Upcoming realistic WW2 east front shooter Red orchestra 2

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:43 pm

Hello, I am here to introduce C2 forumrite to upcoming relatively very realistic hardcoe FPS shooter red orchestra 2.

From my several hundred hours with FPSs from call of duty modern warfare to ghost recon advanced warfighter 2 pc mp, I can say red orchestra is the most realistic yet fun to play hardcoe FPS available in current market.

The game takes place in WW2, east front which is different from most other WW2 shooters featuring..US. airborne.

What distinguish this game from other shooters is that it's a hardcoe realism FPS yet provides quite fun gameplay for casual players unlike ARMA series...

Things hardcoe FPS players would like
1. realistic recoil, quite authentic iron sight, ballistics, realistic movement speed
2. up to 64 players PVP, coop will be included after release.
3. Tank fight using tiger, panther, T34 wiill be available soon.
4. Vietnam war mod, WW2 Pacific theater mod are soon to be released.
5. unreal 3 engine, realistically sounding audio
6. custom maps, customizable server settings,
7. dedi server supported, private hosting also possible
8. Punkbuster, PBBan, VAC adopted.

Currently 10% off the price on steam, and 20% off for RO1 owners.

ARMA has the most realistic setting yet it requires tons of work to really enjoy the game, and I am still doubtful about its position as game or commercial infantry simulator.

Other than ghost recon advanced warfighter 2 pc mp, Red orchestra has provided me with the most realistic FUN.. thrill of gun fight to date.

I mean BF3 looks good still it's pretty softcoe compared to red orchestra.;

Here are guide to red orchestra 2 for more information.
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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:13 am

RO2 is the most realistic FPS hands down. If it's going to as much of a success as the first game, it'll be awesome. Too bad in Australia we get the censored version... I might use a US proxy to buy it :P
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:05 am

I don't really worry about other things as cheaters or what not, but high latency is the problem for me too, as there's not gonna be populated servers anywhere near where I live..

hopefully they fix the net code to provide better gameplay with moderate ping?
I can only hope ;;
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:04 pm

I still prefer the look of crysis though, RO2 is going to be interesting though.
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:34 am

Garghh I hate it when people don't play the original of a game... so if you haven't played it, pick up RO1 NOW! :D

(Actually if you're Australian don't because there's no active servers anymore... although I hear the Darkest Hour mod is kinda active...)
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Robert Jackson
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