Upcoming Balance Changes! NICE JOB CRYTEK

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:56 am

And btw the stats show the nova is actually fastest at killing someone if you can land all of the shot on target... ;)

Or just take your time and get two clean Majestic shots. ;)

Nah if I wanted to snipe a target i'd use my DSG, i've got a secondary cos they've rushed me and need to be dead fast. As im a lazy bugger and cant be arsed clicking for each shot/dont have an autofire mouse for thye nova, AY69 is definitely the way forward. ;)

Edit: @Hamartia it could be possible to work out cos changes have already been made to the xbox/ps3 but until it gets patched for pc and DenKirson gets on it i doubt we'll know for sure.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:41 am

Increased damage to frag-nade? Are you joking? It can already kill me 4 meters away with full health and armor on, crash site will be unplayable now! Other than that the changes are great...I just hope they don't exagerate (how the **** is this written correctly?) the changes.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:56 pm

Increased damage to frag-nade? Are you joking? It can already kill me 4 meters away with full health and armor on, crash site will be unplayable now! Other than that the changes are great...I just hope they don't exagerate (how the **** is this written correctly?) the changes.

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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:04 pm

Increased damage to frag-nade? Are you joking? It can already kill me 4 meters away with full health and armor on, crash site will be unplayable now! Other than that the changes are great...I just hope they don't exagerate (how the **** is this written correctly?) the changes.

Odds are, they found that 0% of players were using the Detonate perk and wanted to correct it.

IMHO they should make the splash range of pretty much all explosives slightly larger, and make Armor Mode more resistant to explosive damage. That way, explosives take on a "screw over people who are stealthed" niche in objective modes. won't kill them, but will force them out of stealth so that you can see them to shoot at.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:48 pm

X43 Mike still needs a bit of a damage boost and the Gauss rifle needs to be able to shoot through foliage
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:32 am

I hate the changes. All...and i mean all of the changes are what i have trained myself to take advantage of. Yeah sure, the recoil is nothing compared to counterstrike, but it applies to everyone, so it's fair right? Reduced headshot damage? Let me guess who complained about this. Players who are not skilled enough to get headshots? I have 4400 kills in total, in which 3600 of them are headshots. i'm a headshot guy, and this change works against me..for people who get victimized by me. My modules....Nano recharge, Stealth & Mobility Enhance. Slap in the face again. Sure people run around a lot in stealth with this combination, but there's where your visual senses and reaction to quickly turn on your Nano Vision and shoot the cloaked enemy come in handy. So obviously the complainers are the ones who can't handle this switching and expect cloaking to be nerfed so enemies are in plain sight.
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Len swann
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:20 am

It's funny how Energy Transfer & Nano Recharge are going to be nerfed simply because they were the only ones "worth using."
Some of the other modules are for camping, and the armor enhance module is the best perk you can have in a 1v1 gun fight. Energy Transfer & Nano Recharge allow players to sneak around or go to the front lines fighting and are designed so that if you are skillful enough they can allow you to take on several people at once. But looking at a 1v1 gun fight, it doesn't help you at all if you don't have the skills to kill. You're not going to get anything out of Energy Transfer if you can't kill, and you're not going to benefit from the regeneration of Nano Recharge if you can't win the 1v1 fight and survive.

Sounds like a kick in the ballz for the pros to me, now there'll be like no chance to survive a 1v2 gun fight even if the 2 guys can't aim.
Guess they're just trying to promote more gang banging, and less about being a bad ass solo.

Imo, could've been something we left alone, because like I said, they're useless perks unless you have the skills to hold your own shiz together. Why people would want to nerf something that's not overpowered but simply being useful is beyond me.
If you want "overpowered," you're supposed to be looking at armor enhance. There is no way in hell that you can lose a 1v1 fight with armor enhance against someone that does not have it, and if you actually lose, you might want to just give up on FPS games in general. Armor enhance is just so imba in terms of 1v1 fights, being able to soak up a ridiculous amount of damage and all that...

Whatever, the pros are getting BS'd, but they'll adapt (probably by switching to armor enhance). But watch, they're probably going to nerf armor enhance the next patch. And god save us all if I'm right, nerfing all the combat armor modules = promoting camping with proximity alarm.

