Will it last at least 3 years? Can it play Skyrim on Medium-High? Will it be able to play games coming out in the next two years at Medium or so?
I MUST HAVE SKYRIM... sorry. And thanks for helping out guys!
You are not going to find a significantly better laptop than the refurb G73 for less than another $500-$600. The Mobility HD5870 is on par with the GTX 460m and GTX 560m. You would need to look for a laptop with a HD 6990m or GTX 570m or GTX 580m and those run $1300-$1800 in the US. I suggested it because it was in the same price range as the laptop you linked to. It is also much better than that laptop.
I have had this laptop myself for 1.5 years now [the G73 launched early 2010] and I run everything well. I don't max everything, but I do still run things closer to max than medium. I can see it still handling solid medium settings in two years from now. When I bought it I picked up an extended 2yr warranty, skipping the offered 3rd year for a paltry $50 more because all my previous laptops had me looking at potential replacement by this time in the laptop's life... I really should have grabbed the 3rd year with this one.
Edit: Decided to make a vid of Just Cause 2 with 11.9RC driver as I think that is the game that is most similar to the graphics demands to Skyrim. I trimmed a few shadow settings that didn't hurt the image quality tremendously to make up for the hit to performance that the video capture software [Bandicam] was giving as the CPU is running both and the vid is recording to the same HDD as the game, which like Skyrim is on Steam.