» Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:16 am
I have a general computer question that i was hoping someone would help me out with.
Nearly three years ago i got a custom-built desktop with these specs
Processor: Intel? Core? i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz 2.67GHz
Memory(RAM): 6.00 GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System
Display Driver: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280
At the time it was great, it could run anything. Crysis max settings etc, Far Cry 2 no sweat
Then about a year after that i bought an Alienware laptop with these settings
Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q9100 @2.26GHz 2.27GHz
Memory(RAM): 8.00 GB (7.75 usable)
System type: 64-bit Operating system
Three Display Drivers: Nvidia GeForce GTX 280M x2, Nvidia GeForce 9400 (this one i think is for when you want to save battery)
Now i don't know alot about Computers, so when i judged this laptop from those numbers alone at first, i thought wow, it's even better! But as the years have passed it's proved the opposite. Ignoring the fact that it virtually melts down from overheat-ion whenever a high-end game is being played, it struggles to run games like Civilization V at a constant frame rate, but when i go home from Uni and load it up on my desktop, it's flawless! More recently, i tried playing Deus Ex Human Revolution on this lappy and the thing basically couldn't. Whereas the game runs perfect on the desktop again.
Is it just that laptops arn't able to compete with desktops due to hidden specs i don't know about, or is there something i'm doing wrong here?