Then people would be abusing proximity alarm and camping too much, then we nerf that too. And then all of the armor modules would be so useless that we might as well just take them out of the game. Okay, a little exaggerated, but you get the idea.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:36 pm

Very very bad fix for good players. It's all for noobs who can't kill someone....Don't be strong fast or invisible BE ACCURACY that give you the true advantage. Headshoat can help in all situations =)
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:43 am

Very very bad fix for good players. It's all for noobs who can't kill someone....

Haha yeah, doesn't really make a difference to me, though.

I've noticed that people can't aim in this game. Now that the headshot modifier's nerfed, they won't get those lucky headshots as often anymore. The single motion I've died the most to is the 180 sweeping spray, 2nd's the 360 spray (why would they even be rewarded for kills like that...?), 3rd's by someone drawing circles with their gun.
Have fun trying to kill someone like that with increased recoil on the guns, noobs are still going to get pwned no matter what.

So these are some of the changes that I would like, but like the aforementioned Nano Recharge and Energy Transfer nerfs, that's just plain retarded. I'm going to switch to Armor Enhance, and I can already foresee people whining about me tanking over 9000 shots.
Doesn't matter if you don't agree with me that Armor Enhance isn't rigged in 1v1s, the noobs will start whining when I abuse the hell out of this module. Then I'll have a real good laugh if they nerf this last remaining combat armor module too.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:26 am

Fix recoil....omg...
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:28 pm

Sounds good. I'm dying for a patch to fix being booted from games though. I played 3 matches got booted from 2 so i quit playing. I cant play when i risk being disconnected and losing my unlocks and kills
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:52 am

Adapt. Engage. Survive.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:03 am

It's funny how Energy Transfer & Nano Recharge are going to be nerfed simply because they were the only ones "worth using."
Some of the other modules are for camping, and the armor enhance module is the best perk you can have in a 1v1 gun fight. Energy Transfer & Nano Recharge allow players to sneak around or go to the front lines fighting and are designed so that if you are skillful enough they can allow you to take on several people at once. But looking at a 1v1 gun fight, it doesn't help you at all if you don't have the skills to kill. You're not going to get anything out of Energy Transfer if you can't kill, and you're not going to benefit from the regeneration of Nano Recharge if you can't win the 1v1 fight and survive.

Sounds like a kick in the ballz for the pros to me, now there'll be like no chance to survive a 1v2 gun fight even if the 2 guys can't aim.
Guess they're just trying to promote more gang banging, and less about being a bad ass solo.

Imo, could've been something we left alone, because like I said, they're useless perks unless you have the skills to hold your own shiz together. Why people would want to nerf something that's not overpowered but simply being useful is beyond me.
If you want "overpowered," you're supposed to be looking at armor enhance. There is no way in hell that you can lose a 1v1 fight with armor enhance against someone that does not have it, and if you actually lose, you might want to just give up on FPS games in general. Armor enhance is just so imba in terms of 1v1 fights, being able to soak up a ridiculous amount of damage and all that...

Whatever, the pros are getting BS'd, but they'll adapt (probably by switching to armor enhance). But watch, they're probably going to nerf armor enhance the next patch. And god save us all if I'm right, nerfing all the combat armor modules = promoting camping with proximity alarm.

Then people would be abusing proximity alarm and camping too much, then we nerf that too. And then all of the armor modules would be so useless that we might as well just take them out of the game. Okay, a little exaggerated, but you get the idea.

Are you serious? Killing someone with armour enhance without having one happens all the time. It happens when i let lose a shot in cloak mode and lose all my energy, and i'll be up against someone in armour mode, most likely with armour enhance. And even then, i and many people manage to kill even in that situation. There are too many parameters involved. it all depends on whether you get headshots, and even then, how much energy your enemy has, and then again, how well he was shooting.
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Doniesha World
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:04 am

It's funny how Energy Transfer & Nano Recharge are going to be nerfed simply because they were the only ones "worth using."
Some of the other modules are for camping, and the armor enhance module is the best perk you can have in a 1v1 gun fight. Energy Transfer & Nano Recharge allow players to sneak around or go to the front lines fighting and are designed so that if you are skillful enough they can allow you to take on several people at once. But looking at a 1v1 gun fight, it doesn't help you at all if you don't have the skills to kill. You're not going to get anything out of Energy Transfer if you can't kill, and you're not going to benefit from the regeneration of Nano Recharge if you can't win the 1v1 fight and survive.

