I agree with Abot that time stamp should be the default 'tie breaker' as that's what the game uses and so it is what most people would expect (if I want mod x to override changes mod y is making I just make sure mod x is newer than mod y, and if that is not the default of this tool then the expected result may not occur). As it stands though, it is easy enough to ensure that time stamp is what is used via the mlox trick listed above.
As far as the INFO ordering question goes, I don't fully understand it all, but I think we are shooting for a most specific to least specific filtering order, so I think it's (based on what you've laid out):
But then I could very easily be wrong, as I haven't read much on the subject.
As far as the INFO ordering question goes, I don't fully understand it all, but I think we are shooting for a most specific to least specific filtering order, so I think it's (based on what you've laid out):
But then I could very easily be wrong, as I haven't read much on the subject.
Well since timestamp does seem important for --load_ini, as before i'll try and get the sorting based on timestamp for it done.
I don't know; Haven't read much on the subject either. It just occurred to me, the way the dialog works. It starts at the top and goes down till it finds a INFO that satisfies all the current requirements/state. That's why choice selections need to be above the one that activates the choice (else possible infinite loop). And the higher requirements being first would be more specific of what it requires. I was trying to find a combination where it wouldn't interfere with the final greeting 9 ''i don't like you' , or greeting 1? beginning 'failed oath of silence'. So long as the less likely ones are on top, and certain orders are satisfied, it should be fine.
Since i seem to have a fix that might have finished (the last bug?) in my dialog merging, it may not be important. Only some time will tell.