I don′t have any twitter so I can′t go post there so here we go:
Will the nanosuit walking and running speed be as in Crysis 1 again?
Power struggle?
Will the charge time for power jump and power attacks be as obnoxius as in the last game (0.6 seconds)?
Can we expect the new aliens to be less "human-like" things and more original this time?
Will we get some massive bosses to fight like an alien gunship?
Will this time the SP and MP share the same mechanics (i.e: reload while sprinting)?
Just to make sure, will the pre order guns be only early unlocks or besides the skins and dog tags is any exclusive content?
Are you making the slow animations (Air stomp, stealth kill, reload) faster and more smooth?
Specially for PC, will you offer more customization options in the menu? Crysis 2 was incredibly limited compared to the first game.
Will the multiplayer maps be original or just modifications from the SP?
So, both SP and MP will have "on the fly" nanomodules pre-sets switch with the press of a button?
How will the attachments system work on MP?
Will we this time have different types of grenades (smoke, flashbangs)?
Will there be vehicles in MP besides the pinger (and for that matter, will they have their own HUD this time so we can see the guns ammo/overheat, life and so on)?
Since you made separated bars for armor and stealth and increased the stealth time, did you think of something so players in the MP wont run around cloacked during the entire match?
That′s all I can think of for now.
EDIT: Ow ****, it was only for the MP. Well many question can still be asked.