Sounds like a kick in the ballz for the pros to me, now there'll be like no chance to survive a 1v2 gun fight even if the 2 guys can't aim.
Guess they're just trying to promote more gang banging, and less about being a bad ass solo.

Imo, could've been something we left alone, because like I said, they're useless perks unless you have the skills to hold your own shiz together. Why people would want to nerf something that's not overpowered but simply being useful is beyond me.
If you want "overpowered," you're supposed to be looking at armor enhance. There is no way in hell that you can lose a 1v1 fight with armor enhance against someone that does not have it, and if you actually lose, you might want to just give up on FPS games in general. Armor enhance is just so imba in terms of 1v1 fights, being able to soak up a ridiculous amount of damage and all that...

Whatever, the pros are getting BS'd, but they'll adapt (probably by switching to armor enhance). But watch, they're probably going to nerf armor enhance the next patch. And god save us all if I'm right, nerfing all the combat armor modules = promoting camping with proximity alarm.

Then people would be abusing proximity alarm and camping too much, then we nerf that too. And then all of the armor modules would be so useless that we might as well just take them out of the game. Okay, a little exaggerated, but you get the idea.

Are you serious? Killing someone with armour enhance without having one happens all the time. It happens when i let lose a shot in cloak mode and lose all my energy, and i'll be up against someone in armour mode, most likely with armour enhance. And even then, i and many people manage to kill even in that situation. There are too many parameters involved. it all depends on whether you get headshots, and even then, how much energy your enemy has, and then again, how well he was shooting.

When I'm talking about a 1v1 situation, I'm talking about a head on fight where both people spot each other at the same time. If you lose all your energy by shooting too early, yeah buddy, skill's a factor, it's something you're SUPPOSED to get used to to prevent it from happening.

And headshots as of right now's almost 1 hit KO no matter what gun or what module setup. But now we're talking about a lowered headshot modifier, which essentially makes lucky headshots less of a problem. And with the increased recoil considered, aiming for the head's plain stupid because the recoil's going to kick the gun up after 1 headshot and you're not going to win the fight. Which would mean the best idea is to shoot right in the center of the body, which unfortunately is where armor mode is most effective.

Then that's where Armor Enhance comes in, it takes 1.5-2 more bullets to kill someone with Armor Enhance. If it's a 1v1 between 2 people with equal skill, and one of them has Armor Enhance, you can bet your ballz Armor Enhance will win out. Which in other words, is not skill doing the work, but the module, and when people figure that out they'll whine about it for sure. Armor Enhance lets you tank so much that sometimes people accuse you of modifying your hp and or energy values, it's just ridiculous how much difference it makes.

In conclusion, if you lose a 1v1 fight with Armor Enhance, sure there's a bit of bad luck, but for the most part, it says something about your skill, and it's not saying anything good.

I will continue using Nano Recharge or Energy Transfer unless they're nerfed to 5hit, then I'll just use Armor Enhance, since it's the most logical choice. I'm sure I won't be the only one, though. Then Armor Enhance will be popular, and people will start whining about how much Armor Enhance can tank. The trend of this world is, if something's popular, you whine about it. I'm sure you must have realized this.

Nothing in this game was as ridiculous as the Akimbo Models in COD MW2, so I really don't get why people would whine about anything in the first place. But if it seriously comes down to this, and Armor Enhance does become popular, you can bet your ballz people will whine about it.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:39 am

I think the last few posters are over-thinking how this is going to play out.

At first I felt that high headshot damage was good because it would reward skill-- but it really seems like a combination of luck and decent aiming means that just about anyone can get headshots at close range-- meaning that sometimes you're going to go splat in two seconds no matter how pro you are. Increased recoil would have made headshots even luckier.

This change to headshots is essentially a health increase-- meaning good players will have more time to demonstrate their skill against worse players.

