Unsatisfied with how Bethesda uncanonly "throwed" BO

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:54 am

Presumably to avoid "lore overdose." Also, it's possible they didn't want to totally **** on whatever the original developers intended for the West Coast. If they had set it on the West Coast then New Vegas would have been impossible since whatever they chose to do would have been completely altered. So, instead, we've got a bunch of "hand-wave" solutions.

* The Super Mutants are created by FEV exposure to a Vault - totally unrelated to the Master.
* The Brotherhood of Steel sent a small army under Lyons to cross the country and take up residence at the Pentagon.
* The Enclave fled from the west coast because they had their ass kicked THAT thoroughly.

and no one really noticed anyone else until later. It's a hell of a coincidence but it's not like they just snapped their fingers and said, "They're everywhere!"

True, but was there really any need for including some of this stuff? For example the Super Mutants served absolutely no purpose in Fallout 3, they weren't really tied to the storyline (raiders or other mutations could have easily taken their place in the Brotherhood's back story) and didn't have any quests attached to them. They were a filler enemy that was inserted into the game simply because Super Mutants were the primary antagonist of Fallout 1. While I'm not as bothered by the presence of Super Mutants in the Capital Wasteland as some people, I think that their inclusion could have been handled much better.

Maybe, but at least in my experience, I don't think Talon Company or the Commonwealth is really all that interesting. Talon Company was a nice set of mid-level enemies but they don't really make any lick of sense. I mean, SERIOUSLY, who the hell EMPLOYS an army of mercenaries in an anarchy? The Commonwealth was nothing more than a blatant rip off of Bladerunner and my least favorite quest in the game.

I agree to an extent. The Talon Company mercs were just a filler enemy, their purpose for being in DC was poorly realized. The Institute on the other hand has potential I think. Yeah at the moment it's little more than a blatant rip off of Blade Runner, but it has the potential to be so much more than that.

How does this relate? Well the reason is that there's no REASON to make it a Fallout game if you're not going to use the lore OF Fallout.

If you just want to do a game about Post-Apocalypse RPGing, just call it Wasteland 2 or "After the End: the Shooter."

Agreed, I felt that Bethesda did a fairly good job at connecting Fallout 3 to the past games and their lore despite being set on the opposite side of the country. I really do wish that the Enclave hadn't been reused as the primary antagonist, though.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:56 am

Ruined the series seriously? FO3 made fallout living again for a younger generation who didn't play the other fallouts without bethesda and FO3 the fallout franchise would be almost dead.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:41 am

Yeah, having BoS on the east coast totally ruined Fallout 1 and 2, i can't even play them anymore because of that.

Oh wait, NOPE, all games in the franchise are getting along just fine. Even the game that shall not be named is unaffected by Lyons' chapter.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:35 am

without bethesda and FO3 the fallout franchise would be almost dead.

No. There were other companys bidding for rights to the franchise, such as Bioware.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:40 am

how does this make sense?

Don't say oh they got more people it's been a hundred years

They don't allow people to join except on rare cases the rest our the decendents of the guys from marisopa

You obviously weren't paying attention. When you run into the BoS in Chevy Chase, Sarah Lyons specifically mentions that they will take on local recruits at times. Initiate Reddin, the one that gets killed, is one of them. While they may not like doing it, it does happen. Obviously after 100 years, they've relaxed their entrance requirements. If I were the leader of an organization with only 150 members, I'd certainly rethink a policy that only allows their descendants to join. The inbreeding that would occur in that situation would no doubt weaken them to the point of extinction if they were to continue that policy. So it would make perfect sense for that requirement to be relaxed after 100 years.
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Wayne W
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:20 am

I fail to see how Lyon's chapter of the Brotherhood goes against canon. They likely sent fifty or so soldiers (one hundred may be pushing it.). Their purpose in D.C. wasn't The Pentagon specifically, it was to do what the Brotherhood always does. Find and preserve technologies of the past. In the Pentagon they found this, they found the obsolete, but more easy to distribute, T-45d Power Armor. Lyons, unlike other chapters save the Midwestern Brotherhood, recruits and beats the training into their recruits. I see them pushing their recruits in F3 to hell and back in training. Lyons has the right idea, it may go against the nutcase 'Codex' but the Codex by and large will doom the Brotherhood to it's demise in the rapidly changing world.

