Untold Journey OOC sign-up Thread #2

Post » Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:48 pm

Untold Journey OOC / Sign Up Thread # 2



During the http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Oblivion_Crisis, all of Tamriel was attacked by http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Mehrunes_Dagon http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Daedric army. Oblivion gates opened throughout all of Tamriel, and many cities were destroyed. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Martin_Septim summoned the http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Avatar_of_Akatosh and defeated Mehrunes Dagon during the http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Battle_of_the_Imperial_City, ending the Crisis and preventing more gates from opening at least that was what we thought…

It’s the 21st of Last Seed, 4E 201; since the Oblivion crisis but before the Elder Scrolls; one that foretells the return of Tamriel’s primeval darkness Alduin. In all this time the only mention of any dragons were always written in books or told in children’s bed time stories. No one has ever seen a real dragon since Martin Septims great defeat, and well most people since that time are long dead except for one old notorious warrior whose hell from that era lives on to this day.

Shrouded in mystery and cloaked in Daedric Armor he makes his journey into Skyrim. For any who dare approach him he tells the untold story of a single white Dragon that can speak with words so cold it can freeze and shatter a Man’s bones with just one breath. He tells how this Frost Dragon is so old, so ancient that even the Dragon itself has forgotten it’s very own name. The warrior speaks of how the creature took his Wife’s life and how he has been hell bent on revenge ever sense. The warrior continues to answer all kinds of questions as to why no one else has ever seen the dragon or at least omitted seeing it. He tells them that the creature for the most part stays dormant and hidden until now. For some reason the creature has awaken and settled into Skyrim. Most people walk away from the warrior murmuring the word insane, but for the few adventurous ones who stay and listen, the warrior proves his story. He opens his palm and shows them a small purple pearl like shard that he claims is all that is left of a single sigil stone. Then he takes from his pocket a small round white dragon scale that came from the tail of the dragon.

Other stories start swirling around the towns and the inns of strange stone like structures being discovered all over Skyrim. Vigilant of Stendarr are scrambling around all of the towns asking questions about these old ruins and why until now have they never been discovered? It’s strange that this warrior shows up in Skyrim talking of a Frost dragon. Not to mention reminding us of the past hell the gates opening to Oblivion had, all awhile he holds in his hand a sigil stone shard? Is he telling the truth of a story of revenge or his he himself a Daedric Prince trying to reopen the gates to Oblivion???

This is what YOU Adventures must find out. Come be a part of the Untold Journey…

Role- Play Rules:


1: Do not post on The Role-Play thread unless your Character sheet is accepted by GM- Shademyth or Co-GM Phenix.

2: Romance- Tasteful sixual scenes are aloud keep in mind our forum rating please, and all Heterosixual, Homosixual, and Bisixual are all supported.

3: Time Frame: before each post: Write your Characters name, location and time of day. Give some leeway when it comes to traveling by foot/ boat or horse it doesn’t have to be exact timing when traveling between locations.

4: No character controlling- “This means you cannot force another character to do something, RP that character, or cause any physical damage to them that their player does not first approve. Ways to make sure you don't do anything like that are to PM-message a character's player before engaging in a fight, or making a post in such a way as you make the attack but leaves the result open.”

5: Decent Combat between Cast members is encouraged. Try to get away from inventing your own made up side kick to fight with, fight some real opponents with your Cast members. Just PM them a day in advance and figure out the plot and go for it! Readers love to see us all combat each other at one point in time, plus its great fun, but remember one must surrender the fight and suffer the consequence of defeat.

6: Battles to the death- in RPs between players are generally a bad idea. Before you engage in a player-fight, you should always decide who is going to die, or when they are going to stop.

7: Stay Current on Postings! Please if you missed a day go back and read the last thread catch up and get back on the RP. This site doesn’t care if you post daily or once a week as long as you are current on what the RP is about. You just jump on in even if it is to say hello, we want you here whenever you can be here!!!

8: No spam off topic discussion, no flaming comments will be tolerated either. This OOC thread is for new Cast members to join and for all of us regular members to talk about new ideas for our RP.

To become a Cast Member summit Co-Gm Phenix a character sheet here on this OOC thread or PM me.

Follow this simple CS Format please:




Physical Appearance:




We encourage you to add a pic of your character: (Co-Gm Phenix will make one for you if you request her to.)

Posting Summery


It is vital that you understand that Post are more than Dialogue. Any dialogue on its own is boring; humor is always welcomed on a post. To have a good post, you must add their thoughts and feelings, how they react to what other people are saying and how their mind processes any information they have been given.

