1.2 Update out for PS3, Wedncesday for PC and 360

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:31 am

Ok I am level 34, my save is about 8mb, prepatch after patch about 7.5mb.. I am confused..

I just ran around the world for about an hour, fighting bandits animals monsters etc. etc. ran thru towns, large and small, ran thru rain, fought monsters in rain etc. etc. went in dungeons, fought monsters etc etc.

If anything ladies and gentlemen.. The game is improved!!!!!!!

I am hearing dialogue I have never heard before now.. Imperials are hanging out in whiterun!!!

Children are telling me about fruit, that grows in the winter, never heard that dialogue...

I was in sneak mode and killed a bandit with both my swords and cut his head off!!!

so decapitation animation is working more often for me..

I am not getting any or minuscule amounts of fps chafing..

the game is running smoother on me and my wife's accounts..

thank you Bethesda, I know its not the best, but at least I get to enjoy my decapitation animations more, and the game is running smoother...

I dunno what these other people on the thread are seeing, I am thinking maybe some of these people just cannot be satisfied. Their is a percentage of people in business, you just cannot please..

I will post more on this thread when I find other cool stuff, the patch did..


works good at my house!!!

Dang game needed a waxing...

Sure still more to improve on, but the game plays good at my house...

:spotted owl:

ps3 here
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Nicholas C
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:13 pm

No, you aren't understanding what I'm saying. Mods haven't fixed anything. Mods make it look like there's no problem by working around the issue, but they don't address the coding issue that created the problem in the first place. Even with a mod, there's still a problem in the game code, and the mod is just doing a good job of hiding it from you.

An electrical socket in your house fails. A modder is your clever neighbor that comes over and runs an extension cord inside the wall from the next socket over. Looks fixed, but it's not.

A patch, done well, is the electrician that pulls the socket out to see why it isn't working, rewires the circuit, and puts it all back together again. Then he tests it just to make sure.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:09 pm

C'mon I can't Even buy The house in windhelm.... The blood ok The ice is Sooooooooo broken, I can't Even start The Quest ._.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:59 pm

Are you people serious? They have to release patches to get the game running and stable for everyone before they'll touch quest bugs. They aren't assuming "Oh, modders will just fix it TROLOLOLOLOLOL," they just have bigger, more important things to do first.

Just think, we could be having those quest bugs fixed already if they would have released a working game in the first place.
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:16 pm

No quests fix?
No fix for the constant crashing (PC without LAA patch)?

I guess I'll keep waiting :(
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:20 pm

Just think, we could be having those quest bugs fixed already if they would have released a working game in the first place.

Hey! Good point! We could be playing TES 6 right now if TES 5 had come out years ago...
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:31 am

Are you people serious? They have to release patches to get the game running and stable for everyone before they'll touch quest bugs. They aren't assuming "Oh, modders will just fix it TROLOLOLOLOLOL," they just have bigger, more important things to do first.

Let's recap:

There are bugs affecting the purchase of 3 of the houses.
There are bugs that can render the Companions, Mages, Thieves, and main quest lines unfinishable.

And you don't think fixing these is important or major?
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:15 pm

Let's recap:

There are bugs affecting the purchase of 3 of the houses.
There are bugs that can render the Companions, Mages, Thieves, and main quest lines unfinishable.

And you don't think fixing these is important or major?

I have finished the Companions, Mages, and Main quest lines with no problems. Have you run into any of these bugs? Do these bugs happen every time for the people that do run into them? Do they cause the game to crash?

Or, and this is probably the real reason: If we fix these quest bugs, are we just going to screw the quest up again later when we try to re-work the GUI code, and stabilize the game?

It's not just a matter of how important is the quest. It's a question of how important is the fix. In other words, how big of a change do we have to make to the game in order to fix this? You have to put your socks on first, or you aren't making any progress.
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Rebekah Rebekah Nicole
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:58 pm

I have finished the Companions, Mages, and Main quest lines with no problems. Have you run into any of these bugs? Do these bugs happen every time for the people that do run into them? Do they cause the game to crash?