In regards to The Enclave, after the fall of the Oil Rig, Eden sent out the message to come en masse to D.C., they have likely been there thirty to thirty five years at this point. Likely rebuilding power, scheduling procreation amongst personnel, et cetera. All in all, I fail to see how the Enclave in Fallout 3 'goes against lore'. I think people who do are just looking for something to gripe about so they can throw a grump. Fallout 2 never said 'The Enclave was diminished world wide.' It said, if memory serves, 'The Enclaves presence in the west was forgotten, the word 'President' being used as a boogie man term' or something akin to this. At no point does it mention they fled OR DIED ALL TOGETHER. This is up to interpretation, or was, until Beth made an established canon for them.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:19 am

I do agree that Harold shouldn't have been in Fallout 3 however I don't find it a mistake to have the BOS in Fallout 3. It's certainly the best chapter out of the BOS.

The Enclave probably wanted to take the Pentagon and were about to but the BOS arrived and I don't think the Enclave wanted a war immediately with them after they got their butts kicked in Cali. So they decided on Raven Rock a place that's high up and out of the way. An area that the BOS wouldn't think to explore espcially with all the super mutants around. The Enclave were just biding their time waiting for the right time to strike at the BOS but then Project Purity came up and they had to move because their code would've been violated greatly. If the Purifer would've been activated the Enclave would've lost the ability to get rid of the Geneticly infected. Autumn certainly didn't want that hence why he rebeled against Eden as Autumn just wanted to control the Purifer so that he could win the locals over against the BOS. Certainly the BOS overlooked the Enclave in the area or they didn't consider them a threat. Also the Super Mutants didn't help things.

I'm thinking that Fallout 3 fits in nicely with Fallouts 1 and 2 lore wise although they did some questionable things with Harold. I do think the Enclave should've been a more impressive faction and they definitely needed a better antagonist then Autumn. Eden was allright thinks to McDowell but he too wasn't really that impressive.
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:41 pm

Having read the timeline and the respective Enclave and BOS, I think it hangs together pretty well for a game that has been created by several different teams.

What people who post complaints about this or that not making don't get is that each game is snapshot of a brief time on a small area, each contains clues of what has happened elsewhere and before but none of the games contain a complete history.

And it's "threw."
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:49 am

The Enclave probably wanted to take the Pentagon and were about to but the BOS arrived and I don't think the Enclave wanted a war immediately with them after they got their butts kicked in Cali. So they decided on Raven Rock a place that's high up and out of the way. An area that the BOS wouldn't think to explore espcially with all the super mutants around. The Enclave were just biding their time waiting for the right time to strike at the BOS but then Project Purity came up and they had to move because their code would've been violated greatly.

What does the ruins of the Pentagon have of any possible value? A robot that the full might of RobCo, General Atomics & the US Army couldn't get working before the war with resources from all over the US. Raven Rock provided them with the ability to manufacture power armour and survive without any external supplies for three decades, oh and THE PRESIDENT was there.

If the Purifer would've been activated the Enclave would've lost the ability to get rid of the Geneticly infected. Autumn certainly didn't want that hence why he rebeled against Eden as Autumn just wanted to control the Purifer so that he could win the locals over against the BOS. Certainly the BOS overlooked the Enclave in the area or they didn't consider them a threat. Also the Super Mutants didn't help things.

Not really, I do think that their have been times in history when water supplies have been posioned, besides it's a virus; just a guy and a vial of it would do and administer it directly into the water.
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:48 am

Bos only had what 150 guys in fallout 1 but they can send a huge army to dc

how does this make sense?

Don't say oh they got more people it's been a hundred years

They don't allow people to join except on rare cases the rest our the decendents of the guys from marisopa

You don t pay much attention do you? Lyons went rouge an started recruiting. See you think they can never recruit or and Elder cut off and about to get slaughtered can t go against the "codex" Codex don t mean [censored] when you have 12 soildes in your rankes.