Leaving clues in your writing for future plans, vague hints at what is to come in your character's emotional life, or hints as to their past, can be fun to read and speculate about. Also always remember the element of surprise or “cliff hangers,” as we writers like to call them.

Be aware of the characters that already exist in the role-play before you create your character. Don't create a loner with no reason for interacting with the other players, and don't talk about your backstory before the other players get to know you enough to care about you.

Remember any Romance that is worth reading has to be realistic. We encourage you to excite our readers not only with your words but by adding mood music to your post or appropriate pictures of your scene/avatars.

Lastly HAVE FUN!!! Life sometimes is too hard to deal with so come here into Fantasy where life gets a whole lot better “unless someone stole your sweet roll… :blink:

Cast Members:




Name: Irroke the Shademyth, aka "Shademyth", sometimes "Shadi"

Race: Half-Daedra (Nord/Daedra.)

Gender: Male

Age: 804 years (doesn't appear to look older than his mid-thirties.)

Physical Appearance: Built for war, Shademyth stands at the height of 6'3". Most are out rightly intimidated by his gruff demeanor, and his features show the world
of his weariness to get close to anyone, not to mention all of the tales he has yet to tell others. His skin is the familiar bluish gray like his Xivilai "cousins", and shoulder length jet black hair but the common person might identify him as a Dumner, if it wasn't for his sea foam green eyes. At the time of the Third Era, Shademyth appeared human thanks to his mother, a powerful spell caster, who used a temporary Illusion spell that would eventually wear off (and it did, several years later)

Armor / Weapons: Daedric armor is enchanted as well, but it doesn't keep him from being harmed, contrary to popular belief--it only lets him be bruised to fight to the death some other day. Weapon ; Two handed Daedric Claymore.


Ever since birth I had to fight for my life. I was brought into the world during the birth of the Third Era, in a raging snowstorm outside the walls of Bruma in Cyrodiil. A generous Nord family adopted me and upon laying eyes on the Shrine of Azura, they nicknamed me Shademyth-- not knowing my true origins.

Naturally the skittish townsfolk tended to stray from my sight at first, but each day like my Ma had instructed me to...I made visits to the chapel praying to each of the Nine. I befriended the priestess there and she told me many adventure stories. Ma never allowed books into the house, said Nords didn't need paper to tell them the lives of others. It's best to learn by experience...but these stories were so fascinating.

When at home Ma and Dad would teach me the use of various weapons. I became more fond of the heavy sword, the claymore than anything else; however, they taught me how to use the many types they had hanging around the house just in case I needed to rely on something else in a time of desperate need--like using an attacker's weapon against himself.

I visited the Chapel several times a day, and on the eighteenth year of my life I received a vision. It was unclear what the goal was, but I knew the Nine had in store for me something. Glory, the chance to finally prove myself, and this all called for the adventure I longed for. I immediately went home and told my parents. They couldn't disprove my tale and were actually a little relieved. Ma gave the family horse, Stormbreaker, to me and allowed me to leave. So off I went.

I traveled Cyrodiil, slaying goblins, brown bears, bandits. Even went into dungeons and old forts all for the sake of feeling my heart pumping in my chest. I encountered even more sinister beings there-- wraiths, necromancers, and even zombies. Horrid things, but they made me stronger. It's the next part of my journey that I don't quite recall but there was a blade...I think it went by Umbra?

The last thing I do remember is being with a small group of unlikely company. Kynovve, a Dunmer assassin, F.E.D. a Nordic berserker and Tessa the swordswoman. We plowed into the Daedric Gates to stem back the tide of unholy evil..never once meeting with the Hero. There were Daedra, and lots of them. I kept feeling a weird pull towards them, even in my sleep. I didn't understand what was going on and the nightmares became worse as time dragged on; I really couldn't say I knew the meaning of it all until a few years later...

I found the love of my life in Kvatch as the city was being rebuilt. She was one of the town's survivors. At first we only met in the chapel praying to the Gods, and I helped her when she requested my aid in chasing off some mountain lions that had taken residence in a den not far from her cabin in the woods. Eventually we fell in love, and she moved into Kvatch with me and bore me four beautiful children. I could no longer be the town's captain. I had a family to raise. Tessa, a fiery woman with a newly discovered nobility line, and my long time friend, understood the need of family and would not deny me it. This was when my life started to change. It wasn't until after our three daughters were young women that I started seeing what I really was. The very thing I thought was the existence of evil in the world...Daedra, was none other than myself. At least part of me was...and my wife though frightened took me for who I was. She still loved me just the same. But my darkest hour had to of been when that white dragon swooped in and slayed my wife.

