Was looking through my old travel photos and found this from Chernobyl. The local http://www.ixploretheworld.com/wp-content/gallery/2013-ukraine/dsc01101.jpg.
Was looking through my old travel photos and found this from Chernobyl. The local http://www.ixploretheworld.com/wp-content/gallery/2013-ukraine/dsc01101.jpg.
What I find frightening is, that a vacation trip for you was to Chernobyl!
Looking closer at the picture. My Russian/Ukrainian is rusty (non existent). Does the sign say Tec at the end. Could it be test site for Vault Tek.
I saw a lot more than just Chernobyl. Kiev is a wonderfull place!
There's a source for everything!
Is that a "M" standing in front of the building? lol
The end (right side of the tree) looks like it says "-leks" in Cyrillic (the "c" is actually pronounced "s").
Kiev IS a wonderful place! Never considered going to Chernobyl when I visit though.
The end says "pleks", so I'm guessing the whole sign said Complex (Kompleks/Комплекс)
Actually "c" is the symbol for "s", it's pronounced as it's supposed to.
You should have, it's a very unique experience.
The background radiation in Kiev is higher than in Chernobyl by the way.