Lyons grew a brain said f the codex I m calling the shots out here. Thats why the Outcasts left, so they could roam around the wastes and get smacked in the name of tech.

Lyons already found the damn tech.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:21 am

I don't care about the bos but I'm unsatisfied withhow Bethesda uncanonly "threw" the enclave in dc
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:51 am


I agree.

I have absolutely no problem with the BOS being in DC and I think the explanations for them sending a fairly small expedition are believable enough.

I also don't have a problem with the Enclave being in Fallout 3 either (although I know many many people do). My main problem with their inclusion is that I felt that there potential in the story was not fully realized, instead they became "cool enemies to shoot". An accompanying story-arc for them to contrast the Brotherhood's (and simply making the adjustment that the LW was acutally born in the vault) would have done wonders for the Fallout 3 storyline.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:23 am

The thread title explains it all, Why did Bethesda have to ruin the game series? It's like capcom did with resident evil, and turned it in to a Posessed Evil.

The enclave was there most likely long before BOS forces, and were mostly armed, and were on the pentagon first off, How did a small scout battalion all the way from cali, have so much ammo and that good of armor in such mighty condition to take down a largely defending force of enclave, if they were even at the pentagon in the first place, How did they manage to do so? How does one [censored] developer throw his dice against the wall and throw BOS all over america at the same time and ruin the fallout series? And I'm just posting this to get you're opinions, what do you think of the BOS throwing? canon or not?

I am curious to know why, when you appear to hate Fallout 3 so much, you are here posting this on their official forums. I have an idea why, but I'm not gonna say why. The reason should be obvious.
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Stephanie I
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:00 am

Eye-bots got to becoming from somewhere. How hard is it to capture one and put a tracking chip on it. Or just shoot them all and notice more new ones?

At the very least the Outcast would have been looking for the Enclave.

Lyons was cautious, cautious is part of wisdom. He was still weary on attacking Enclave even at the purifier. Not until that robot started moving did Lyons fell comfortable trying to attack Enclave. He was too smart t45d tin can vs mkll tin can, telsa tin can, and hellfire tin can. Plasma and laser rifles vs laser and conventional rifles.

He was too cautious to lose any more men than he already had. He knew what Enclave was capable of from before. He was too smart to send squads through cw looking for the boogyman. They would have not come back.
Now outcasts did look for Enclave tech they were all over the map. They got some Enclave tech too........right in their eye every time they ran into them .
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:46 am

I am curious to know why, when you appear to hate Fallout 3 so much, you are here posting this on their official forums. I have an idea why, but I'm not gonna say why. The reason should be obvious.

This is the official Fallout forum, even Obsidian redirects here. This is for people whom love and dislike Fallout titles.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:44 am

I don't care about the bos but I'm unsatisfied withhow Bethesda uncanonly "threw" the enclave in dc

That has been fully explained as well... I wish EA would have got it and then hear you guys reallt cry. EA ruines there own games let alone the ones they buy.
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Marina Leigh
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:00 am

This is the official Fallout forum, even Obsidian redirects here. This is for people whom love and dislike Fallout titles.

I am aware that this is the official Fallout forum. Love. Hate. that's all well and good, but for what OP has posted... well around these parts we have a term for that, which I can't get into any further for obvious reasons.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:55 am

I played the Fallout games and I don't have any problems with Bethesda's Fallout 3. I'm at 98 or 99 hours right now and still exploring. So they must have done something right. Don't like New Vegas though.
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:15 pm

Now outcasts did look for Enclave tech they were all over the map. They got some Enclave tech too........right in their eye every time they ran into them .

I always enjoy kicking back and watching those firefights unfold. Seeing the Outcasts get their arrogant, sociopathic asses handed to them is so gratifying. Then I get to move in, kill the Enclave troops, and make bank selling all the gear.
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Killah Bee
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:22 pm

True, but was there really any need for including some of this stuff? For example the Super Mutants served absolutely no purpose in Fallout 3, they weren't really tied to the storyline (raiders or other mutations could have easily taken their place in the Brotherhood's back story) and didn't have any quests attached to them. They were a filler enemy that was inserted into the game simply because Super Mutants were the primary antagonist of Fallout 1. While I'm not as bothered by the presence of Super Mutants in the Capital Wasteland as some people, I think that their inclusion could have been handled much better.

