1.2 Update out for PS3, Wedncesday for PC and 360

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:34 pm

This list doesn't mention any fixes for the 8 thousand glitched quests? They can't be serious?

They will be relying on modders to make the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. svcks for consolse players though who will forever be stuck with broken quests and exploits. This patch fixes about as much as I expected; literally nothing.
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:40 am

Sure wish I could buy that house in Windhelm...
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:34 pm

I really can't believe how some of you are considering this patch a joke... they are addressing some of the primary areas of concern, and these are undoubtedly the most fundamental issues that were on the list to be fixed. PS3 performance, Xbox textures for installation, PC remapping and menu fixes, the audio driver problem.

They work to fix all of this and release it, then you call it a joke.... It's awesome that Bethesda is working to fix the more critical problems first. It's all about priorities guys.. game crashes, texture load issues, crazy PC mouse lag, PS3 frame rate drops and freezes - these are the types of things that ruin the game experience as a whole. Quest bugs and other superficial stuff is set to be address AFTER the important stuff. There's probably several undocumented tweaks and fixes as well.

Thank you for the patch Beth, so far you've shown a much more timely response to addressing game issues than in the past.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:34 am

Wish I could finish the forlorn conspiracy quest.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:48 pm

Thank God. That rare animation bug for sleeping NPCs would have totally ruined my immersion if I'd ever seen it.

What was the bug anyways? I never seen anyone mention this.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:15 am

Think about how much code this game has ..... now think about having to go over all that code on top of play testing. Calm down people they are working as fast as they can. Oh and DragonDai ..... They know more about fixing glitches than you do since you think everything should be fixed at once. If you want that patch we would all be waiting for a good month or two, so im glad they got this out as early as they did. It hasn't even been a month yet.
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:42 am

Wow, honestly I was expecting a lot more from the first major patch, especially given this supposedly new bug-reporting system Pete told us about.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:54 am

They fixed everything I wanted EXCEPT my bugged "Revealing the Unforeseen" College quest, I can't align the Occulory the machine doesn't work like it should ( I've watched videos I know how it works) so now I can't go on with that questline :(
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Matt Bee
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:31 pm

So I can't yet buy the windhelm house and Birna will still not sell anything in Winterhold even when she's the only merchant in town? Those are pretty major issues for me :\
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:16 pm

I better go do the quest Discerning the Transmundane to try out that Oghma Infinium exploit to see what being level 81 is like.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:56 am

Video game players are one of the toughest demographics to work with. They think that all this stuff takes no time at all to do, and that game devs should be working around the clock to get things "perfect" for them. If only they knew how easy it is for a glitch to occur, and how bloody hard it is to actually find that glitch in the code or even duplicate the glitch as the players have because sometimes it is a big snowball. One quest ends up being glitched because of a way you finished a previous one, or something a long those lines. When writing millions of lines of code mistakes are going to happen.

Thank you. I don't understand personally, and I wish I did. I'm not critical of the way Bethesda does things. In the overall scheme of things. This game is great.
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:05 pm

Nothing mentioning stability fixes or anything relating to crashes to desktop without an error. :-(

That's my biggest gripe with this game, although I never encountered such a thing since using the 4GB patch. C'mon guys, fix that up.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:18 pm

No performance fixing for the PC, really now? There are dozens of people complaining about poor framerates and stuttering even on monster rigs.. I actually stopped playing to wait for this patch, looks like it was in vain. sigh... My FPS drop below 30 in certain areas, funny thing is changing resolution and detail level doesn't change anything +-3fps difference between 1920x1080 Ultra and 800x450 Low so there definatly is something wrong here..

I'm running this game on a
PII 965 x4 @ 3.8
8GB Corsair DDR3
HD 6950 2GB @ 6970 clocks
Dips below 30 FPS are unacceptable, I have no problems running The Witcher 2 constantly above 40-60 FPS on Ultra with AA+AF and thats a DX11 game...
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:15 am

I really can't believe how some of you are considering this patch a joke... they are addressing some of the primary areas of concern, and these are undoubtedly the most fundamental issues that were on the list to be fixed. PS3 performance, Xbox textures for installation, PC remapping and menu fixes, the audio driver problem.

They work to fix all of this and release it, then you call it a joke.... It's awesome that Bethesda is working to fix the more critical problems first. It's all about priorities guys.. game crashes, texture load issues, crazy PC mouse lag, PS3 frame rate drops and freezes - these are the types of things that ruin the game experience as a whole. Quest bugs and other superficial stuff is set to be address AFTER the important stuff. There's probably several undocumented tweaks and fixes as well.

Thank you for the patch Beth, so far you've shown a much more timely response to addressing game issues than in the past.

