you won't have problems loading the textures. When this card came out it was running Crysis 3, Metro Last Light, at nice FPS on 1080p, 40+ FPS. It destroyed Skyrim at 90+ FPS on Ultra. The card in these tests was paired with an i7-3770 running at 3.5GHz, a CPU not that much better than your i7-2700 running at the same frequency.
Ram - 8-gig is what they recommend.
Overall, I think you'll be fine to run it at 1080p on 'high' maybe 'high' with a few things turned down a bit to get closer to optimal frames.
Thank you all for the answers
btw. i got an Samsung 840 Pro Series SSD if that is important.
It won't impact 'game play' per se, but it will actually help in loading times, maybe significantly.
Sadly, I guess I'll have to delay getting this game until more information is available. I don't want my first play-through ruined by poor performance on the part of my machine, and the wacked out disparity between the two cards listed as minimum graphics reqs leaves the status of my GTX 660 in limbo. I'm not interested in playing with low settings. I'll need to see how it actually performs for other people playing with the 660 before I can buy the game.
I wouldn't worry too much about a GPU that doubles the 550Ti being stuck on the low settings.
That was my initial impression, too. I do think it's more likely than not that my card will be able to handle the game acceptably. Still, the fact that my card falls a little short of the Radeon 7870 which is also listed as a minimum req gives me pause.
Really, I can do without some of the fancier graphics effects like depth of field. What I cannot compromise on is things like NPC draw distances. Plus, I like to mod my game and favor things like increased spawn mods, and the value of the game is severely diminished if I can't use them.
Hello everyone! I just registered here and need some help.
My system is the following:
Windows 7 (64-bit)
Intel Core i5-2400 3.1 GHz
AMD Radeon HD 7770 2GB
Now according to that system requirements site posted in this thread, I do meet the Minimum Requirements for the game. I was unsure because of my video card, which is older than the 7870 listed, but it seems to work still because it's the 2GB variant.
What I would like to know is how should I expect the game to run on my PC?
Thanks! I knew that day would come eventually...
About the CPU requirements:,review-32318-9.html,,review-32628-6.html. Look at the 2500K, that's a big difference. Your CPU's ability to handle Fallout 4 game could improve post launch.
Seeing as forum search is still broken, have they said aught about hyperthreading? Skyrim didn't support it, but the i7 recommendation suggests FO4 does, which should give i3s a chance (i3 4170 has same multithreaded clout as that min. Phenom 945 and obviously much better single core).
What can I get from this set up?
i5 4690 @ 3.5 GHz
8 gb RAM
OS Window 7 64 bit
Specs: CPU: Intel i7-4710HQ (not sure of the clockspeed) RAM: 8GB DDR3 (again, not sure of the speed) GPU: GTX 860M 2GB Model: asus rog 6751j (got it in dec 2014) Screen size: 1920x1080 Hoping for medium-high, or at least medium.
Been told that i should be able to expect medium at the absolute least. Was said person wrong or am i gonna need to go to low/very low to play?
Me thinks that's more the favoring of Nvidia and their drivers.
Not to turn you off, but after I posted, I noticed how many of those benches in the link were for low/med settings. I'd hedge my optimism for a mix of med/high & FXAA.
The "before" test uses a GTX 570 1.28GB and the "after" uses a GTX 680 2GB.
I'm not saying that improvements weren't made, I just saying that comparison is useless.
Just out of curiosity how would a GTX 970 fare? Would a R9 270X be a significant downgrade?