Unofficial World of Warcraft Discussion Thread #12

Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:41 am

Discuss all things World of Warcraft, plus the upcoming Cataclysm expansion here.

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aznandrew95 -, Tichondrius
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Betrayer of Humanity -, Area 52
Betrayer of Humanity -, Area 52
Betrayer of Humanity -, Area 52
Canus -, Hydraxis
Canus -, Hydraxis
Canus -, Blackrock
Canus -, Blackrock
Cryptoparrot -, Xavius
Dark Helmet -, Vek'nilash
Dark Helmet -, Staghelm
Dark Helmet -, Vek'nilash
Dark Helmet -, Staghelm
Dar'jaar -, Nesingwary
drewbster -, The Scryers
drewbster -, Sisters of Elune
drewbster-, Sisters of Elune
epic monkey -, Akama
epic monkey -, Akama
epic monkey -, Akama
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Fearnoman777 -, Cenarion Circle
Fearnoman777 -, Cenarion Circle
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Galuf -, Winterhoof
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Khajiit Overlord Rainer -, Kirin Tor
Khajiit Overlord Rainer -, Kirin Tor
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moosa -, Nerub
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Mr.Boom -, Wyrmrest Accord
Mr.Boom -, Wyrmrest Accord
Mr.Boom -, Wyrmrest Accord
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MrDarkSim -, Anvilmar
MrDarkSim -, Area 52
MrDarkSim -, Cho'gall
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Nami88-, Azuremyst
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padalin -, Ragnaros
padalin -, Ragnaros
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Panda Warrior -, Akama
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PR0 6AM3R -, Saurfang
r7av7en7 -, Staghelm
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Ska8tdude -, Malorne
Spork the Slightly Insane -, Grizzly Hills
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Suffca -, Bleeding Hollow
TheWintergaleAlchemist -, Blackwater Raiders
TheWintergaleAlchemist -, Blackwater Raiders
Twobblez -, Spinebreaker
uberbanna -, Garrosh
Urge -, Twilight's Hammer
Urge -, Twilight's Hammer
Urge -, Twilight's Hammer
Urge -, Twilight's Hammer
WoWAddict -, Executus
WoWAddict -, Executus
WoWAddict -, Executus
Yellek -, Hellfire

If you would like to be added to the list, please leave a post stating your character name(s) and realm in the format used above so it can be copy/pasted.


Anyone seen Totalbiscuit new videos with the heroics? He has these new videos called Wipe-a-Thon 3000's that have his group wiping for hours on thew new heroic bosses, they're pretty fun to watch. I'm so glad that the heroics in Cata are hard. I just hope Blizzard doesn't give in to the whiners/baddies and nerf them. Totalbiscuit said he wiped for 4 hours on the first boss in heroic stonecore. That's pure win.


Also, there's a huge update on MMO about all the cata stuff, it shows all the tier 11 stats, shows all of the new justice point gear and some raid gear. Looks so hot. :) And apparently, according to Boubs inside source at Blizzard, the even of the Cataclysm is actually going to happen before the Expansion is released, meaning the big change to the game world will happen a few weeks before the expac is available for purchase.
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Setal Vara
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:51 pm

This got lost in the last thread, but I have a mage I'd like added.

Urge -, Twilight's Hammer
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:28 am

Also, there's a huge update on MMO about all the cata stuff, it shows all the tier 11 stats, shows all of the new justice point gear and some raid gear. Looks so hot. :) And apparently, according to Boubs inside source at Blizzard, the even of the Cataclysm is actually going to happen before the Expansion is released, meaning the big change to the game world will happen a few weeks before the expac is available for purchase.

What's the link? I know of, and is something about NYC.

I got my account and characters back, and I actually gained gold and the rest of the hacker's subscription time. The ingame GMs restored my character in about a day after my sister submitted the ticket so it was all waiting for me in my ingame mail. Since the hacker changed me to mining and was using that to earn gold, I came back with tons of ore and gems and over 9000 gold. They locked my account before he could transfer the gold, and when they restored my characters they didn't remove anything, only restored what he deleted or sold I only had about 1500 or so when I left in July. I'm surprised how easy it was to get my account back, after about a 45 minute wait all I had to do was give the answer to my secret question.

