"Better jumping animations" =/= "Better jumping skills/heights"
Two different issues.
On height.... perhaps it's been so long since I had a character who actually worked on their Acrobatics skill, but I don't recall ever feeling like I could jump very high. Last couple playthroughs I've been using Oblivion XP mod, and didn't have any extra skill points to put into less-important skills. So, Acrobatics 5, probably.... which meant that, until I got to higher level and my stats were up there, I couldn't even clear a fence.
(Hmm, I should make a few +Acrobatics spells and see how high the jumps get....)
Two different issues.
On height.... perhaps it's been so long since I had a character who actually worked on their Acrobatics skill, but I don't recall ever feeling like I could jump very high. Last couple playthroughs I've been using Oblivion XP mod, and didn't have any extra skill points to put into less-important skills. So, Acrobatics 5, probably.... which meant that, until I got to higher level and my stats were up there, I couldn't even clear a fence.

(Hmm, I should make a few +Acrobatics spells and see how high the jumps get....)
Acrobatics actually was quite fun, a few start characters I had with OOO and low acrobatics got trounced early on.
Taking a acrobatic fighter mage just became hilarious, I'd leap from area to area, find that at later skill levels or boosted ones.
I could leap onto tiny ledges high above the area, cast summons and spray disruptive magic.
In Oblivion gates, you could use water walking, self made potions and acrobatics to leap through the lava, over obstacles and straight to the towers.
It really was a tactical and overlooked skill, if a speciality one.
As for the animations, I'm sure they're not all that great in OB, just because the animations in general aren't. Wouldn't know how the jump anim actually looks, I never actually try to move around in 3rd person..... mostly because even walking in that view looks pretty bad.
So, yeah. Better jump animations certainly wouldn't be a bad thing.

It's not that great tbh, not terrible.
Just pretty static and more a small hop move irl used no matter how high or long the jump in game is.