The Divines didn't answer me as a child, and they certainly hadn't helped me with the passing of my wife. Thus, I forsake them all on that day and in my anger I found myself in a whole new heap of trouble with the Daedric Princes...


Shademyth is known for coming off as mysterious, and very reserved. He just recently discovered what he truly is and is hesitant to tell others (or sometimes is outright blunt about it) because he's not sure how to take it; however, there is a softer side to him and if given enough reason to trust, he will be a loyal friend...and perhaps then some. By default he seeks artifacts and other magical items, and there even is a strong urge for him to learn everything about magic. He lets others know if he doesn't like them and despite his Daedric influence, he isn't at all manipulative like his full-blooded brethren.

Co-GM Phenix Angel





Name : Phenix LaChance

Race: Imperial / Immortal Werewolf

Gender: Female

Age: unknown (looks around 24)

Physical Appearance: 5/6 and 110lbs. slender frame, with all the right curves in all the right places.
My shinny healthy hair is the color of the whitest snow and is thick and long that flows down past my waist and is scented with lavender and honey.
My tan sun-kissed skin soft and silky to the touch with no blemishes and no physical scars you can see from the outside.
My ample bosom is larger than the average woman and they seem to draw a lot of attention from the opposite six.
My body is physically fit and very disciplined, which makes me extremely agile for the demanding work I do.
Only known Health condition is, I can’t bare children as my father had me fixed when I came of age.
My voice is soft spoken and very famine and when I whisper in a man’s ear I can get him to do almost anything for me.
My hands are kept very clean and manicured at all times. I have semi-long finger nails painted in dark red.
My eyes are the darkest blue just like the deep blue sea with very long black eye lashes. I wear a faint sparkly teal eye shadow with black eye liner that accents the sultry shape of my beautiful eyes.
My cheeks stay a constant plush pink color which gives the illusion that I am be bashful and shy.
They say I can melt a man’s heart with my perfect smile, and kill the man with one touch of my dark red pouty lips.
In one word I can describe myself, sixy…..

Werewolf Form: Small characteristics of a real white/ grey wolf.


Clothing: I wear all the latest in Imperial fashion. I tend to wear things more revealing and form fitting to my body. I like all girly things such as high priced jewelry etc. I wear a ruby and gold studded belly ring with the initials DB.

Armor : New and improved DB: Black leather corset top with leather lace straps across my briast and adorned with grey fox fur trim, black leather tight pants with grey lace up the legs, black leather gloves with silver tipped fingers, & lastly black leather calf high pull boots with silver tipped toe and 3in. heels Also has identical armor only in white leather, white fox fur trim.
Weapons: Blade of Woe which I hide in my right leather boot and my black braided horse whip that hangs off my belt.

Daughter and only known child of Lucien Lachance.
My daddy took me from child birth and placed me in Dibella’s chapel. They raised me from an infant until I came of age. It was extremely important to my Father that they instill in me the love of the arts and the finer things that life can offer. The priestess of Dibella also taught me the art of seduction and what it meant to use my beauty as a weapon to get whatever I wanted from anyone.

I grew up thinking I had no parents until he came for me on my 16th birthday. I was extremely relieved to say the least that I had a Father; little did I know I would soon come to regret it later. At first his mystery and strength impressed me. He lavishly spoiled me to no end. He gifted me a beautiful dagger he called the Blade of Woe. He spent countless hours teaching me how to fight and defend myself with it. He spoke only once of my Mother telling me she was a Bosmer and inherently I should be able to control and use animals in my defense. He then gifted me the greatest gift; it was his very own horse. It was a mare like no other I ever saw black as night with red glowing eyes named Shadowmere. He then proceeded to teach me horsemanship and mounted horse combat. I quickly gained his praise as I took to Shadowmere and horse combat naturally. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/843/cl9q.jpg

We traveled constantly in those couple of years as I never knew he was recruiting and making dead drops at that time. What I did learn was how to survive in the wilderness as he left me for days with hunters to learn their trade. It was then when it happened; one hunter named Farkas fell madly in love with me and demanded I be his forever. One night he tricked me with a cold glass of Argonian wine mixed with his blood. Nothing happened to his surprise and he wouldn't or couldn't stand up against my Father, so he let me go and I never saw him again.

