The Hunter set does indeed look amazing.
At first I thought the DK set looked pretty baller; upon further inspection, I seem to laugh at it. It's so absurd. It's just like..getting to the point where it's just defying the laws of physics. Look at those horns. o.o
I'm sorry, what now? Hunter's get a set that doesn't look like utter [censored]? My mind is officially blown. Seriously, has there ever been a good looking hunter set? The very first ones looked okay...that was 6 years ago.
Damn...even after unsubbing and not playing for two months I still can't keep away from the game completely...I still read MMO champ, still listen to BluePlz, why won't you just let me move on with my life WoW? Why? Oh well...
I ended up unsubbing Rift as well by the way, it was fun at first but I got to around level 25 (Which takes a while, though i did do it on three characters so I would porbably be level 40 by now atleast had I managed to stick to one

) and surprise, got boring. Not sure what I was expecting to happen really, I had fun with it but then half of the friends I had with me dropped the game and I just didn't see myself playing it anymore. Resubbed CHampions Online, hoping I can get my passion back for that so to speak, it's a cool game but MMO's in general seem to bore me now, which svcks. I love having a game I can reliably play between other games or when I have the time away from daily life, MMO's are perfect for that but none of them seem to be cutting it for me lately.
Might give DDO a shot, i tried it way back and disliked it, but I hear good things now and it's free so might as well give it a shot. At least DDO has an established universe that I actually care about (Played D&D for years, the fact that I can't now due to real life issues kills me inside...), unlike RIFT.
Have no fear though, i will still be around, WoW has a way of svcking me back in, even if I can't stomach playing the actual game anymore