i5-2300 2.8GHz is pretty low minimum spec though, my old i7 920 could've probably beaten it if I cranked it up to 4ghz+. As for i7... we'll see just how much it is optimized for multi-threading I guess. I'm not about to shell out for a i7 chip right now my i5 4690k cost me an arm and a leg. Really wish AMD were competitive with their CPU's just now. The number of current games that it makes a difference for is very small.
64bit OS must surely mean a 64bit game.exe which would make sense since Xbox One and PS4 are both 64bit and thats the bottom line for all of Bethesda's outings lately add should remove the 4gb memory limit if nothing else. Shadow of Mordor was 30gb+ too took me all day to download that seems to be increasingly the norm. 
At least my R9 390 is basically a tweaked R9 290x with more Vram so no issues there at anyrate. Its a bit odd they ranked it alongside a GTX 780 though as the 290x is faster in almost every respect a GTX 970 would be a more accurate comparison if I didn't know better I'd say Beth were biased towards Nvidia...
Likewise the i7 4790 way outclasses the FX 9590 in almost every respect so some pretty wide "recommendations" there too.
Makes you wonder if the Specs were just pulled off of sheets of paper to look good rather than, y'know, actually testing them.