Ive hardly ever paid attention to computer lingo and stuff, so I can't begin to understand all this hubbub about "will my computer run Skyrim". Gigabytes and ramm and all sorts of witchcraft. I don't even know what the skyrim requirements are. But I want to have more than that so the game performs at its best.
I'm strongly considering the Alienware M14X. I don't know much about it, I could read about it all day long and not understand a word. But I've heard really good things about alienware and this one seems to be the one that's not super small but not big and overpowered and overexpensive. Right there in the middle. Besides, Alienware looks awesome. That and how they are gaming computers is all I really understand about it.
Can I get some opinions on this? Once I think about it, the Skyrim requirements might not even be out yet, I don't really pay attention to that stuff, like I said. If it's not, can I get some opinions on how the fancy M14X might handle a game of Skyrim's caliber? (I love that word...caliber)