Or, and this is probably the real reason: If we fix these quest bugs, are we just going to screw the quest up again later when we try to re-work the GUI code, and stabilize the game?

It's not just a matter of how important is the quest. It's a question of how important is the fix. In other words, how big of a change do we have to make to the game in order to fix this? You have to put your socks on first, or you aren't making any progress.

I can tell you, I'm not making any progress with the bugged quests. And these were widely reported in the first few days of release. I shouldn't have to check the internet every time I start a quest, to see if there is a problem with it.
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:52 am

I can tell you, I'm not making any progress with the bugged quests. And these were widely reported in the first few days of release. I shouldn't have to check the internet every time I start a quest, to see if there is a problem with it.

Good point. See this:

I have finished the Companions, Mages, and Main quest lines with no problems. Have you run into any of these bugs? Do these bugs happen every time for the people that do run into them? Do they cause the game to crash?

Or, and this is probably the real reason: If we fix these quest bugs, are we just going to screw the quest up again later when we try to re-work the GUI code, and stabilize the game?

It's not just a matter of how important is the quest. It's a question of how important is the fix. In other words, how big of a change do we have to make to the game in order to fix this? You have to put your socks on first, or you aren't making any progress.

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clelia vega
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:16 am


YES (sorta)! The sound issue, fixed via community...the only other "bug" on the list is the dragon attacking them. Everything else is a graphical glich/inconcenience at best...is it technically a bug? Sure. Does it really matter when there are WAY bigger WAY more important bugs out there? No. Most of these changes are garabage.
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:33 pm

Hey! Good point! We could be playing TES 6 right now if TES 5 had come out years ago...

:rolleyes: exaggerated by 1,000.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:05 am

Ah cool, only problem I've had with the game so far is the amount it freezes. Honestly, I don't see why they're so many people complaining about broken things and quests, have yet to find one. Maybe I'm just lucky, who knows /:

EDIT: And by amount it freezes I mean the frame rate drop after a certain period of play time on the PS3. I've only had the game crash once to, so far this game is amazing :D
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:28 am

I have not ran into any broken quests here either, just finished the thieves guild, done at least half the DB, quests and midway thru the main quest..

PS3 here..
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:36 pm

Alright PC Skyrim players.........

I DO NOT know about the GUI code being fixed first before deeper levels of code being fixed.

I DO know that as a dude with an A.S. in Comp. Tech. that code should:

1. Be stored somewhere!
2. Have nested sub-commands for various routines...Ex. Animations, Quest dialog, COMPANION BEHAVIOR......
3. Be quickly accessible for fixing

If THAT is all this "official" patch touches, Are you joking me? Cause I like you, paid $60 man.

Peace Skyrim jiggas...

P.S. Lydia might be "sworn to carry our burden" but Bethesda will bear our collective wrath! Give us a true patch Bethesda
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:49 am

Fixed occasional mouse sensitivity issues (PC)
General functionality fixes related to remapping buttons and controls (PC)

I hope these two mean what I think they do. That would make me very happy. :)
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:58 pm

Alright PC Skyrim players.........

I DO NOT know about the GUI code being fixed first before deeper levels of code being fixed.

I DO know that as a dude with an A.S. in Comp. Tech. that code should:

1. Be stored somewhere!
2. Have nested sub-commands for various routines...Ex. Animations, Quest dialog, COMPANION BEHAVIOR......
3. Be quickly accessible for fixing

If THAT is all this "official" patch touches, Are you joking me? Cause I like you, paid $60 man.

Peace Skyrim jiggas...

P.S. Lydia might be "sworn to carry our burden" but Bethesda will bear our collective wrath! Give us a true patch Bethesda

I agree, this patch fixes so little. If these are such "rare" and "occasional" instances, then why makes them on a 2nd day patch, same as the day one patch they have the same "rare" fixes they state. They have tons of quest bugs in this game, I am more concerned about finishing a quest then even enjoying the game. That is not to even mention the random NPC's dropping out of the sky, graphical glitches that I keep coming across that become a distraction in the game. The game is a mess and should have been released later. I would rather have a game come out later and become more stable and quest be completable then a game where all I run into or concerned about are bugs, glitches.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:52 pm

Alright PC Skyrim players.........