Ideally, the recoil increases will be very drastic-- this will be the best and easiest way to reward skill. Odds are though we'll be getting the same increases as consoles, which will certainly be an improvement.

Armor Enhance is still going to be FAR worse than either Energy Transfer or Nano Recharge. Unless they've DRASTICALLY nerfed them, then they will still be the obvious choices.

I see this argument on just about every game. "Don't nerf the good things, buff the other stuff!" but really, if a few things are drastically more powerful than the rest, it makes the most sense to nerf them, that's really all there is to it.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:12 am

Anyone found exact values for the changes?
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:46 am

This game seems to reward spray and play players over people who use burst for more accuracy. Thats why the Grendel is pretty useless right now but i love the gun. Many times ill unload half a clip into a guy, then he stops, looks around for me and sprays and kills me. My ping is always under 100 so its not that.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:26 am

X-Stream Armor Enhance doesnt improve mitigation at all. Stop talking trash and get some facts.

As for the head multiplier reduction it was very much needed. The player who can hit the head consistantly is still going to win fights and is still going to do well. What its hurt the most are people who hip fire and get a lucky headshot.

Lets be honest here X-Stream, youre average at best and probably have Energy Transfer/Nano Recharge with Stealth Enhance and Mobility Enhance on at least 4 of your custom classes and now you are sad your easy mode cookie cutter build is being taken away.

Sorry but you need to find a better scapegoat than Armor Enhance kid because you dont even understand what it does.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:14 am

X-Stream Armor Enhance doesnt improve mitigation at all. Stop talking trash and get some facts.

As for the head multiplier reduction it was very much needed. The player who can hit the head consistantly is still going to win fights and is still going to do well. What its hurt the most are people who hip fire and get a lucky headshot.

Lets be honest here X-Stream, youre average at best and probably have Energy Transfer/Nano Recharge with Stealth Enhance and Mobility Enhance on at least 4 of your custom classes and now you are sad your easy mode cookie cutter build is being taken away.

Sorry but you need to find a better scapegoat than Armor Enhance kid because you dont even understand what it does.

Oh Master, plz enlighten us mere mortals some more,
We bask in the holy glory from ur supreme precense,...\0/
Seriously,.. plz tone it down a bit Dude,..
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Melung Chan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:16 am

This game seems to reward spray and play players over people who use burst for more accuracy. Thats why the Grendel is pretty useless right now but i love the gun. Many times ill unload half a clip into a guy, then he stops, looks around for me and sprays and kills me. My ping is always under 100 so its not that.

If u want Long distance-high accuracy gameplay
BFBC2 is a much bettere game for u, than C2,.

Regarding pings, i find any ping over 30-45, is too laggy, IMO.
if u play whit pings of 70-90, thats definetly going to affect ur aim negatively,.
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Jay Baby
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:53 pm

This game seems to reward spray and play players over people who use burst for more accuracy. Thats why the Grendel is pretty useless right now but i love the gun. Many times ill unload half a clip into a guy, then he stops, looks around for me and sprays and kills me. My ping is always under 100 so its not that.

If u want Long distance-high accuracy gameplay
BFBC2 is a much bettere game for u, than C2,.

Regarding pings, i find any ping over 30-45, is too laggy, IMO.
if u play whit pings of 70-90, thats definetly going to affect ur aim negatively,.

Yes I play BC2 pretty often. Its a much better game in terms of gameplay. Though C2 is fun its just too broken. Why even have a gun like the Grendel in the game if it guarantees that youre going to come out on the losing end of most firefights?

and if over 30- 45 in ping is too laggy than everyone lags.

I'm usually one of the lowest pings in the room and then you get the guys 200 and above.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:51 am

K-Volt is the counter to armor, but it's not that great against stealthy players.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:13 am

X-Stream Armor Enhance doesnt improve mitigation at all. Stop talking trash and get some facts.

As for the head multiplier reduction it was very much needed. The player who can hit the head consistantly is still going to win fights and is still going to do well. What its hurt the most are people who hip fire and get a lucky headshot.

Lets be honest here X-Stream, youre average at best and probably have Energy Transfer/Nano Recharge with Stealth Enhance and Mobility Enhance on at least 4 of your custom classes and now you are sad your easy mode cookie cutter build is being taken away.