He did spend my arena points and I had to start over again, but so what if he used them for all that gold! I'm at 11000 now, I'm way ahead of where I left off.

I even got the Mr. Chilly companion :) It was waiting for me in my mail, from the hacker (it must be a BoA item and was automatically mailed to my character) but when I went to use it it didn't add the companion since I'm not eligible for it. I opened a ticket about it, and a GM gave it to me anyway, even with me saying my account isn't eligible. Blizzard rocks! Companions are inconsequential so I'm sure the GM didn't care and just enjoyed doing a nice thing for a player.

Now I'm concerned about certain zones being removed in Cata. I got Direbrew's Remote the other day but if Blackrock is being removed that remote is going to become 100% useless. It really only has novelty uses now but at least those are uses.
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:07 pm

MMO-Champion's site is listed in the first post at the top. Easy enough to miss with all the characters we have listed now.

I was looking through the talent calculators and shadow priest looks to be godly from what they have listed. Shadowy Apparition in the shadow tree looks to be an awesome talent. Evangelism+Archangel also looks to help keep the mana pool topped off.

MMO Champion has all the pvp/pve point rewards listed for the start of Cataclysm.

Edit: I doubt Blackrock is going to be removed. Thought I read somewhere it was one of the places to get revamped. Besides will need a place to jam and the Grim Guzzler is one of their spots.
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:49 pm

BRD isn't being removed AFAIK. It's more topical changes, and BRD is underground.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:41 pm

I had to satisfy my Warcrack addiction and re-subbed. I want to try and level a tank class. What is the easiest class to tank with? I have a ret paladin at lvl 50 but I don't want to continue playing him, so it'll have to be a choice between druid, warrior or DK. Most people I know say warrior is the hardest, but I'd like some more opinions. I'm kind of leaning towards druid at the moment.
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:58 am

As far as it being easy goes? I'd say DK's have it the best. So many cooldowns to blow to keep you alive for a long time. Druids aren't "hard", they just have a very difficult rotation from what I hear, especially kitty DPS. It's supposedly the hardest rotation in the game. But as a bear tanking, I'm not quite sure.
The only tanking class I've played is a DK and a Warrior, and Warriors are definitely difficult to tank with more than 1 mob. DK's is just a lawlfest, spamming things that hit multiple mobs and things just flock to you like woman flock to me.
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:48 pm

I had to satisfy my Warcrack addiction and re-subbed. I want to try and level a tank class. What is the easiest class to tank with? I have a ret paladin at lvl 50 but I don't want to continue playing him, so it'll have to be a choice between druid, warrior or DK. Most people I know say warrior is the hardest, but I'd like some more opinions. I'm kind of leaning towards druid at the moment.

People say Warrior is the hardest, but it's not hard at all honestly. I'd say go for Warrior, it's a very fun class to tank with.

EDIT: I disagree that AOE tanking as a warrior is that hard, I have a macro that alternates between doing cleave and devastate, and with the glyph that causes devastate to hit additonal targets I can just spam that and thunderclap and never lose a mob unless dps does insane damage or taunts.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:55 pm

I guess it might be difficult compared to how easy every other tanking class has it. Even Blizzard admits this frequently on their forums. Warriors are the least capable AoE tanking class in the game hands down. Every other class has more abilities that cause more AoE threat.
Come Cata, though, they are supposedly getting a rework in that department. Rend now causes more damage, and thunder clapping with rend on 1 target spreads rend to all targets. They also upped the threat from Defensive stance to 100%.
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:22 pm

My experience as DPS in lowbie dungeons is that warriors seem to be the best at holding aggro. Even green geared warriors with points in the prot tree seem to be able to get everything to stick to them like glue. Lowbie druids seem to have the hardest time keeping aggro, and in my limited healing experience were by far the biggest mana sponges. Their health always dropped quicker than other classes, I used to sigh when I saw the tank was a druid.

Funny thing is that when I do heroics on my 80 shammy I hardly ever see bear tanks. At a rough guess I'd say they seem to make up maybe 10-15% of the tanks I see in LFD.

