I just ran around the world for about an hour, fighting bandits animals monsters etc. etc. ran thru towns, large and small, ran thru rain, fought monsters in rain etc. etc. went in dungeons, fought monsters etc etc.
If anything ladies and gentlemen.. The game is improved!!!!!!!
I am hearing dialogue I have never heard before now.. Imperials are hanging out in whiterun!!!
Children are telling me about fruit, that grows in the winter, never heard that dialogue...
I was in sneak mode and killed a bandit with both my swords and cut his head off!!!
so decapitation animation is working more often for me..
I am not getting any or minuscule amounts of fps chafing..
the game is running smoother on me and my wife's accounts..
thank you Bethesda, I know its not the best, but at least I get to enjoy my decapitation animations more, and the game is running smoother...
I dunno what these other people on the thread are seeing, I am thinking maybe some of these people just cannot be satisfied. Their is a percentage of people in business, you just cannot please..
I will post more on this thread when I find other cool stuff, the patch did..
works good at my house!!!
Dang game needed a waxing...
Sure still more to improve on, but the game plays good at my house...
:spotted owl:
ps3 here