The Super Mutants in Fallout 3 is basically just an excuse for more variety in enemies. With the exception of Fawkes, they're all incredibly stupid evil cannibals. I admit, I hate when Super Mutants are used for comic relief (did they have ANY menace left in Fallout 2? - do they have any after they've fallen in love with a robot wearing a blond wig and worship Brahmin skulls?). However, they were pretty much one-dimensional Super Orcs in this game. I think the only purpose they serve is to serve as a "surprise" so that the Enclave's appearance comes out of nowhere.

That and establishing VaultTech was a collection of seriously evil ****** *******.

Would the game have changed that much if the Enclave hadn't been a SURPRISE villain and had been the enemies that the BOS had been fighting all along?

I agree to an extent. The Talon Company mercs were just a filler enemy, their purpose for being in DC was poorly realized. The Institute on the other hand has potential I think. Yeah at the moment it's little more than a blatant rip off of Blade Runner, but it has the potential to be so much more than that.

Again, I get Reilly's Rangers. Six guys is an okay mercenary company. Plus, she's cute (being IDENTICAL and all to Sarah Lyons save with red hair - I wonder if Elder Lyons has been a busy boy... ) I just wonder who exactly has need of what appears to be four hundred or more guys. If they work for Tenpenny then why doesn't HE rule the Capital Wasteland?

Agreed, I felt that Bethesda did a fairly good job at connecting Fallout 3 to the past games and their lore despite being set on the opposite side of the country. I really do wish that the Enclave hadn't been reused as the primary antagonist, though.

Eh, the Enclave was a decent bunch of antagonists. They're fully immersed in the lore of the Vaults, Misguided Patriotism, and so on. Still, I wonder if they should have just ditched the whole virus subplot. There was no need to recycle that save for grandiosity. What's so wrong with a plot to take over the Water Purifier and dominate the Capital Wasteland?
Other than, I suspect most gamers would agree that Colonel Autumn is probably the better guy to be in charge of it.
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Lavender Brown
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:21 am

I think what they must have done is start to recruit people from the outside. I mean how else would they have such a massive army? That's probably another reason the Outcasts split off from the Brotherhood, they strayed from their original mission and are now protecting the people of the Capitol Wasteland as well as taking in some initiates from it....

How else could they have had initiates?
And the only reason they turn the Lone Wanderer down for joining is because he stumbled into that trap with the Super Mutants and ended up annoying everyone!

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:55 am

They didn't turn me down, I became a full member of the Lions Pride ;)

Eastern BOS have learned the lessons that only Veronica seems to understand in New Vegas. You have to recruit, use the tech to spread knowledge, to keep the peace. Yeah, they sound more like the Followers in Power Armour. But that's kind of the point. They also sound like an Eastern NCR, I bet you when that kid who is with them (the heir to the leadership) grows up he will politicise the whole operation, turning the Capital Wasteland into a thriving state, to rival the NCR.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:27 am

I think Veronica is, in a way, a "take that" at the Eastern BOS.

She's exactly the sort of person they'd love and MAN does it hurt her.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:03 am

The Super Mutants in Fallout 3 is basically just an excuse for more variety in enemies. With the exception of Fawkes, they're all incredibly stupid evil cannibals. I admit, I hate when Super Mutants are used for comic relief (did they have ANY menace left in Fallout 2? - do they have any after they've fallen in love with a robot wearing a blond wig and worship Brahmin skulls?). However, they were pretty much one-dimensional Super Orcs in this game. I think the only purpose they serve is to serve as a "surprise" so that the Enclave's appearance comes out of nowhere.

I agree the Super Mutants made no sense Canon wise for them to be in Fallout 3.
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:45 am

I agree the Super Mutants made no sense Canon wise for them to be in Fallout 3.

Now mutants in cw against canon now? They U.S. Goverment wanted super soilders. The U.S. goverment used vault people as test subjects for many things. It makes total sense to me that the U.S. goverment would want to continue these experiments after the war where no one could stop them, or even know it was happening.

Now how is that against canon?
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