hmm.. guess ill be buying an xbox one.
hmm.. guess ill be buying an xbox one.
I run The Witcher Wild Hunt at 1080p on high settings and stay close to 60 fps in most areas. So, I'll probably start with what I have and see how it goes. Even if my current build is satisfactory for the vanilla game, it will not be a few months after the G.E.C.K.'s release. Mods will destroy it for sure.
Hey Nvidia, bundle Fallout 4 with the GTX 980 Ti and I'll whip out my bottle caps right now!
Current build:
i5-3570k @ 4.5 GHz
GTX 680 4GB
8GB 1600 RAM
Win 7 64-bit
Intel and Samsung SSD's.
Your processor is 20% under the recommended settings, and your CPU 30%
On a lower resolution you will be fine. (lower than 1080p)
I guess my r9 270x is just above the minimum.
If it's the HD6850 it's 13% lower than the minimum requirements.
If it's the HD6870 it just meets the minimum requirements. !!!
No. It's 50% above the minimum !!!
To be honest it's between Min and Rec.
first, thanks for the suggestions. not really short on cash, but don't play a ton of games on my PC, and nothing very taxing. will mostly be for FO4, so really don't want to invest a ton of cash.
Will there be SLI support? its a frequent question I see on forums.
I find it funny that the Recommended Settings are EXACTLY what my computer is.
Addendum my CPU is overclocked to 3.9GHz.
I should be able to run F4 tho, at least I think so...
My concern is how well will it run Fallout 4 + GECK for mod creating and some other tools.
I probably need to upgrade after all, Probably should at least upgrade to 16 gig
My GTX 660 is not optimal but it beats the 550 min requirement so I'm ok there. A little worried about my processor though. I don't know where it sits in relation to the requirements (never learned the AMD naming conventions) and it's not on that list. Can someone help me out? AMD FX-6100 Six Core
My old (but upgraded) rig seems to be well beyond all the recommended stats for GPU and RAM, BUT I just have never been able to wrap my head around processor model "numbers".
PER my system info I have this: Processor Intel® Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz, 2801 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
So...anyone able to tell me how well I can run it?
Install it on Day 1 and see just like everyone else will be.
Apparently you forgot which thread you were in, here you go:
Unofficial "Will My PC run Fallout 4?" Thread #2
Being unhelpful and just telling me to wait is kind of the exact opposite of these threads.
You should be able to play at the highest settings without many problems with a beast graphics card like that.
I have the same CPU and the difference between 4770K and 4790 is basically none.
i5-4690 @ 3.5 GHz (No Overclock)
8Gb of RAM
EVGA GeForce GTX 960
Any thoughts on whether or not I'll be golden?
Good morning guys,
please say that my notebook can handle F4 on minimum settings
I know that my cpu is a little bit under the minimum ...
Acer Aspire 5942g
- i5-450m / 2,4ghz
- 8 GB RAM
- ATI mobility Radeon HD5650
Thank you.
Greetings from Germany
my video card is AMD Radeon R7 200 series 2GB. I am nothing close to being a techie. Could some knowledgeable person please tell me if this will be enough?
that will tell you straight up if you can run it.
OMG Dude, thanks so much! According to that web site, my comp will run it. Thanks!
Using Intel HD here because i lost my gpu but i am planning to buy a GTX 970 next mont. As i understand from these specs, it should run everything maxed on 1080p? I also have i5 4690 non k version, 8GB of ram and a SSD.
Not quite sure where my PC falls into the needed specs?