» Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:42 am
I play on PC, take that into consideration when reading the following. I am sure PS3 (especially) and Xbox people are much happier...
Wow...patch takes for bloody ever to come out, totally doesn't fix almost anything (especially since most of this fixes had work arounds, but the things that didn't, didn't get fixed), and is coming out later on PC (and Xbox) than PS3. What a crock of...well...explitive deleted...
Bethesda! You obviously have no idea how to properly fix your games. This have been shown time and time and time again (aka with EVERY SINGLE Elder Scrolls game). Your community of rabbid fans, on the other hand, has been shown to be VERY good at fixing your mistakes.
The moral here is VERY simple. DO NOT EVER release and Elder Scrolls game for the PC without also releasing the Creation Kit (or whatever you call it) AT THE SAME TIME! I would have rather waited another month to get my hands on Skyrim (although that would have been torturous) and have it release WITH the Kit than to have the buggy, terribly optomised version we got on the 11th, and have to wait not only for the Kit, but for the game to be playable without console commands.
I am sure there are gana be some PC users who disagree with me ("Release Elder Scroll games Once a Year" and the like...), but I bet there are WAY more who would agree with me. Since you refuse to put in the QA/bug fixing time to properly make sure your games are bug free (a VERY large task, I understand), PLEASE allow the community to fix your (often CRAZY TERRIBLE) mistakes yourself.
Thanks You
(and just so I can keep some of the flaming down, I LOVE Skyrim. Played it more or less constantly since it came out...you know, when it wasn't CTD or breaking quests or having things fly off into the sky for no raisin, or one of the literally dozens of other bugs that are NOT fixed by this patch...and don't get me started about native LAA...grrr...)