The GUI fixes were not fixes at all, they were just new configurations. They did not change the fact that the game code doesn't focus the mouse pointer on the "windows" properly.
It's ok to have faith in mods, I love mods. But mods do not change game code at all. Not only that, but modders don't have to test their work, they let you test it for them. Not only that, but mods rely on the stability of the base game code in order to work in the first place, if Skyrim wasn't able to run on so many platforms, the mods would have no way of functioning correctly on all these different machines.
So, I would prefer it if people would stop acting like the modders are everything Bethesda should be. Bethesda programmers aren't sitting around in the break room playing darts while laughing that you can't click on a dialogue box. They have been working on figuring out what is causing their bugs, then recoding the game to fix that. The reason it took them "so long" (holy two weeks batman!) to release this patch is because that's how many developer hours they've put into it.
The hypocrisy in your own claims is palpable. If modders were so badass, why are they waiting around for the CK? Which, by the way, is a very complicated tool that Bethesda is releasing that turns very elaborate and complex game functions into buttons for you to click. Some of you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.