Unrealistic stamina?

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 2:58 am

I sure hope so, both MW and OB did it wrong.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 1:12 am

I liked not having to worry about running out of stamina just to get arond in oblivion. I think your normal jog/run should be almost limitless while sprint really takes away your stamina
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 2:23 am

In Morrowind, Fatigue/Stamina affected the accuracy of your hits, but otherwise you could run forever and speed (With athletics providing a small boost) was what made you run faster. I like being able to run forever in an ES game especially when the world is huge, I also liked the compromise that running forever drained Fatigue so if you ran for miles and got into a fight, your accuracy in combat was lower and Hand-to-hand fighters knocked you flat easily.
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sarah taylor
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:08 am

I would say the compromise is that a walk has slow stamina regeneration, running has it remain static, and sprinting depletes it. Standing still, sitting and resting all go progressively faster.

Also as a side note, I am very glad that they changed it from fatigue to stamina. It's just an aesthetic point, but it kind of bugged me.
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Jake Easom
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 1:59 pm

The way I see it having enough stamina to keep running works better from a gameplay point of view. I know some people are arguing that it is not realistic but humans can run for long periods of time have you stood on the sidelines at a marathon and watched how fast they actually are? World record pace is about 20km/h! So running imo works for the reality check (remember its running not sprinting). It obviously passes the fantasy check! Check out Aragon in LOTR he runs for days without stopping!
So I think leave it as it is going to be, they have added stamina loss for sprinting! So leave running as is!
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:50 am

You should only be able to sprint for short bursts, but you should be able to run indefinitely and walking should be there as an option if you want it, kind of like the GTA system.
The last thing I want is for them to bring back Morrowind's annoying system, where I'd have to stop and walk for half of my journey because if I kept running along I'd lose in a fight with one of a billion Cliff Racers.
The world is just too big to walk.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:07 am

I'd rather just not have a sprint button. Have it all linked to speed/athletics/ other stats etc.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 3:12 am

I'd rather just not have a sprint button. Have it all linked to speed/athletics/ other stats etc.

Lets's see.

Quote from Game Informer Skyrim feature:

Characters now transition more realistically between walking, jogging, and running

Source: http://www.gameinformer.com/games/the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim/b/xbox360/archive/2011/01/17/the-technology-behind-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim.aspx?PostPageIndex=2
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 1:06 pm

As realistic as we want the game to be, you need to remember, it is still a game. If a game gets too realistic it's no longer a fun game, it's reality, which, lets be honest, isn't nearly as fun. :P

So unrealistic stamina, I think is a good thing.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:10 am

Lets's see.

Quote from Game Informer Skyrim feature:

Source: http://www.gameinformer.com/games/the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim/b/xbox360/archive/2011/01/17/the-technology-behind-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim.aspx?PostPageIndex=2

Er, Id rather not have a sprint button. Don't know what you were responding to. I want it to work like it did in past titles.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 12:41 pm


Again with the "game needs to be realistic" stuff. :sadvaultboy:

I say we should be able to run, full speed, across the entirety of Skyrim without losing any Stamina. And I think we should be able to sprint the entire thing too (without losing stamina).
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trisha punch
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:09 pm

and Dovahkhin's jog (at max speed/athletics) should be very fast, faster than any real man. he should be able to jog around a 3-minute mile.


That makes absolutely no sense. The ability to jog a 3 minute mile is impossible.
That would require him to be able to run this pace http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVp7FnEnVxQ&feature=related at a jog effort.
I understand that you are saying that he is very fast but you have no idea how fast a 3 minute mile would be.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 6:58 am


Again with the "game needs to be realistic" stuff. :sadvaultboy:

I say we should be able to run, full speed, across the entirety of Skyrim without losing any Stamina. And I think we should be able to sprint the entire thing too (without losing stamina).

A certain level of "realism" is nice to have, even in a fantasy game. One of the best parts about ES games is the level of immersion they have, which in my opinion, can't be beat by any other games I've played. The added realism only increases how "in" to the game I can get, so I'm all for it.

Of course a certain level of realism is too much.... I'm not going to enjoy the game much if every 3 hours I have to get something to eat, or absolutely need a full night's sleep. (though I tend to do the latter for RP sake)

My point is, there is a certain equilibrium between realistic game play and fantasy that can be found. Having stamina doesn't sound all that hindering to me.
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Poetic Vice
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:52 am

Hmmm, and on what grounds will you judge ?Game Mechanics? then?

You clearly do not wish to have a rational discussion. You're too busy throwing emotionally loaded words. It is not my arena. In fact, it's not an arena at all. We just disagree, that's all.
Let's leave it that way.

That question is on the same level of "how do you judge whats a chair?" Whats a chair, its a chair. A gameplay mechanic,, is a gameplay mechanic.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 4:55 am

I think there is a limit to how long you can sprint, as for running, well running isn't very labor intensive. I may need to stop every hour or so, but what kind of game system would make you stop for five minutes after an hour jog?

Yeah right... you can run fully armored for anhour....
Come on i am almost sure you, couldn t run for half an hour straigt.