Soon at the age of eighteen he finally brought me to what he called Sanctuary and my new family. There all five of them stood before me as they called themselves the Black Hand. I was soon handed off (pardon the pun,) to the one female Argonian named Shadow. She was my mentor into the Dark Brotherhood. I didn’t see much of my Father after that as I was busy learning my new purpose in life. They said I was to be Lucien’s legacy and I was to take over as Speaker when he dies.

Sad to say but I also took to killing in cold blood pretty easy. Shadow would tell me it was because I never had the love of my Mother or maybe it's just the animal blood lust driving you.

I never knew love of any kind and so that’s why I could be so cold and ruthless. I always wondered how she knew my secret too, but never dared to ask for fearing my Father would find out and shun me from him and my new Dark Brotherhood Family.
Strangely I never could bring myself to kill children and had a very hard time killing other women. This angered the Black Hand but soon found that I had a liking for killing high society men and I quickly doubled the Dark Brotherhood’s yearly commission by taking on higher paying contracts from high society constituents.

Being of extreme poise and grace I could blend in well into any cities society. For the first time the Dark Brotherhood had a weapon that didn’t need to hide in the shadows. With every kill I made the Dark Brotherhood name spread fear across the land between poor and rich alike. There was no one that I couldn’t get to. I could easily be the girl next door with an enchanting smile. Or be the beautiful socialite in the blue velvet dress chatting up some old Imperial general at the gala.

Years have gone bye and the passing of my Father just fueled my inner most demon as I am now instructed to take post in Falkreath Skyrim.

"Umm, new land, more men, and new people to kill, what more could a gal want? Maybe this untold journey is exactly what I need..."

Personality: Whatever the Contract needs me to be….Gets off on certain kills.

“The last word you breathe before the end will be my name.”

Jaden Hestla Vampire



Name: Astrid

Race: Nord

Gender: Female

Age: Thirty something

Physical Appearance: Blonde shoulder length hair, brown eyes, thin.

Armor/Weapons: Red/Black Dark Brotherhood armor, blade of woe.

History: Leader of the DB Sanctuary in Falkreath, Skyrim. Wife of former Companion werewolf Arnbjorn. She is responsible for all managing contact hits, and recruiting new members.

"This Sanctuary has been my entire life since I was a young woman. That's when I first discovered my, shall we call it "aptitude," for elimination. I had an uncle, you see. He made certain... unwanted advances. So I killed him. And liked it. Then I killed again. And liked it even more. And so on. I was recruited by the Dark Brotherhood, and have been here ever since. I met my husband Arnbjorn, rose to leadership. And now here we are."

Personality: Straight up [censored]. Wants to have complete control of everyone and everything in the sanctuary. Demands loyalty when she is any but loyal. Hates Cicero and the Nightmother and wants to secretly destroy Phenix LaChance, Luciens LaChances only Daughter.




Name: Olaf the Scarred

Race: Nord

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Physical appearance: About 6'2, muscular, has brown hair and blue eyes. Has a scar on cheek as a result of falling and others on his arms and legs that tell of his various exploits throughout Tamriel. Weighs about 220 lbs depending on how much he eats. Skin is quite pale, even for a Nord though not completely white.

Armor/Weapons: Wears leather armor along with a cloak and hood, carries around an Elven sword stolen from a convoy headed to Solitude and an iron dagger used for parrying.


Olaf prefers to keep details of his early life secret, though he did tell us about his early advlt life. He ran away from home at the age of 16 for reasons unknown and joined with a group of bandits who operated in the Hold of Whiterun. Olaf operated as a sort of spotter, tracking caravans and pointing out vantage points. His "career" as a bandit was short-lived; a group of mercenaries managed to track down the bandits' hideout and captured them. As a result, Olaf was thrown into Dragonsreach Dungeon to serve his time for a week.

It was during this time in jail that he met his mentor: a Redguard by the name of Armand. A skilled swordfighter hailing from the province of Hammerfell, Armand worked as a freelancer and landed a job as a jail guard. Unlike the other guards, Armand treated Olaf well and protected him from the wrath of the other prisoners.

The first thing Olaf did once he got out was to ask Armand to drink with him at a tavern. The Redguard agreed, reluctantly, as he wasn't much of a drinker. He explained to Olaf that his contract as a jail guard was expiring and asked the young Nord if he would stand by his side as his companion. Olaf, without second thought, agreed to the proposition immediately.