I DO NOT know about the GUI code being fixed first before deeper levels of code being fixed.

I DO know that as a dude with an A.S. in Comp. Tech. that code should:

1. Be stored somewhere!
2. Have nested sub-commands for various routines...Ex. Animations, Quest dialog, COMPANION BEHAVIOR......
3. Be quickly accessible for fixing

This man has a point, don'tcha think? And don'tcha think that if this is the way the game is structured, the CK could help modders fix at least some of the hundreds of game-breaking, fun-ruining bugs?

P.S. Lydia might be "sworn to carry our burden" but Bethesda will bear our collective wrath! Give us a true patch Bethesda


Also, to all you's people saying you don't have problems with x, y, or z...that's awesome. I am really glad for you. Seriously. But there are WAY more people having problems than people not having problems. This is an issue. Just cause you got lucky and have a bug/crash free game experience doesn't mean that it isn't an issue for tons of other people. Thanks.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:53 am

Modders have not fixed any of these things. You people that think mods have come out to fix these problems are incorrect. The problem was created in the game code. All the modders have done is figure out how the bug manifests, then build something to cover it up. The remapping mod was nothing more than a script running between you and the game to translate your selection into the default key, which we know would work. That's not a fix.

The GUI fixes were not fixes at all, they were just new configurations. They did not change the fact that the game code doesn't focus the mouse pointer on the "windows" properly.

It's ok to have faith in mods, I love mods. But mods do not change game code at all. Not only that, but modders don't have to test their work, they let you test it for them. Not only that, but mods rely on the stability of the base game code in order to work in the first place, if Skyrim wasn't able to run on so many platforms, the mods would have no way of functioning correctly on all these different machines.

So, I would prefer it if people would stop acting like the modders are everything Bethesda should be. Bethesda programmers aren't sitting around in the break room playing darts while laughing that you can't click on a dialogue box. They have been working on figuring out what is causing their bugs, then recoding the game to fix that. The reason it took them "so long" (holy two weeks batman!) to release this patch is because that's how many developer hours they've put into it.


The hypocrisy in your own claims is palpable. If modders were so badass, why are they waiting around for the CK? Which, by the way, is a very complicated tool that Bethesda is releasing that turns very elaborate and complex game functions into buttons for you to click. Some of you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.


And the Unofficial Patches for Oblivion and Morrowind were mostly done without the CS anyway. So it doesn't make sense to blame everything on the Creation Kit not coming out yet.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:23 am

Glad to see the texture issue is fixed with the patch although it doesn't bother me.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:38 am

Chillax. Enjoy the smoother engine...
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:39 pm

I have faith in Bethesda. Thanks for fixing the crippling lag on the PS3 version. I noticed is heavily about 130+ hours into the game. I will see if this fixes it. :)

As for all the issues not mentioned -- lets let bethesda deal with those in time people. No need to disregard this as a poor update. This is quite a lot of work they did for 1.2.

Thanks again guys... unless the lag returns and then I am cutting off heads! :D

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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:04 am

Excellent! Keep working on it guys.
... oh and the CK?
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:59 am

No offence, but damn, you's a massive really devoted fan...that said...I don't see the issue. Sure, it would be nice if an electrician fixed it permenantly, but if I can run my refridgerator so all my food doesn't spoil thanks to the "modder," well then I will be thanking the modder for their help and critizing the electrician for taking so damn long to get me a real fix. End of story.

And yes. Modders haven't fixed anything major with mods yet...BECAUSE THE CK ISN'T OUT! Moron...

Insults are used by people who don't have anything else intelligent to say. It's a last resort, and I feel sorry for you.
And by the way, if modders are so badass at "fixing" this game, why do they have to wait around for Bethesda to give them the tools to do it? You really think Bethesda has the capability to create the CK, but not even use it?

Don't be naive.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:49 pm

Not whole of a lot of fixes but God knows how much it took to find one and fix it. So, this is better than nothing and, considering how we were yapping so loud about all the problems, Beth is trying to deploy some fixes to alleviate our impatience. Its a good start.
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