Has anyone download patch 1.2, Ps4 users saying its out?
Has anyone download patch 1.2, Ps4 users saying its out?
We're still aiming to have the Xbox One patch released later this week. Here are the http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1570130-fallout-4-game-updates/ for your reference.
Is it Microsoft that's holding this up or is it Bethesda? Ps4 patch is live and up and xbox one users got to wait a week? Good greif this svcks?
Unlucky, I've had my Xbox One patch and everything is sweet.
Assume you've done a hard console shutdown and made sure it had time to fully download the patch?
I'm Having the same issue I've reinstalled and I've done a hard reset. Still no luck.
Have you tried restarting the console? Like, a full power down? Doing that has fixed all sorts of weirdness for me with this game especially hanging at load screens.
Also, the X1 bug forum is http://www.gamesas.com/forum/318-xbox-one/..... might have some more info.
Same is happening to me. I've done 3 hard restarts and still no luck, it just crashes at the Please Stand By Screen consistently. I've read on Xbox forums where users have already tried reinstalling the game entirely and get the exact same crash afterward.
Downloaded it and it's made my game unplayable - Crashes at the first Please Stand By Screen. Be wary.
I downloaded the update this morning and now it just freezes after pressing any button to start. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game and I still get the same result. Unfortunately you have to download this update to play the game, but ironically after downloading it you can't play it anyway. Hope there is a fix for this soon. I've got at least 70 or 80 hours into this game and I would hate to have to start over.
As long as the Power Armor / Pip Boy issue is not solved as well as this strange black dome thing above the Vault 111 entrance (which makes it impossible to reenter the vault) Fallout 4 is of no interest to me anymore. I hoped that these issues had been adressed as well (even if they were not mentioned in the patch notes), but hope died.
I really regred getting this game on console, I could have bought it for PC as well... and at least on PC I could have sovled my issue with the PA / Pip Boy via console commands... something that we cannot have on Xbox One (or PS4).
Well then, back to Rise of the Tomb Raider then and hoping a fix for these issues comes out soon (i.e. hopefully still this year...)
I have downloaded it as well...the only thing I have noticed is the patch resets all your game settings to default, but haven't played long enough to tell if improvement has ben made?
**Update - I don't know if there was a hot fix or I just got lucky but - I went to My Games and Apps, noticed that my Game file (29GB) was on my local drive and on my External drive there was another Fallout 4 file that was 105MB (Maybe the Save game file?) so I clicked on the 29GB game file and it said "Getting your Game ready" then finally booted to the menu screen. I *was* able to load my saved game.
Again this could be a hotfix from Bethesda (which wouldn't surprise me, good support) or I may have just gotten lucky but hopefully this helps someone.
That is exactly what mine is doing. I don't understand how it could be working fine for some people and for others it has completely made the game unplayable.
I was on (PS4) earlier- no patch yet for me.
This happens to me sometimes when I'm wearing a piece of Chameleon Armor, and fixes after I restart F4 completely.