The friendship between the two prospered as a result of their travels together. Olaf honed his skills as a swordsman, being taught in the ways of the Redguards, excelling in all sorts of bladed weaponry including daggers. At the age of 25, he left Armand to travel on his own.

Personality: Is unusually cheerful and optimistic even in dangerous situations, however; won't hesitate to kill you if you get on his bad side.




Name: Ayin

Race: Redguard/ Werewolf

Gender: Male

Age: 123 (looks 23)

Physical Appearance: Average height of 5'11. Average build of a Redguard with a noticeable scar touching from the left end of the eye brow to the bottom right of the eyelid. And claw scars on his back. Typical Redguard braids fitting from the tribe he came from with greyish eyes.

Armor/Weapons: Light armor leather cloak and mask from the weird looking dark elves and elven daggers and imperial bow.


A Lost Redguard used by his people and passed from country to country as a sell sword. One night Ayin was on a mission to keep some weak Dark elf Trallop from harm before he heard screams from the chambers. Grabbing his Curved Sword, dashing up the animal made stairs, kicking down the door with his left pivot foot seeing with horror 6 werewolves feasted on his hire. With fear stricken all over the body feeling the wet drips coming down his arms to his sword, Ayin gripped ever more tightly as one of the wolves caught his scent as if it smelled something foul. As their eyes meet. a loud scream this lonesome redguard made of fear to rid his feet of the invisible stones that was placed around them. Charging in and swinging like a mad man, the wolf simply dodged and clawed its way in to his back as another werewolf slapped the sword away from his hand ending with a long gash on his face. Knashing of teeth and garbled screams the last strength he could must was to raise his arms into the air baring a fist filled with blood......

Personality: A Distant Redguard at first but longing for companions. Holding in his true emotions and true motives




Name: Ahriman

Race: Altmer

Gender: Male

Age: 583

Physical Appearance: menacingly tall, deep set, cold eyes, long fingers, heavily scarred and burned, tattooed sigils of oblivion.

Armor/Weapons: A short glass blade serves as a defensive weapons, as well as a tool for precise incisions and experimentations Ahriman carries out. He sometimes wears blackened leather armor, while most times he wears black hooded robes.


Born under the ritual sign to a wealthy Altmer family, Ahriman was born without compassion or pity. He joined a group of secretive mages, meeting in caves to carry out experiments. Naturally gifted, he soon rose to prominence, employing other to carry out his purposes. He grew obsessed with collecting all power possible, and consorted with the undead and daedra to that end. Driven mad by Hermaeus Mora, he spent decades wandering the streets mindlessly, then decades more condemned to a madhouse before another ambitious mage discovered his true value. Nursed back to (semi?) sanity, he founded a cult for wealthy and powerful summoners. During the Oblivion Crisis, he grew deeply interested in the sigil stones, even sending generous donations to the Mythic Dawn to gain their trust. After stealing several, they sent assassins, who failed but seriously injured Ahriman never the less. After the crisis, his relationship to the Mythic Dawn was uncovered, leading to a mob burning his mansion. Using the sigil stones, Ahriman entered Oblivion, but was trapped there, wandering the different planes. He returned several years before present day, mumbling on the steps of Mehrune's altar, mind broken a second time by the experience. Slowly, he began to recover, and found his way to Falkreath, where he heard rumors of the warrior with the sigil stone... He’s a Master of conjuration, enchantment, and alchemy, Ahriman carries out experiments of all kinds, attempting to augment his power and gain knowledge. Weak of body, he is a mad scientist, mad (although he can seem quite sane in conversation.)

Personality: Sadistic and cruel, the high elf has little respect for the Thalmor, but that is his only saving trait. Otherwise, he is of questionable sanity, amoral, and apathetic.




Name: Radu Manskensenn

Race: Nord/Breton (Vampire)

Gender: Male

Age: 347

Physical Appearance: Built like a Nord, he stands at 6' 4" and he shares the pale skin of his mother's people, while his other coloration favors his father's. He has shoulder length black hair, which he keeps tied back in a tight pony tail. His eyes are well proportioned to his wolfish face. A dark stubble graces his chin, lips and jawline, but not his neck. With full lips and an aquiline nose, he has a noble's bearing. However, nothing can truly mask the predatory hunger in his eyes, which glow with a hellish golden light.