Thats why humanity invented transport system....running is tiresome and once you have something on you but clothes ankward.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 4:40 am

That makes absolutely no sense. The ability to jog a 3 minute mile is impossible.
That would require him to be able to run this pace http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVp7FnEnVxQ&feature=related at a jog effort.
I understand that you are saying that he is very fast but you have no idea how fast a 3 minute mile would be.

Ignoring that he was exaggerating (he specifically linked to an article which shows the fastest recorded time is like 3:50 or something) while no human (yet) can run a three minute mile, it's certainly not out of realm of fantasy (and I'm not talking even about "dragons, magick, etc" I'm talking about heroic legend which attempts a pass at realism, people who are literally "superhuman" like Achilles, Beowulf, etc.

Also, I would not be surprised if we had a human complete a three minute mile within our lifetimes. Even without robotic assistance, you could genetically enhance someone to have longer legs, larger muscles, greater long capacity, and more efficient cardiology.
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:44 am

I like to see sneaking require stamina.
1. It would stop people from crouching all day
2. It would make Stamina important like the R3sistance said.
3. It's realistic. (I can run for hours, but crouching and lunging around is hard)

Running - tiny drain
Sprint - substantial drain
Sneak - slight to moderate drain

I would corrct to:

Walking no drain:
Sneaking: no drain (because you don t need to crouch to sneak, thats just ingame) but people could report you or laught at you if you sneak in plain sight. Like being arrested for 24H for suspicious behavior)
Running: samll draining increasin overtime
Sprinting: Substancial draining increasing fastly overtime.

Well this is valid if those skills still exist.
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 2:30 pm


Again with the "game needs to be realistic" stuff. :sadvaultboy:

Its mean a cool game instead of an imbecile game.

You want to run forever ? Then load yourself with stamina bottles, or be a mage and start draining stamina from anything you see.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:28 am

Also, it's not really unrealistic. I can jog at a moderate pace for a very long time. I can walk all day long without getting tired and of course, I can only sprint for a short while before I get tired.

Thus to those that think that Oblivion's lack of fatigue depletion was unrealistic, it's not. Running at a moderate pace takes a very long time to tire me out, what do you think a dragonborn can do? That is why just running around the world is fine to not deplete stamina. Now if you sprinted and it didn't hurt your stamina, then sure it would be unrealistic, but it does so hurray! :celebration:

HAHAHA wanna see if your not tired after walking 20 miles.
If that was true men wouldn t have cherised so much horses. A horse pace is the same a a men pace with the advantage of you not being as tired at the end of the day.
And unless your training hard you can t run for an hour straight, and that at like 5mph which is almost fast walk.
And this without armor, without weaponry, without backpack and whats inside it.
What see you walk for hours with something like 20 pounds on you.

People should stop the i can. No you can t, and you know it. If running was so easy, everybody would run a marathon wihtout a hicup.

So running was forever in Oblivion just because people B***** about not being able to run all the way down in Morrwind. When actually they could trought magic and bottles, but are too lazy to do such and want a I win button.
Screw the i win solutions.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 12:04 pm

This is a difficult question.
One one side we got our realistic experience, and on the other we got our "playable" experience without getting annoyed.
There has to be somewhat of a balance between the two.

So, I'd say: Allow for more realism, as it in my opinion enhances the experience, as long as it's not as much as you start to get annoyed of it.

What's already in:
- Panting sounds are already in, which is great.
- A really nice head-bobbing effect is already in, which is great.

What could also be in is (in my opinion):
- The lower stamina you get, the slower you run. Eventually you'll run so slow that it's better for you to walk.
- If you despite all this keep running, your vision will become a little blurred.
- If you despite the slightly blurred vision keep running for even longer, you'll collapse (fall to the ground)

Now the question returns for the realism vs. playability question. Here, I'd say the same thing as before. The limit of these (slower running, blurry vision, and time of collapse) features should be to such an extent that it doesn't annoy you.

Good ideas! :thumbsup:
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 2:25 pm

I think dragons are unrealistic, in fact I think the whole of Oblivion and other- worldly creatures like the daedra are unrealistic. Scratch all that [censored] and make it sims 3 already =P
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 12:11 pm

Its mean a cool game instead of an imbecile game.

You want to run forever ? Then load yourself with stamina bottles, or be a mage and start draining stamina from anything you see.

No, I just don't want to be stuck in a game that's artificially trying to increase the "size" of it's game world by making me move slowly. The basic "running" speed in OB/FO3 was fine.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 6:09 pm

I was pretty happy with running ability in Oblivion. I am sorry, but if i had to walk the entire time, Forget it! :flamethrower: This is still a game, some realism is good, but I think running was just fine.
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Stryke Force
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:34 am

well i can realisticly run pretty fast for some hours, so i wouldnt want anything less for my so called Dragonborn, elite trained warrior. faster and stronger. :toughninja:
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 4:25 pm

How about:
Walking: No stamina reduction.
Jogging: Stamina reduction according to your weight.
Sprint: High stamina reduction independent on weight.

Now, if you're a warrior class with a lot of heavy armor, you'll probably want to spend a few leveling points into stamina to make up for this bad effect. If you're a mage spending everything on magicka, then you'll also suffer the consequences for ignoring stamina.
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