Upcoming Balance Changes! NICE JOB CRYTEK

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:22 pm


These are EXACTLY the changes PC players have been asking for since launch. I'm honestly surprised that Crytek was able to react so quickly to what players were asking for. Most of these tweaks are in some way suggested in the PC Community suggestions thread! Here's some anolysis of the changes.

In short, the three main full-auto weapons have been nerfed. Scar, Scarab, and Feline have all had their recoil increased, and these three will probably suffer the most from the headshot damage reduction. Great change IMHO and I hope we'll see a lot more weapon diversity now.

Recoil has been increased for most weapons, and this is going to make the guns feel MUCH more fun and challenging on PC.

Most of the guns that were OBVIOUSLY better than others have received slight nerfs, and those that appear to have been worse than average received slight buffs. For example, in terms of Side-arm balance, the obvious choice of AY69 received a slight nerf with the addition of recoil, whereas the meh hammer received a recoil reduction.

The slight OSG nerf will probably put it closer to on par with the Gauss Rifle.

The only change that seems iffy to me is the buff to the Frag Grenade. Maybe PC gamers are just better at deciding where to throw, but it seemed plenty good enough to me.

The buff to the MK60 (recoil reduction) is probably necessary due to the headshot damage reduction (which I will discuss below).

Most of the weakest ones have been slightly buffed.

Nano Recharge and Energy Transfer-- which were the only Armor perks worth using-- received slight nerfs which will put them more in line with the other perks.

Mobility enhance was nerfed, which is probably meant to nerf the stealth enhance/mobility enhance combo which allowed players to pretty much infinitely run around while stealthed.

-Reduced armour bonus" of Maximum Nano-suit. It was a fairly powerful kill-streak, and this seems more in line with putting it on par with the gunship. One of the strengths of Cry2 is that Killstreaks are fun without being ridiculous.

-Headshot damage modifier reduced
THIS CHANGE IS HUGE, AND AWESOME. Crytek has essentially listened to players and, depending on how significant this reduction is, vastly increased player health. A few lucky shots could make a player go splat prior to this change, and how damage will seem much more consistent across the board. Firefights will go closer to how you expect. This will particularly nerf the SCAR, which was particularly potent at getting headshots.

All-in-all, amazing job with the first balance patch, Crytek. Far better than your competitors; you listened to your fans and you looked at the data.

Possible criticisms are: single-shot Jackal balance was very fun before, and I'll be sad to see it go if this was a significant nerf. Frag grenade might be a bit stronger than it needs to be now. Also, perhaps in exchange for the JAW nerf, you could make it explode at closer ranges with an increase damage falloff the closer you are-- this is mostly to avoid the frustrated feeling of watching a rocket disappear because you were just slightly too close.

Stealth enhance remains the only perk that is the obvious choice for its category, but this will be significantly reduced via the Mobility Enhance change.

Also, point fire enhance buff + laser sight might make this game somewhat easier for new players to get into, which is good. Cry2 multiplayer is very challenging and this might ease some players in.

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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:22 pm

I dont like they nerfed shotty attachment. I havent come across anybody using it. You need it as an equalizer for feline in cqc
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:37 am

Just wondering how many headshots should it take to kill someone?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:31 am

Great balance changes. Especially happy with the Nano Recharge, Energy Transfer and Mobility Enhance reductions.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:48 am

? Scar: Increased recoil
? Scarab: Increased recoil, Increased spread

Let us know what you think once you've tried them out! Any further changes you guys could suggest, let us know :)

- gamesas Team

Thats in fact the only change on their list, i am a lil bit concerned about. I am not quite sure if the Scarab in fact does need the increased spread, i would have rather expected it to be the Scar that would be into a increased spread, cause you can't take out someone right across the map with the scar, in case you crouch are in armor mode. I really can't say I could do it with the scarab the same way. Anyway its just to early to judge the balancing changes they introduce to the game. Good to see that they are working on it.
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:51 am

I'd imagine that for any guns where you can actually count how many shots (sniper, grendel, etc) it will be the same amount of shots, since the damage was such overkill.

