» Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:37 pm
Dragonborn1, I recommend you get the free trial of WoW. Recently, with Cataclysm, Blizzard completely revamped the 1-60 zones (which was originally what we call "vanilla WoW, no expansions") and they are literally a blast. A lot of fun to quest in, so entertaining. And the thing is, it isn't a part of Cataclysm, it's still the vanilla experience, you don't have to buy anything besides the base game to experience it. If you've got a few hours a week, or what have you, to burn, I highly recommend giving it a try at least.
During the past 6 years of World of Warcraft, questing has gone through a lot of changing and updates, and the original vanilla questing experience was..well..to be blunt, completely atrocious and hell. It was so brutal. So clunky, drawn out, insane quest chains that had breaks and ends that didn't make sense, it was awful. They've gotten a LOT better though, and with Cata, they've brought whole new ways to quest including very nice phasing, which is essentially the game world changing around you as you quest, etc. It's a lot of fun. So, with the updated vanilla experience, you get the quality of Cata combined with the nostalgia of vanilla. ^_^