A few weeks ago, I started a series of polls to get some data on the general play styles and strategies of players. These polls were not sponsored by Bethesda and were purely for my own (and anyone else that was interested) data-gathering tendencies. This thread is an update and if you have not seen said polls, are not interested in future polls, or frankly don't care: READ NO MORE (of this thread).
And to those who actively participated, wish to participate in future polls, or have suggestions for the next polls: Keep Reading!
The polls will be made at a rate of once-a-week. This frequency does not reflect my own work habits or a lack of content. It is solely based upon a desire to not create spam and also not drown the community in research. Polls do tend to linger longer than most threads, perhaps because they encourage multiple discussions within a single thread. As such, I don't want to spam the community with polls as the polls would probably stick awhile and that would block other topics. In a nutshell: Polls. Weekly. Sundays. Vote. Spam is bad.
As to why I have not made polls for the past few weeks: Vacation. I was on vacation. I am still on vacation. In said vacation, wi-fi is scarce and a vacation is a vacation. While I do enjoy making the polls and discussing things on the forum with you guys, I maintain that such activities can be done at any time and should not be performed while on hiatus. The next poll will be posted on August 24, 2014.
Now to the aforementioned "Stuff" in the title of this thread. I'm thinking of making a lore series for Fallout to better help the community understand the game's history and why some things are happening. As for if the community wants this (It would be in the spoilers section of the forum as some of it would be spoilers), what I would cover, how frequent this would be, I don't know. So I'll do what I do best and make a poll for it! On August 24th, it will be a separate poll.
Please refrain from replying to this thread, as it is relatively unimportant and doesn't need to clutter the forum pages. If you want to reply, post along the lines of constructive criticism, suggestions for topics, feedback on lore series or polls, or anything you may feel is important. If you want to post encouragement, please don't, as I don't want this thread to linger too long on the polls. I appreciate any support you can give me, but do it on the actual polls, as this thread doesn't need to linger on the forums.
Also: guideline: Don't hate. #Appreciate. If you want to be negative, make it constructive. Feedback is always welcome!
-The Boomlord
"Darkness is only dark until it is brought to light. Light is only brought to darkness when the light fades. So basically, it's up to the light."