This will mostly effect guns with higher rates of fire, since each shot will receive a damage reduction, it will add up to taking a second or so more of shooting to get the same results (guesstimating).

So basically, a nerf to automatic weapons.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:45 pm

? Scar: Increased recoil
? Scarab: Increased recoil, Increased spread

Let us know what you think once you've tried them out! Any further changes you guys could suggest, let us know :)

- gamesas Team

Thats in fact the only change on their list, i am a lil bit concerned about. I am not quite sure if the Scarab in fact does need the increased spread, i would have rather expected it to be the Scar that would be into a increased spread, cause you can't take out someone right across the map with the scar, in case you crouch are in armor mode. I really can't say I could do it with the scarab the same way. Anyway its just to early to judge the balancing changes they introduce to the game. Good to see that they are working on it.

Yeah I'm not sure about this one. I've recently started experimenting with the Scarab because I noticed it was very popular among skilled console players.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:12 pm

Yeah I'm not sure about this one. I've recently started experimenting with the Scarab because I noticed it was very popular among skilled console players.

Yeah it is, cause of the silcencer, enhanced mobility and the +RPS. Good for close to mid range. Just for everything thats above midrange it svcks. Now increasing recoil on it, is totally fine and i would expect it to balance the weapon enough given the extra RPS it has. Increased spread for it as well, rather might just make it feel like a feline in the end.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:38 pm

The SCARAB doesnt have increased mobility though, its the same as the SCARs.

EDIT: A little more of my opinion on the balance changes.

Firstly im disappointed that the Majestic, Gauss Rifle and Flashbang werent improved because they desperately need it. With the Frag buff there will be even less of a reason to take Flashbangs over Frags.

Most of the changes im happy with. Im particularly glad about the module rebalancing as I said before. Hopefully this will see the end of the cookie cutter set ups like Nano Recharge/Energy Transfer + Stealth Enhance + Mobility Enhance you see on almost everyone.

Stealth Enhance III could use a little bit of a reduction in power also in my opinion.
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:45 am


Weapon performance has been being monitored over the last few weeks and Crytek have made several balance adjustments. Below you'll find a list of changes that have already been rolled out to both 360 and PS3 and are ready for you to check out right now! The PC will receive these changes in the upcoming patch, due next week.


? AY69: Increased recoil
? DSG1: Reduced fire rate
? Feline: Increased recoil
? Hammer: Reduced recoil
? Jackal: Reduced full auto spread, Increased single shot spread
? Jaw: Reduced damage, Reduced rocket speed
? Kvolt: Increased damage
? LTag: Increased fire rate, Increased damage
? Mk60: Reduced recoil
? Scar: Increased recoil
? Scarab: Increased recoil, Increased spread
? Gauss attachment: Increased clip size, Removed damage falloff
? Light shotgun attachment: Increased clip size, Reduced damage
? Frag grenade: Increased damage
? HMG: Removed crouch accuracy bonus


? Air Stomp: Reduced recovery time
? Nano Recharge: Reduced recharge rate
? Detonation Delay: Reduced delay
? Energy Transfer: Reduced tier 3 transfer amount
? Point Fire Enhance: Reduced spread further
? Weapon Pro: Increased reload and ironsight speeds further
? Mobility Enhance: Increased energy costs

? Nanosuit 2.0: Reduced armour bonus
? Headshot damage modifier reduced

- gamesas Team
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:17 am

I want the fix for the disconnect every 5 minutes from MP, but, its great news.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:58 am

WTF? Like half of these change make absolutely no sense (some like the recoil on SCAR are good tho), I would say its obviously based on changes consolers needed/wanted but I dont know if crytek also considered the PC for this.

If there is any chance of running some games on 1.2 ill take that. I'd rather not have a votekick and keep the headshot = kill on the DSG thanks. And as if the AY69 wasnt already the worst sidearm they go an add more recoil.