Armor/Weapons: Nordic Carved Armor, Gauntlets and Boots, Shrouded Hood (Not the Cowl). All of which glows with a soft blue light. His weapons include a Nordic Sword and Nordic Dagger. One cackles with dark violet energy, the other sheds light like a torch in an orange glow.


Fourth son of a Breton Noble, and a Nord Thane of Markath. His father was an exile from High Rock for practicing in forbidden magics. He was born in 3E 287. Growing up, his older brothers all died due to one cause or another. He had a sister born when he was ten years old. He lived a soldier's life, until one day he awoke with two mysterious puncture wounds on his neck. That day he began to have excruciating headaches. The following day, he woke pale and sweating, his stomach clenching. The third day, he awoke to find the sunlight burning his eyes, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. He shook his head and deserted his encampment. He wandered the mountains and valleys of western Skyrim for years, hiding in the caves during the day, hunting at night. He emulated the wolves, and sabercats, learning how to be the ultimate predator. He traveled home on his twenty-eighth birthday. Ten years after he left to fight wars and be a hero. Unfortunately, he had not been able to feed in months. When he entered the manor, he immediately fell upon the housecarl. Once she was drained dry, he went on a blood frenzy, tearing and feeding on all he saw. He only stopped when his baby sister, who was eighteen at this point, entered the household. With blood dripping from his chin, and the hellish glow of his eyes, he froze. He cast a quick paralyze spell to immobilize her and fell upon her in his hunger. He didn't drain her, but imparted his 'gift' to her. However, after three days, she still did not awaken and he could not hear her heartbeat. He assumed she was dead and fled into the night. A wandering sword-for-hire, with a few spells up his sleeve to give him an edge, few learned of his secrets, and those that did seldom live long enough to spread them. With the talk of the Dragonborn appearing, he emerges to learn the rumors, and discern for himself the truth, and if this legend was real. He also had a curiosity as to the flavor of this being's blood.

Personality: A seemingly cold-hearted monster, Radu is the type of vampire parents warn their daughters about; charming, seductive, a little feral. He has a penchant for ice magics, though it reflects in his icy demeanor. He is a predator, through and through, a hunter of the night, a child of moonlight. He is noble, and honorable, despite his upbringing.




Name: Jared

Race: Imperial

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Physical Appearence: 6'4", brown shoulder length hair, with a 5 o'clock shadow and blue eyes, scar over right eye and cheek.

Armor/Weapons: Stalhrim armor and Dragonbone Sword


Born in Solitude, his parents were killed when he was 9 years old. At the age of 10, 2 Altmer adopted him. At the age of 18 he moved to Dawnstar looking for work in the Iron-Breaker mines. A few years later, the Stormcloak rebellion grew and he was forced to flee Dawnstar to avoid being arrested.

Personality: prefers to craft his own armor instead of finding it. He is cunning, and a master of one handed combat. He is adept at the art of Restoration, and utilizes his little magic abilities to heal over that of a shield. Outspoken Empire supporter, but admires Ulfric for standing up to the Thalmor, however views the resistance as a lost cause.

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Post » Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:25 am

Moderator warning.

Looking at the last OOC thread I am going to remind you all of the rules -

I will close this OOC if there is any more off topic spam and chat in it. It would also be good if you can remember the 200 post limit rule and report it for close when it reaches that limit.

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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:36 am

You got it Boss Bear no problem.

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Melung Chan
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Post » Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:44 am

I was wondering how far we should go with the mercenary company I introduced in my last post. They'll need some fleshing out before they can become a full-fledged organization in the RP but I think they'd make a great secondary antagonist.

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Timara White
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Post » Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:49 pm

Who are these guys, :huh: I mean are they in our Skyrim game? If so I don't remember them, plus in our intro we mentioned the Stedarr priest I think. It's up to Shademyth.

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Connor Wing
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Post » Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:18 am

Yeah there's still the Vigilants of Stendarr we need to worry about. I think having another entire group just after the werewolves would be..overkill?

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Post » Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:24 pm

The mercenary company's base of operations are in High Rock, with several chapters in Hammerfell. They very rarely operate outside of those provinces, so you won't have to worry about the entire organization coming after our group. Also note that despite specializing in hunting down lycanthropes, they'll take any regular contracts as well, so they could be coming after any one of us.

They're just something I wanted to add in instead of bandits, and it seemed proper that the Jarl would hire mercenaries after quite a few of the guardsmen were killed.

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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:46 pm

I'll take them into consideration.

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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:48 pm

im writing

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Nathan Barker
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