They fixed 1 major issue on PC...1 single issue (the sound thing) and there was already a work around for it! ALL the other PC "fixes" are small, minor, graphical things, or quality of life issues, or very very rare, minor bugs (like dragons occasionally not attacking). This patch fixes only 1 single major bug on PC! ONE! There are literally HUNDREDS of them, just about ALL of which have been WELL documented on this forum since DAY 1!!! My game currently has had about 8 major quests (most for factions, 1 main story-line) that I have HAD to use the console to be able to complete! I have 2 others (one for Companions, one is a random major quest) that I can't even fix with console commands! I have CTD about once every half hour or so. EVERY time I recruit a new follower or reload a save I have to use a console command to make sure my follower equips the right weapons/armor. Dragons who I "allow" to plummet into the ground and leave their fancy little crash site in the earth almost ALWAYS disappear, become unlootable, and I don't get souls for them. I have had about a dozen dragons get stuck on architecture and not be able to be killed, resulting in being forced to reload a previous save or be permanently in combat. I have TONS of small, graphical issues/sound issues. I have countless other, smaller bugs. And NONE of those things are addressed in this patch! NONE!

And here's the kicker. I have only a VERY tiny selection of all the bugs people are reporting. There are MANY players WAY worse off than me. So no, for PC users, this patch is garbage. It's a total joke. I am sure that Xbox and PS3 users are a little bit happier with it, as they at least got a fix for a major issue that they couldn't make workarounds for (although from what I hear there are MANY more major issues that they still need to deal with on the consoles too).

So please, keep your rabid fanboyism off my reality. Thanks.

Think about how much code this game has ..... now think about having to go over all that code on top of play testing. Calm down people they are working as fast as they can. Oh and DragonDai ..... They know more about fixing glitches than you do since you think everything should be fixed at once. If you want that patch we would all be waiting for a good month or two, so im glad they got this out as early as they did. It hasn't even been a month yet.

I GUARANTEE that if the Creation Kit came out today, by this time next Monday there would be a fan patch that would fix AT LEAST double the number of major bugs this patch fixes. I'd be willing to be 100 bucks on it.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:31 pm

And here's the kicker. I have only a VERY tiny selection of all the bugs people are reporting.

I think this is your problem, actually. Those experiencing the UI wonkiness and lag consider it to be very major, thank you very much. You're calling the issues you aren't experiencing 'minor', which seems a tad self-centered if you'll pardon my saying so.

Also, none of the bugs on the patch notes are things that the CK is likely to be able to fix.
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Chris Jones
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:01 pm

Fixed occasional issue where a guest would arrive to the player’s wedding dead

That sounds awesome.

No mention of fixing any freezing... goddamit
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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:14 am

They better have fixed the markarth guard bug! I'm getting tired of not being able to go there!
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:26 pm

Fixed crash on startup when audio is set to sample rate other than 44100Hz (PC)

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:55 am

What kind of patch is this? It hasn't fixed anything usefull.

Followers still svck, they don't level, you can't pick the items they wear, etc

I still can't complete the thieves guild quest

Oh, wow, woopty doo, dragons corpses clean up properly now, maybe tone down the dargon spawn rate?

Thank god renaming enchanted items works perfectly now
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:53 pm

I'm on the 360 and they fixed my biggest issue. Now I just need them to fix the second Stormcloak quest (visited that dungeon early and it won't clear the debris put down to keep me out the first time round, now that I'm with the team) and the companion quest fairly deep in where it bugs out on me and I can't get the next quest.

Love the game! Will find other things to do while I wait. Might finish the main quest...I hope they get some of the quest bugs fixed before I'm done with all the other main quest lines.

Over 110 hours in...
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:40 pm

I think this is your problem, actually. Those experiencing the UI wonkiness and lag consider it to be very major, thank you very much. You're calling the issues you aren't experiencing 'minor', which seems a tad self-centered if you'll pardon my saying so.

Also, none of the bugs on the patch notes are things that the CK is likely to be able to fix.

Not at all, and I am sorry if I gave that impression. I was just listing all the bugs I had experienced first hand so that the guy I was quoting could see how little was actually done to fix the PC version of the game. The line you quoted was meant to emphaise that my bugs in no way were all the bugs that existed and weren't even the worst bugs out there. At least I can play (in 30-45 minute bursts) with relatively smooth performance and I have been able to use the console to fix the majority of my quest issues. Many people can't even claim that.

So no, please don't think I was asking for my specific bugs to get fixed over other, larger issues. I just don't know firsthand what many other people are experiencing, so I don't want to claim something is broke and get the facts wrong. But believe me, I understand that people have WAY more broken games than me, and that is what makes this patch all the more pathetic.
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Big Homie
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:04 am

So as Im reading for some of you, would be better no patch cause the actual outcoming patch is "useless" ... lol
So when the first patch is coming, only reads is complains about it.
Its funny, indeed.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:50 am

What was the bug anyways? I never seen anyone mention this.

It was news to me (hence, my sarcastic comment on pg 1).
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loste juliana
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:35 am

They will be relying on modders to make the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. svcks for consolse players though who will forever be stuck with broken quests and exploits. This patch fixes about as much as I expected; literally nothing.

What a stupid, arrogant PC elitist.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:55 pm

people, so much whining in here
is this your first tes game or something
can go into a long discussion about how games like these are complicated and everything but I won't XD

they have bugs
deal with it.
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Paula Rose
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