I could go on but im just gna sound like even more of a whiny hater, haha
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:51 am

Yeah I don't understand increased frag damage or reduced Mk.60 recoil. However I used to have an old class with the K-volt and the airstomp which I quickly got rd of cos it was super sh*t, but maybe next week these changes may tempt me to remake that class. I really hope airstomp is better it's such a waste of a module right now, I still have 0/25 with it.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:02 am

AY69 is the best sidearm lol... WTF you talking.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:52 am

/merged - please check for existing threads before posting :)
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:07 am

All that's mssing is K-Volt actually awarding assists

Which it is pretty much made for.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:09 am

Finaly, seem they start communicate with what they are doing, pretty happy see that.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:43 am

I disagree with the added recoil on the Scarab, that makes it still redundant to the Scar. And no buffs to the Graendal at all?
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:12 am

I love the fact that you only get one grenade, if every one had three of em the game starts to get silly. That could be a perk though "carry more explosives" that would be a cool perk. Yes the modules need some more thought put into them too. Out of all the module groups there are only a few that are worth using. Things like faster reloads and aim enhance should be weapon perks not modules. Get 500 head shots with the scar unlock the load out pro attachment to it. So instead of choosing the grenade launcher or shotty attachment you can choose the load out pro attachment instead.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:39 am

/merged - please check for existing threads before posting :)

Hey cool thanks I was confused xD
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:10 am

I disagree with the added recoil on the Scarab, that makes it still redundant to the Scar. And no buffs to the Graendal at all?

Depending on how significant the headshot damage reduction is, it might be significantly buffed.

I doubt they changed it enough for Grendel to kill in less shots, but other guns might-- hence buffed Grendel.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:47 am

Following on from my eariler post I really hope that it is only autos that get the headshot reduction. Dying with a headshot to the 'noob spray' is annoying but if they have significantly dropped the headshot modifier for everything it will mean that DSG will not be a headshot kill (health is 120, DSG Dmg*HS Modifer -> currently 61*2.2 = 134, if dropped to 61*1.9 = 115 -> no kill) which will be pure BS, especially coupled with the reduced fire rate.

I hope im making a fuss over nothing and they reduce the noob spray whislt still keeping a headhot 1 hit kill but you never know.

With regards to the AY69 and being the 'worst', it was a bit of an exaggeration admittedly but it seems to be fairly balanced in terms of damage to recoil as it is, but perhaps its just me. And btw the stats show the nova is actually fastest at killing someone if you can land all of the shot on target... ;)
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:35 am

And btw the stats show the nova is actually fastest at killing someone if you can land all of the shot on target... ;)

Or just take your time and get two clean Majestic shots. ;)
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:36 am

I love the fact that you only get one grenade, if every one had three of em the game starts to get silly. That could be a perk though "carry more explosives" that would be a cool perk. Yes the modules need some more thought put into them too. Out of all the module groups there are only a few that are worth using. Things like faster reloads and aim enhance should be weapon perks not modules. Get 500 head shots with the scar unlock the load out pro attachment to it. So instead of choosing the grenade launcher or shotty attachment you can choose the load out pro attachment instead.
There is a module that lets you carry more explosives.

Anyways, that's one of the stupidest changes. Grenades. Really? Play crash site some and enjoy the grenade spam that is already present.

It's basically:
chuck grenade at crash site
get several grenade kills
run to crash site and die from grenade spam

Grenades don't need a buff. Same applies to L-tag spam in crash site, as well. Who thought these particular changes up?
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:15 pm

Following on from my eariler post I really hope that it is only autos that get the headshot reduction. Dying with a headshot to the 'noob spray' is annoying but if they have significantly dropped the headshot modifier for everything it will mean that DSG will not be a headshot kill (health is 120, DSG Dmg*HS Modifer -> currently 61*2.2 = 134, if dropped to 61*1.9 = 115 -> no kill) which will be pure BS, especially coupled with the reduced fire rate.

I hope im making a fuss over nothing and they reduce the noob spray whislt still keeping a headhot 1 hit kill but you never know.

With regards to the AY69 and being the 'worst', it was a bit of an exaggeration admittedly but it seems to be fairly balanced in terms of damage to recoil as it is, but perhaps its just me. And btw the stats show the nova is actually fastest at killing someone if you can land all of the shot on target... ;)

Has anyone figured out specifically how much they nerfed the modifier?
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