That said, I was under the impression that there would be multiple perks for each weapon. This leaves me somewhat concerned now that there may only be one.
I mean, sure, you'll be able to only get maximum damage out of one weapon, but the others will still be too useful. Unless said perk comes with a penalty to other types of weapons, too.
It's more the design philosophy that that kind of thinking points to, that worries me about that info on daggers.
TES games are about "do what you want, how you want," at least insofar as character progression goes. Making daggers arbitrarily more effective than, say, shortswords when sneaking seems to be breaking that design trend.
I guess I'm just worried that Bethesda have removed classes, and added class limitations. Stealth-focused characters use [are better with] daggers. Why? I can write you a hundred archetypes that immediately invalidate that assumption (by the designers), and yet it's apparently coded into the combat system.