Unstable LO

Post » Mon May 20, 2013 6:12 pm

I'm looking for help determining which of my mods could be conflicting to lead to CTDs and infinite loading screens. I'm aware it's a large (huge) list and that may be the source of my issues, but almost all the mods I'm using are well known and well tested, and in fact many of them host patches to ensure easy interoperability.

Crash Details:

I have a repeatable CTD off the north coast near the Alternate Start shipwreck, infinite loading in Riften after the theives guild alternate start, and another repeatable CTD at the Alternate Start orc camp after exiting the camp. The shipwreck crash and the orc outpost are totally stable (waiting/wandering in the local area) until travelling the wilderness. Because of the wide range of locations I believe that one of the major overhauls I'm using is the culprit (or an interaction between them).

Relevant Load Order Notes:

I think a few of the compatability patches may be wrong - there's a warning to switch to a newer, renamed Jaysus swords patch for SkyRe that I can't find anywhere, and the Climates of Tamriel/Realistic Lighting Overhaul/Sounds of Skyrim patches may or may not be correct, BOSS has a note about using only one CoT patch per SoS file, and they're my main suspect for the problem. If someone can look at those, I'd really appreciate it.

Skyrim rarely reaches over 1.2GB ram/1.4GB vram in Skyrim Performance Monitor, well below the 3.1 threshold; I have 16GB of system ram and 1.5GB of vram.

I've cleaned all the mods with BOSS notes on dirty/wild edits in TESVEdit; bashed tags/merging automatically supplied by BOSS.

The mods were picked from STEP, followed by additional body and texture changes, SkyRe, and additional mods from GEMS, and then some of the larger quest mods from the nexus.

The Additional Armor esp near the bottom of the load order is a merger of zerofrost's various nice armors and a few other small pieces, made following Arthmore(?)'s guide to TESVEdit merging.

Active Mod Files:

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