Insults are used by people who don't have anything else intelligent to say. It's a last resort, and I feel sorry for you.
And by the way, if modders are so badass at "fixing" this game, why do they have to wait around for Bethesda to give them the tools to do it? You really think Bethesda has the capability to create the CK, but not even use it?
Don't be naive.
Sorry bout the moron comment, the fan boy thing wasn't meant to be an insult, just an observation. I shouldn't have directed the moron comment at you, but directed it more generally at people who have a unfairly positive view of Bethesda's Q/A and Bug Fixing skills and such and unfairly negative view of the amazing community of modders that really make the TES games fun and playable, for no compensation. Those people need to wake up and smell the in-game, totally bugged out roses.
As for why modders don't start fixing things now? I am sure there are people hard at work on it. But the CK will mean people will be able to do it MUCH easier, MUCH faster, and MUCH more efficiently. Do I expect people who haven't been working on the game, with the game engine for years to be able to produce a patch to fix things that the people who made the bloody game haven't yet fixed in a couple of weeks? No, I sure don't. Do I have the same, lowered expectations for people who have been working on the game/with the game engine for years? No I don't I expect them to get off their butts and get moving. To expect the modding community to do what the devs cannot when they don't even have the same set of tools the devs have is stupid. If you think they can, you're stupid. If you think they cannot with the right set of tools, then you're also stupid. It's not an insult, it's a measure of your cognitive ability. We have seen what the community can do given the right set of tools, and we have seen what Bethesda will do, given all the time in the world. The community can do amazing things, Bethesda will make horse armor. Denying these facts means your stupid. I hope you don't fall into any of the catigories of stupidity listed here. However, I think your level of fanboyism is blinding you to the truth: Bethesda released what is easily one of the very best games I have played in years in an incomplete, untested, unacceptable state. It is a buggy mess. And so far, they have done VERY little to fix that, on PC (although both the Xbox and PS3 versions have been shown a lot more love).
These are the facts...have fun with them.
I lol at people who say stuff like that. maybe you should retake your statistics class
I don't own PS3 or Xbox versions of the game, but it seemed to me that the two big problems facing those versions (lag over 100 hours on PS3 and texture issues when installing on Xbox, which were both fixed in this patch) affected pretty much ALL users. As for the PC version and problems, have about 45 people on my Steam friends list who have bought the PC version. ALL of them have had some sort of game-breaking problem, whether it's CTDs, broken quests, broken followers, extreme graphical issues, or whatever...I think the problems are a BIT more widespread than you two seem to think...And even if they are not, there is NO reason someone with a working copy of the game should get on here and tell us with broken copies that their game works fine and we should stop complaining.