The most badass tank I ever saw was a full BiS death knight with Shadowmourne. He just obliterated everything, and could probably have soloed most of it himself :laugh:
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:51 am

Yeah but that's just leveling, the entire game changes at 80 when you start getting into the higher tiered mechanics of the classes, not to mention mobs in lowbie dungeons are nothing like 80's.
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hannah sillery
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:10 pm

From what Ive tried, Warrior is the hardest to solo, Hunter is the easiest, and Paladin is probably the all around guy.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:17 am is my feral druid, been DPSing and taking dungeons as I have leveled. Pretty strong, can't wait to start PvPing around 27-29.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:03 pm

I decided to dust off my paladin after all, so I bought him a one-hander and shield and respecced him to protection. All I can say is WOW. At level 52 I ran into the ape cave in Un'Goro and must have had literally 8-10 mobs on me and I burned them all down with no problems at all.

Out of interest I queued for a random dungeon as tank to see how long the wait would be. Except, there was no wait because the instant I pressed the button a dungeon appeared. I chickened out because I suddenly realised that it would probably be Blackrock Depths and I really didn't want to be a noob tanking that dungeon for the very first time :D
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lucile davignon
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:05 am

I decided to dust off my paladin after all, so I bought him a one-hander and shield and respecced him to protection. All I can say is WOW. At level 52 I ran into the ape cave in Un'Goro and must have had literally 8-10 mobs on me and I burned them all down with no problems at all.

Out of interest I queued for a random dungeon as tank to see how long the wait would be. Except, there was no wait because the instant I pressed the button a dungeon appeared. I chickened out because I suddenly realised that it would probably be Blackrock Depths and I really didn't want to be a noob tanking that dungeon for the very first time :D

That's the beauty of being a tank, instant dungeon queues. Actually that's the entire reason I levelled a warrior to 80 as prot.
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:36 pm

Are the weapon types pretty balanced? Or will some always have better stats than others?
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:47 pm

Are the weapon types pretty balanced? Or will some always have better stats than others?

I'd say so, I'm no expert by any means, but I've never noticed anything blatantly imbalanced myself in terms of gear.
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:36 pm

What do you guys think of my pally's gear and stuff. I was in a dungeon eariler and the heal said my defense was bad and so was my gear. I mean he wasnt being a [censored] or anything, but I just was wondering as nobody else has ever complained about my stuff before.
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Kaley X
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:54 pm

So my friends' subs ran out and they won't be getting another one for a while. WoW is only fun with friends...What should I do?
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:54 pm

Find an active guild.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:13 pm

MMO-Champion is saying December 7th is the release date for Cataclysm.

@GateKeeper I wouldn't pay much attention to people in pugs. A lot like to stir up crap because they're bored. Just as long as you make it to the end without too many deaths it was a good run.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:21 pm

Just respecced my mage to Fire today, the Arcane rotation was killing my soul. I don't do quite as much single target DPS with this spec but it's so much more fun. Also, does anyone here just have horrendous luck with loot? I get out rolled on so much it makes it a real [censored] to upgrade these days, I've seen lucky people who started raiding way later than I did who have far better gear. I'm exalted with the Ashen Verdict so I've done my fair share of ICC's, it just seems like nothing ever drops. Got out-rolled on Nibelung last night, bloody S'priests :shifty:

Anyway, they've increased the amount of JP's we'll be getting for our badges now, it's like 11.75 up from 2.5 or something like that, can't remember the exact numbers. Check it out on the WoW forum.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:15 pm

Cataclysm's release date has been set, officially this time. will be the day Azeroth is changed forever, so you've got two months to explore Azeroth as it is before it is lost.

I've been looking at all the new screenshots on MMO-Champion, and I have to say the art has gotten so much better, the game just looks beautiful. Plus, with a tease of all the new stuff we're getting, MMO-Champion is now a daily visit for me.

I can't wait. :D
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Kari Depp
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Post » Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:27 pm

Hmm. May resub in the middle of November giving me time to get to 80 and then resub again around Christmas. Can't wait. :D
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:11 am

Excellent, my final university exam is on the 16th of November. Plenty of time to explore Azeroth and level up before everything goes to buggery in Cata. :D
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Leanne Molloy
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