Sorry but you need to find a better scapegoat than Armor Enhance kid because you dont even understand what it does.

Oh Master, plz enlighten us mere mortals some more,
We bask in the holy glory from ur supreme precense,...\0/
Seriously,.. plz tone it down a bit Dude,..

Haha, I know right?

And another one of these kids with their superiority complexes thinking they're better than most if not everyone.

"Average at best" is funny, if you saw my stats you'd probably drop your jaw, then proceed to call me a hacker because it seems impossible to achieve to someone like you.
But since I'm not one to bash other people and boast about my own stuff to make my e-peen look bigger, I won't bother, otherwise I'd just be exactly like you. Which would make me a hypocrite. =S

Anyway, obviously some geniuses missed the part that I said Armor Enhance could POSSIBLY be the next popular module. I could be right, I could be wrong, but judging from what it can do right now, making headshots harder to get and less damaging is working in Armor Enhance's favor.

And yeah, right now I use Nano Recharge, Energy Transfer, and Armor Enhance for all my classes. What's the point of bashing me for using Nano Recharge or Energy Transfer, though? It really just makes you look like a whiny retard that "looks down" on people who use the popular stuff. Like I mentioned, Nano Recharge and Energy Transfer are both useless unless you can win the fights, and they don't offer any assistance in 1v1 fire fights. Whining about something that doesn't help you in a fire fight isn't the best idea. If you don't have the skills to actually get kills and win fights, you don't benefit from them, it's that simple.

Give me 1 good reason why Nano Recharge or Energy Transfer's rigged. Just 1, but I doubt you could make up any. Say you killed a guy and replenished all your energy, then his teammate jumps you to avenge him. Like the previous fight, you're still fighting against a guy with full hp + energy while having full hp + energy yourself. It doesn't give you any advantage over anyone, it just nullifies their advantage of having more hp and or energy than you if you hadn't recovered. In fact, they probably still have the advantage over you, with the element of surprise and all that. It's a perk that lets you handle tag teaming butt buddies better, and that's that.

If you were whining about Armor Enhance, I could see where your arguments are coming from, but as of right now, you haven't provided us anything besides just saying that I'm "bad."

And no, we're not sad these perks are nerfed, it's just pointless. Like I said, if you're good, you'll improvise.

Really, we're trying to be constructive here. If you're trying to point fingers and say people's bad, trying to increase the size of your e-peen, it's not the right place.
Also, for the record, nobody cares about your e-peen either.
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:23 am

This game seems to reward spray and play players over people who use burst for more accuracy. Thats why the Grendel is pretty useless right now but i love the gun. Many times ill unload half a clip into a guy, then he stops, looks around for me and sprays and kills me. My ping is always under 100 so its not that.

If u want Long distance-high accuracy gameplay
BFBC2 is a much bettere game for u, than C2,.

Regarding pings, i find any ping over 30-45, is too laggy, IMO.
if u play whit pings of 70-90, thats definetly going to affect ur aim negatively,.

Yes I play BC2 pretty often. Its a much better game in terms of gameplay. Though C2 is fun its just too broken. Why even have a gun like the Grendel in the game if it guarantees that youre going to come out on the losing end of most firefights?

and if over 30- 45 in ping is too laggy than everyone lags.

I'm usually one of the lowest pings in the room and then you get the guys 200 and above.

Grendel is not a weapon i use, but ive been taken down by grendel from long distances, so in its own right, as a long distance rifle, its pretty good IMO, its just how u use it,.. the M14 and the AN-94 in BC2 is the same type, not good up close, but uber on long distances
(well the AN-94 is actually pretty good up close if u are fast enough)

Pings, : K,.. most servers i play on, most people have pings around 40-60. and off course some under and some above,
Around 30-45 is just what i percieve as "playable" but we all have our own preferences off course,
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:04 am

Here's the thing, if time to kill is increased with weapons then they need to increase the length of all the game types to compensate. It's already irritating when a game of crash site ends in a draw because the teams are evenly matched fighting over the site.

And that's another thing that needs to be fixed/added... auto team balance. Where is it?
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